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Parents upset over ban on children riding motorbikes

Lite Beer

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Bugger being passengers, when are they going to stop them riding motorbikes to school. Everyday I take my daughter to hers I see kids as young as 10 riding bikes passed traffic cops who don't blink an eye.

the issue is not a lack of rules.. Its clearly simply a lack of enforcement or desire to stick within them.

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Helmets in Thailand are not to save life they're for avoiding fine.

The poor need their scooters for everything they are a Pick up Truck and a People Mover.

The road toll requires a more complex strategy than just banning kids from motorbikes, the road culture needs changing from the ground up, where to start?

From driver training to law enforcement to repairing the pot holed roads, over loaded vehicles, drunk drivers, speeding, the appalling lack of training and understanding of the operation of heavy vehicles (the brakes failed coming down the hill!)

Mobile phone use in cars and motorcycles including texting, yes on motorcycles as well.

I saw the school kids the other day pulling up on the highway and lining up to race each other on their scooters.

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Bugger being passengers, when are they going to stop them riding motorbikes to school. Everyday I take my daughter to hers I see kids as young as 10 riding bikes passed traffic cops who don't blink an eye.

the issue is not a lack of rules.. Its clearly simply a lack of enforcement or desire to stick within them.

Ever seen the enforcer with his family on his bike?

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I think the bigger problem is kids driving the motorcycle. Here in the provinces the parents buy the kid a MC to make their own way to and from school. These kids as young as 12 often go screaming by me with another 1-3 friends on the bike. No helmets or only for the operator. They speed, cut in and out and generally are quite dangerous to them self and the public. Cops turn a blind eye most of the time. These kids of course do not have a license and therefore have not had any training or testing.

Although the MC was bought to allow them to commute to school it instantly becomes a personal means of transportation and is used all the time.

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I know it is difficult to put yourself in the place of those who struggle to make ends meet but there are dangers everywhere and for many, as evidenced by the number of children passengers on motorbikes, it is the only practical form of transport for them. Since Thais are Buddhist, they believe that if they or their child is injured/killed, it is Karma. In Texas, it is not required for adults on motorcycles to wear helmets. People are also allowed to ride in the back of a pick-up truck with no seat belts. It's called 'personal freedom'. I know many of you who grew up with 'nanny state' governments are horrified at the thought of someone having the choice of a less-safe option, but Nanny States are expensive; both in compliance and enforcement. In time, if the political thieving can be minimized, Thailand will grow more prosperous and can afford to force its citizens into cars. Until then, try to put yourself in the place of poor people whose options are limited by their income.

Pennsylvania, U.S.A. repealed it's helmet laws and Hawaii, U.S.A. never had them.

How much "safety rhetoric" has come from manufactures/lobbyists vs real research and statistics? I've seen reports (years ago) that a helmet being worn can cause death. Now that's interesting eh?

Missinformation alert

see link


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In many parts of the country there is no other way for parents to get their kids anywhere, school, doctor wherever other than to use their only form of transport their motorbike. There are no school buses or public transport in many places so there is no alternative other than walking long distances.

Rather than a ban make helmets for kids easily available and cheap, even free in some poor areas to poor parents.

How many children are killed on bikes when with their parents ? I would suspect few as parents would be more careful with kids aboard.

Most of the deaths and injuries on bikes would be from those who race around, no helmets, no license.

More and better policing rather than bans and stickers.

What do you mean with this crap ? Licence... Have the licence ever prevented an accident ? Have Thai parents ever been careful about their kids ? All Thais should been banned for driving any vehicle until they learned how to handle it and how to behave in traffic. Ask any Thai what the road markings means. I bet 99% of them think its for decoration. Ask any Thai which side of the road they should drive. I bet 100% of the do not know. Ask any Thai how many passenger are allowed in a 5 seat car. Even the police do not know. <deleted> up country, totally, because of the corruption. Me me me and me.

Yes, to have or not have a driver licence doesn't change anyhing here....My wife passed her driver licence last month, she also could have bought the test for 5000 Thb...in her class there were more than 80 persons....most of them came by car or motorbike....without a licence of course. .. 2 were driving cars for 20 years...without a licence. 20 YEARS....!!! TIT...

PUTTING STICKERS WILL HELP FOR SURE.....This is the primitive thinking here....

."We believe it's necessary to put a warning label on every motorcycle too. The label should read "Death and disability without using helmet". The label must be shown clearly on the motorcycle," OCPB deputy secretary general Virachai Chomsakorn said.

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They could go the whole hog and render only roadside first aid to victims who have broken the law, unless they are prepared to pay for a part of the treatment to get mended in hospital. Nah....that wouldn't work because most would view it as unacceptable and uncivilised. So the nanny state comes to the rescue and carts them off to hospital anyway. Crying foul and using nannystatism as an excuse to try improving the system is really not a coherent explanation, not that I have a solution either.

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They could go the whole hog and render only roadside first aid to victims who have broken the law, unless they are prepared to pay for a part of the treatment to get mended in hospital. Nah....that wouldn't work because most would view it as unacceptable and uncivilised. So the nanny state comes to the rescue and carts them off to hospital anyway. Crying foul and using nannystatism as an excuse to try improving the system is really not a coherent explanation, not that I have a solution either.

The solution is to leave things be. Let evolution do it's stuff. Just set aside 1% of the national budget to cover stupidity.

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as usual this is the land of talk, not action. they do not enforce the helmet laws now. what is the sense of changing another law. great picture of PM riding a bike with out a helmet. do you really expect the police to enforce a new law when they do not enforce present ones. this is the land of talk not action.

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In many parts of the country there is no other way for parents to get their kids anywhere, school, doctor wherever other than to use their only form of transport their motorbike. There are no school buses or public transport in many places so there is no alternative other than walking long distances.

Rather than a ban make helmets for kids easily available and cheap, even free in some poor areas to poor parents.

How many children are killed on bikes when with their parents ? I would suspect few as parents would be more careful with kids aboard.

Most of the deaths and injuries on bikes would be from those who race around, no helmets, no license.

More and better policing rather than bans and stickers.

Enforcing mandatory helmet laws and drink driving laws would save a lot of tragedy.

It has never been proved helmets save lives, never.

They certainly never prevent accidents.

Stop the cause of accidents is the only way to go.

...and guns don't kill people....

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This mentality:

"Thawichai Milarp, a government official, believed the ban on young kids riding on motorcycles would violate people’s rights."

Thais seem to think that being "FREE" means no rules, and they do not need to adhere to any social restrictions. They want to do what they want when they want. Again another example of me... ism. Oh maybe this is just "Thainess."

I recall a newspaper headline many years ago


No space is deliberate. Get it?

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This mentality:

"Thawichai Milarp, a government official, believed the ban on young kids riding on motorcycles would violate peoples rights."

Thais seem to think that being "FREE" means no rules, and they do not need to adhere to any social restrictions. They want to do what they want when they want. Again another example of me... ism. Oh maybe this is just "Thainess."

I recall a newspaper headline many years ago


No space is deliberate. Get it?

This thread is not discussing Democracy.

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Look at the pic!

Long as dad's head protected!

Driver has because that is the law. A passenger on a bike doesn't need to have. Enforce a law so everyone on a bike need to wear a helmet. Also on bike taxis.

Next thing fine all bikes with worn out tires. If you go out driving in rain you can see so many bikes that flips because of water and no traction.

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And yet another law that will go unenforced and ignored by the citizens. Laws already exist that make the riding on motorcycles for the under 4s virtually impossible.

Helmet: quite difficult to find helmets that fit kids this young. All passengers even a one day old is a passenger and should be helmeted.

Number of Passengers: max two and that is people of any age right from day one they are counted as a person.

Hands on the bars: hard for a four year old to be on a bike unless you hold onto him/her removing one hand from the bars. It is this same reasoning that was probably used to forbid people using phones while moving.

Issue all Thai adult citizens a small car. That is about the only way you could stop them driving their kids around on motorbikes.

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as usual this is the land of talk, not action. they do not enforce the helmet laws now. what is the sense of changing another law. great picture of PM riding a bike with out a helmet. do you really expect the police to enforce a new law when they do not enforce present ones. this is the land of talk not action.

They do enforce the helmet laws. Sometimes. If they spend all their time enforcing just this law all the other law breakers, red light runners, speeding, drunk driving etc would go on unmonitored.

There just isn't enough police. And the police are just as big offenders as the rest of the population. How many times have I seen a policeman ferrying his two kids without helmet to school the wrong way down a one way street while talking on his mobile? Countless.

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re post 8 what a load of garbage, free helmets for poor people, if you can afford a scooter you can afford a helmet end of. no excuses. perhaps it would nice to start fining cops for not wearing helmets. oh sorry they are a law unto themselves.

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re post 8 what a load of garbage, free helmets for poor people, if you can afford a scooter you can afford a helmet end of. no excuses. perhaps it would nice to start fining cops for not wearing helmets. oh sorry they are a law unto themselves.

They would rather buy the helmet and get a free scooter.

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Um b

Look at the pic!

Long as dad's head protected!

Driver has because that is the law. A passenger on a bike doesn't need to have. Enforce a law so everyone on a bike need to wear a helmet. Also on bike taxis.

Next thing fine all bikes with worn out tires. If you go out driving in rain you can see so many bikes that flips because of water and no traction.

All passengers on a bike must wear helmets. Even a one day old is a passenger. That is the law. Your assumption is wrong. See the ask the lawyer section for confirmation.


Edited by Keesters
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Bugger being passengers, when are they going to stop them riding motorbikes to school. Everyday I take my daughter to hers I see kids as young as 10 riding bikes passed traffic cops who don't blink an eye.

Here in Chiang Mai, I see 10 year old kids DRIVING motor bikes, and never have I seen anyone riding a bicycle.

Less than half use a helmet.

Chiang Mai University does not set any sort of example, as so called 'educated' students haven't got the brains to use a helmet.

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Um b

Look at the pic!

Long as dad's head protected!

Driver has because that is the law. A passenger on a bike doesn't need to have. Enforce a law so everyone on a bike need to wear a helmet. Also on bike taxis.

Next thing fine all bikes with worn out tires. If you go out driving in rain you can see so many bikes that flips because of water and no traction.

All passengers on a bike must wear helmets. Even a one day old is a passenger. That is the law. Your assumption is wrong. See the ask the lawyer section for confirmation.


Not sure of this case, but a couple of decades ago, an infant in the arms of its foreign parent required a tax clearance certificate, and was stopped from boarding a plane out of this country.

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The real question is: how to get there? Unfortunately a motorbike seems to be the best choice for most families.

Obviously everyone would not like to see to increase the numbers of adults & children being killed daily. At another hand everyone may think the magic solution will never happen especially under this developing country. Or the problem is that they tend to think the accidents will never strike to them & their children.

The proposed ban may not be the best option but I do really hope other undiscovered options are waiting to be disclosed.

That will be really up to the campaigns, the experts & the authorities (Even including everyone)

Hence I am utterly sick of seeing more bike accidents almost daily so please stop that now.

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Um b

Look at the pic!

Long as dad's head protected!

Driver has because that is the law. A passenger on a bike doesn't need to have. Enforce a law so everyone on a bike need to wear a helmet. Also on bike taxis.

Next thing fine all bikes with worn out tires. If you go out driving in rain you can see so many bikes that flips because of water and no traction.

All passengers on a bike must wear helmets. Even a one day old is a passenger. That is the law. Your assumption is wrong. See the ask the lawyer section for confirmation.


Not sure of this case, but a couple of decades ago, an infant in the arms of its foreign parent required a tax clearance certificate, and was stopped from boarding a plane out of this country.

Wouldn't surprise me. Nothing in Thailand does anymore.

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