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Stop the burning petition to the PM


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Can anyone reference any wild fires that reeked havoc in Thailand in recent memory? You know big, out of control fires like US 'wildfires' or Australian 'bushfires' that kill people and destroy homes and large amounts of land.

Australian aboriginies used firestick farming to control the land, and were shot for continuing to do so when white men arrived from the UK, but apart from helping with hunting and regenerating plant life, they knew it stopped years of leaf litter building up which turned into an inferno when it eventually caught fire.

Personally the smog is terrible and degrades quality of life, but do you think it works in controlling the risk of killer fires?

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I think a lot of the farangs who don't move and then state air pollution is tolerable probably are driven mainly by their cost of living as the over-riding priority in their life vs other factors like clean air quality of life natural beauty sustainable development human health etc...

Their response is at least health care air filters masks movies indoor shipping centers hookers are cheap cheap cheap....

They are a prisoner of their own net worth...


Let me see, I have a 2 million baht house. A paid off pick up, A paid up 1.5 million Baht motorcycle. You might be right. I am too cheap to move. But I definitely do not consider myself a prisoner.

I reckon the ones that sit behind their computers complaining are the prisoners.

Kinda like the term, Pome was originally a term given by the Brits to Aussies but as it turns out the Brits are the Pomes.

I don't think you can be English, Australian or a Kiwi, or you would have known that the word you are looking for is 'POM'. Way back Brit's (mainly English) were called 'Poms' or 'Pommy', words that originated in the 1800's when English white skinned people would get sunburned and look like Pomegranate skin. In my experience of both countries English people have never called Australian people 'POMS' and it was never a term used by Brit's first.

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If you want to see what total ban on burning does, google black friday in Australia. If you let the brush and weeds pile up any fire started destroys the trees as well as kills many people in towns that get wiped out. My mother in law from the north says all you city whiners can get lost. You pollute the air all year long with your cars and factories and we only do it for a few weeks. I never brought it up again.

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