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Sold motorbike but green book is on my friends(thai)name

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Hi,i sold my motorbike a fiew day's ago.And the seller who is a foreigner wants to have to bike on his name.The problem is that the green book is on my friends name who is thai.He lives in pai and i'm living in chiang mai and i will soon leave thailand.The seller said that the owner of the motorbike(which is my friend legally)has to come to the transportation office to sign papers.But when i bought my motorbike online i just got the papers from the previous owner signed cause he was living in bangkok,so i never saw him.So my question is,does my friend really have to come to chiang mai to sign papers or is it ok to let him sign it in pai and send it to the seller?any help would be appreciated

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The owner is Thai must sign the Book--Give a signed copy of his ID card and sign the two Goverment Papers to transfer the bike.....He does Not have to go with the owner to change the name but all support Documents must be correct..

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