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Prayuth offers to ban himself from post-coup senate


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Wow, so many people on this forum do not seem to like or trust this PM.

Did all of you trust the last PM, and her brother as well when he was the PM?

I know that a lot of Red shirt supporters seem to be on this forum, just

from reading all the comments, since Ms. Yingluck and her bunch were finally

tossed from power. What I do not get is how so many of you feel that the

coup was not necessary! Do all of you wished that the situation would

keep on going until there was a full civil war, before it got stopped by the

coup. Look what is going on in Syria, protest getting out of control, country

going out of control, and now 5 years of civil war, and so much of Syria

bombed beyond belief. Look at Libya, and those other countries where

the peaceful situation has gone bye bye, and replaced by the war in Libya as well.

Maybe Thailand is not a perfect country where the civilians have gotten

a perfect democratic government, but it is sure a lot better off than some

parts of the world.

Just my 2 cents worth on this subject.

I just hope that the Thailand Baht is more like 30 baht to the Canadian dollar by next Winter.

Then I will believe that the Thai currency is not being jacked up for what ever

reason it is now.

Please don't believe that everyone who dislikes this regime is a Red Shirt. I have posted negative remarks about the PM but that in no way makes me Red.

What you say about civil unrest is perfectly valid but wouldn't it be great if there was a strong constitution and judicial system that could keep a government in check if they tried to abuse their position of power instead of coup after coup? I know the PM says he is dealing with all of this for the better of the country but as I said in my previous post, actions speak louder than words. I personally don't believe that having a fully appointed senate is a very democratic thing especially as half will be appointed by a "council of experts". Who are these experts? The other half appointed from previous prime ministers and commanders of the armed forces. Do you reckon that any of the Red former PMs will be invited to join? With the rest made up from the type of people that support the coup I reckon the senate will be pretty biased.

Whether any of us like it or not, a good portion of this country support the side that is currently being isolated and pushed out of the whole process. That can't be a good thing for any future peace. What will these masses of poor people do when their vote will no longer count as the system is rigged against them?

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He took power from an elected government. He should not have the option to stay on in any capacity. His offer should be taken at once.

Correction. You mean he took power from a Vote-buying government,....

Have you ever lived down south? Corruption and vote buying is more prevalent than it is in Issan or else where in Thailand!

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