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Ive killed a dog


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mate, its easier to blame the farang but get him to state the time the dog was killed first or they will surely change times to negate your proof. Seems easier to pick on the foreigner but once you have ascertained a definite time show him that they are all wrong and that irt was not you although they will probably not believe the evidence anyway, guilty means they get money. Let us know how thew meeting goes.

I already have the time as 7pm he told my Wife, actually he doesnt want to meet there is no asking of money Im going to see him as i dont like false claims made against me slurring my good name after all their laws are pretty strict on this .

By now Im sure the whole village has me down as dog murderer

I have 30 photos taken at 1 second intervals every 2 minutes all day and video too here is the 7pm shot.......I wont bore you with the 29 other frames to 7.00:30pm

Yes no doubt cunning Frang will have photoshopped all this.

Why do you assume your name is good?

I dont assume anything as i dont care what they think................but if you know Thais and villages he will tell someone who will tell the whole village.

They spend a lot of their time fighting amongst themselves, i wont bother with the other things that go on including stealing each others land.

They even fight amongst themselves in the family over a sold piece of land and how much Dad/Grandad will get, cant even get on amongst themselves

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I think you have a much bigger problem than you realize.

You said you've been accused of killing a dog because "the villagers said i drive too fast so it must have been me". It's obvious the villagers don't like you. Your careless driving, your inconsiderate attitude has provoked the distrust of your neighbours. From your other posts it's clear you don't like the people who live around you and it seems the feeling is shared. Today it's a dog, no big deal. Wait for the police to knock at your door because a kid had been hit by a pick up that ran aI

The villagers for the most part have proved to be selfish and childish for example my Wife spent many hours helping 2 of them using our lawyer to "get him off" a charge of cutting another neighbours trees down..........some months later we asked the two of them could they water my trees one day whilst I was away...they came up with ridiculous excuses.

They both came to us when we moved in "begging" us to not let another neighbour cross our land which we agreed to as the other neighbour had in fact lied to us over boundaries. They spend all their time bickering I stay away well away form them

I have two dash cams on the car one front one rear, i am not the least intimidated by their childish antics and your wild guesses at what goes on round by me,

Lets see if they also asked the pineapple company down the road to stop their HUGE lorries racing thru the village.................hmmmmmmmmd dont think so or those kids on motocycles.....nah

You got too friendly with them..those sort that are fighting with other neighbours always turn on you eventually.

You have already helped them Sh.t on another neighbour with your Lawyer....you helped them Sh.t on another by refusing access.

They are trouble..you should of seen it coming...your fault .i hope tje other neighbour s now Sh.t on you.

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I have not read every post so sorry if someone has stated this already. Your wife should be a buffer between you and the yokals. In this situation my missus would give them grief. They would withdraw their allegations in order to sleep in peace at night. Cheers with that.

My Wife always deals with all the crap I just hear whats going on from her

So your wife wears the pants in the family and does all the dirty work.Build that wall higher and lock yourself in.

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I did hit a dog in a village on the way to my place.

It was daylight, I was doing maybe 60kmh and the dog ran out at the very last minute and ended up splattered all over my bumper and wheel. Medium sized dog. Instant death.

I stopped and the Mom and Pop store that saw everything were sympathetic and got a hose and started hosing the bits of dog off my truck and dragged the body to the side of the road. A few cars stopped, like they do, for mid afternoon entertainment.

Then the Owner came out and said it was his dog. Before he could say anything more I said "You are going to have to pay for the damage to the bumper and fog light and clean my truck because your dog damaged it...".

That was the end of it.

My story sounded so much better in my head.

<deleted>,doing 60k in the village,your lucky it was a dog and not a child.By the way,did you get paid?

perhaps he has control of his kids?


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I have not read every post so sorry if someone has stated this already. Your wife should be a buffer between you and the yokals. In this situation my missus would give them grief. They would withdraw their allegations in order to sleep in peace at night. Cheers with that.

My Wife always deals with all the crap I just hear whats going on from her

So your wife wears the pants in the family and does all the dirty work.Build that wall higher and lock yourself in.

yes she does earning her 300k baht a month she supplies all the money and I take care of the house...................got a problem with that?

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I think you have a much bigger problem than you realize.

You said you've been accused of killing a dog because "the villagers said i drive too fast so it must have been me". It's obvious the villagers don't like you. Your careless driving, your inconsiderate attitude has provoked the distrust of your neighbours. From your other posts it's clear you don't like the people who live around you and it seems the feeling is shared. Today it's a dog, no big deal. Wait for the police to knock at your door because a kid had been hit by a pick up that ran aI

The villagers for the most part have proved to be selfish and childish for example my Wife spent many hours helping 2 of them using our lawyer to "get him off" a charge of cutting another neighbours trees down..........some months later we asked the two of them could they water my trees one day whilst I was away...they came up with ridiculous excuses.

They both came to us when we moved in "begging" us to not let another neighbour cross our land which we agreed to as the other neighbour had in fact lied to us over boundaries. They spend all their time bickering I stay away well away form them

I have two dash cams on the car one front one rear, i am not the least intimidated by their childish antics and your wild guesses at what goes on round by me,

Lets see if they also asked the pineapple company down the road to stop their HUGE lorries racing thru the village.................hmmmmmmmmd dont think so or those kids on motocycles.....nah

You got too friendly with them..those sort that are fighting with other neighbours always turn on you eventually.

You have already helped them Sh.t on another neighbour with your Lawyer....you helped them Sh.t on another by refusing access.

They are trouble..you should of seen it coming...your fault .i hope tje other neighbour s now Sh.t on you.

Thank goodness you arent my neighbour as there would be an awful lot more of this Sh*t about

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Don't respond, ignore the whole issue. Once you start to get involved you can get drawn in deeper.

A local thai driver that hit a dog would be negotiating for the damage to the truck. It's my guess that it was a passing stranger. Toyotas are plasticy on the front end and damage easily.

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yes she does earning her 300k baht a month she supplies all the money and I take care of the house...................got a problem with that?

So your wife wears the pants in the family and does all the dirty work.Build that wall higher and lock yourself in.

Mate, if you are going to tell tales at least make them believable, 300k a month is not

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well I went out to kill a dog yesterday, but could not find the b astard. Although we had a sweep up of soi dogs a few weeks ago as happens others move in to take their place. Now they would not hang around half as much if the stupid element did not feed and encourage them. This soft hearted crap has been worse in the past few years by something I cannot even allude to. Anyway, one such idiot's house is the mrs friends round the corner who have been harboring a nasty tempered large black one full of scars scabs and who knows how many diseases. Yesterday it savaged the mrs in the street and off to Hospital, five more visits for injections, pills and going everyday to a clinic to clean the wounds,

I was annoyed to find out that this dog not only attacked the next door neighbor the day before, but bit two others last week. These idiots have had the dog around laying in their yard and feeding it, despite having two small kids, unbelievably stupid, but at least the kids have not been savaged. Sometimes I think there is no hope for these people.

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100% Guaranteed, you were told, by at least 5 different other expats, about the absolute folley of establishing a residence, within a provincial small village, in the LOS. Did you ever listen to those voices, who had been there, done that, and had the T-shirts to prove it? NO! You probably took your arrogant-self, together with your (different from all the other bargirls) GF to the province, played the big-money man, and maintained a Hi-Ace and mighty profile, among poor, uneducated countryfolk. The party is over for you, there, sir! This is just the beginning of a long-string of controversial incidents, unfolding around you. And, your Thai wife, will not stand-up to defend you, against her own village family. You were forewarned, and well-advised, in advance.

The difference between a fool, and a wise man, is that the fool always has to learn everything the hard way. Books have been written about farangs like you. Good luck, and best wishescoffee1.gif

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yes she does earning her 300k baht a month she supplies all the money and I take care of the house...................got a problem with that?

So your wife wears the pants in the family and does all the dirty work.Build that wall higher and lock yourself in.

Mate, if you are going to tell tales at least make them believable, 300k a month is not

You REALLY have no idea what the BANGKOK real estate market is like do you? let me guess Thais dont buy secondhand and there is massive oversupply and rents are low.................... ok think that if u want

Lets just say in the last year she has bought in cash 2 condos at 4.2 million each one new car 900k you can see it on my other thread Nissan Juke here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/789610-updated-nissan-juke/page-2 if you like, all cash no finance 8 years ago she earnt 11k a month and many of her other friends in this line get similar, she has no parents but I guess the ISSAN bargirl stories are more entertaining especially when they "took the lot"

Currently busy with Hong Kong buyers, got 2 on the go arriving soon to sign the contracts to buy, commission 3% of sale price

Price 5.1 million and 3.4 million, you do the maths if you like.

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Do not sign anything if the police come and investigate.

Im on very good terms with my police both of them, they get their 1000 baht a month visiting money and the odd whisky except for the one who is a non drinker.

They will often come feed my fish If Im out but they dont have time to water as it would take an hour, His son even comes camping on my land if Im in BKK he will go to the land take a few pic to show hes been and e mail them to me, any problem he will give us a call.............basically the majority of the village are childish idiots with nothing better to do all day.

The village comprises at best 10 houses if that, ill wait for the you sound superior responseswhistling.gif

Isn't that the nature of most village/small town environments....just dirty,ugly,gossip-ridden pimples on the planet....in short,HELL = 'other people'.

Oh,by the way there Dragonfly .....don't believe Thai-women can make real money....? One of my wife's colleges is making approx. 1 million baht per month in a MLM business and with many others involved making several times that...ya, I know, my jaw dropped too...I won't even tell you what my wife makes thumbsup.gif

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MLM is not a business it's pyramid selling and an outright scam illegal in decent countries. No better than boiler room, 'business'.

Still not believing my 300k a month in real estate?

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S**t like this happens everyday in every village all around the world. Thailand/your village is no different.

Simply ignore it. Today you're the talk of the town, tomorrow it'll be somebody else and you'll be forgottrn about.

Seriously, don't worry about it. It'll (more than likely) pass in a day or two.

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The problem here is that your neighbour is a racist, Im not accusing all Thais of being racist but racist Thais do exist.

This neighbour has accused you (and no-one else in the street) because you are the local farang.

I had this same type of problem when I first moved into my current house.

The old witch across the road complained that I had knocked over and broken one of her dragon pots (which was at the front of her house) with my pick up.

As the pick up that I had at that time was very high from the ground I did not deny that this was my fault, as it could have been possible but to be honest I could not recall clipping the dragon pot.

When the other neighbours informed me that she was telling all in the Soi that the bad farang had broken her dragon pot I went over to her house to offer to pay for a new dragon pot.

Her husband answered the door and informed me that they had found out that the dragon pot had actually been broken by their own teenage son whilst playing football.

Anyway, back to your problem:

Is there anyone else in your street who you get on with that has some sort of status (maybe a village elder).

It might be worth buying that person a cheap bottle of Whisky and asking them to mediate for you in this matter.

Even if the neighbour agrees that you did not hit his dog, dont expect a apology from him.

Agreed, there are racists everywhere, ever country has them, Thailand too.

What is funny is the ratio of racist to non racist goes through the roof on this wonderful forum where racist foreigners gather to mouth off about their greater superiority on this cesspit of a forum.

But I do like your post, there are racist Thais but around this place they are DEFINATELY outnumber by racist pigs on this forum ;)

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The problem here is that your neighbour is a racist, Im not accusing all Thais of being racist but racist Thais do exist.

This neighbour has accused you (and no-one else in the street) because you are the local farang.

I had this same type of problem when I first moved into my current house.

The old witch across the road complained that I had knocked over and broken one of her dragon pots (which was at the front of her house) with my pick up.

As the pick up that I had at that time was very high from the ground I did not deny that this was my fault, as it could have been possible but to be honest I could not recall clipping the dragon pot.

When the other neighbours informed me that she was telling all in the Soi that the bad farang had broken her dragon pot I went over to her house to offer to pay for a new dragon pot.

Her husband answered the door and informed me that they had found out that the dragon pot had actually been broken by their own teenage son whilst playing football.

Anyway, back to your problem:

Is there anyone else in your street who you get on with that has some sort of status (maybe a village elder).

It might be worth buying that person a cheap bottle of Whisky and asking them to mediate for you in this matter.

Even if the neighbour agrees that you did not hit his dog, dont expect a apology from him.

Agreed, there are racists everywhere, ever country has them, Thailand too.

What is funny is the ratio of racist to non racist goes through the roof on this wonderful forum where racist foreigners gather to mouth off about their greater superiority on this cesspit of a forum.

But I do like your post, there are racist Thais but around this place they are DEFINATELY outnumber by racist pigs on this forum ;)


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MLM is not a business it's pyramid selling and an outright scam illegal in decent countries. No better than boiler room, 'business'.

you are like a small frog at the bottom of a well looking up and thinking the blue sky you see is all there is.

14yrs this business has been operating......"scam"?...think again chump!

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Off topic posts deleted. This is about killing a dog ¬ personal arguments. Further such posts will be deleted without further notice.

Thanks I did state that above your post.

Neighbour came round yesterday as my wife was here, never mentioned the dead dog, all smiles, and told her the neighbour up the hill had sold the stolen land.

Looks like the dead dog really has "bitten the dust"laugh.png

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Off topic posts deleted. This is about killing a dog ¬ personal arguments. Further such posts will be deleted without further notice.

Thanks I did state that above your post.

Neighbour came round yesterday as my wife was here, never mentioned the dead dog, all smiles, and told her the neighbour up the hill had sold the stolen land.

Looks like the dead dog really has "bitten the dust"laugh.png

Still must suck knowing your neighbours hate you and you are not welcome?

Genuinely could never live in such a place.

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Sometimes Thais are jealous, envious, or just plain upset that a falang has moved into their turf. They resent the fact that you and your wife

has money to spend, and maybe show off a bit with large screen TV's, extensions to the house such as carports, balconies or patios. Their are many

issues when dealing with the locals. I would simply ignore the charges, in time after you have a big get-together and invite all to your shin-dig party, all will be forgotten. I've ran over a number of junk-yard-dogs, and will probably hit a few more before I leave. I think Thailand has more public/stray dogs then anywhere else on the planet. Not as many as there use to be in Bangkok. Either they cleaned up the streets and Soi's, or some more Philippine families arrived.

If you are running down multiple dogs and are expecting to do it a few more times, then there is something seriously wrong with your driving skills. Accidents happen, but no normal competent driver does what you do.

Maybe it is time you stopped driving before you splatter a kid.

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Off topic posts deleted. This is about killing a dog ¬ personal arguments. Further such posts will be deleted without further notice.

Thanks I did state that above your post.

Neighbour came round yesterday as my wife was here, never mentioned the dead dog, all smiles, and told her the neighbour up the hill had sold the stolen land.

Looks like the dead dog really has "bitten the dust"laugh.png

Still must suck knowing your neighbours hate you and you are not welcome?

Genuinely could never live in such a place.

Should I " go home"

They must hate me so much the dog accuser came to visit yesterday, you can "read" cant you?

Pic of this hideous place I live.......I know, someone has to live here., just y bad luck eh.........note lack of direct neighbours, its 15 rai

My house is now in the middle of those pineapples, village 600 metres to the left thats to the first house of about 10-15 max

OP, no offence, but you come across as someone deseperately trying to validate their life and life choices. This forum is packed with similar people - shacked up in the arse end of nowhere with a woman hell bent on spending every penny you accumulated in your life. Taking on a new internet persona to show fictional wealth, hiso wives and utter eutopia seems to be some kind of a release from the daily misery.

Each to their own I say, say hello to your neighbours for me and slip the police an additional 1000 for good measure thumbsup.gif

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Should I " go home"

Off topic posts deleted. This is about killing a dog ¬ personal arguments. Further such posts will be deleted without further notice.

Thanks I did state that above your post.

Neighbour came round yesterday as my wife was here, never mentioned the dead dog, all smiles, and told her the neighbour up the hill had sold the stolen land.

Looks like the dead dog really has "bitten the dust"laugh.png

Still must suck knowing your neighbours hate you and you are not welcome?

Genuinely could never live in such a place.

They must hate me so much the dog accuser came to visit yesterday, you can "read" cant you?

Pic of this hideous place I live.......I know, someone has to live here., just y bad luck eh.........note lack of direct neighbours, its 15 rai

My house is now in the middle of those pineapples, village 600 metres to the left thats to the first house of about 10-15 max

OP, no offence, but you come across as someone deseperately trying to validate their life and life choices. This forum is packed with similar people - shacked up in the arse end of nowhere with a woman hell bent on spending every penny you accumulated in your life. Taking on a new internet persona to show fictional wealth, hiso wives and utter eutopia seems to be some kind of a release from the daily misery.

Each to their own I say, say hello to your neighbours for me and slip the police an additional 1000 for good measure thumbsup.gif

With respect have you actually read this thread from the start? you seem to be lacking in the facts

Let me put you straight

1 Im shacked up with "myself " Wife lives in Bangkok visits weekends only sometimes every other weekend

2 Im retired at 48 now 51

3 Wife earns the money and "keeps me" would photos of her bank books help you or the chanotes with her name on the condos she bought with her "hi so" as you put it job Ill happily pm them you so you can apologise?

4 Im about 25 miles out of Hua Hin so not exactly the back of beyond and 4 miles out of Pranburi n the country

5 I understand its hard for "some of you" to comprehend a Thai woman paying to keep her husband, it must be a bitter blow to your stereotypes.

6 Many of the local businesses pay the Police 1000 a month for help when required its completely normal.

7 I dont see a forum packed with these folk you mention just folk who "cant" believe Thais can earn a good salary.

Her days start at 7am and finish at 12 midnight.

Suggest you start again at the beginning and re read.

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