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Start Of Action Against Cs-loxinfo

Guest Reimar

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I respect Reimar for pushing this thing. Loxinfo is without a doubt incompetent and obviously have no regard for their customers. If you complain too much they will simply ignore you. I put up with the shit service for well over a year and it went from bad to worse to nearly unusable. I thought I had no choice because Ipstar was Ipstar. I didn't know about TOT until I read it on Thai Visa. I now have TOT Ipstar and am satisfied with the speed BUT many downloads are still corrupted.

The Loxinfo equipment is still here so I am going to tell them that there will be a monthly storage charge if they don't pick up their junk SOON! :o

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Don't say soon.

Give them a firm deadline and start sending invoices after the date!

I just emailed Loxinfo this message;

Dear Loxinfo,

I have previously asked you to come and pick up your equipment. I now have TOT Ipstar and am well satisfied with their service. I have no idea why you don't care about your customers and give the VERY poor service that you do.

Today is September 6th. If you do not pick up your equipment within ten days I will sell it to recover some of the over 9,000 baht that I paid you for the installation.

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Don't say soon.

Give them a firm deadline and start sending invoices after the date!

I just emailed Loxinfo this message;

Dear Loxinfo,

I have previously asked you to come and pick up your equipment. I now have TOT Ipstar and am well satisfied with their service. I have no idea why you don't care about your customers and give the VERY poor service that you do.

Today is September 6th. If you do not pick up your equipment within ten days I will sell it to recover some of the over 9,000 baht that I paid you for the installation.

My reply from Loxinfo;

Thank you for your email and we are sorry for any inconvenience you have experienced.

Regarding your concern, we sent your email to our related team in order to remove the

sattlite dish from your site already. Please be patient for the appointment from us.

For further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact iPSTAR Service Center 0-2263-7171 for 24 hours a day.

Also, you can email: [email protected] or [email protected].

Please refer to your Network Box number or Customer Number everytime you contact us.

Thank you for using iPSTAR service,

Please attach the original message when reply.

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It is maybe time that you get more attention from Thai broadband users and readers. How many farang's customers does a copany like CS/Loxinfo have against the amount of Thai users? I'm sure that the ratio of Thai/Farang customers will sureprise you.

Try the forum of http://www.adslthailand.com (in Thai would be best) maybe you can contact the site owner......

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It is maybe time that you get more attention from Thai broadband users and readers.

Worth a shot, but the problem is in my observation Thai customers don't care about quality. Something doesn't work? mai pen rai. Too slow? mai pen rai. They don't call support, they don't cancel, they don't get upset, they just shrug and say oh well that's life.

I think totally differently. I would love to have all my customer like Reimar. He'd shake the bugs out of the system. The service would get better, support incidents would go down to 0. Every new customer would no longer be tripping over the same problems over and over. Everyone would be happy. Happy customers means the business grows. Heck, Reimar just wants the thing to work reasonably; he's not asking all that much. I'd prefer even customers who are really anal and 10x harder to please. Those are the type customers that can elevate a company to make an offering absolutely perfect if you only listen and they will stand behind your company. But in Thailand, they don't understand why some customers are so noisy whenever everyone else isn't. The strategy is ignore it as much as possible until it goes away rather than bothered to fix anything. Things shouldn't need to work well all the time, and perfection is out of the question. After all, where in the world can you find a service that you can't watch TV when it is raining outside...

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Maybe if we'd have more people like Reinmar here, we would teach them a lesson...you guys have fun on his behalf all you want, but if we'd all act the same way, I guess many things in Thailand would change, afterall, it's not like we ask for something more than what we pay for.

Agree, Reimar has stuck to his guns ! As a coincidence , ever since he started demanding better service - my IPSTAR has worked in accordance with specs. no problems whatsoever - although I have made a few environmental mods to the Shin equipment , which MAY have assisted.


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Regret my cs/loxinfo speeds are now as bad as ever

Last Result:

Download Speed: 162 kbps (20.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 8 kbps (1 KB/sec transfer rate)

This reading is for a 512/256 service costing 4000 baht per month and this has been a regular reading for over a week. Before this it was more like 350/150 most of the day.

I have been sending regular speed readings from the Thaivisa speed test to cs/loxinfo but they simply reply that the problem is not with their server but outside Thailand.

I then sent them a speedtest.csloxinfo reading which was 92.8kbps but as yet no reply. I have to say that they do reply very promptly now but really only to say that they are looking into the problem.

I look forward to the end of my one year contract with them.


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Regret my cs/loxinfo speeds are now as bad as ever

Last Result:

Download Speed: 162 kbps (20.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 8 kbps (1 KB/sec transfer rate)

This reading is for a 512/256 service costing 4000 baht per month and this has been a regular reading for over a week. Before this it was more like 350/150 most of the day.

I have been sending regular speed readings from the Thaivisa speed test to cs/loxinfo but they simply reply that the problem is not with their server but outside Thailand.

I then sent them a speedtest.csloxinfo reading which was 92.8kbps but as yet no reply. I have to say that they do reply very promptly now but really only to say that they are looking into the problem.

I look forward to the end of my one year contract with them.


Hi Tony!

I do know the way as that company works. Clearly an engineer told me that the problem is not by CS-Loxinfo it self but by Thaicom, Shin-Satellite. That can be true. But it is more as shamefull that this company is unable to solve the problems with them Service-Supplier!

But can some one expect more from ans Shinawatra company? Take a look at AIS! Same Company because all of this companies are bundled in the Shinawatra Imperium!! Thaicom, CS-Loxinfo, AIS!!

You will not get any good result in the moment. You see, I send a lot of mails and letters to them, talked in meetings in their office with them, result: NEVER GOT A ANSWER TO THE POINTS OF A WRITTEN NOTE OR A SPOKEN WORD! Even if they agree with you in talking, 5 mimute after you leave they turn 180 degrees and give you complete different answer. That is my expieriences!

Keep looking on my posts because I keep infroming about my "WAR" with CS-Loxinfo

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I really don't know or care where the problem is. All I know is that I wasn't getting anywhere near the service I was paying for. Many times it was totally useless and I was using GPRS from my cell phone. GPRS sucks but was better than my 2,500 baht per month Loxinfo Ipstar service. I now have TOT Ipstar and there is no comparison besides being cheaper. When you are paying for a service, you deserve and should be getting the service. Excuses don't cut it. Loxinfo is simply a half assed company and no one will convince me otherwise. A year and a half of poor service tells me they don't care about their customers. PERIOD! :o

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In the end it doesn't matter exactly who's equipment is at fault. If you buy a package from an ISP, then it is the job of the ISP to make sure all the elements up the chain work. Just like if you buy a digital camera from Sony and it doesn't work right, Sony doesn't blame a Samsung component in it that is failing and refuse to fix anything. For an ISP to simply blame a satellite they chose to contract from and do nothing about it is a cop out. They must demand their satellite provider and all other providers be up to par and if any are not, dump them in favor of one that is. If it is impossible for them to offer a quality service, then they need to renegotiate their contracts with the providers who can't offer good quality, lower the prices of their packages, and have a little truth in advertising to customers signing up.

The blame game is a common tactic for technology in Thailand as an excuse to justify high prices for poor quality services. UBC loves to blame Shin satellite for their problems going to the extent of putting red banners on the TV saying as much. I recall all of the Thai channels being out for over a month, but they didn't refund anything; the price remained the same and they just blamed Shin. If they were a quality company they would take measures to correct quality issues and provide backup mechanisms rather than just pointing a finger at suppliers of their choosing and doing nothing. Another example is true likes to blame CAT for their problems all the while intentionally refusing to allocate bandwidth just to keep pace with added subscribers. If you buy a 1mbit package and don't get the speed, they won't refund you squat. They'll blame someone for the problems and do nothing about them. It's their fault, they are just to lazy to do anything about it.

Edited by The Coder
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Hi Reimar,

I just thought I'ld dig this one up, what's the status? hope all is well, better?

(and it's a bit scary when people "critical towards the powers" are silent for a long time, a few lawyers, environmentalists etc. have mysteriously disappeared over the past few years)

So, give us a life sign :-)

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Hi Reimar,

I just thought I'ld dig this one up, what's the status? hope all is well, better?

(and it's a bit scary when people "critical towards the powers" are silent for a long time, a few lawyers, environmentalists etc. have mysteriously disappeared over the past few years)

So, give us a life sign :-)

The Status?? Which Status??

My personal status is very well and OK!! The status of CS-Loxinfo: I don't know because they disconnected me on Spe. 2. 2006

Last Monday I've a meeting with NTC to submitt a complaint against CS-Loxinfo. Khun Saksith at NTC directly contacted the Human Phurint Phasom by CS-Loxinfo and finally CS-Loxinfo agreed to pay back for the time of un-usable service. This human Phurint Phansom also agreed to send a "Apology Letter" to me. First this letter should came on Wednesday, than delayed to Friday and untill now: Noting is coming!

On next week Monday afternoon I've a new meeting with Khun Saksith at NTC for to find out with him together what is going on by this CS-Loxinfo!

Anyway, if they want to get back thems equipment, they have to pay back and send the "Apology Letter" to first! If they don't, I'll keep the Equipment and charge them for "Storage cost" and if they want to get it, they have to come with a Court Order which will be very difficult for them to get because all evidence is already with NTC!

I like to suggest to everybody who have problems with the ISP's: Go to NTC ! THEY HELP TO SOLVE YOUT PROBLEMS!

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Hi Reimar,

I just thought I'ld dig this one up, what's the status? hope all is well, better?

(and it's a bit scary when people "critical towards the powers" are silent for a long time, a few lawyers, environmentalists etc. have mysteriously disappeared over the past few years)

So, give us a life sign :-)

The Status?? Which Status??

My personal status is very well and OK!! The status of CS-Loxinfo: I don't know because they disconnected me on Spe. 2. 2006

Last Monday I've a meeting with NTC to submitt a complaint against CS-Loxinfo. Khun Saksith at NTC directly contacted the Human Phurint Phasom by CS-Loxinfo and finally CS-Loxinfo agreed to pay back for the time of un-usable service. This human Phurint Phansom also agreed to send a "Apology Letter" to me. First this letter should came on Wednesday, than delayed to Friday and untill now: Noting is coming!

On next week Monday afternoon I've a new meeting with Khun Saksith at NTC for to find out with him together what is going on by this CS-Loxinfo!

Anyway, if they want to get back thems equipment, they have to pay back and send the "Apology Letter" to first! If they don't, I'll keep the Equipment and charge them for "Storage cost" and if they want to get it, they have to come with a Court Order which will be very difficult for them to get because all evidence is already with NTC!

I like to suggest to everybody who have problems with the ISP's: Go to NTC ! THEY HELP TO SOLVE YOUT PROBLEMS!

ok, ok ... sorry mate, I was just asking! and wondering. I was indeed referring to the status of your post here, that I am interested in. I don't know you personally, but I do hope your personal status is fine as well.

so what you are saying is that you went to the NTC and the problems are solved?

Good news! congratulations!

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Hi Reimar,

I just thought I'ld dig this one up, what's the status? hope all is well, better?

(and it's a bit scary when people "critical towards the powers" are silent for a long time, a few lawyers, environmentalists etc. have mysteriously disappeared over the past few years)

So, give us a life sign :-)

The Status?? Which Status??

My personal status is very well and OK!! The status of CS-Loxinfo: I don't know because they disconnected me on Spe. 2. 2006

Last Monday I've a meeting with NTC to submitt a complaint against CS-Loxinfo. Khun Saksith at NTC directly contacted the Human Phurint Phasom by CS-Loxinfo and finally CS-Loxinfo agreed to pay back for the time of un-usable service. This human Phurint Phansom also agreed to send a "Apology Letter" to me. First this letter should came on Wednesday, than delayed to Friday and untill now: Noting is coming!

On next week Monday afternoon I've a new meeting with Khun Saksith at NTC for to find out with him together what is going on by this CS-Loxinfo!

Anyway, if they want to get back thems equipment, they have to pay back and send the "Apology Letter" to first! If they don't, I'll keep the Equipment and charge them for "Storage cost" and if they want to get it, they have to come with a Court Order which will be very difficult for them to get because all evidence is already with NTC!

I like to suggest to everybody who have problems with the ISP's: Go to NTC ! THEY HELP TO SOLVE YOUT PROBLEMS!

ok, ok ... sorry mate, I was just asking! and wondering. I was indeed referring to the status of your post here, that I am interested in. I don't know you personally, but I do hope your personal status is fine as well.

so what you are saying is that you went to the NTC and the problems are solved?

Good news! congratulations!

Hi cnxpat,

Oh yes, I'm personally very well!!

The problems nearly solved because CS-L agreed to pay back money and apologise! What ever that means!! :o Let see on Monday in the meeting at NTC what this human Phurint Phasom will do until then!! But it's very interest that the MD of CS-L, K. Annant Kxxxxx??? did not answer e-mails by himself and did not open further e-mails!! And this Human Phurint Phasom is hims 2. (?)guy!!

Since I can start to work as normal, from my good old (UN)TRUE ADSL in my old office, things are going on and I do not concentrate more on CS-L but on my work. My time is a little limited in the moment because I've to start a few new projects and that keep us busy!

Next week I'll post the results from Monday.

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Today the meeting at NTC!

Nothing news from CS-L! As usable!! Got a message per e-mail today that they want to sent the apology letter by registered mail! OK, fine!

If they want to get back the equipment, that letter must be by us already with the contents as ordered! And the refund must on our bank account as well. Otherwise they have to come with an Court Order and that we'll appeal!!

Latest Info from NTC:

The G3 phone will be available in the 1. quarter opr latest in the 2. quarter next year. TRUE and Shin-Corp are ready from the infra structure. The problem is by TOT! TOT want per connection 4 Baht and NTC says that 1 to 1 1/2 Baht is more than enough.

Let see what will going on.

I'll keep posting if news about CS-L

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