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Thai military security unit instructs taxis not to refuse passengers


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So let me understand this correctly.. Taxi drivers attend a ceremony and they agree to place those stickers which automatically (or by divine intervention) makes them change attitude..Right..

How about doing something similar for all the malaise plaguing this country? :D. Mmy sixth time coming here and I am beginning to understand all the rip off that goes on over here....making Vietnam look like a better place to retire..

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Just seen all this on the TV news with them all lined up 'on parade'. What a bunch they are, unkempt, pot bellied, mean looking, bedraggled and totally uninterested in what was being said to them, they looked more like a large gaggle of criminals that had just been rounded up after a night on the booze !

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What a bunch they are, unkempt, pot bellied, mean looking, bedraggled and totally uninterested in what was being said to them, they looked more like a large gaggle of criminals that had just been rounded up after a night on the booze !

Are we talking about taxi drivers or Thai Visa posters...

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There is probably a market for starting a taxi company where you train your staff to be polite and not refuse customers. I'm sure if the service is good and your taxi color stands out, people will take notice and try to use your taxi all the time. I know in Indonesia, Blue Bird taxi offers a similar service where drivers are trained, based on an article I read in Forbes Asia, Blue Bird taxi dominates the taxi service in Indonesia.

Just like there is a market for training and providing restaurant staff in Thailand, as you all know staff performance and attitude is poor in Thailand, not to mention the retention rate for restaurants.

Thais need a serious attitude adjustment, they are falling behind in their manners and social etiquette. Back in the 80s and 90s, they were known to be nice and polite, nowadays I sometimes wonder who is the customer...

Problem is in Thailand if you started a new taxi company that was kind, polite and accepted all fares to any destination and always used the meters .... they would take over a lot of the business until the existing taxi companies declared war on them and suddenly there would be a rash of unexplained taxi driver suicides

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Well we have never and will never insist that a taxi driver goes where he doesn't want to go.

For a start he is only going to be pissed off and that doesn't make for either careful or safe driving.

There are also many reasons why a taxi driver may not want to go somewhere or to take someone, that as far as I am concerned is his prerogative and there are plenty of taxis who will go where you want to go.

However for trips within the city, meter only, but then we have only ever been told no meter once, so we got the next one in line, no big deal.

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This is really a simple problem to solve. Taxi drivers who get 2 complaints about not willing to take rider or not use their meter or over charge are simply suspended

They did not abide by their license SIMPLE

After a few suspensions watch what happens Taxi drivers start acting they way they should .

Any other attempt to get them to comply will be ignored

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Taxi drivers. "the majority co-operate" with the government. If by that, they mean a majority of the taxi drivers do what they are being told to, I beg to express doubt. My recent experience is last month. Stepping out of my hotel in soi 4, even with a Thai supporting my hail for a taxi, at least FIVE refused to take me. Mostly they would not take me on the meter. Some of them said where I wanted to go was "too far", others that there was too much traffic. Or the driver feigned not knowing the place, if he did not want to go there. There is clearly a fair number who like to potter around for their 40 baht between Nana and Asoke. Others like to choose "Pattaya" or somewhere where the traffic is light. Not all have the same preferences. The only common factor is that they choose one thing or another, and their choice might well be not what one wants.

I must ask the question. Even though the fares are very reasonable in my opinion, are they too high for Thailand? If they are too high then the drivers can AFFORD to be choosy. So that may be the reason why the problem exists.

One taxi driver agreed the meter with me, but then said he didn't know where he was going. Fortunately, I know Bangkok well enough and was able to direct him. But Bangkok is a big place, and many times I would not know the best route for my journey.

Having said that, I do find that some Bangkok taxi drivers are really nice people. And some can chat happily and politely to while away the time in traffic. Some know the traffic problems, and are very helpful, though admittedly some - too many - only say they do in order to pull the wool over your eyes for their profit.

Of course, because one generally is disappointed with three or more of the taxi drivers before you hail one who is acceptable and fair, one might well logically think that only one in three or four drivers are good. I suggest beware coming to that conclusion. Compared with other almost all other countries, and indeed other places in Thailand such as Samui, and especially Phuket, by hailing a Bangkok taxi you are in my opinion far more likely to have a very satisfactory experience. The Bangkok taxi is still, just about, one of the plus points for visiting the place whereas a lot of the plus points that there were for visiting in the past no longer are.

A final point. Traffic is getting really bad in Bangkok again. So if you are travelling light, there is a lot to be said for taking a taxi as far as the nearest BTS, MRT or Airport Link station.

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There is probably a market for starting a taxi company where you train your staff to be polite and not refuse customers. I'm sure if the service is good and your taxi color stands out, people will take notice and try to use your taxi all the time. I know in Indonesia, Blue Bird taxi offers a similar service where drivers are trained, based on an article I read in Forbes Asia, Blue Bird taxi dominates the taxi service in Indonesia.

Just like there is a market for training and providing restaurant staff in Thailand, as you all know staff performance and attitude is poor in Thailand, not to mention the retention rate for restaurants.

Thais need a serious attitude adjustment, they are falling behind in their manners and social etiquette. Back in the 80s and 90s, they were known to be nice and polite, nowadays I sometimes wonder who is the customer...

Problem is in Thailand if you started a new taxi company that was kind, polite and accepted all fares to any destination and always used the meters .... they would take over a lot of the business until the existing taxi companies declared war on them and suddenly there would be a rash of unexplained taxi driver suicides

Well Uber is worth $40 billion globally... and yeah when they started operating in Thailand the existing companies tried to ban them.

Edited by jspill
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Help the General by reporting them, calling 1584.

Many of these taxies are just trolling for a tourist to scam. They are not taxies, but criminals using taxies to get close to their victims.

They are parked all over the hotel district, refusing fares, just waiting to defraud a tourist.

How many holidays do these guys ruin every week?

Report them:

-Call 1584.

-Report the number on the yellow plate on the inside door. The same number is painted on the outside of the door.

-Remember the colour of the taxi.

For every complaint logged, the scamming taxi will be fined 1,000BT. when he renews his license every year. Surprise!

Put these crooks out of business for good.

Edited by joesanunu
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So let me understand this correctly.. Taxi drivers attend a ceremony and they agree to place those stickers which automatically (or by divine intervention) makes them change attitude..Right..

How about doing something similar for all the malaise plaguing this country? biggrin.png

you mean like everyone wearing required t shirts that say "I am awake"

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"Overall, the majority of taxis cooperate with us. There's only a minority that don’t understand, so it has led to problems and complaints." Minority? Don't understand? General, are you living in the same world as the millions of tourists visiting your country? Don't trivialise a serious problem! And how will you ensure that your instructions will be adhered to? I think that the PM made a similar pronouncement last year? I did not see any change in taxi drivers behaviour because they know they are not going to get caught and punished and will continue to "intimidate/ignore" tourists and others. whistling.gif

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The General also should make the taximarket more open. They can't stop at every mall they pass. They have their own pickup places where they paid to be in the qeueu.

That forces them to drive back to the place where they paid for their place in the qeueu and that's a waste of time/fuel as well and causing busy traffic.

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Travelling in Bangkok with my wife and Kiwi mother whom although I love is large and has arthritis in her knees. As such we have ro go everywhere by taxi (an extremely expensive exercise).

We were refused fare from Platinum Mall to Central world by 2 taxis before one picked us up. The first guy was so rude he called us lazy, threw his hands in the air and said "it's close, don't be lazy just walk Farang" (in Thai).

Obviously only the 100 indoctrinated drivers are aware of the new policy. .

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'No rejection' sign to be put on taxis

By Coconuts Bangkok


Photos: Wassana Nanuam

Seriously, why did nobody ever think of this?

BANGKOK: -- What better way to prevent taxis from rudely rejecting passengers on sight or as soon as they mention their destination than to post a sign indicating they won’t do that.

Signs reading "Go everywhere, no rejection! (Network of Thai Taxi Drivers with the Heart of Development" also doubles as a pink sunshade and will be distributed via different taxi driver communities in a move to encourage taxis to not reject passengers, the action which is technically illegal yet very common.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/03/13/no-rejection-sign-be-put-taxis


-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-03-13

Can de cabby still look left and/or right with those stickers placed on the windows ???

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

'No rejection' sign to be put on taxis
By Coconuts Bangkok

Photos: Wassana Nanuam

Seriously, why did nobody ever think of this?

BANGKOK: -- What better way to prevent taxis from rudely rejecting passengers on sight or as soon as they mention their destination than to post a sign indicating they won’t do that.

Signs reading "Go everywhere, no rejection! (Network of Thai Taxi Drivers with the Heart of Development" also doubles as a pink sunshade and will be distributed via different taxi driver communities in a move to encourage taxis to not reject passengers, the action which is technically illegal yet very common.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/03/13/no-rejection-sign-be-put-taxis

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-03-13

Can de cabby still look left and/or right with those stickers placed on the windows ???

Come on man, you should know the answer. That's totally irrelevant in Thailand, who cares for other roadusers? And motorbikes are even lower then soidogs so who cares for them?

The same goes for the 50-60% tainted windows, at night you don't see jack with them. Very dangerous and illegal in the civilised world but Hey TIT.

Or watch the big sandtrucks who blinded their windows with huge stickers or curtains while driving in the city. Last week i saw a brand new yellow bmw who had driven into a concrete truck which wouldn't stop for her or didn't see her. thumbsup.gif

But the crook taxidrivers are mainly around sukhumvit or the touristical spots. In the suburbs i've never seen a taxi who wouldn't use the metre.

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There's only a minority that dont understand

It's not that they " don't under "

They simply don't give a damn as they make more than enough money by scamming tourist and paying tea money for the authorities to look the other way...

Hope the Junta really kick their asses and get the Taxi Industry sorted.

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Just punish them harder. The taxi who cheated that Japanese man got 500 baht fine, that's not enough! They should loose their license.

Yes, those who are terrible should be dealt with more severely, but their shoud be perks for those who do a good job as well.

Experienced few problems taking taxis in Bangkok. Sometimes had to ask 3-4 taxis late at night before one agreed to take me.

So to you 4 problems followed by one success is 'few'?

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I think they are making Thailand look like a joke, sorry I mean a bigger joke than it already is, They don't give a dam about the Junta anymore, he got what he wanted, and now things are going back to how they were slowly,the Thai people doing what ever they choose to do, regardless of law, pathetic

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Is this day one of a new world? They seem to be hitting the reset button with a new rule every day. How about some laws? and heavy penalties for non compliance? So example taxi does not pick up, police don't issue fine instead take bribe, bad service continues and consolidated revenue takes a hit. The t shirt vendor on their hands and knees to the other vendor not to copy their shirt, how about some laws where you can sue for this? - Are they at the stone age here. What will tomorrow be, "Don't pee in the street use a toilet"?

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Taxies drivers have a contract. Use the meter and do not refuse fares is part of the deal they signed on for. If they don't like their contract, why did they sign it?

Unfortunately for the public, they collude with criminals in the police department.

It's up to the public I guess to HIT THEM WHER IT HURTS!

Report them. Call 1584.

They will be fined 1,000Bt for every complaint.

Report report report.

It would be helpful if the hotel managers would instruct their guests to do the same.

These managers all know what is happening on the Soi in front of their hotels but do nothing!

Edited by joesanunu
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'No rejection' sign to be put on taxis

By Coconuts Bangkok


Photos: Wassana Nanuam

Seriously, why did nobody ever think of this?

BANGKOK: -- What better way to prevent taxis from rudely rejecting passengers on sight or as soon as they mention their destination than to post a sign indicating they won’t do that.

Signs reading "Go everywhere, no rejection! (Network of Thai Taxi Drivers with the Heart of Development" also doubles as a pink sunshade and will be distributed via different taxi driver communities in a move to encourage taxis to not reject passengers, the action which is technically illegal yet very common.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/03/13/no-rejection-sign-be-put-taxis


-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-03-13

Can de cabby still look left and/or right with those stickers placed on the windows ???

Are you kidding me? Or just being a "devils advocate"?

Have a look at the outside of a BTS passenger train window and then get inside and see if your vision is limited! coffee1.gif

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