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German tourist’s suicide jump at Suvanarbhumi airport

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No sympathy. Totally selfish act, not thinking of the trauma or effect it could have on any eye witnesses, the unfortunate clean up party or grieving friends and family. Pathetic Individual.

A lot of guys would wish they were in the (physical) shape this guy was in, right until he went over..

I wonder what went through his tortured mind, as he leaped over and into oblivion, in such an athletic style?

What a waste.

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Its a totally selfish act and the ultimate 'look at me' to do this in such a very public place. He obviously didnt think about how his actions might affect others. Shame on him.

Wow, at that point in the game, you wouldn't give a toss about how your actions might affect others, would you? What would make you think that paradigm would come into the equation?

The fact that hundreds of farang jump annually in Thailand means they don't care about others at some level. At what point do you think his "feelings" about others would kick in? I would say just about the time he did the 180 over the railing.

And I don't think he was hearing "Shame on you" from NCFC as he went down either Bro.

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Its a totally selfish act and the ultimate 'look at me' to do this in such a very public place. He obviously didnt think about how his actions might affect others. Shame on him.

Clearly the part of your brain that controls feelings of empathy and sympathy is in some way faulty.

Thanks for stating it better than I couldthumbsup.gif

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Suiciders are selfish and cowards and those who do it for everyone to witness are X2. No sympathy for losers.

Do you consider special needs people as losers? I mean, they don't contribute much to the GNP, but is that all that counts? You must be a winner, but please don't lord it over the rest of us peons..sad.png

Pretty please?

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3-4 a year on same spot, sound suppernaturel, something about that place , like the bridge in scotland or england where the dogs always jump off.

need to be investigated, not by the thai police offcourse

Pee Lork! Mahk Mahkcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif !! There is nothing on this planet that I care about enough to do something as stupid as this............if there was, I'd pbly just get drunk and go to sleep, wake up feeling lousy and fagetaboutit.........

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maybe rather then anguish at leaving he was disillusioned at what he saw or what he had become.

drinking and whoring in late middle age is not everyones vision of paradise. many people hope to find something more meaningful by that time.

Right, and these are the only conceivable reasons for a man to commit suicide in Thailand ? Couldn't be money or relationship problems, or the fact that he's going back to a job he loathes in a town he loathes ? Ask the people here who've gone through a messy divorce how 'meaningful' they think marriage and kids were when they had their kids taken from them by the courts.

Let's not leap to the usual conclusions - his earthly problems are over but ours are a gift that keeps on giving. If you've never sat in the departure lounge at either airport wishing you were dead, then i can only envy you.

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maybe rather then anguish at leaving he was disillusioned at what he saw or what he had become.

drinking and whoring in late middle age is not everyones vision of paradise. many people hope to find something more meaningful by that time.

Right, and these are the only conceivable reasons for a man to commit suicide in Thailand ? Couldn't be money or relationship problems, or the fact that he's going back to a job he loathes in a town he loathes ? Ask the people here who've gone through a messy divorce how 'meaningful' they think marriage and kids were when they had their kids taken from them by the courts.

Let's not leap to the usual conclusions - his earthly problems are over but ours are a gift that keeps on giving. If you've never sat in the departure lounge at either airport wishing you were dead, then i can only envy you.

He certainly lept to a conclusion.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Poor Man, we never know what goes on in Peoples Minds..

Indeed, and we never know how disrespectful some people can be

of other's tragedies. Here is the clip of the poor man jumping.

The sound that follows his action is disgusting, like it is funny xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.5zxzyGiJz0QtCbTr9O

How can that be the clip? The security camera, if that is what it was moved and followed him. Does that mean he was being monitored? Or was this a dynamic tracking security camera?

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Has anyone heard of the Hemlock Society in the USA? Suicide is not necessarily selfish or morally wrong. US Navy Adm. Chester Nimitz and his wife committed suicide together when their health got so bad that they didn't want to go on. As I remember, their children went along with their decision.

Also, a friend of mine wrote his dissertation on the subject of suicide in Japan. There, in many situations it is considered an honorable way out. I believe that persons in mental anguish should be provided with counseling but that it is not always wrong when a person decides to end it.

I had to look this up because I was pretty sure Adm Nimitz Sr of world war 2 Pacific Naval operations fame did not commit suicide. It was his son, Rear Admiral Nimitz and wife that did in 2002.

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Thailand is fast becoming the capital country for all sorts of tourist and expats death, nary a day goes

by without one tourist or two of any description meeting their demise in a myriad of ways,

It's almost like they come here to die in paradise or to fulfill a death wish... paradise lost...

A million ways to die in Thailand...

I do not think they have a death wish but thinking Thailand is so wonderful and after arrival and a few weeks here thay discover it isn't the cure all they thought it would be. Then they take the un reversable of death without ever understanding it is them with the problem not Thailand.

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Guess there's something imprinted in most Farangs' minds what sociologists call "success theme". It is measured in money, more precisely: available money.

Many Farangs come to Thailand, promise their Thai ladies a rose garden, and thell folks back home they've finally got it made. Only to find out that they are slightly but permanently getting expropriated. So they will never be able to keep their promises, neither to their Thai partners nor to their folks back at home. And then they lose face.

Airports make perfect zones to realize that you got trapped between expectations, promises and reality. No way out, so you just jump.

Edited by micmichd
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Its a totally selfish act and the ultimate 'look at me' to do this in such a very public place. He obviously didnt think about how his actions might affect others. Shame on him.

Actually, not everyone that kills themselves "commit suicide".

A close relative hung himself a few years ago.

The coroner did not rule it as suicide. He said, the side effects from the prescription medication he was taking were what caused it.

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Yes, "suicide" is a doubtful label.

In many cases people call the ambulance *before* they take a deadly overdose of medicine. These should be regarded as unheard cries for help or just accidents caused by unadequate logistics.

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Its a totally selfish act and the ultimate 'look at me' to do this in such a very public place. He obviously didnt think about how his actions might affect others. Shame on him.

Actually, not everyone that kills themselves "commit suicide".

A close relative hung himself a few years ago.

The coroner did not rule it as suicide. He said, the side effects from the prescription medication he was taking were what caused it.

So it was actually a doctor that killed him with medical prescription.

I almost stumbled to death in BKK from the side effects of medicine on prescription, and without the help of my gf, my death would perhaps have been labelled as "suicide"

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Thailand is fast becoming the capital country for all sorts of tourist and expats death, nary a day goes

by without one tourist or two of any description meeting their demise in a myriad of ways,

It's almost like they come here to die in paradise or to fulfill a death wish... paradise lost...

A million ways to die in Thailand...

Can't do any of these acts in any other country?

Seems something wrong for sure, but definitely NOT in Thailand.

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Its a totally selfish act and the ultimate 'look at me' to do this in such a very public place. He obviously didnt think about how his actions might affect others. Shame on him.

Clearly the part of your brain that controls feelings of empathy and sympathy is in some way faulty.

Thanks for stating it better than I couldthumbsup.gif

Nature has a way of dealing with abnormalities. It's called natural selection. Why fawn over some loser that can't deal with realities of life? Go and be a dogooder in Syria or Gaza. It might toughen you up a bit.

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Its a totally selfish act and the ultimate 'look at me' to do this in such a very public place. He obviously didnt think about how his actions might affect others. Shame on him.

Clearly the part of your brain that controls feelings of empathy and sympathy is in some way faulty.

Thanks for stating it better than I couldthumbsup.gif

Nature has a way of dealing with abnormalities. It's called natural selection. Why fawn over some loser that can't deal with realities of life? Go and be a dogooder in Syria or Gaza. It might toughen you up a bit.

Try and be a do gooder all the time, thumbsup.gif

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Its a totally selfish act and the ultimate 'look at me' to do this in such a very public place. He obviously didnt think about how his actions might affect others. Shame on him.
Clearly the part of your brain that controls feelings of empathy and sympathy is in some way faulty.

Thanks for stating it better than I couldthumbsup.gif

Nature has a way of dealing with abnormalities. It's called natural selection. Why fawn over some loser that can't deal with realities of life? Go and be a dogooder in Syria or Gaza. It might toughen you up a bit.

Try and be a do gooder all the time, thumbsup.gif

Yup, currently helping out a friend of a friend that had a stroke after recovering from a heart attack. He's paralyzed on most of his left side. Out in the sticks, 30km from my home. I sit and talk with him for hours on end several times a week, help with a bit of massage, ice for his swollen feet and physiotherapy. I've got him set up with fast internet and now he's got a better quality of life than before.

Almost forgot, my older sisters husband wallowed in self pity and ran an exhaust pipe into his car. My younger sister found his body, contorted in agony from the carbon monoxide poisoning. A long time ago now, but she's had to deal with that grim discovery ever since. Malcolm his name, left a son and 3 daughters behind. Darren, Leanne, Suzanne and Lauren.

Edited by watso63
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Its a totally selfish act and the ultimate 'look at me' to do this in such a very public place. He obviously didnt think about how his actions might affect others. Shame on him.
Clearly the part of your brain that controls feelings of empathy and sympathy is in some way faulty.

Thanks for stating it better than I couldthumbsup.gif

Nature has a way of dealing with abnormalities. It's called natural selection. Why fawn over some loser that can't deal with realities of life? Go and be a dogooder in Syria or Gaza. It might toughen you up a bit.

Try and be a do gooder all the time, thumbsup.gif

Yup, currently helping out a friend of a friend that had a stroke after recovering from a heart attack. He's paralyzed on most of his left side. Out in the sticks, 30km from my home. I sit and talk with him for hours on end several times a week, help with a bit of massage, ice for his swollen feet and physiotherapy. I've got him set up with fast internet and now he's got a better quality of life than before.

Almost forgot, my older sisters husband wallowed in self pity and ran an exhaust pipe into his car. My younger sister found his body, contorted in agony from the carbon monoxide poisoning. A long time ago now, but she's had to deal with that grim discovery ever since. Malcolm his name, left a son and 3 daughters behind. Darren, Leanne, Suzanne and Lauren.

You seem a bit hard one minute, and soft the rest, like about half of us I'd guess..thumbsup.gif over 40 that is.

I knew a Malcolm from England. Back in 1982, when Terry Fox was running on one leg across Canada, Malcolm called him a phony, self-promoter. We agreed to disagree.

Oh that Malcolm

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Its a totally selfish act and the ultimate 'look at me' to do this in such a very public place. He obviously didnt think about how his actions might affect others. Shame on him.
Clearly the part of your brain that controls feelings of empathy and sympathy is in some way faulty.

Thanks for stating it better than I couldthumbsup.gif

Nature has a way of dealing with abnormalities. It's called natural selection. Why fawn over some loser that can't deal with realities of life? Go and be a dogooder in Syria or Gaza. It might toughen you up a bit.

Try and be a do gooder all the time, thumbsup.gif

Yup, currently helping out a friend of a friend that had a stroke after recovering from a heart attack. He's paralyzed on most of his left side. Out in the sticks, 30km from my home. I sit and talk with him for hours on end several times a week, help with a bit of massage, ice for his swollen feet and physiotherapy. I've got him set up with fast internet and now he's got a better quality of life than before.

Almost forgot, my older sisters husband wallowed in self pity and ran an exhaust pipe into his car. My younger sister found his body, contorted in agony from the carbon monoxide poisoning. A long time ago now, but she's had to deal with that grim discovery ever since. Malcolm his name, left a son and 3 daughters behind. Darren, Leanne, Suzanne and Lauren.

You seem a bit hard one minute, and soft the rest, like about half of us I'd guess..thumbsup.gif over 40 that is.

I knew a Malcolm from England. Back in 1982, when Terry Fox was running on one leg across Canada, Malcolm called him a phony, self-promoter. We agreed to disagree.

Oh that Malcolm

I just call a spade a spade. It's a Yorkshire thing. Not scared to put my head above the parapet. I have a thing about suicide and yes I understand depression and mental anguish. I also support assisted suicide in humane surroundings such as the Dignitass clinic in Switzerland. All I have said is that people who kill themselves and leave others (victims) to witness a violent death or to clear up the mess (the smell, never even mentioned the smell) are selfish and for that, I have no sympathy. There is always an alternative solution, but the individual has to seek help and close friends/family members have to be aware of the warning signs. So many people in this world scrape by with next to nothing, living under barbaric dictatorships, no food, no medicine, no future, no hope but they cling on to their precious one chance of life. I've completed 3, 6 month tours of duty in a peacekeeping role. Civil wars are the worst, they pitch families, friends and communities against each other. Seen enough pain and misery to last a lifetime thanks.

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Its a totally selfish act and the ultimate 'look at me' to do this in such a very public place. He obviously didnt think about how his actions might affect others. Shame on him.
Clearly the part of your brain that controls feelings of empathy and sympathy is in some way faulty.

Thanks for stating it better than I couldthumbsup.gif

Nature has a way of dealing with abnormalities. It's called natural selection. Why fawn over some loser that can't deal with realities of life? Go and be a dogooder in Syria or Gaza. It might toughen you up a bit.

Try and be a do gooder all the time, thumbsup.gif

Yup, currently helping out a friend of a friend that had a stroke after recovering from a heart attack. He's paralyzed on most of his left side. Out in the sticks, 30km from my home. I sit and talk with him for hours on end several times a week, help with a bit of massage, ice for his swollen feet and physiotherapy. I've got him set up with fast internet and now he's got a better quality of life than before.

Almost forgot, my older sisters husband wallowed in self pity and ran an exhaust pipe into his car. My younger sister found his body, contorted in agony from the carbon monoxide poisoning. A long time ago now, but she's had to deal with that grim discovery ever since. Malcolm his name, left a son and 3 daughters behind. Darren, Leanne, Suzanne and Lauren.

You seem a bit hard one minute, and soft the rest, like about half of us I'd guess..thumbsup.gif over 40 that is.

I knew a Malcolm from England. Back in 1982, when Terry Fox was running on one leg across Canada, Malcolm called him a phony, self-promoter. We agreed to disagree.

Oh that Malcolm

I just call a spade a spade. It's a Yorkshire thing. Not scared to put my head above the parapet. I have a thing about suicide and yes I understand depression and mental anguish. I also support assisted suicide in humane surroundings such as the Dignitass clinic in Switzerland. All I have said is that people who kill themselves and leave others (victims) to witness a violent death or to clear up the mess (the smell, never even mentioned the smell) are selfish and for that, I have no sympathy. There is always an alternative solution, but the individual has to seek help and close friends/family members have to be aware of the warning signs. So many people in this world scrape by with next to nothing, living under barbaric dictatorships, no food, no medicine, no future, no hope but they cling on to their precious one chance of life. I've completed 3, 6 month tours of duty in a peacekeeping role. Civil wars are the worst, they pitch families, friends and communities against each other. Seen enough pain and misery to last a lifetime thanks.

You have a point, but mental illness is no laughing matter, we would agree on that.

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Suiciders are selfish and cowards and those who do it for everyone to witness are X2. No sympathy for losers.

Do you consider special needs people as losers? I mean, they don't contribute much to the GNP, but is that all that counts? You must be a winner, but please don't lord it over the rest of us peons..sad.png

Pretty please?

no dear. I said suiciders are losers not special needs people. The moment one decides to take the easy way out leaving hardship for people around them it then becomes a selfish act and a loser. Hope that explains sweet pie!
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Suiciders are selfish and cowards and those who do it for everyone to witness are X2. No sympathy for losers.

Do you consider special needs people as losers? I mean, they don't contribute much to the GNP, but is that all that counts? You must be a winner, but please don't lord it over the rest of us peons..sad.png

Pretty please?

Explain your comment about special needs people.

My daughter is severely mentally disabled.

What do you mean?

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Try and be a do gooder all the time, thumbsup.gif

Yup, currently helping out a friend of a friend that had a stroke after recovering from a heart attack. He's paralyzed on most of his left side. Out in the sticks, 30km from my home. I sit and talk with him for hours on end several times a week, help with a bit of massage, ice for his swollen feet and physiotherapy. I've got him set up with fast internet and now he's got a better quality of life than before.

Almost forgot, my older sisters husband wallowed in self pity and ran an exhaust pipe into his car. My younger sister found his body, contorted in agony from the carbon monoxide poisoning. A long time ago now, but she's had to deal with that grim discovery ever since. Malcolm his name, left a son and 3 daughters behind. Darren, Leanne, Suzanne and Lauren.

You seem a bit hard one minute, and soft the rest, like about half of us I'd guess..thumbsup.gif over 40 that is.

I knew a Malcolm from England. Back in 1982, when Terry Fox was running on one leg across Canada, Malcolm called him a phony, self-promoter. We agreed to disagree.

Oh that Malcolm

Anyone who knew anything knew that Terry Fox was as genuine as they come. Steve Fonyo, who tried to follow in his footsteps, was a different matter altogether. But both of them, whatever their motives, had a positive impact on humanity.

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Suiciders are selfish and cowards and those who do it for everyone to witness are X2. No sympathy for losers.

Do you consider special needs people as losers? I mean, they don't contribute much to the GNP, but is that all that counts? You must be a winner, but please don't lord it over the rest of us peons..sad.png

Pretty please?

no dear. I said suiciders are losers not special needs people. The moment one decides to take the easy way out leaving hardship for people around them it then becomes a selfish act and a loser. Hope that explains sweet pie!

Nothing to do with special needs. Can you explain why people who commit suicide are always in the wrong. That's a close-minded value judgement. I have resolved that if I ever reach a point that I am physically incapacitated and a burden on others (yes - not the case in the OP), that I am prepared to end it. Does that make me a loser? I saw my ex-father-in-law drift out with pancreatic cancer, and I don't see the point. Dying slowly in a hospital, wearing adult diapers, surrounded by strangers. How is that better?

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