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I upgraded my Note 3 to Lollipop the other day and after a bit of back and forth went back down to Kit kat..

Things that annoyed me:

Terrible battery life

No silent mode,

No blocking mode..

Notification like 'media plugged in' showing on lock screen

No full support for xposed framework on samsungs

other people thoughts?


I have a Galaxy S4 so there is no upgarde yet, however from what I read about Lollipop in its early days I said then I could see no reason to make me upgrade.

I will be watching this thread with interest.

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I have a Motorola moto g. I got lollipop 2 days ago.

Battery life.. Same or better

Silent mode.. changed but seems like I have it. Also a different level of setting.. Priority etc.. will play.

Blocking mode.. no idea. Never blocked anyone before.

Notification.. can take of from lock screen in settings.

Xposed.. That's their fault for not upgrading the software.

I'm generally happy.. a few things to learn and few things to relearn .. Like swipe up to unlock.


I have a Galaxy S4 so there is no upgarde yet, however from what I read about Lollipop in its early days I said then I could see no reason to make me upgrade.

I will be watching this thread with interest.

Same for S5. Update is available, but thanks buddha not mandatory. Plenty of disturbing reports out there. Better keep the current version.


I got a Lollipop upgrade on my HTC One a few weeks ago, haven't really had any problems.

For my HTC at least, the number 1 on your list, battery life, is the one thing that is noticeably improved after the upgrade. I'd keep the upgrade for that alone.

Silent mode; changed but still there works as it should.

The last 3 on the list, honestly I have noticed, or used I guess

Current version 5.0.2


Its mad that they have released 5.1 already and mist people dont even have the 5.0

Then most people will eventually benefit from waiting.. I'm now extremely happy that Motorola waited to release 5.0.2 lollipop for the moto g 1st edition. As so far I have no problems! Others who got the initial 5.0.0 release had a few especially Samsung phones it seems!

I've had several weeks now with 5.1 on my GF's Moto G (1st gen.) and no problems whatsoever. Not sure if battery life has improved but it certainly isn't any poorer.

Actually, I don't know of any of the new Lollipop features she actually uses, which is probably true for 90% of users.

How many of us actually use "Gesture" sensing or writing a "C" with our finger on the screen for the camera...facial recognition or fingerprint security.

Like all, I always lust after the new but the truth is, I can't think of any significant user experience that differs from when I had Android 4.0


I upgraded my S4 a couple of weeks ago with no problems

even my apps and data were retained :D

I love the cleaner interface

Battery life is the same as with Kitkat


I don't really notice much because I use Go Launcher but:

(1) I like the on screen notifications

(2) Xposed for ART is in Alpha or Beta - you can find it at XDA but I'd wait until the final release.

(3) I'm doing it through CM12 so no battery life issues.


I just arrived home with a totally flat battery, and plugged in my Galaxy S4 to charge. The phone was obviously tiurned off.

Now it tells me it is updating!! Is this the lonag awaited Pollilop? I hope not.

There is a warning not to turn off the phone so I will leave it to and see

Now off to bed to I will see in the morning (hopefully)


I just arrived home with a totally flat battery, and plugged in my Galaxy S4 to charge. The phone was obviously tiurned off.

Now it tells me it is updating!! Is this the lonag awaited Pollilop? I hope not.

There is a warning not to turn off the phone so I will leave it to and see

Now off to bed to I will see in the morning (hopefully)

SORRY guys. False Alarm

After plugging my phone in and getting the "updating Frimware do not turn off" message my phone as I stated above, it sat for 30 minutes, shut down and would not turn on, would not charge or do anything.

I thought I had a Galaxy s$ shaped brick on my hands.

Hours later after trying different chargers and removing batteries etc etc, I eventual;y got it to start charging normaly and when I pressed the power button it restarted with trusty ol Kit Kat 4.4.2.

I checked for updates and there were none. Howevber I note that accoring to Sammobile.com UK Galaxy S4 owners are getting Lollipop now.


Sometimes updates for Samsung apps like Samsung Account update takes ages till finish. Updates trough google play are a lot faster.


Dragonfly.. I got mine in the UK. But they were on lazada.com not sure if still on there!

I bought my GF's MotoGthrough a 3rd party Lazada seller out of Hong Kong. That is taking a bit of a chance as warranty might be invalid. My first generation MotoG 1033 was marked UK/FR. Delivery to my door was in less than 7 days.

There are also some HongKong based Ebay sellers of the MotoG with fairly reasonable prices...some even cover shipping...again, make sure you understand warranty issues.

The 8gb model is 1032, 16gb is 1033.


Kies told me that there is a new update for my S4

with Version OB8 for the PDA and CSC

as opposed to the old OA7

However when I tried to install Kies timed out saying it could not access the server for my model :bah:

So I went to SamsMobile and downloaded it there

and successfully flashed it with Odin


TF700t on Android 5.1.

I don't like it much....Kitkat was better, but maybe version 5.2 will fix the minor things.


TF700t on Android 5.1.

I don't like it much....Kitkat was better, but maybe version 5.2 will fix the minor things.

I agree but the problem with not liking it is that we have to get used to because even when you get a new phone it will have it on so cannot avoid it


TF700t on Android 5.1.

I don't like it much....Kitkat was better, but maybe version 5.2 will fix the minor things.

What minor things?


So now I've had Lollipop on the HTC for a few weeks been thinking more about this. My other phone is an Oppo Find7 which runs Oppo's ColorOS based on the aged Android KitKat.

So the question is; do I really notice any real difference, and the answer has to be No. Both work as advertised and apart from some minor improvements can't say I'm chomping at the bit for Oppo to get with the latest version.

Sometimes comparing, what is now a really old version of Android with the latest incarnation can be a little disappointing in terms of 'Wow' factor


Do any of you who have Lollipop loaded on your device have the option to store photos in RAW format?

I have a Sony Z3 Compact and Sony is slowly rolling out the Lollipop update (starting in Nordic countries) and it appears Sony devices won't have RAW photo as an option. I was just curious if other vendors are including it.


Do any of you who have Lollipop loaded on your device have the option to store photos in RAW format?

I have a Sony Z3 Compact and Sony is slowly rolling out the Lollipop update (starting in Nordic countries) and it appears Sony devices won't have RAW photo as an option. I was just curious if other vendors are including it.



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