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It's a deadly cocktail that happens over here. Thailand attracts more than it's fair share of struggling people: men coming out of a failed marriage, men who have found themselves unemployed and unemployable, men who have never really been able to make a go of it back home. They arrive dreaming of a land of friendly, young and beautiful women, sunny beaches, welcoming locals. They may even be convinced in their first few weeks or months that their dream has come true, that they've made their escape to paradise. But no place can meet such unrealistic expectations, and they end up disconsolate and devastated ... they if their dream of paradise turned out to be a mirage and there's nothing left at home, where else to go? Many of them have probably left their friends behind, maybe even burned their bridges, and find themselves themselves alone in an alien land (I wonder how many have really even experienced drastically different cultures before they come here). So it's not surprising that we read of these things week after week, though sad nonetheless.

While I agree in part, it is still a generalization that all struggling people would contemplate suicide if it doesn't work out. I've had my fair share of the above, but it never deterred me from making the most of what I have here. Maybe, because I'm healthy, I'm not alone or lonely.

Definitely. Didn't mean to suggest that this applies to everyone. Just giving my opinion as to why the suicide rate among the white male 'community' here may be higher than in N America, Europe, or OZ/NZ. Talking probabilities only. And you're right - having a social support network can literally be a life saver for people.

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I love how some idiots here think this man had rational thought at that moment.

I must say I've always had the impression that suicides tend to be done in moments of calm and clarity (perhaps too much clarity) rather than a state of delirium. It's an interesting question.

Whatever the circumstances, I find it hard to believe that anyone can be so out of control as to kill themselves willy-nilly on the spot. More likely he wanted to make it public.


RIP this unfortunate soul his mind must have been in turmoil to fight the survival instinct. I have been very sad a huge number of times in Swampy and Donmang, the feeling is awful.The airport is full and yet your the loneliest man on the planet, but you have to go save some more and come back.I pray for his family.

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he was alerted of the jump right after it happened and informed the Samitivej Hospital to rush an emergency medical team to the scene

Doesn't bode well for travelers that there is apparently no emergency medical team available at the this supposed international hub of aviation. ermm.gif

What's the response time from Samitivej to the airport?

There is one. Watch 'Bangkok Airport' to enlighten yourself.

If there is one then why are the authorities informing a hospital to send one?

he was alerted of the jump right after it happened and informed the Samitivej Hospital to rush an emergency medical team to the scene

Doesn't bode well for travelers that there is apparently no emergency medical team available at the this supposed international hub of aviation. ermm.gif

What's the response time from Samitivej to the airport?

There are at least three Samitivej hospitals - one at the airport.

They have medical facilities on the lower floor - so I guess this is what was meant in the report.

Ahh... thank you.

So the lousy-as-usual reporting in the Thaivsisa News OP is the culprit. :bah:

Seriously, why couldn't they have simply worded that information in a much clearer and concise manner?

he was alerted of the jump right after it happened and informed the Samitivej Hospital to rush an emergency medical team to the scene

Doesn't bode well for travelers that there is apparently no emergency medical team available at the this supposed international hub of aviation. ermm.gif

What's the response time from Samitivej to the airport?

Samitivej are one of the providers of medical services within the airport - so response time should have been minutes


Thank you guys.

Thaivisa News should hire people like you that can express themselves clearly.


The jumper never contemplated what kind of trauma onlookers will have for many years to come. Why do they have to do their selfish act in such a public place? I know they probably have lost the will to live through extremely sad circumstances, but the majority of us have chosen to die of natural causes many years from now.

Enlighten me, please.

From where do you get the power to choose to die of natural causes many years from now?

Most of us hang in there for as long as we can. Choice doesn't come into it.

What I have observed is the opposite of what you claim.

While my opinion is only biased on a sample of between 300 and 500 people (I don't keep count)I would suggest that the events are statically significant. Most of the people were elderly (90% between the ages of 65 and 104). A rough estimate would be that less than 15% of these people died without warning(ie in their sleep ) or had been kept of life support until after death.

Most people choose to terminate life prolonging treatment when their situation reaches a certain point. Some times this takes the form of refusal of treatment or where relatives as a result of knowing the wishes of the person, an enduring power of attorney, end wish documentation treatment is ceased. Some times people choose not to treat a particular condition that is very treatable to change outcomes. A case in point was a woman who had stomach cancer declined treatment for an infection that could have easily been controlled with ABs. She died in 48 hours rather than the months of suffering she would have endured.

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Poor Man, we never know what goes on in Peoples Minds..

Especially if someone is mentally ill.

Many mentally ill people commit suicide as a result of severe depression.

There are more people around us with various mental disorders than we might think.

In most cases they look like normal people.

Not in this case thou...90x90xphoto-thumb-54052.jpg,q_r=14003272smile.png

i see what you did there, oh what fun it is to mock the dead.


3-4 a year on same spot, sound suppernaturel, something about that place , like the bridge in scotland or england where the dogs always jump off.

need to be investigated, not by the thai police offcourse

You actually managed to beat the "must have been the girlfriend" crowd, the supernatural angle is a new one to explain why someone who didn't work things out in LOS took this terrible way out.


Sad to hear off yet another suicide. Or is that the wrong term to use as so many TVF detectives are 100% sure there is no such thing in Thailand, only murders.

And hard to believe there is a bridge somewhere in the UK that dogs always jump off. The forum is getting spooky now.


3-4 a year on same spot, sound suppernaturel, something about that place , like the bridge in scotland or england where the dogs always jump off.

need to be investigated, not by the thai police offcourse

You actually managed to beat the "must have been the girlfriend" crowd, the supernatural angle is a new one to explain why someone who didn't work things out in LOS took this terrible way out.


Sad to hear off yet another suicide. Or is that the wrong term to use as so many TVF detectives are 100% sure there is no such thing in Thailand, only murders.

And hard to believe there is a bridge somewhere in the UK that dogs always jump off. The forum is getting spooky now.

Saw the explanation for the dogs jumping on a tv doco.

It is a case of the walls of the bridge are too high for the dogs to realise they are in an elevated position as they have just been walking at what is normal ground level until they cross the bridge, down in the stream or on the banks below the bridge are some kind of animal a stoat or something. The dogs get a wiff of the animal below, instinct takes over, and over they go.

It has taken something like 100 years to figure this one out, this time frame being significant as prior to around 100 years ago no dogs were jumping as the animals below the bridge had not arrived in the area.

Believe it or not?


I saw it on the news this morning. Also the site where an 19 year-old Thai girl hanged herself from the ceiling fan was on.

How nice of them to show us such things (note my sarcasm).

Thailand can certainly be a troubling place for foreigners. Lose everything here. Nothing to go back to.

Such a pity.


I want to unsee that video, like i want to unsee the pictures of Hannah on Koh Tao. But i looked at them, because in a small way it made me appreciate my life a wee bit more. In a selfish way i respect my time on this earth, and i would never want my family to see me in that way.

Imagine what his family is going through right now. I hope they have not seen that vid. It is so sad that private tragedy is so available on the internet these day. And we watch it. Like rubbernecking a car crash. Because we think it would never happen to us, but it can and probably will at some point. And some bastard is going to film it and get 500,000 likes on You Tube or Fussybook.


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This is very sad. I don't know if this frequent jumping habit speaks more of Thailand or Western counties.

... or an inherent incompatibility between the two.

Gut wrenching irreconcilable cultural differences and misunderstandings.

I am deeply saddened by this story.

"There, but for the grace of God, go I."

I don't want to sound 'holier than thou' ....but all mental anguish stems from attachments. Whether or not a person is a Buddhist, that's the bottom line. Attachments nearly always revolve around mental sphere: of lacking. I talk with depressed middle aged farang nearly every day, some of whom mention suicide. Attachments are always a core factor. Here is a partial list of attachments, one or more afflict nearly everyone:

>>> attachment to idea of idealized romance

>>> attachment to sexual (and other sensual) gratification

>>> attachment to idea of ideal marital/companion/lover union

>>> attachment to money, scared of not having enough of the stuff.

>>> attachment to wanting fame, or at least recognition, appreciation for one's talents

>>> attachment to a self-image which is perceived better (thinner, younger-looking, Brad Pitt, etc)

>>> attachment to youthful times, lamenting getting old, infirm.

>>> attachment to security. Scared of the unknown

>>> attachment to beliefs in hocus pocus; astrology, ghosts, destiny,

People are generally rather frail and immature psychically. Perhaps in 15,000 years, our species will evolve to be mentally stronger, I don't know. I've also noticed that the more people are out-of-touch with nature, the more likely they'll be psychically weak. For example: compare a farmgirl, growing up with chores related to the farm, and a girl, same age, growing up in the city, going often to the mall, staring at her hand-held device for hours, with katoy all over the place. Which girl do you think will be psychically stronger?


Its a totally selfish act and the ultimate 'look at me' to do this in such a very public place. He obviously didnt think about how his actions might affect others. Shame on him.

In truth it is your comment that is extremely selfish and not thought through... I trust you have second opinions... The man was obviously in big trouble, and needed help. He did not try to make an exhibition of himself. He is now dead, have some respect.
Respect what exactly? Should have never been allowed to leave his mothers apron strings.

Some people can be so arrogant (like you) It's a damn shame when people give up on life, because it's so precious, but sometimes it happens, I trust you will never see it or experience it.
Already died 3 times because of injuries sustained and blood loss thanks. Grateful to the surgeons that zapped me back to life, pumped me full of blood and screwed me back together. It's not arrogance. It's called people taking responsibility for themselves. Too many PC namby pamby fairy tree huggers in the world. Get a grip of yourself, crikey.

Just noticed you're an ex vet. Well I'm a 21 year served ex British Army invalided out of service one year before normal retirement. As a war pensioner I picked myself up, dusted myself down, went through years of painful rehabilitation and got back on with life. Takes all sorts to make a world.

I'll bet you wouldn't be too happy if one of these jumpers happened to land on your bonce one day...just sayin'.


Walter entered Thailand on February 15 and was scheduled to leave on March 16.

Too much "Thainess" maybe?


Very sad when people do this. How desperate must someone be to end it all like this?

And 3 to 4 a year from the same spot? Maybe the need higher railings or box them in.

Yeah right Try and stop a wack job from offing themselves by building a fence. Why not have loud speakers blaring don't do it or stand back from edge or die.


I distinctly remember the airport authorities one or two years ago saying that there were too many Westerners doing this exact same thing in this exact same place and that they were going to put up glass walls to prevent it. They even quoted the budget they had obtained, so what happened? They forgot about it? They found another "use" for the money?


3 or 4 a year. A long way to go to catch up Pattaya , the brothel of Thailand and the most popular place to take the final plunge . I wonder if the reason behind these suicides will ever be found.

Right, a single location at Swampy vs a city of 300K locals that can swell to 500K+ in a genuine high season - sounds like a fair comparison to me.

I dont normally quote Tim Shark, and he's a man with his own issues, but this rings true with me : 'the only way to survive Pattaya is to accept that none of it is real'. I believe that many on this board take Pattaya far too seriously, particularly those who have no pressing need to ever set foot in the town. Men killing themselves over whores ? Not in 2015, and not if you go back and read the accounts published here over the last 6-12 months. It's money, or lack thereof, combined with deteriorating physical and mental health, and I extend that to any situation where you find yourself on a balcony with someone who is more interested in your money than your physical health.


People, it us just a numbers game. A certain proportion of any given group of people will commit suicide. Foreign tourust in Thailand amount to 13-15 million a year. Ergo there will be a large number of suicides. There will also be many killed on the roads. Many will die of natural causes, and yes, some will be murdered. The more tourists the higher the number. Why the airport....emotions run high before a journey and there is a convenient place to jump.

One thing though. There was a story on here last year that due to the high number of suicides from this very spot the authorities had announced they were going to put in a higher fence. They should do that. I wouldnt want my little one to see someone do that.

The way the conspiracy theorists bang on. Get a life. If you want to bang on phone up the airport authorities and suggest a higher fence.


Check out the suicide rate in Japan. I think that it averages more than 30 per day. The ones who dive in front of trains can cause the line to stop for around two hours. Suicide is generally not considered shameful there, in fact it often considered an honorable way out.


Why do this at an airport? Are they that sad to be leaving?

There is always one p*ick

A sick joke, but not as sick a leaving yourself as a broken, bleeding mess on the floor for some poor muggins to scrape up.


maybe rather then anguish at leaving he was disillusioned at what he saw or what he had become.

drinking and whoring in late middle age is not everyones vision of paradise. many people hope to find something more meaningful by that time.


The bright side is that everyone is a wonderful person after they are dead. You never hear someone say...he was an ahole...good riddance. Apparently only wonderful nice people die.

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The bright side is that everyone is a wonderful person after they are dead. You never hear someone say...he was an ahole...good riddance. Apparently only wonderful nice people die.

Good to hear Knobjockeys must live forever.


Thailand , the hub of suicides .

Sorry had to be said by someone at some point.

RIP to this man , but why Oh why ????


Very sad when people do this. How desperate must someone be to end it all like this?

And 3 to 4 a year from the same spot? Maybe the need higher railings or box them in.

And who is to pay for these railings? How many Brits jumped off Beachy Head, should it be off limits to all?

And the walk/bike path on the Golden Gate Bridge. Close it because of the actions of the desperate few?

If somebody really wants to snuff it they will. In the US blokes use firearms, one can buy them at WalMart.

What of personal responsibility? Close all National parks because of the cliffs and crags? Rubbish.

For pete's sake if one fell off an escalator at Maya shopping mall in Chiang Mai you'd be done.

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Has anyone heard of the Hemlock Society in the USA? Suicide is not necessarily selfish or morally wrong. US Navy Adm. Chester Nimitz and his wife committed suicide together when their health got so bad that they didn't want to go on. As I remember, their children went along with their decision.

Also, a friend of mine wrote his dissertation on the subject of suicide in Japan. There, in many situations it is considered an honorable way out. I believe that persons in mental anguish should be provided with counseling but that it is not always wrong when a person decides to end it.


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Poor Man, we never know what goes on in Peoples Minds..

Indeed, and we never know how disrespectful some people can be

of other's tragedies. Here is the clip of the poor man jumping.

The sound that follows his action is disgusting, like it is funny xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.5zxzyGiJz0QtCbTr9O

In 2008 I had a wee puff rolleyes.gif right where this unfortunate soul jumped, on The EXACT spot he chose to go over the proverbial top.

Noone was around at the time, a pause in the action as it were. . at the time, I was attempting to be "stealthy" in my little endeavor, so I walked over that a way..and whilst there for a mere minute indulging, I looked over the edge, then contemplated bitterly, that if anyone went over they were done..it's a long way down Bro, and nothing but concrete in sight. Paved paradise indeed, put up a parking lot..

A Canadian guy also went over in 2014 at the exact spot. Kenneth was his name. He was older. The picture in the paper was of all Kenneth's baggage he left behind, on a push cart no less, no pun intended. There were 3 suitcases, contents unknown..

When I used to butterfly a little back in the day, I came to Swampy to return home, chagrined, very depressed about a right decent Thai woman I had dumped for a floozie..but I never contemplated the jump. On the scale of one to ten in terms of being miserable, I guess I was about a seven? There was no self medicating either, to bring it down a notch or two.

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