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Obama: Ferguson report exposed racially biased system

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Black men or half black men can do stupid things too. It is racist to think otherwise. Obama has not helped the racial situation in America at all. In fact he has encouraged racial animosity to generate votes.

Juvenile talking points with no basis or foundation in reality.

But you can't explain why I'm wrong and you are right. Sounds like you just lost the argument. Arrivederci!

  • Like 2

Obama and Holder must be crying themselves to sleep now they failed to convict Wilson, despite throwing everything into the so called investigation ( more of a witch hunt ).

If I were a white Ferguson cop at the moment, I'd be refusing to go into the black neighbourhoods. Once the bad boys got going, the black community would be begging for whitey to go back. Tuff!

No one thought Wilson would have a chance of a federal conviction from the get go. If you think either Obama or Holder was hoping for that, then you certainly aren't familiar with federal law.

Have you read the report? What does the report have to do with the police "going into black neighborhoods" or not? If you read the report, you'd realize how ironic and silly your statement is.

What?? When the liberal news media started reporting this incident, they repeated daily a white police officer gunned down an unarmed black teenager for jay walking. Even Obama stopped playing golf to say he was sending Eric Holder, who was busy trying to blame someone else for loosing 1400 weapons in Mexico, down to Ferguson to get that out of control white police officer and any of his friends. Your smug mention about not being familiar with federal law and that neither Obama or Holder was hoping to prosecute Officer Wilson is naive.

Then as a result of Officer Wilson having to shoot a 290 pound gang banger to death for trying to relieve him of his duty weapon sparked riots and looting. Do you or anyone else on this forum know of any other race in America that destroys their own community because they get angry. I didn't think so, neither do I.

Blaming the white community over blacks being responsible for a disproportionate percentage of felonies committed in America, is stupid. It's way beyond time for these people to put down their crack pipes, and start accepting responsibility for their own actions.

When you posted this in response to my comment, it was clear that you had no idea what I was talking about.

I said that there was no chance for a federal conviction. Nearly everything you listed happened before the federal part of the case was even the focus. You clearly don't know the difference between, "This man did something illegal and wrong" and "This man did something that can bring federal charges." Educate yourself on what specific crimes can bring federal charges over and above state charges, and then you'll understand what I said.

As far as your silly "Blaming the White community..." rant, just read the report. 99% of the report isn't even about felonies. And "start accepting responsibility" is hilarious considering what was happening. You clearly haven't read it because you're saying nonsense.


Black men or half black men can do stupid things too. It is racist to think otherwise. Obama has not helped the racial situation in America at all. In fact he has encouraged racial animosity to generate votes.

Juvenile talking points with no basis or foundation in reality.

But you can't explain why I'm wrong and you are right. Sounds like you just lost the argument. Arrivederci!

Really? I can do it this easy.

Black people are only about 10% of the voting population in America, and they were already voting 90%+ for Democrats before they'd ever heard of Barack Obama. Therefore Obama can gain an extra 1-2% from their votes at most.

While White people are 70%+ of the voting population, split between Republicans and Democrats, and many of both parties have racial animosity to some degree. Therefore Obama could lose a lot from their votes.

Encouraging racial animosity between Whites and Blacks would be idiocy for Obama because he has FAR more to lose among White votes than he has to gain among Black votes.

Does that explain well enough for you?

Want to have a different way of explaining why you're wrong? Studies show that Obama lost more votes than he gained by being Black: According to the study, Obama gained about 1% of the vote that he wouldn't have had otherwise by being Black, but lost about 5% of the vote that he would have had if he wasn't Black, resulting in a net loss of about 4%.

Political scientists Charles Tien, Richard Nadeau, and Michael S. Lewis-Beck recently reported a survey study that compared early-2012 estimates of Obama’s racial penalty to the one they calculated just before the 2008 election (here). In 2008, focusing on those survey respondents who said that they expected candidate Obama to favor blacks if he was elected, the researchers generated a 5-point estimate of the racial penalty – the percentage of voters who would have voted Democratic if the Democratic candidate had been white. That calculation seemed prescient. Although Obama won the 2008 election with 53% of the popular vote, given the economic situation and the large victory that Democrats scored in the 2008 congressional elections, history suggests that Obama should have had won in a landslide, with perhaps 58% of the vote.

Replicating their 2008 survey in 2012, Tien and colleagues predict that the “price” Obama will pay in November will be about 3.3 points – less than in 2008 but consequential nonetheless.


Black men or half black men can do stupid things too. It is racist to think otherwise. Obama has not helped the racial situation in America at all. In fact he has encouraged racial animosity to generate votes.

Juvenile talking points with no basis or foundation in reality.

But you can't explain why I'm wrong and you are right. Sounds like you just lost the argument. Arrivederci!

Really? I can do it this easy.

Black people are only about 10% of the voting population in America

Black people are not the only ones encouraged to vote by pretending that Republicans are all racists. It also speaks to the far left that make up Obama's base.

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Of course, Republicans have already KNOWN that exploiting racial animosity has far more to gain from White voters than from Black voters, which is why they've been openly doing it for more than 40 years. This is a matter of public record - you can't deny it from the facts.

Southern Strategy

From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.

That was Kevin Phillips, President Richard Nixon's campaign manager, speaking in 1970. And the Southern Strategy had already been implemented from Goldwater in 1964.

Lee Atwater, advisor to Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush and former chairman of the Republican National Committee, was even more blunt. This is Atwater speaking in 1981 (just after Reagan's victory) to political scientist Alexander Lamis. The full 42-minute audiotape of this interview is publicly available.

You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."[42]

You can't deny it. You have major political strategists from Goldwater through Nixon through Reagan through Bush openly acknowledging that they exploited racial animosity to get White votes for Republicans, because the Black votes simply weren't there. How can you deny that now?

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Even recent Republican leaders have been forced to admit the strategy, while claiming that they don't do it anymore. Here's Ken Mehlman, the recent Republican National Committee chairman. Of course, you can decide for yourself whether any of the mathematics have changed at all.

It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.

Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."

"By the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out," Mehlman says in his prepared text. "Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."


Black men or half black men can do stupid things too. It is racist to think otherwise. Obama has not helped the racial situation in America at all. In fact he has encouraged racial animosity to generate votes.

Juvenile talking points with no basis or foundation in reality. I am not getting into it with a crazy ideologue like you anymore. You can have as many last words about this as you want. Have fun ;-)


Dogmatic fringe ideologues haven't any clue how much they help Prez Obama from their perches out there in never-never land. Defending the Ferguson PD for instance identifies the social misfits and losers almost without any variation. They have no clue that their across the board insistent last word is in fact their last gasp, a generation come and gone. wai.gif

Yep...in another thread here on this issue, the usual suspects (including Ulysses G of course) responded with the usual nonsense concerning Eric Holder and how the report means nothing for the fact it is Holder's Justice Department who authored it. This is hilarious.....as if Eric Holder planted all of these racists emails between officers. As if the Justice Department is making things up or engaging in some huge conspiracy when the report was a very boring, FACT based analysts of the department comprised mostly of things such as emails, court records, officer correspondence between officials, etc. I am confident that the Justice Department under Alberto Gonzales or John Ashcroft would have come to the same conclusion. But however, that is because I am not a blind ideologue.......

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Yeah....that racist, evil black man (who is half white).....lol....the stupidity continues!

And raised primarily by his White grandparents from Kansas of all places...in that hotbed of racial animosity and the Black power movement....Hawaii!!!

  • Like 2

Black people are not the only ones encouraged to vote by pretending that Republicans are all racists. It also speaks to the far left that make up Obama's base.

You ignored everything else I posted, all the scientific studies and clear quotes from Republican leaders, to say that?

Obama exploits racial animosity to get far-left votes? Because otherwise, those guys would, what, have voted for Mitt Romney?

Guess what - alienating White people and moderates to appeal to the fringe of your solid base really wouldn't have been an intelligent strategy for anyone. Even you can figure that out.

Again, the math has already been worked out for you, proven in scientific studies and verified by Republican leadership for 40 years. You can't deny that.


Wake up Mr president, the US is a racially biased country, always been, always will be, when you have

multitude of races joking for the same sunny spots in life that's what happened, you will find racism

in every country around the world, even in the most advanced and educated population countries like


The black in your country hate the non black as much as the other way around, and nothing you can

do will change that, all that it can be done is to keep this gun powder keg from exploding...

While vacationing in one of your most advanced and educate countries in Europe, I took my then seven year old daughter to a European football game,

she played soccer in the US at the time.and I wanted her to see it at a professional level.

I will not mention the country as to not insult the people from there, as you said racism is human condition and not specific to a particular people.

While at the game I was embarrassed and disturbed at the language hurled towards the black players of the opposite team,

It seems that in advanced Europe the fans of opposing teams are segregated as not to kill each other.

any way, was happy that my daughter did not understand the language.

Any one using such language at an American football, baseball, or any other venue, would have being immediately, expelled from the stadium, and perhaps arrested.

again In agreement with you, racism, is a human condition , and the US is not the only human country,


Black people are not the only ones encouraged to vote by pretending that Republicans are all racists. It also speaks to the far left that make up Obama's base.

You ignored everything else I posted, all the scientific studies and clear quotes from Republican leaders, to say that?

Obama exploits racial animosity to get far-left votes? Because otherwise, those guys would, what, have voted for Mitt Romney?

Guess what - alienating White people and moderates to appeal to the fringe of your solid base really wouldn't have been an intelligent strategy for anyone. Even you can figure that out.

Again, the math has already been worked out for you, proven in scientific studies and verified by Republican leadership for 40 years. You can't deny that.

These people don't understand math. These are the people who still insists Obama won BECAUSE he is black. You simply cannot engage in factual (much less statistical) conversations with these nuts.

  • Like 1

Wake up Mr president, the US is a racially biased country, always been, always will be, when you have

multitude of races joking for the same sunny spots in life that's what happened, you will find racism

in every country around the world, even in the most advanced and educated population countries like


The black in your country hate the non black as much as the other way around, and nothing you can

do will change that, all that it can be done is to keep this gun powder keg from exploding...

While vacationing in one of your most advanced and educate countries in Europe, I took my then seven year old daughter to a European football game,

she played soccer in the US at the time.and I wanted her to see it at a professional level.

I will not mention the country as to not insult the people from there, as you said racism is human condition and not specific to a particular people.

While at the game I was embarrassed and disturbed at the language hurled towards the black players of the opposite team,

It seems that in advanced Europe the fans of opposing teams are segregated as not to kill each other.

any way, was happy that my daughter did not understand the language.

Any one using such language at an American football, baseball, or any other venue, would have being immediately, expelled from the stadium, and perhaps arrested.

again In agreement with you, racism, is a human condition , and the US is not the only human country,

While I completely believe this story, there is no evidence that "racism" is part of the human condition. There just isn't.


But you can't explain why I'm wrong and you are right. Sounds like you just lost the argument. Arrivederci!

Really? I can do it this easy.

Black people are only about 10% of the voting population in America, and they were already voting 90%+ for Democrats before they'd ever heard of Barack Obama. Therefore Obama can gain an extra 1-2% from their votes at most.

While White people are 70%+ of the voting population, split between Republicans and Democrats, and many of both parties have racial animosity to some degree. Therefore Obama could lose a lot from their votes.

Encouraging racial animosity between Whites and Blacks would be idiocy for Obama because he has FAR more to lose among White votes than he has to gain among Black votes.

Does that explain well enough for you?

Want to have a different way of explaining why you're wrong? Studies show that Obama lost more votes than he gained by being Black: According to the study, Obama gained about 1% of the vote that he wouldn't have had otherwise by being Black, but lost about 5% of the vote that he would have had if he wasn't Black, resulting in a net loss of about 4%.

Political scientists Charles Tien, Richard Nadeau, and Michael S. Lewis-Beck recently reported a survey study that compared early-2012 estimates of Obama’s racial penalty to the one they calculated just before the 2008 election (here). In 2008, focusing on those survey respondents who said that they expected candidate Obama to favor blacks if he was elected, the researchers generated a 5-point estimate of the racial penalty – the percentage of voters who would have voted Democratic if the Democratic candidate had been white. That calculation seemed prescient. Although Obama won the 2008 election with 53% of the popular vote, given the economic situation and the large victory that Democrats scored in the 2008 congressional elections, history suggests that Obama should have had won in a landslide, with perhaps 58% of the vote.

Replicating their 2008 survey in 2012, Tien and colleagues predict that the “price” Obama will pay in November will be about 3.3 points – less than in 2008 but consequential nonetheless.

POLL: Race Relations Worse Under Obama


A new poll shows that nearly half of Americans believe race relations have worsened over the course of the presidency of Barack Obama, the first half-black man elected to the White House.

The CNN poll found 39 percent believe relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse, not better, since Mr. Obama took office in January 2009. Just 15 percent say relations have improved. In an interesting finding, 45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so.

The survey of 1,000 adults was taken last month, before a Department of Justice report released this week found racial bias in the Ferguson, Mo., police department.


THIS is poll that I believe. wink.png

  • Like 2

Wake up Mr president, the US is a racially biased country, always been, always will be, when you have

multitude of races joking for the same sunny spots in life that's what happened, you will find racism

in every country around the world, even in the most advanced and educated population countries like


The black in your country hate the non black as much as the other way around, and nothing you can

do will change that, all that it can be done is to keep this gun powder keg from exploding...

While vacationing in one of your most advanced and educate countries in Europe, I took my then seven year old daughter to a European football game,

she played soccer in the US at the time.and I wanted her to see it at a professional level.

I will not mention the country as to not insult the people from there, as you said racism is human condition and not specific to a particular people.

While at the game I was embarrassed and disturbed at the language hurled towards the black players of the opposite team,

It seems that in advanced Europe the fans of opposing teams are segregated as not to kill each other.

any way, was happy that my daughter did not understand the language.

Any one using such language at an American football, baseball, or any other venue, would have being immediately, expelled from the stadium, and perhaps arrested.

again In agreement with you, racism, is a human condition , and the US is not the only human country,

While I completely believe this story, there is no evidence that "racism" is part of the human condition. There just inst.

Bangkok Herps on the first page posted a IMO comprehensive analysis of the of racism, kudos to him

tribalism had survival value and as such an evolutionary component, people belonging to a tribe had a better chance of surviving than loaners.

and we can all agree (well most of us tongue.png ) that evolution is part of the human condition

People had /have a tendency to form alliances as a survival strategy.

People of a different race are easily identified as members of a different tribe. and as such traditional feared,

Now we all live together, people of different ethnic and racial backrounds are members of the same tribe but these tribal tendencies of the past linger.

The good news is that I have seen racism decline in my lifetime, I am sure that in the not so far future it will be a bad memory .

I hope i made some sensesmile.png i

  • Like 1

Wake up Mr president, the US is a racially biased country, always been, always will be, when you have

multitude of races joking for the same sunny spots in life that's what happened, you will find racism

in every country around the world, even in the most advanced and educated population countries like


The black in your country hate the non black as much as the other way around, and nothing you can

do will change that, all that it can be done is to keep this gun powder keg from exploding...

While vacationing in one of your most advanced and educate countries in Europe, I took my then seven year old daughter to a European football game,

she played soccer in the US at the time.and I wanted her to see it at a professional level.

I will not mention the country as to not insult the people from there, as you said racism is human condition and not specific to a particular people.

While at the game I was embarrassed and disturbed at the language hurled towards the black players of the opposite team,

It seems that in advanced Europe the fans of opposing teams are segregated as not to kill each other.

any way, was happy that my daughter did not understand the language.

Any one using such language at an American football, baseball, or any other venue, would have being immediately, expelled from the stadium, and perhaps arrested.

again In agreement with you, racism, is a human condition , and the US is not the only human country,

While I completely believe this story, there is no evidence that "racism" is part of the human condition. There just inst.

Bangkok Herps on the first page posted a IMO comprehensive analysis of the of racism, kudos to him

tribalism had survival value and as such an evolutionary component, people belonging to a tribe had a better chance of surviving than loaners.

and we can all agree (well most of us tongue.png ) that evolution is part of the human condition

People had /have a tendency to form alliances as a survival strategy.

People of a different race are easily identified as members of a different tribe. and as such traditional feared,

Now we all live together, people of different ethnic and racial backrounds are members of the same tribe but these tribal tendencies of the past linger.

The good news is that I have seen racism decline in my lifetime, I am sure that in the not so far future it will be a bad memory .

I hope i made some sensesmile.png I

Highlighted by me.

Just a question. Did you find the part that I highlighted on your visit to Europe ?

I would be really interested to know what part of Europe you were in. I see them living apart, in different communities. Nothing like living together.

POLL: Race Relations Worse Under Obama
A new poll shows that nearly half of Americans believe race relations have worsened over the course of the presidency of Barack Obama, the first half-black man elected to the White House.
The CNN poll found 39 percent believe relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse, not better, since Mr. Obama took office in January 2009. Just 15 percent say relations have improved. In an interesting finding, 45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so.
The survey of 1,000 adults was taken last month, before a Department of Justice report released this week found racial bias in the Ferguson, Mo., police department.

"Barack Obama, the first half-black man..." This is not the first time I have seen the far right posters make reference to President Obama as a product of miscegenation. This appalling racism takes us right back to the plantation era. Why not just call him a 'mulatto'?

Murphet writing an occasional paper for Seton Hall University on the topic of mulattos says:

"The unspeakableness of ‘mulatto’ today is, of course, an index of its historicity — our retrospective distaste for it springing from its contamination by an essentialist doctrine of races, from which we have emerged into the broad light of ‘culturalist’ day. Any such transcendence of nineteenth century racialism, which invariably decodes for us as racism, is surely a boon of the great modern revolutions in ethnography, biology and social science" http://extra.shu.ac.uk/wpw/race/murphet.htm

Clearly, for some folks, this emergence into the broad light of culturalist day is yet to come.

Yes, 19thC racialism is racism and it is appalling to see it thriving. References to President Obama as Half White or Half Black are undeniably part of this attitude. Are people ready for an actual and real debate on racism? Not from many of the posts on this thread.


While vacationing in one of your most advanced and educate countries in Europe, I took my then seven year old daughter to a European football game,

she played soccer in the US at the time.and I wanted her to see it at a professional level.

I will not mention the country as to not insult the people from there, as you said racism is human condition and not specific to a particular people.

While at the game I was embarrassed and disturbed at the language hurled towards the black players of the opposite team,

It seems that in advanced Europe the fans of opposing teams are segregated as not to kill each other.

any way, was happy that my daughter did not understand the language.

Any one using such language at an American football, baseball, or any other venue, would have being immediately, expelled from the stadium, and perhaps arrested.

again In agreement with you, racism, is a human condition , and the US is not the only human country,

While I completely believe this story, there is no evidence that "racism" is part of the human condition. There just inst.

Bangkok Herps on the first page posted a IMO comprehensive analysis of the of racism, kudos to him

tribalism had survival value and as such an evolutionary component, people belonging to a tribe had a better chance of surviving than loaners.

and we can all agree (well most of us tongue.png ) that evolution is part of the human condition

People had /have a tendency to form alliances as a survival strategy.

People of a different race are easily identified as members of a different tribe. and as such traditional feared,

Now we all live together, people of different ethnic and racial backrounds are members of the same tribe but these tribal tendencies of the past linger.

The good news is that I have seen racism decline in my lifetime, I am sure that in the not so far future it will be a bad memory .

I hope i made some sensesmile.png I

Highlighted by me.

Just a question. Did you find the part that I highlighted on your visit to Europe ?

I would be really interested to know what part of Europe you were in. I see them living apart, in different communities. Nothing like living together.

I can only speak of my American experience, and don't profess to be an expert in European affairs, though I have family living in three different European countries visit there often, and as such my experience is a little broader than most Americans, though I do admite cursory.

IMO the US is more integrated, because the country is not based in ethnicity , we are all immigrants from some place, this integration and close proximity also creates friction which manifests it's self racial difficulties.

In Europe as you say there seems to be less integration and there for maybe less friction,

This friction in the US results in more incidents, is publicized and it makes it look like Americans are more racist,

this is not true

this integration that creates friction also creates understanding.for that reason I believe we are less racists in the US even though we have more racially related incidents

It is easy to abstain from temptation on top of a mountain


But you can't explain why I'm wrong and you are right. Sounds like you just lost the argument. Arrivederci!

Really? I can do it this easy.

Black people are only about 10% of the voting population in America, and they were already voting 90%+ for Democrats before they'd ever heard of Barack Obama. Therefore Obama can gain an extra 1-2% from their votes at most.

While White people are 70%+ of the voting population, split between Republicans and Democrats, and many of both parties have racial animosity to some degree. Therefore Obama could lose a lot from their votes.

Encouraging racial animosity between Whites and Blacks would be idiocy for Obama because he has FAR more to lose among White votes than he has to gain among Black votes.

Does that explain well enough for you?

Want to have a different way of explaining why you're wrong? Studies show that Obama lost more votes than he gained by being Black: According to the study, Obama gained about 1% of the vote that he wouldn't have had otherwise by being Black, but lost about 5% of the vote that he would have had if he wasn't Black, resulting in a net loss of about 4%.

Political scientists Charles Tien, Richard Nadeau, and Michael S. Lewis-Beck recently reported a survey study that compared early-2012 estimates of Obama’s racial penalty to the one they calculated just before the 2008 election (here). In 2008, focusing on those survey respondents who said that they expected candidate Obama to favor blacks if he was elected, the researchers generated a 5-point estimate of the racial penalty – the percentage of voters who would have voted Democratic if the Democratic candidate had been white. That calculation seemed prescient. Although Obama won the 2008 election with 53% of the popular vote, given the economic situation and the large victory that Democrats scored in the 2008 congressional elections, history suggests that Obama should have had won in a landslide, with perhaps 58% of the vote.

Replicating their 2008 survey in 2012, Tien and colleagues predict that the “price” Obama will pay in November will be about 3.3 points – less than in 2008 but consequential nonetheless.

POLL: Race Relations Worse Under Obama
A new poll shows that nearly half of Americans believe race relations have worsened over the course of the presidency of Barack Obama, the first half-black man elected to the White House.
The CNN poll found 39 percent believe relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse, not better, since Mr. Obama took office in January 2009. Just 15 percent say relations have improved. In an interesting finding, 45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so.
The survey of 1,000 adults was taken last month, before a Department of Justice report released this week found racial bias in the Ferguson, Mo., police department.

Yes, you're definitely right Chuck! From your own link, look at what was said:

"45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so."

So, the White people think that race relations are worse, not the Black people. So has obviously been White people, not Black people, who have been targeted with the heightened racial language. Now, WHO BENEFITS FROM THAT?

I showed indisputable evidence that Republicans had used the race issue for 40 years in order to attract anti-Black votes, because there are a lot more anti-Black votes up for grabs then there are Black votes up for grabs.

Yes, race relations in many ways have worsened over the last 6 years, because the anti-Black contingent has spent six straight years using the image of a Black president to drum up their support over and over again, as this very thread proves over and over again.

They even take exact evidence for that, like the link you just posted, and try to turn it into something anti-Obama even though there's not one piece of evidence to blame Obama, rather than anti-Obama Republicans for the trend. In fact, both the numbers (Whites, not Blacks, being targeted) and the motive (already discussed in depth) prove just the opposite.

This is how deluded this side is. They will even jump on top of things that prove the very opposite of what they're trying to claim.

  • Like 1

Black men or half black men can do stupid things too. It is racist to think otherwise. Obama has not helped the racial situation in America at all. In fact he has encouraged racial animosity to generate votes.

You are only partly right, and I was prepared to give you a like if it was not for the part where you say

"Obama has not helped the racial situation in America"

Any man black or white can do and say stupid things, To dislike some one because of his race is racist but the inverse is also true. And of course there are those who like Obama because of guilt.

Obama like any other Politician takes advantage of all of the above dynamics, why should he not, white politicians do also

But it is not true that he has hurt racial relations any more than white politicians.

He has helped racial perceptions in that he has shown to many Americans that do not have closed minds that a black man can perform at the same level as them , and it has helped boost black Americans self esteem,and aspirations

as such he has helped race relations

Oh, really? They eliminated the "liars" and "idiots". Like witness 40? After which the prosecutor was forced to admit that he allowed people to testify who he knew were lying. Not sure how some brilliant know it all like you missed this (maybe because you were too obsessed with what Al Sharpon was doing?)


Yeah...I am the one in the bubble.....lol. I am clearly far more knowledgeable regarding this situation than you. What Obama said was a fact. Unfortunately, we may never know what happened.

Yeah.....witness 40 had all of her sh*t together........


You can continue with your own research if you care. However, people like you never seem to. Because the facts might contradict what you "wish" was true.

What's there to research? However, it would be interesting to know how much money the government spent to discover a couple of e-mail jokes about Obama, and to come to the conclusion Darren Wilson didn't do anything wrong. Enjoy your life in the bubble.

Bald-faced lie. Only 1 page of the 102 page report talked about the emails. You still haven't read the report, because your MO is that wallowing in ignorance is preferable to looking for truth.


Really? I can do it this easy.

Black people are only about 10% of the voting population in America, and they were already voting 90%+ for Democrats before they'd ever heard of Barack Obama. Therefore Obama can gain an extra 1-2% from their votes at most.

While White people are 70%+ of the voting population, split between Republicans and Democrats, and many of both parties have racial animosity to some degree. Therefore Obama could lose a lot from their votes.

Encouraging racial animosity between Whites and Blacks would be idiocy for Obama because he has FAR more to lose among White votes than he has to gain among Black votes.

Does that explain well enough for you?

Want to have a different way of explaining why you're wrong? Studies show that Obama lost more votes than he gained by being Black: According to the study, Obama gained about 1% of the vote that he wouldn't have had otherwise by being Black, but lost about 5% of the vote that he would have had if he wasn't Black, resulting in a net loss of about 4%.

Political scientists Charles Tien, Richard Nadeau, and Michael S. Lewis-Beck recently reported a survey study that compared early-2012 estimates of Obama’s racial penalty to the one they calculated just before the 2008 election (here). In 2008, focusing on those survey respondents who said that they expected candidate Obama to favor blacks if he was elected, the researchers generated a 5-point estimate of the racial penalty – the percentage of voters who would have voted Democratic if the Democratic candidate had been white. That calculation seemed prescient. Although Obama won the 2008 election with 53% of the popular vote, given the economic situation and the large victory that Democrats scored in the 2008 congressional elections, history suggests that Obama should have had won in a landslide, with perhaps 58% of the vote.

Replicating their 2008 survey in 2012, Tien and colleagues predict that the “price” Obama will pay in November will be about 3.3 points – less than in 2008 but consequential nonetheless.

POLL: Race Relations Worse Under Obama
A new poll shows that nearly half of Americans believe race relations have worsened over the course of the presidency of Barack Obama, the first half-black man elected to the White House.
The CNN poll found 39 percent believe relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse, not better, since Mr. Obama took office in January 2009. Just 15 percent say relations have improved. In an interesting finding, 45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so.
The survey of 1,000 adults was taken last month, before a Department of Justice report released this week found racial bias in the Ferguson, Mo., police department.

Yes, you're definitely right Chuck! From your own link, look at what was said:

"45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so."

So, the White people think that race relations are worse, not the Black people. So has obviously been White people, not Black people, who have been targeted with the heightened racial language. Now, WHO BENEFITS FROM THAT?

I showed indisputable evidence that Republicans had used the race issue for 40 years in order to attract anti-Black votes, because there are a lot more anti-Black votes up for grabs then there are Black votes up for grabs.

Yes, race relations in many ways have worsened over the last 6 years, because the anti-Black contingent has spent six straight years using the image of a Black president to drum up their support over and over again, as this very thread proves over and over again.

They even take exact evidence for that, like the link you just posted, and try to turn it into something anti-Obama even though there's not one piece of evidence to blame Obama, rather than anti-Obama Republicans for the trend. In fact, both the numbers (Whites, not Blacks, being targeted) and the motive (already discussed in depth) prove just the opposite.

This is how deluded this side is. They will even jump on top of things that prove the very opposite of what they're trying to claim.

Is it now your contention that one out of every four black Americans claiming race relations are worse under Obama is an insignificant percentage?

Blaming the "anti-Black contingent" for the past six years is beyond belief. Why not blame the disillusionment on the first Black President failing to follow through on his promise to make the life of American Blacks better.

He has been a total failure in this regard.

Blame the policy maker, not some imaginary "anti-Black contingent".


by CAROLINE MAY6 Mar 20151426
On the eve of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the civil rights march in Selma, Alabama, the unemployment rate among African Americans remains more than twice that of white Americans and nearly twice the national average.
According to the latest jobs figures released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the African American unemployment rate for the month of February was 10.4 percent, compared to the white unemployment rate of 4.7 percent and national average of 5.5 percent.
The latest African American unemployment rate represents a slight uptick over the January figure of 10.3 percent. Whites experienced a slight decline in unemployment from January’s rate of 4.9 percent and the national average also dipped from 5.7 percent.
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Wake up Mr president, the US is a racially biased country, always been, always will be, when you have

multitude of races joking for the same sunny spots in life that's what happened, you will find racism

in every country around the world, even in the most advanced and educated population countries like


The black in your country hate the non black as much as the other way around, and nothing you can

do will change that, all that it can be done is to keep this gun powder keg from exploding...

I agree and would add that the USA is not as racist as many other western countries. I would offer England and Australia as examples of countries with racism equal to or worse than the USA. What I do don't agree with is that a majority of people (or even a large majority) in these countries are racist.


It's not an insignificant percentage, ChuckD. But you seem to be going far off-topic now. Obama was a disappointment to many people, myself included, enough so that I refused to vote for him in 2012 and was quite public about that. But that's neither here nor there.

The claim made was that Obama has purposely exacerbated racial tension in order to pump up his Black and far-left Liberal voting base.

If that were true, then wouldn't a lot more than 25% of Black people feel that race relations were getting worse?

Instead, it's heavily White people who are saying that...which indicates that whoever is driving the division, it's the White people, not the Black people, who are the focus of their efforts.

I proved quite clearly that over the last 40 years, it's been the Republicans who have had more to gain by highlighting racial tension and who have tried to exploit it politically for votes.

Once again, though, this is way off topic. The actual topic is the Ferguson report, which every single one of the anti-Obama detractors has still failed to read.

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Obama and Holder must be crying themselves to sleep now they failed to convict Wilson, despite throwing everything into the so called investigation ( more of a witch hunt ).

If I were a white Ferguson cop at the moment, I'd be refusing to go into the black neighbourhoods. Once the bad boys got going, the black community would be begging for whitey to go back. Tuff!

No one thought Wilson would have a chance of a federal conviction from the get go. If you think either Obama or Holder was hoping for that, then you certainly aren't familiar with federal law.

Have you read the report? What does the report have to do with the police "going into black neighborhoods" or not? If you read the report, you'd realize how ironic and silly your statement is.

What?? When the liberal news media started reporting this incident, they repeated daily a white police officer gunned down an unarmed black teenager for jay walking. Even Obama stopped playing golf to say he was sending Eric Holder, who was busy trying to blame someone else for loosing 1400 weapons in Mexico, down to Ferguson to get that out of control white police officer and any of his friends. Your smug mention about not being familiar with federal law and that neither Obama or Holder was hoping to prosecute Officer Wilson is naive.

Then as a result of Officer Wilson having to shoot a 290 pound gang banger to death for trying to relieve him of his duty weapon sparked riots and looting. Do you or anyone else on this forum know of any other race in America that destroys their own community because they get angry. I didn't think so, neither do I.

Blaming the white community over blacks being responsible for a disproportionate percentage of felonies committed in America, is stupid. It's way beyond time for these people to put down their crack pipes, and start accepting responsibility for their own actions.

Liberal media.....lol....just, lol.

Oh, the bubble some people live in.

Are you claiming MSNBC isn't liberal?

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But you can't explain why I'm wrong and you are right. Sounds like you just lost the argument. Arrivederci!

Really? I can do it this easy.

Black people are only about 10% of the voting population in America, and they were already voting 90%+ for Democrats before they'd ever heard of Barack Obama. Therefore Obama can gain an extra 1-2% from their votes at most.

While White people are 70%+ of the voting population, split between Republicans and Democrats, and many of both parties have racial animosity to some degree. Therefore Obama could lose a lot from their votes.

Encouraging racial animosity between Whites and Blacks would be idiocy for Obama because he has FAR more to lose among White votes than he has to gain among Black votes.

Does that explain well enough for you?

Want to have a different way of explaining why you're wrong? Studies show that Obama lost more votes than he gained by being Black: According to the study, Obama gained about 1% of the vote that he wouldn't have had otherwise by being Black, but lost about 5% of the vote that he would have had if he wasn't Black, resulting in a net loss of about 4%.

POLL: Race Relations Worse Under Obama
A new poll shows that nearly half of Americans believe race relations have worsened over the course of the presidency of Barack Obama, the first half-black man elected to the White House.
The CNN poll found 39 percent believe relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse, not better, since Mr. Obama took office in January 2009. Just 15 percent say relations have improved. In an interesting finding, 45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so.
The survey of 1,000 adults was taken last month, before a Department of Justice report released this week found racial bias in the Ferguson, Mo., police department.

Yes, you're definitely right Chuck! From your own link, look at what was said:

"45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so."

So, the White people think that race relations are worse, not the Black people. So has obviously been White people, not Black people, who have been targeted with the heightened racial language. Now, WHO BENEFITS FROM THAT?

I showed indisputable evidence that Republicans had used the race issue for 40 years in order to attract anti-Black votes, because there are a lot more anti-Black votes up for grabs then there are Black votes up for grabs.

Yes, race relations in many ways have worsened over the last 6 years, because the anti-Black contingent has spent six straight years using the image of a Black president to drum up their support over and over again, as this very thread proves over and over again.

They even take exact evidence for that, like the link you just posted, and try to turn it into something anti-Obama even though there's not one piece of evidence to blame Obama, rather than anti-Obama Republicans for the trend. In fact, both the numbers (Whites, not Blacks, being targeted) and the motive (already discussed in depth) prove just the opposite.

This is how deluded this side is. They will even jump on top of things that prove the very opposite of what they're trying to claim.

I find it interesting that people automatically assume Obama to be "black" when he is in fact only HALF black. Given that his mother is white and he appears to have been raised without his father present ( am I wrong on that? ) would his outlook on life not be more "white" than "black"?

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