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Bye Bye Europe - Exapats and Holiday Goers.

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Game over for Europeans. But why German pensioners aside ? Germany is on the Euro too.

They get massive pensions.

Not correct, the German Pension is calculated on the number of years you worked in Germany

if you only worked a few years or not at all you will not be entitled to a pension you only

entitled to social security which is not paid if you reside abroad

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A government pension that's enough to meet retirement requirements would be quite good for some people. Today 65,000 baht would be about $US1,850 per month. FWIW my US SS is about $US2,500 per month which is the most one can get if retired at age 66 which I did, just under the wire before they raised the age a bit.

SS is based on how much one paid in and can be almost nothing.

Some people of course have other pensions and investment income and savings but I'm wondering about German pension only.

Do all Germans get enough to match 65,000 baht pm? A lot of other people don't get nearly that much.

Average German state pension 1200E/month, maximum state pension 2500E/month

(Salary related) So 50Kbht-100Kbht a month.

in Germany one has to distinguish between social insurance (Rente), payments by company pension funds (Betriebsrente) and Pension (only for former government officials).

-the "Rente" is capped and based on former earnings as well as years of work and last salary.

-the "Betriebsrente" is not capped and based on contributions during working years.

-the "Pension" is not capped and based on the last rank as well as salary.

What bit of 'state pension' didn't you understand?

Because that's what we are posting about, not government staff pension, company pension or private pension.

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People have been talking about the death knell of tourism and expats since before I first visited Thailand in 97. Much less since I moved here in 03

Agree. It's as if certain people see their finances/lives going down the toilet, they then wish the same on others. But Thailand is rather resilient.

I would certainly love to see a weaker baht for my own personal benefit, but I can see why foreign currency keeps pouring into the country. It's actually becoming a safe haven, relative to everywhere else. With the BOT cutting rates, the baht should weaken a bit. And once the US Fed raises their rates, the US$ should be cruising.

Not forgetting farang jealousy against expats

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A government pension that's enough to meet retirement requirements would be quite good for some people. Today 65,000 baht would be about $US1,850 per month. FWIW my US SS is about $US2,500 per month which is the most one can get if retired at age 66 which I did, just under the wire before they raised the age a bit.

SS is based on how much one paid in and can be almost nothing.

Some people of course have other pensions and investment income and savings but I'm wondering about German pension only.

Do all Germans get enough to match 65,000 baht pm? A lot of other people don't get nearly that much.

Average German state pension 1200E/month, maximum state pension 2500E/month

(Salary related) So 50Kbht-100Kbht a month.

in Germany one has to distinguish between social insurance (Rente), payments by company pension funds (Betriebsrente) and Pension (only for former government officials).

-the "Rente" is capped and based on former earnings as well as years of work and last salary.

-the "Betriebsrente" is not capped and based on contributions during working years.

-the "Pension" is not capped and based on the last rank as well as salary.

What bit of 'state pension' didn't you understand?

Because that's what we are posting about, not government staff pension, company pension or private pension.

i understand that you have not the faintest idea about German pension schemes, e.g. there is no such thing like a "state pension".

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Game over for Europeans. But why German pensioners aside ? Germany is on the Euro too.

They get massive pensions.

Not correct, the German Pension is calculated on the number of years you worked in Germany

if you only worked a few years or not at all you will not be entitled to a pension you only

entitled to social security which is not paid if you reside abroad

unfortunately you are mixing up social insurance with welfare. moreover, the law concerning minimum years of working to be entitled has been changed years ago. anybody who worked, no matter how long, is entitled to receive social insurance payments according to paid contibutions.

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Average German state pension 1200E/month, maximum state pension 2500E/month

(Salary related) So 50Kbht-100Kbht a month.

in Germany one has to distinguish between social insurance (Rente), payments by company pension funds (Betriebsrente) and Pension (only for former government officials).

-the "Rente" is capped and based on former earnings as well as years of work and last salary.

-the "Betriebsrente" is not capped and based on contributions during working years.

-the "Pension" is not capped and based on the last rank as well as salary.

What bit of 'state pension' didn't you understand?

Because that's what we are posting about, not government staff pension, company pension or private pension.

i understand that you have not the faintest idea about German pension schemes, e.g. there is no such thing like a "state pension".

You call it 'rente' in (EU) English speaking countries it is called 'state pension'.

Pension derived by the government from compulsory deductions from your wage over your working life.

In Germany that is currently about a 20% deduction from their wage (apart from government employees where it is paid for them)

(German payout depends on wage and number of years paid, current average payout 1200E/month, max payout 2500E/month, pension age recently raised to age 66)

What bit of 'rente' don't I understand then?

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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I have no idea how many of the farang I saw out today were expats / tourists / retirees / working here etc.

That being said, I have never seen as many white faces out in this part of BKK in the last 13 years

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Well where all the money people who kissed the dollar good bye 2 years ago.

Please do not count America out and gone

The American Bankers and their controllers have done a great job

I heard all the rich from all the world want to come to America and are doing it now

"The American Bankers and their controllers have done a great job" blink.pnggiggle.gif

De-Dollarization Accelerates: Russia Launches SWIFT-Alternative Linking 91 Entities


Russia has crashed. The rubble has crashed. Oil has crashed. No one will accept rubble for anything. Russia has to do business in USD. Sanctions against Russia cut it off from swift.

You are seeing desperation from Russia, not strength.

" Sanctions against Russia cut it off from swift "

Oh really?giggle.gif

US plan to drop Russia from global banking system hilariously backfires

On Monday afternoon, not only did SWIFT NOT kick Russia out… but they announced that they were actually giving a BOARD SEAT to Russia.



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I'm glad to see the EUR/THB crisis has worried other too. I actually hadn't seen this conversation before I posted my own today:


As for myself I get my income in EUR to my Thai account and I'm getting around 20 000 baht less now than a few months ago so it's a very big deal for me! Also like some mentioned the inflation in Thailand seems ridiculous too. Can't believe that the inflation rate is supposed to be only around 2.5 %.

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Hmmm - some interesting claims here - lets look at how the Euro has fared against it's currency 'competition' over the last 12 months.








I dont care who you are, or how many Euros you're earning, anything you import is subject to at least 20% VAT - probably not such a big deal if you're a German dentist driving a Merc, but for everyone else tied to the currency those charts dont paint a happy picture. As someone who still has the bulk of his life savings in AUD, I can relate to some of the pain - the difference is that Oz isnt trying to bail out countries which have no intention of repaying their debts.

We germans got cheated while changing DM to Euro this is not for me the point.

Also not the value Euro to US, I give a damn of any tourists, who crying, caused they can't travelling overseas.

The weak Euro let the german economy running like hell.

The high US $ hits only the USA economy.

What really counts are the costs of living compare to your income in your home country.

In other words local purchasing power looking at this index in the links.

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Switzerland 170.74

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=United+States 142.13

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Germany 127.49

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Australia 126.83

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Luxembourg 121.72

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=United+Kingdom 112.27

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Norway 109.81

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=France 107.81

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Spain 91.48

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Poland 73.11

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Portugal 66.75

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Greece 65.26

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Romania 48.67

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Thailand 44.86

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Bulgaria 43.97

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Myanmar 28.48

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Cambodia 14.52

http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Laos 11.89

I will not comment this statistic, only 1 word the USA is overrated, as usual.

If their national boom in purchsing is gone, they will got to hell with this high $.

They cannot compete in any exports Airbus and a lot other companies are just happy about this situation and exporting like hell.

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Why is AMERICA so strong.....soon to be 1.00 against our once powerful EURO!!! I am doomed....I am doomed!!!

So sick of these good-looking, happy Americans who can live in California or NYC.....so arrogant and now their currency is the greatest!!! Why did we need them to help us in WW2.....we must get stronger, we are too weak!!!


Uncle Sam

I can wait until this bubble burst USA is bankrupt, they don't own their country anymore.

Let's do a proper financial statement for the US government, not just look at debts. The US government has close to 200 trillion dollars in assets to include land, oil on that land, vast tracts of timber, buildings and valuable city real estate all across the country, it owns most of Alaska , most of the State of Utah and others...

If it went on a selling spree you'd see something different.

A lot of people just don't realize how big the US is or how much wealth, even in the form of natural resources, exists in it.

People including bankers have been forecasting the collapse of the US and the dollar since I was a banker and Nixon changed the dollar in the early 1970's and most of those people are now dead and the dollar is still the place to be.

There is a reason that so many people all over the world try over and over to get into the USA. There is a reason that so many people have preferred to hold US dollars for decades. It is far far from perfect but in spite of all the doomsday predictions the USA is still an incredibly powerful economic force in the world....just imagine if we could manage to go a decade or so without spending a zillion bucks on various "conflicts" around the world and spent that money on upgrading USA infrastructure.

When Mr. Lewinsky resigned his job, the USA had zero debts, more the opposite, some money in the bank.

What made Mr. Colateral Demages after him, he made the USA bankrupt while involving the USA in unnecessary wars, but who care, as long the weapon industry runs like hell and filling the pockets of the

Real Rulers.


Yeah and Mr. Obamba is just a poor boy, he try to clean up the mess Mr. CD left him back.

In top soon the young brother of Mr. CD will getting in charge(in the worst case) just to increase the mess again, but for sure the weapon industry will running in the same time like hell and this is what the Real Rulers like.

I don't believe that the american folks will learn, I feel real sorry to them.

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Have to say I'm starting to watch EUR more closely. Haven't been a fan this century, but as we get closer to parity with USD I'm looking to see if there's a buying opportunity. Whether that's above or below parity I don't know. But it is looking interesting.

BTW Worth bearing in mind:

31 Dec 1999 the 2 currencies were almost at parity.

and EUR/USD:

7 Mar 1999 @ 1.0835

7 Mar 2015 @ 1.0843

So over that 15 year period to a few days ago they've ended up back where they started wink.png


Fletch smile.png

The game is still not over and will going vice versa IMO end of this year, but I' m just a simple man who care!!???

The USA set 1948 the course 1 $ = 4,20 DM this was lasting until the early 1960 and then the $ was falling like hell I still remember how the American soldiers cried after this impact.

Convert this course to Euro today means 1 $ = 2.1474 Euro simple said the $ is still far away from his best times.

Seen it this way the US $ is still far away from his best times

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Whoever leaves will be replaced, as always happens. The expat population in Thailand goes up every year. Maybe more Americans will be coming over. The dollar is doing fine and poised to do even better. And then there's the Chinese.

Quite correct , the colour of your money , is more important than the colour of your skin ,

Welcome, to Thailand , kap .wai2.gif

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Thank god that britain for once was diplomatically correct for not joining the euro money go round err i mean down.

are you blind/ Check the charts! As the POUND is connected to the EURO it hits both currencies. The reason for the strong Dollar is the idea to push economy (see zero interests)

In the moment America or Europe will start again with rising interest rates, economy will slow again. So for this year we will have a weak Euro, but probably not next year. For the long run I estimate a Euro around 40 baht and the Pound around 48-50 (as long they are EU member. If they leave EU the pound will drop down to 30 Baht or even less

Your saying the £ is connected to the Euro, but the Euro will increase by 20% and the £ will stay still

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Game over for Europeans. But why German pensioners aside ? Germany is on the Euro too.

They get massive pensions.

That is a baseless rumour.

20 years ago - yes. But already the reunion meant a 30% cut for those, who are now receiving a pension from the governmental pension system, because the eastern Mickey Mouse money was change 1:1 to German Mark with full pensions for the ex-communists.

The governmental pensions have been raised the last few years only by ridiculous small amounts.

Pension age was raised from 65 to 67, with huge deductions, if you retire before 67.

People with an average salary without a company pension can barely meet the requirements for retirement visa...

In general you are right, but you are not 100% updated.

1. Since 1. January 2014 you can go in pension with 63, when you paid minimum 45 years in the government pension fund, without any deduction.

For example my neighbour was car mechanic and was working almost 51 years and was good paid the entire working life, his last salary about 3200 € brutto.

He was going in pension in the age of 65 no deduction, his netto government pension 1400€.

Myself far away to reach the 45 working year can not go before 65.5 yo.

For sure I will not reach the Visa requirement only on my shit pension.

The only ppl who getting a massive pension from the government scheme are the ppl from Switzerland the rest of the world is just <deleted> up, compare to them.

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Well where all the money people who kissed the dollar good bye 2 years ago.

Please do not count America out and gone

The American Bankers and their controllers have done a great job

I heard all the rich from all the world want to come to America and are doing it now

"The American Bankers and their controllers have done a great job" blink.pnggiggle.gif

De-Dollarization Accelerates: Russia Launches SWIFT-Alternative Linking 91 Entities


Russia has crashed. The rubble has crashed. Oil has crashed. No one will accept rubble for anything. Russia has to do business in USD. Sanctions against Russia cut it off from swift.

You are seeing desperation from Russia, not strength.

I heard Russia hasn't even started to worry about what's going on, despite of the propaganda the US is sending into the world.


While oil prices were soaring, Russia amassed a pile of hard currency that most countries could only dream of. Just a year ago, foreign reserves held by its central bank stood at more than $515 billion, including tens of billions in energy export revenue pumped into two big sovereign wealth funds that invested the money in foreign government bonds and other overseas assets.

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Long stay holiday goers already rattled by the visa nonsense...

Is it game over for Europeans? Even Scandinavian currencies have been hit hard.

With the Russisns gone, is it game over for Thailand?

What does the sinking Euro have to do with "the visa nonsense?'

I've been hearing the "final nail in the coffin" nonsense for 15 or more years every time something happens. Undoubtedly it's a blow for Euro dependent expats, but not all of them are living here on just enough to survive. In all probability the European economies will recover and the Euro will regain at least some of its lost value in a few years. For those expats who have already invested in a home or condo and have settled in, it may mean some belt-tightening but they should be able to weather the cyclical hit to the Euro. Those who cannot survive a short-term exchange devaluation probably weren't contributing that much to the Thai economy anyway and it would be better for everyone if they returned to their debt-ridden home countries. It's the financial world's way of culling the weak.

The same will be true for the Russians and others. Problems get solved and what goes down can just as easily go back up.

The Thai economy has survived the 1997 financial crash, several coups, tsunamis, the bird flu, political unrest in Bangkok and in the south. Probably the survival of the Eurozone, deflation in western economies and massive debt in the west & a return to recession there are more compelling concern for game over in those economies.

Our Resident Thaier than Thai member want to add his usual apologist comments without reading the OP properly.

The Visa nonsense have nothing to do with the sinking Euro, only the visa nonsense ejected already planty of long stayers, and the decline of Euro and Ruble makes it only worse.

Indeed there has been talk about the final nail in the coffin for decades, but what we experience currently worldwide is a something we haven't seen for at least 80 years, and my guess is that it's gonna get only worse.


China's economy: It's worse than you think

China is the last big nail on the coffin for the world economy, but this is not China's false.

All the Companies, which source out to China destroying purchasing power in their own countries, on the end will be nobody left who buy this rubbish.

The rich who can still afford it, will not buying this $hit.

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The only chance the Euro has of surviving ,

Get rid of those countries in the EU, who do not contribute , but are constant takers .

Greece, Italy , Rumania , etc , to name just a few .

This system is similar to Social Security in Britain ,

where the Tax payers , feeds and shelters , the lame and lazy,

of which quite a few , live a good live in Thailand, on their UK . benefits. .wub.png

God bless , the German workers , and tax payers , EU , love you too bits .clap2.gifclap2.gif

May Queen Angela , reign over Europe , forever kap..wai2.gif

Edited by elliss
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A government pension that's enough to meet retirement requirements would be quite good for some people. Today 65,000 baht would be about $US1,850 per month. FWIW my US SS is about $US2,500 per month which is the most one can get if retired at age 66 which I did, just under the wire before they raised the age a bit.

SS is based on how much one paid in and can be almost nothing.

Some people of course have other pensions and investment income and savings but I'm wondering about German pension only.

Do all Germans get enough to match 65,000 baht pm? A lot of other people don't get nearly that much.

Average German state pension 1200E/month, maximum state pension 2500E/month

(Salary related) So 50Kbht-100Kbht a month.

The average pension in germany is under 1200 €, max. 1155 € some are only 1004 € like West Berlin depending on the province.


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I still remember how the American soldiers cried after this impact.

No, they were crying because they had the misfortune to be stationed in a grey country, and not Schofield Barracks. And the generals even wondered why, so long after WWII ended, did we need to even be in Europe.... If these folks can't (or won't) defend themselves by now, then who cares if they'll need to learn Cyrillic. Of course, maybe we were there to prevent a third 20th Century Teutonic plague....

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A government pension that's enough to meet retirement requirements would be quite good for some people. Today 65,000 baht would be about $US1,850 per month. FWIW my US SS is about $US2,500 per month which is the most one can get if retired at age 66 which I did, just under the wire before they raised the age a bit.

SS is based on how much one paid in and can be almost nothing.

Some people of course have other pensions and investment income and savings but I'm wondering about German pension only.

Do all Germans get enough to match 65,000 baht pm? A lot of other people don't get nearly that much.

Average German state pension 1200E/month, maximum state pension 2500E/month

(Salary related) So 50Kbht-100Kbht a month.

in Germany one has to distinguish between social insurance (Rente), payments by company pension funds (Betriebsrente) and Pension (only for former government officials).

-the "Rente" is capped and based on former earnings as well as years of work and last salary.

-the "Betriebsrente" is not capped and based on contributions during working years.

-the "Pension" is not capped and based on the last rank as well as salary.

You are only partly right:

The "Rente" is capped and based on former earnings and working years, but not on the last salary.

The Betriebsrente is not capped and is and based on contributions during working years. So far ok, but there is a hook. If the company paid 100% in the Betriebsrente fund, then you can be <deleted> up.

If the Rente and the Betriebrente reach together a certain amount, then the government Rente will be reduced.

The Pension is not capped, the employees don't pay 1 satang in the fund and the government not at all, the Pensions are paid out of the actually household budgets(this is an ticking timebomb already). This Pension depending only on your working years and your last rank = salary.

The Pension system should be cancelled already, but guess why not, all the politicians getting paid after this Scheme.

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Not just the Euro, this has been brewing for the Pound for a while . . .


I wonder when the people gone realize that those greedy bankers have messed up so much for a century or more, that they really see no way out of it anymore.

The crisis started end of 2007, but what we have seen so far is only the beginning, of what will be a very messy thing.

I know Anthony will be ridiculed for this by some wealthy members on this forum, we all know who they are, but the only way this can be solved is with a 3rd world war, which actually was started on purpose about the same time as the economic crisis.

Edited by Anthony5
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A government pension that's enough to meet retirement requirements would be quite good for some people. Today 65,000 baht would be about $US1,850 per month. FWIW my US SS is about $US2,500 per month which is the most one can get if retired at age 66 which I did, just under the wire before they raised the age a bit.

SS is based on how much one paid in and can be almost nothing.

Some people of course have other pensions and investment income and savings but I'm wondering about German pension only.

Do all Germans get enough to match 65,000 baht pm? A lot of other people don't get nearly that much.

Average German state pension 1200E/month, maximum state pension 2500E/month

(Salary related) So 50Kbht-100Kbht a month.

in Germany one has to distinguish between social insurance (Rente), payments by company pension funds (Betriebsrente) and Pension (only for former government officials).

-the "Rente" is capped and based on former earnings as well as years of work and last salary.

-the "Betriebsrente" is not capped and based on contributions during working years.

-the "Pension" is not capped and based on the last rank as well as salary.

What bit of 'state pension' didn't you understand?

Because that's what we are posting about, not government staff pension, company pension or private pension.

On the end counts only what is left in the pocket, does'nt matter how you call it.

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Average German state pension 1200E/month, maximum state pension 2500E/month

(Salary related) So 50Kbht-100Kbht a month.

in Germany one has to distinguish between social insurance (Rente), payments by company pension funds (Betriebsrente) and Pension (only for former government officials).

-the "Rente" is capped and based on former earnings as well as years of work and last salary.

-the "Betriebsrente" is not capped and based on contributions during working years.

-the "Pension" is not capped and based on the last rank as well as salary.

What bit of 'state pension' didn't you understand?

Because that's what we are posting about, not government staff pension, company pension or private pension.

i understand that you have not the faintest idea about German pension schemes, e.g. there is no such thing like a "state pension".

I beg your pardon you are not right, there is a state pension and provinces pensions.

Depending where you working, and on your Status "Beamter" only ppl with this Status are in the Pension scheme in germany.

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in Germany one has to distinguish between social insurance (Rente), payments by company pension funds (Betriebsrente) and Pension (only for former government officials).

-the "Rente" is capped and based on former earnings as well as years of work and last salary.

-the "Betriebsrente" is not capped and based on contributions during working years.

-the "Pension" is not capped and based on the last rank as well as salary.

What bit of 'state pension' didn't you understand?

Because that's what we are posting about, not government staff pension, company pension or private pension.

i understand that you have not the faintest idea about German pension schemes, e.g. there is no such thing like a "state pension".

You call it 'rente' in (EU) English speaking countries it is called 'state pension'.

Pension derived by the government from compulsory deductions from your wage over your working life.

In Germany that is currently about a 20% deduction from their wage (apart from government employees where it is paid for them)

(German payout depends on wage and number of years paid, current average payout 1200E/month, max payout 2500E/month, pension age recently raised to age 66)

What bit of 'rente' don't I understand then?

1 more with half knowledge from this 20% pay the employer 50% deduction from your wage only 10%.

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Thank god that britain for once was diplomatically correct for not joining the euro money go round err i mean down.

are you blind/ Check the charts! As the POUND is connected to the EURO it hits both currencies. The reason for the strong Dollar is the idea to push economy (see zero interests)

In the moment America or Europe will start again with rising interest rates, economy will slow again. So for this year we will have a weak Euro, but probably not next year. For the long run I estimate a Euro around 40 baht and the Pound around 48-50 (as long they are EU member. If they leave EU the pound will drop down to 30 Baht or even less

Your saying the £ is connected to the Euro, but the Euro will increase by 20% and the £ will stay still

I guess(hope) the € will be end 2016 + 50THB this is a must, caused then I will getting my pension(Rente). whistling.gifgiggle.gifcheesy.gif

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The only chance the Euro has of surviving ,

Get rid of those countries in the EU, who do not contribute , but are constant takers .

Greece, Italy , Rumania , etc , to name just a few .

This system is similar to Social Security in Britain ,

where the Tax payers , feeds and shelters , the lame and lazy,

of which quite a few , live a good live in Thailand, on their UK . benefits. .wub.png

God bless , the German workers , and tax payers , EU , love you too bits .clap2.gifclap2.gif

May Queen Angela , reign over Europe , forever kap..wai2.gif

The problem in EU the banana states having to many votes they will protect each other.

There is only 1 way the germans should leave them alone, and giving a damn about their votes.

"Money rules the world" the same should be in EU, votes should only be given on the amount of the netto payment.

In this case I mean also the UK whiners. whistling.gif

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