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Have you changed your viewpoint of Thais and Thailand since arriving


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I come and go to thailand to have fun not bash thais I take them as they are , it is bad some times but not care because I have good fun good sex and when I am sick of the bullsh?T

Sorry did not finish when I am sick of the bullsh?t I get on a plane and go home and when I feel like it I go back to thailand and have fun again so if you can't stand go home to were you come from sorry to say that but sick of western man get on here and just bush thais not all thais are bad ok it is the same were I come from have dick head to you no .
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My perception of Thai females has changed for the worse.

My perception of the Thai males I have met remains the same, that they are more loyal and less likely to try and rip you off.

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Not all Thais are as you described because I know many kind and generous Thais, but I think a very large portion of the population is as you described. It is ingrained in the culture and will take many generations to change, primarily through the education system providing the education system can get its act together. I don't think Thais, generally speaking, are adept to complex thinking and don't really understand cause and effect. Keeping this in mind, it lends to a better understanding.

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I come and go to thailand to have fun not bash thais I take them as they are , it is bad some times but not care because I have good fun good sex and when I am sick of the bullsh?T

Sorry did not finish when I am sick of the bullsh?t I get on a plane and go home and when I feel like it I go back to thailand and have fun again so if you can't stand go home to were you come from sorry to say that but sick of western man get on here and just bush thais not all thais are bad ok it is the same were I come from have dick head to you no .

Got your priorities sorted then, go to the restaurant, eat like a pig, make a mess of the table, and then leave without a care for the staff.


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Welcome to Thailand, living here you see the good and the bad. When on vacation you only see the good unless you get scammed.

Think about your home country ,not everyone is friendly and not all contractors are good. There are a lot of good people here you just have to find them. Not very hard I think. I have met great people, very friendly and not so friendly.

Why are you hear ? did you think this really is the land of smiles

Living cheap and warm winters, most of the people are good, good food for a very cheap price.

I do find it crazy that they teach English in school but most have no idea what you are saying .

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I came here after hearing all the horror stories from the guys in my local (UK) bars. I found it almost the complete opposite and instantly loved it here. I know that they came here for the bars and girls, so i suppose that their viewpoint was a lot different than the views of Thailand that i experienced. Skip forward ( 12 visits later and i now live here), i still get the same guys messaging me on FB wanting to "catch up" ( Translate as, " they are coming back to Thailand and want somewhere to stay for free, along with a local tour guide")

Edited by lucifer666
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The sex business is getting full of thieves who will get you in a hotel room, when you go to clean up after, will through your pants out the window and steal all your money.

The younger generation of Thais think we are rich and resent when we do not give them the FREE RIDE they think they deserve. NO ONE gave me a FREE RIDE, why should I give one.

THIS IS ALL because the government is more corrupt than when I was here in October, 1972 for six months, and the government is getting worse every day.

Normal Thais are in the sex business, because the daily minimum wage just got raised to 300 baht a day on 1/1/2015. A sex worker can make 1,500 baht or more in 1 hour rather than the normal 10 hour Thai workday of 300 baht.

In Chiang Mai, there are 150 - 200 new buildings being built. That means there is money in Chiang Mai.

Too bad the upper 5 % are highly protected by the corrupt military and the corrupt government.

In Thailand the poorer 95% are not fairly represented.

THIS WILL NEVER CHANGE----it has changed for the worst since 1972.


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learning language and customs take time and effort… some of the ways that it is not the same as home are better, others don't seem so, but if you learn how to deal with things, it gets much easier. I would never buy anything for workers on a project until the final day when work was completed. Family workers are treated differently. The more you accept and understand Thai ways, the less conflict/stress you will have… if that is what you want… good luck, keep an open mind.

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I don't really hold a viewpoint or opinion on them as a whole. Like most expats I would suppose we live in a bit of an insulated world . Its only when you try and do something highly sophisticated , like getting a letter to the correct destination in less than a fortnight that the "Thainess" can be an eye opener

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