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As a working Father now commissioned to look after our three kids 9,7,5 while Mother is away working......Ideas on keeping them interested for the next two months. language is difficult with youngest as no English...Miss their Mum of course and I havnt been here apart from a few days each month as was working. They got bikes, T.V, computer, big garden, beach 200 yards away but it seems there hasn't been any parental control so they are running amok. They have a few friends close by and some family stay with us so have some support....What to do.ideas please


There are lots of free programs online for you to teach your kids English as games during the break...


Send me a personal note if you want links.


How do you have a 5 year old that speaks no English ? Well now part of the day you can spend teach your little one the Alphabet to start and teaching the sound of the letters correctly. amazing how many Thai's can not say the V or W or L and R sound correctly. you already wasted 5 years so get busy. You can put small labels on things around the house, cup, fork ,spoon ,bowl . Get all the kids active in the lesson to help each other . I met a Thai mother of 4 and they only spoke English in the home.

Be a man and take charge, set some boundaries and enforce them. You can be strict and kind kids respond well to rules and organization. that is how they function at school. Time for you to step up and start being a parent . Lots of good reading on the internet to help you set boundaries and stick to them.

If they know the rules and know you will enforce them they will be a lot more fun to hang out with.

I really think everyone should get a dog and go through serous dog training before they have kids. You can't take a poorly trained dog out in public like you can't take your poorly trained kid anywhere, Why ? Because they do not know how to behave.

Good luck and have fun.

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Be a Dad.. kick yourself HARD for not promoting English at home, then get out there and play with them...

... You where a kid once... figure it out and enjoy the break with them


You might consider hiring a cute 19 yr. old to entertain all of you while mom is at work...your welcome...wai2.gif

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As it is quite important to be able to communicate with your child i suggest forget about going somewhere and you two get together and you learn Thai and the child learns English. You could help each other.

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