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Ban Ki-moon invites Prayut to UN assembly


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Ban Ki-moon invites Prayut to UN assembly

BANGKOK: -- UNITED NATIONS Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has inquired about Thailand's progress in its road map to democracy during a meeting with Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha in Japan.

Ban expressed hope that the country will succeed in bringing about a sustainable democracy, |government spokesman Yongyuth Mayalarp said yesterday.

Ban said Thailand's success in restoring democracy would help |support UN missions. They met |during the UN's Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai on Saturday.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha spoke at the event on Saturday.

Ban also invited Prayut to attend the UN General Assembly in New York in September. The invitation came hot on the heels of Prayut's statement in Bangkok on Friday that may have led some people to believe the United States has banned him from travelling to the US.

"For those countries that won't invite me, I'll send a deputy prime minister to visit instead. Even if the US won't let me visit, I am open for them to visit [Thailand] because we have longstanding relations lasting two centuries," Prayut was quoted as saying, when he took to the podium as a speaker at the 47th Wharton Global Forum at a Bangkok hotel.

Prayut said in January he was ready to attend the UN General Assembly to explain his road map.

Relations between Bangkok and Washington have been tense since Prayut staged a coup to bring down the elected government of former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra after months of conflict. A top US diplomat, Daniel Russel, upset the government by saying the impeachment of Yingluck was political.

Ban also invited Prayut to attend the UN Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda.

At the conference in Japan on Saturday, Prayut pointed out that economic disparity was one of the root causes of social conflict in the world, in particular the gap between agricultural and industrial countries.

The Thai PM has asked the UN to highlight the significance of price subsidies for agricultural produce as a way to reduce the economic disparity and enhance international cooperation. He said many agricultural-based Asean countries were having to deal with falling crop prices.

Prayut said Thailand was willing to help the UN reduce disaster risks. The country had faced catastrophes such as severe flooding and the tsunami and had provided humanitarian assistance to countries hit by disasters. He said Thailand wished to see the international community send a signal to the world to reduce disaster risks but the UN must realise the limitations and potential of each country in providing cooperation.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Ban-Ki-moon-invites-Prayut-to-UN-assembly-30256084.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-16

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I'd be more impressed if the PM met the Kurranulla Boy Scout troop. At least he would learn something useful:How to start a fire without matches, How to make knots, How to cook a goanna over a BBQ pit.

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What a blow for the anti-everything losers.

People who matter in this world actually want to talk to him and want him to talk to them.

So the UN are the people who matter in this world? Now you just need to get the UN to kick the rest of the world up the rear end and force them to worship prayuth. Prayuth then might stop his tears and childish tantrums when the whole world drops at his feet and links the toe jam from his feet.
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What a blow for the anti-everything losers.

People who matter in this world actually want to talk to him and want him to talk to them.

So the UN are the people who matter in this world? Now you just need to get the UN to kick the rest of the world up the rear end and force them to worship prayuth. Prayuth then might stop his tears and childish tantrums when the whole world drops at his feet and links the toe jam from his feet.

Tears, no that was Yingluck you are wrong as usual.

About the only ones who haven't invited him now are Obama who is pretty much sidelined and must be regretting supporting one coup in Egypt while condemning the one in Thailand. And your own bumbling US boot licking MP Abbot, does he support your bottom of the league footy team as well.

At least we have a team unlike your drug cheats who have to beg for top up players from others.
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Ban also invited Prayut to attend the UN General Assembly in New York in September.

So Ban obviously expects the general to still be in power then.

Come to think of it, everyone does.

One small problem.

The USA won't be giving out VISAs to the SE Asian Military Junta that just ran the last elected PM thru a kangaroo court.

He can't even get into the Americans July 4th barbecue in Bangkok.cheesy.gif

As I understand it the US can't prevent delegates attending the UN.

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Every country in the world has representatives at the UN. Remember the crazy Iranian president who would threaten Israel and the US every time he was " invited" to speak, all you guys saying he's won some kind if battle....meah don't think so. Any nutcase can speak there. Its nothing but a "flapdootle" lol

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What a blow for the anti-everything losers.

People who matter in this world actually want to talk to him and want him to talk to them.

So the UN are the people who matter in this world? Now you just need to get the UN to kick the rest of the world up the rear end and force them to worship prayuth. Prayuth then might stop his tears and childish tantrums when the whole world drops at his feet and links the toe jam from his feet.

Tears, no that was Yingluck you are wrong as usual.

About the only ones who haven't invited him now are Obama who is pretty much sidelined and must be regretting supporting one coup in Egypt while condemning the one in Thailand. And your own bumbling US boot licking MP Abbot, does he support your bottom of the league footy team as well.

Knock out blow - come on NZ in the cricket world cup, this coming from a rather embarrassed POM!!!!

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What a blow for the anti-everything losers.

People who matter in this world actually want to talk to him and want him to talk to them.

Isn't that the mission of the UN - provide a neutral meeting place for nations to converse with each other openly and freely? Ki-Moon would invite North Korea Kim.

The problem for Prayut is that he wants only one-sided conversations where he controls the dialog. If he expects to turn a UN trip into a propoganda tool to reinforce acceptance of his overthorw of an elected government however, he better be prepared to ANSWER to criticism from the Western press. I suggest Prayut not mention that he is a democratic soldier or that he has no power to make Thais do what he orders.

Edited by Srikcir
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And how will he get to the UN? Can't get into the USA.

He can go the the UN regarless if the US will not allow him into the country for other reasons. Under the UN Charger No leader of a country who is attentding the United Nations can be bared from going.

He cannot have any other official function outside of the United Nations but cannot be stopped from going,

The United States is part of that agreement.

This is the reason despots like the Ex President of Iran can speak at the UN General Assembly. He cannot get a US visa but can get a travel documents from the UN

This is politics

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Just read again the anti-PM posters here on TVF, We all agree the Thai situation is not stable but it is trying to get stabilized. Whether some of you like it or not if he goes at least he won't be on a shopping trip.

Have you all noticed how many trips the Pm has made in the months he has been PM, he knows his business is in Thailand.

Now compare Yinglucks trips abroad when in office and how many of those were high government VIP important necessary trips. I give 1 example MONTENEGRO to encourage tourism ??? no we know the reason for the visit, along with ??? yes if your honest or interested look them up.

Bashing the PM is only pleasing your own kind. (agenda for many)

Nahhhh...those trips of YL were necessary, along with her couple of dozen suitcases... Edited by trogers
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