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Ive killed a dog


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Stay clear of the guy. If more shit happens call the police.

The guy is breaking the law by making false accusations..

its ok TRANS Im having special ops tv members "take him out " Bin Laden style later.......they wont even hear the Black hawkslaugh.png

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Stay clear of the guy. If more shit happens call the police.

The guy is breaking the law by making false accusations..

its ok TRANS Im having special ops tv members "take him out " Bin Laden style later.......they wont even hear the Black hawkslaugh.png

Is Dave the Walt making a comeback.

I wonder what his new forum name will be.

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I did hit a dog in a village on the way to my place.

It was daylight, I was doing maybe 60kmh and the dog ran out at the very last minute and ended up splattered all over my bumper and wheel. Medium sized dog. Instant death.

I stopped and the Mom and Pop store that saw everything were sympathetic and got a hose and started hosing the bits of dog off my truck and dragged the body to the side of the road. A few cars stopped, like they do, for mid afternoon entertainment.

Then the Owner came out and said it was his dog. Before he could say anything more I said "You are going to have to pay for the damage to the bumper and fog light and clean my truck because your dog damaged it...".

That was the end of it.

My story sounded so much better in my head.

Interestingly this neighbour admitted his dog should not have been on the road, I know the reality here but I would use the same tactics as you if I ever did kill a dog, sympathise with the owner a bit but immdiiately go into the " this is gonna cost a fair bit to fix " routine

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Kannot, I have the same sort of problem in our village. Not about dead dog but all the bullshit of farang drive too fast etc. As I drive slowly through the village have the local kids flying passed on motor bikes but that is ok. The main reason it is always farang is pure jealousy. I guarantee it. I bet they lay under a tree all day drinking then are pissed off with people who have some money or trinkets. Lazy jerks. Do what I did. Build 2.2 metre wall around 3 rai, cctv everywhere (which you have), make friends with local police boss and get a red box on the wall and have them show there face to your place often. Then let the locals go f@$# themselves. No matter what you do they will never accept you so dont give a sh#t about it. I used to do heaps for village school (their kids school), take food to there and drinks, bought computer tables and chairs for the school, made covered bike rack there for the kids, have lollies for the kids as they walked passed our place in the afternoon. The parents still wanted to talk sh#t about me and the wife around the place so now unfortunately the kids get nothing. Go to village shop. Buy a beer or lao kkhao for them the first time then you good bloke. Go do same for them second time. EXCELLENT bloke. Do not do it the third time and you are a farang ass#ole. Forget the pieces of sh#t mate. wai.gif

Some may think Im a bit Naive but I aint, I have 600 metres of wall 2 metres high, a red police box and the two coppers get taken well care of , the head of the village also gets "attention" including me being asked to go to the local Kasikorn bank to check their English skills at his request for training purposes.

His daughter is hilarious, she lives in the Uk at Uni and tells me about her boyfriend who "Dad" doesnt know about as Ive said before I have a few good locals but the bulk are just dross wasters.

Before the wall theyd wander on an "help themselves" to anything.

Edited by kannot
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Personally I wouldn't go talking to the Thais about this, I'd leave it for my wife to sort out. Thais with Thais sort these things out far easier than when we get involved.

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Sometimes Thais are jealous, envious, or just plain upset that a falang has moved into their turf. They resent the fact that you and your wife

has money to spend, and maybe show off a bit with large screen TV's, extensions to the house such as carports, balconies or patios. Their are many

issues when dealing with the locals. I would simply ignore the charges, in time after you have a big get-together and invite all to your shin-dig party, all will be forgotten. I've ran over a number of junk-yard-dogs, and will probably hit a few more before I leave. I think Thailand has more public/stray dogs then anywhere else on the planet. Not as many as there use to be in Bangkok. Either they cleaned up the streets and Soi's, or some more Philippine families arrived.

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mate, its easier to blame the farang but get him to state the time the dog was killed first or they will surely change times to negate your proof. Seems easier to pick on the foreigner but once you have ascertained a definite time show him that they are all wrong and that irt was not you although they will probably not believe the evidence anyway, guilty means they get money. Let us know how thew meeting goes.

Show em all the footage you want they will say it was your evil twin that did the dirty deed.

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You probably do drive too fast.

In this I do plead guilty BUT the canning factories lorries are way more dangerous, Im not so stupid to go crazy and will slow down but am buggered if Im gonna be framed for a flea bitten ratty dog.

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mate, its easier to blame the farang but get him to state the time the dog was killed first or they will surely change times to negate your proof. Seems easier to pick on the foreigner but once you have ascertained a definite time show him that they are all wrong and that irt was not you although they will probably not believe the evidence anyway, guilty means they get money. Let us know how thew meeting goes.

Show em all the footage you want they will say it was your evil twin that did the dirty deed.

But it WAS him!

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Sometimes Thais are jealous, envious, or just plain upset that a falang has moved into their turf. They resent the fact that you and your wife

has money to spend, and maybe show off a bit with large screen TV's, extensions to the house such as carports, balconies or patios. Their are many

issues when dealing with the locals. I would simply ignore the charges, in time after you have a big get-together and invite all to your shin-dig party, all will be forgotten. I've ran over a number of junk-yard-dogs, and will probably hit a few more before I leave. I think Thailand has more public/stray dogs then anywhere else on the planet. Not as many as there use to be in Bangkok. Either they cleaned up the streets and Soi's, or some more Philippine families arrived.

Actually I live in a modest 50m2 house with an additional 48m2 maids house come store room on 15 rai of land, i dont even have a TV..............the bloody maid does though.

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The problem here is that your neighbour is a racist, I’m not accusing all Thais of being racist but racist Thais do exist.

This neighbour has accused you (and no-one else in the street) because you are the local farang.

I had this same type of problem when I first moved into my current house.

The old witch across the road complained that I had knocked over and broken one of her dragon pots (which was at the front of her house) with my pick up.

As the pick up that I had at that time was very high from the ground I did not deny that this was my fault, as it could have been possible but to be honest I could not recall clipping the dragon pot.

When the other neighbours informed me that she was telling all in the Soi that the bad farang had broken her dragon pot I went over to her house to offer to pay for a new dragon pot.

Her husband answered the door and informed me that they had found out that the dragon pot had actually been broken by their own teenage son whilst playing football.

Anyway, back to your problem:

Is there anyone else in your street who you get on with that has some sort of status (maybe a village elder).

It might be worth buying that person a cheap bottle of Whisky and asking them to mediate for you in this matter.

Even if the neighbour agrees that you did not hit his dog, don’t expect a apology from him.

One of the things I hated about small village life. I lived in a village in Phitsanulok for a year and the village knew my business before I did. Gossip is the number one form of entertainment true or not. Had one farang living close by and he had tried to get into my g/f's knickers for two years before I arrived on the scene. He kept asking me what she was like in the sack.

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I think you have a much bigger problem than you realize.

You said you've been accused of killing a dog because "the villagers said i drive too fast so it must have been me". It's obvious the villagers don't like you. Your careless driving, your inconsiderate attitude has provoked the distrust of your neighbours. From your other posts it's clear you don't like the people who live around you and it seems the feeling is shared. Today it's a dog, no big deal. Wait for the police to knock at your door because a kid had been hit by a pick up that ran aI

The villagers for the most part have proved to be selfish and childish for example my Wife spent many hours helping 2 of them using our lawyer to "get him off" a charge of cutting another neighbours trees down..........some months later we asked the two of them could they water my trees one day whilst I was away...they came up with ridiculous excuses.

They both came to us when we moved in "begging" us to not let another neighbour cross our land which we agreed to as the other neighbour had in fact lied to us over boundaries. They spend all their time bickering I stay away well away form them

I have two dash cams on the car one front one rear, i am not the least intimidated by their childish antics and your wild guesses at what goes on round by me,

Lets see if they also asked the pineapple company down the road to stop their HUGE lorries racing thru the village.................hmmmmmmmmd dont think so or those kids on motocycles.....nah

Sorry Curious, what part of Thailand, Cheers
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OP. just deal with it Thai Style.


Should police be called, ask for photo or witnesses.

Should he produce witnesses, ask witness to write down your number plates.

Should he by miracle know your number plate, produce your CCTV footage and ask police to file charges for libel and false police report

You would be amazed how fast everything will be back to normal.thumbsup.gif, might even make a few baht out of it

Im not really bothered at all but dont want them to think Im some pushover, our local policeman has already told us they have no proof whatsoever and he knows we have cctv THEY DONTlaugh.png Im going along for entertainment value on my part, hey its gets a bit dull out here sometimes.

Must be really "dull" if all this is over a flea bus. Keeping the egg off everybody's face is a skill that is second to none. Hope you can do it.

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No laws broken. Ignore. The village Head-man should be informed, by your wife not you. Drive slow for all to see.

We had farang in my moo-baan the Thai's Hated him. However its fine when they deive bat shit crazy......again drive slow...

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The problem here is that your neighbour is a racist, I’m not accusing all Thais of being racist but racist Thais do exist.

This neighbour has accused you (and no-one else in the street) because you are the local farang.

I had this same type of problem when I first moved into my current house.

The old witch across the road complained that I had knocked over and broken one of her dragon pots (which was at the front of her house) with my pick up.

As the pick up that I had at that time was very high from the ground I did not deny that this was my fault, as it could have been possible but to be honest I could not recall clipping the dragon pot.

When the other neighbours informed me that she was telling all in the Soi that the bad farang had broken her dragon pot I went over to her house to offer to pay for a new dragon pot.

Her husband answered the door and informed me that they had found out that the dragon pot had actually been broken by their own teenage son whilst playing football.

Anyway, back to your problem:

Is there anyone else in your street who you get on with that has some sort of status (maybe a village elder).

It might be worth buying that person a cheap bottle of Whisky and asking them to mediate for you in this matter.

Even if the neighbour agrees that you did not hit his dog, don’t expect a apology from him.

If your neighbor was a racist as you mention they would accept the money or tell everyone in the village to hate you.Grow up man.

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We all are so happy for you to have such a wonderful pick up, the best in the whole world. I wonder why are you staying in this country if you hate them so much? I wonder if you have a child. If you do and if the child goes out to play while you are watching TV and someone like you drive fast and kill the child then who is to blame? According to you then the fault is only yours because the child should not be outside.

Everybody has some responsibility. Bad things happen even if you try your best to avoid it. The person who has the dog surely try their best to keep the dog inside but animal is an animal. The dog can run out for many reason the same way as a child can go out for any reason. You or others as driver have responsibility to be careful while driving.

You better change your attitude or you will have much bigger problem later.

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mrfaroukh, on 11 Mar 2015 - 13:41, said:
Vallon66, on 11 Mar 2015 - 13:35, said:

The heck with the villagers.. you killed a dog man.. Tim sharkey is on his way and wants to have a word with you.

Is this the way they behave with dogs in your own country?

Tim Sharkey or the 4 legged one?

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Well, for your sake, let's hope that the local Police or your village elder doesn't read TVF. There's an admission of guilt right there " Ive killed a dog", Maybe that should read, "I've been accused of killing a dog". Otherwise, you have just admitted your guilt on a popular, Thailand internet forum,,,,,,,really smart move.

Edited by lucifer666
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We all are so happy for you to have such a wonderful pick up, the best in the whole world. I wonder why are you staying in this country if you hate them so much? I wonder if you have a child. If you do and if the child goes out to play while you are watching TV and someone like you drive fast and kill the child then who is to blame? According to you then the fault is only yours because the child should not be outside.

Everybody has some responsibility. Bad things happen even if you try your best to avoid it. The person who has the dog surely try their best to keep the dog inside but animal is an animal. The dog can run out for many reason the same way as a child can go out for any reason. You or others as driver have responsibility to be careful while driving.

You better change your attitude or you will have much bigger problem later.

We all are so happy for you to have such a wonderful pick up, the best in the whole world. I wonder why are you staying in this country if you hate them so much? I wonder if you have a child. If you do and if the child goes out to play while you are watching TV and someone like you drive fast and kill the child then who is to blame? According to you then the fault is only yours because the child should not be outside.

I have 3 children in Thailand but I don't shirk my duties as a parent, I don't know how children were dragged up in your household but I do know how to look after children.

Now show me, where do I state that I drive fast and where do I state that I hate Thais?

Everybody has some responsibility. Bad things happen even if you try your best to avoid it. The person who has the dog surely try their best to keep the dog inside but animal is an animal. The dog can run out for many reason the same way as a child can go out for any reason. You or others as driver have responsibility to be careful while driving.

If you had ever been to Thailand you would realise that there are dogs roaming around the Sois everywhere.

Nearly all of these dogs that have an owner are just released into the street and are not escapees.

You better change your attitude or you will have much bigger problem later.

What is that, some kind of threat? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

If you think that you your argument has any substance, you are sadly mistaken, you have made stupid remarks and then tried to back them up with your own logic.

Never take a knife to a gunfight. thumbsup.gif

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