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Navy warns of space debris landing near Phuket


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Is it April 1st already?

Not sure when the launch is ... and so incredibly sure excatly where (in terms of margin for error) where the stuff will fall.

Good one lads, happy you have retained your sense of humor.

How would the launch date, within just a few days either way, have any bearing on where the debris is calculated to fall and why is it such a joke to you?

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why warning and scaring people of Phuket about incoming space debris? What can they do : buy an umbrella?

Well it's not the navy doing the warning and scaring, it's the reporter of the newspaper. The RTN content of the warning states the area in the Andaman Sea that could be dangerous for shipping (and doesn't even mention Phuket), that's the point of the warning.

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Well goodness gracious me!

I wonder how the expense of this rocket currys favour with the 29.8% of India's 1.21 billion people who live below the poverty line.

Never mind, they can afford it. The UK taxpayers handed £280million to the country in 2012.

I thought the "space debris" wasn't supposed to land until late March/early April. It's obviously already landed... coffee1.gif

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I wish you were correct, Samsingsong!

In fact the figure was £4 billion, only to be told that the Indians were insulted by the offer. Britain then went to great lengths to try to explain to an outraged public, why India did in fact need such a large amount. Most, including me, were left totally unconvinced !

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OK, you can all put your umbrellas away: the launch has been deferred due to some anomaly or other with the telemetry transmitters: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/science/irnss1d-satellite-launch-deferred-due-to-anomaly/article6959082.ece

Some more space junk is expected to re-enter the atmosphere at the beginning of April though: http://www.satview.org/decay.php

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Well goodness gracious me!

I wonder how the expense of this rocket currys favour with the 29.8% of India's 1.21 billion people who live below the poverty line.

Never mind, they can afford it. The UK taxpayers handed £280million to the country in 2012.

EDIT to add this quote.


I wish you were correct, Samsingsong!

In fact the figure was £4 billion, only to be told that the Indians were insulted by the offer. Britain then went to great lengths to try to explain to an outraged public, why India did in fact need such a large amount. Most, including me, were left totally unconvinced !

Yes, it does seem to be an unjust and crazy world.

About the £280 Mil or £4 Billion, still a drop in the ocean for what our Empire took from them and from all the Empire's other colonies for all those years........

Now the Empire is run by the Big conglomatates who "Outsource", use slave labour in their sweat shop factories making clothes, electronics and all manner of consumer goods that. for some reason, we cannot live without!.

Same same, only different - they Never give anything back - Ever!

Edited by laislica
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