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Nazi veterans annual parade kicks off in Latvia's capital


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You might want to read "Mein Kampf" and document yourself about the Wannsee conference.

"Achtung! The rigid and imposed Holocaust narrative is NOT to be questioned." Oh, the irony.

You seem willing to only document the bits you want to hear. Neither Hitler, nor any of his ministers were at the conference, nor was there any plan for 'extermination camps' in 1942.

Which Jewish newspaper in 2012, when talking about Wannsee said this... “decades of Holocaust research could not find a clear and explicit command made by high-level Nazi officials to engage in systematic mass extermination of Jews.”

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nor was there any plan for 'extermination camps' in 1942.

You are correct. By 1942 the plan was already established and implemented.

Operationally, there were two types of death camps. Initially, gas vans producing poisonous carbon monoxide exhaust fumes were developed in occupied Soviet Union and at the Chełmno extermination camp in occupied Poland, before being used elsewhere.[11]

The camps at Treblinka, Bełżec, and Sobibór were constructed during Operation Reinhard (October 1941 – November 1943), for the extermination of Poland's Jews. Prisoners were promptly killed upon arrival. Initially, the camps used carbon monoxide gas chambers; at first, the corpses were buried, but then incinerated atop pyres. Later, gas chambers and crematoria were built in Treblinka and Belzec; Zyklon-B was used in Belzec.[12]


Try taking a few battlefield tours. You might find them humbling and educational at the same time.

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I hope the EU are happy about their partner.

I wonder if they also join the Nazi parade.

People seem to forget very easy, about the millions killed during WWII and the Holocaust.

I don't, and I will never forget as long as I live and made sure my kids will never forget either.

Well said on the EU comments.

However, I doubt these people "forgot" anything. They know very well what they are supporting. I was amazed at the openness of hatred and racism in Eastern Europe. I've never seen so many swastikas proudly displayed and as tattoos while in Moscow. (not the same as the Thais that have no clue about the symbol)

On my 1 week visit to Moscow, I had Hitler salutes and bottles thrown at me. Twice while riding Moscow Metro which is heavily policed. This epidemic is throughout Eastern Europe including Latvia.

Neo-Nazi skinheads are so brazen in Eastern Europe that they upload their videos to YouTube showing off their murders and beatings. If convicted, they get a slap on the wrist.

Even some professionals (engineers and pilots) I've met in Russia and Ukraine refer to Jews as "those <deleted> Jews" and are very casual about their comments. It's not just the uneducated lower-class that feel this way.

BTW I'm Black so yes I would stand out in Eastern Europe. The Nazism a serious problem. Even though Hitler looked down on the Slavic people, these Eastern European Nazis see it as a White vs. non-White issue.

you seem to be throwing that old chestnut about blacks again get over yourself man..are jews black..??? because they dont like them do they...you seem confused my forever oppressed brother..

Amazing. This is the first time I've ever mentioned this on ThaiVisa an you come to this conclusion. Jews were not the only people the Nazis hated and you know this.

It's obvious where your sympathies are...

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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

Being SS doesn't mean youre automatically nazi. There were SS-soldiers that had nothing to do with the dark side of the ideology.[/quote. Your statement and agreement, Dumbfounds me, well at least I can just read past your reviews from now on, Geez, Too much Maboon Time, And Distortion of Facts

Rubbish, Germany voted the Nazi party in,they all,and I mean ALL new about what was going on. ( the whole nation ) Thats the reason they have money deducted every month from there pay packet. To cover the cost of maintaining the shaden they caused by their greed.

Leopard and spots,,,,you have been warned

Whatever you take Luv seems to be to strong for your tiny mind.

You have no idea what was going on, yet you tarnish everyone with the same brush!

The reason that my fellow countrymen where happy with Hitler and his party, is that before he started the final solution he actually made sure everyone had work and that Germany was made Great again once more. The English and Americans where all in favour of Hitler before he went crazy!

Your comments are complete and utter rubbish, " the reason they have money deducted" it's called tax and unlike other country's Germany uses that money to keep the streets clean and the Hospitals efficient .

One of the main reasons Hitler was so p#$@@$d at the Jewish people

Was.... hey why don't you read mein kampf ..that will tell you.

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RockyBeerbelly, {quote} "...and actually it is rather disturbing for me to laugh..." No argument here... I am also disturbed by your laughter... Cannot compete with the number of 'smilies' you print... Pathetic that you understand my post back-to-front or up-side-down... So, just for you - a point of clarification... Nazis of West Germany went to trial, West Germany was rebuilt into 'something good'... East Germany became an International Socialist buddy of USSR... hence nothing'good' except a Berlin Wall... Your "deduction" that I prefer Nazis to Commies is wrong... But I am afraid that your next idea will be that I favor Commies over Nazis... You will be wrong again... Do try to use your head next time you post.

You mean the ring leaders went on trial, the rest got away scott free, Thats the truth, Something good !! that I am not so sure about,but we can hope.

If you are a west German you know that most wanted the Wall rebuilt 10 years later FACT. The real truth is Germany is trying to do the same,but this time

finacially. But the Forth Reich is failing,the EU and the Euro will fold,and the sooner the better for everyone.

The leopard and its spots.

Unless (like me) you where born in East Germany the fled the russian inflicted non functional communism and the country ..you cannot seriously comment on what Germans want to rebuild. Fact is there is no more east or west but a free and united people that carry to this day the guilt of some Austrian madman with confused vision. (See mein kampf for refference)

The German Civilians and children that where conscripted into the Reichs armee had no choice . Be executed on the spot or go fight.

You are a presumptuous little twerp aren't you ? " The rest got away scott free " You should be ashamed of yourself . You comments are based on what exactly ? " The fourth Reich" ?

Is it because you're crap at football ? Or because you can't build great cars?

Germany to this day takes on more asylum seekers than any other country and still manages to be the top Country in Europe .. whilst bailing others out of kwai stuff.

Go back to your beef and keep dreaming your fantasies you fool!!!

WELL there we have it, Truth hurts, As I said a leopard and spots. Its you who should be ashamed. And bailing others out ?? you mean buying up countys.

after trapping them in a finacial prison, Yes you think you are the top country in Europe,That we all know. But very far from the truth

Now go away and repent for all the misery you have caused in the last 150 years,and pray to god for the atrocity you and your country inflicted on the Jews

and other people.

A SS solder was and is a Nazi Period

Nonsense ..why should I be ashamed ? Because I'm German ? I wasn't even born then! For your information you talk utter hate in fact you do sound like my ex wife .. all wars are nasty luv but that's just it war is war and innocent lives get lost ..it's called collateral damage dear ! And as far as the Euro is concerned , that will never collapse but get stronger ! Edited by bigwhitewarrior
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They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.

Good for your mum ... your figures are out by a mile or 12 though!

Here is a bit of real education for you, the reasons the Germans where at first so supportive of Hitler was because they where feed lies on t.v. etc etc .. As far as Mrs Merkel is concerned ,as a fellow east german who has lived through the poverty in East Germany, brought on by Russia. .you cannot possibly make such comments because you sound like you need educating.

And who is Merkel of Germany ? I wasn't aware that there where more than one...

Bet you are from Salzwedel :) Merkel Merkel Merkel The end is near. End of the D Euro End of the 4th Reich End of the unelected EU

Unelected EU..where do you live dear ? Under a rock? Seriously lay of that crack it's doing you no favours !

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RockyBeerbelly, {quote} "...and actually it is rather disturbing for me to laugh..." No argument here... I am also disturbed by your laughter... Cannot compete with the number of 'smilies' you print... Pathetic that you understand my post back-to-front or up-side-down... So, just for you - a point of clarification... Nazis of West Germany went to trial, West Germany was rebuilt into 'something good'... East Germany became an International Socialist buddy of USSR... hence nothing'good' except a Berlin Wall... Your "deduction" that I prefer Nazis to Commies is wrong... But I am afraid that your next idea will be that I favor Commies over Nazis... You will be wrong again... Do try to use your head next time you post.

You mean the ring leaders went on trial, the rest got away scott free, Thats the truth, Something good !! that I am not so sure about,but we can hope.

If you are a west German you know that most wanted the Wall rebuilt 10 years later FACT. The real truth is Germany is trying to do the same,but this time

finacially. But the Forth Reich is failing,the EU and the Euro will fold,and the sooner the better for everyone.

The leopard and its spots.

Unless (like me) you where born in East Germany the fled the russian inflicted non functional communism and the country ..you cannot seriously comment on what Germans want to rebuild. Fact is there is no more east or west but a free and united people that carry to this day the guilt of some Austrian madman with confused vision. (See mein kampf for refference)

The German Civilians and children that where conscripted into the Reichs armee had no choice . Be executed on the spot or go fight.

You are a presumptuous little twerp aren't you ? " The rest got away scott free " You should be ashamed of yourself . You comments are based on what exactly ? " The fourth Reich" ?

Is it because you're crap at football ? Or because you can't build great cars?

Germany to this day takes on more asylum seekers than any other country and still manages to be the top Country in Europe .. whilst bailing others out of kwai stuff.

Go back to your beef and keep dreaming your fantasies you fool!!!

WELL there we have it, Truth hurts, As I said a leopard and spots. Its you who should be ashamed. And bailing others out ?? you mean buying up countys.

after trapping them in a finacial prison, Yes you think you are the top country in Europe,That we all know. But very far from the truth

Now go away and repent for all the misery you have caused in the last 150 years,and pray to god for the atrocity you and your country inflicted on the Jews

and other people.

A SS solder was and is a Nazi Period

Nonsense ..why should I be ashamed ? Because I'm German ? I wasn't even born then! For your information you talk utter hate in fact you do sound like my ex wife .. all wars are nasty luv but that's just it war is war and innocent lives get lost ..it's called collateral damage dear ! And as far as the Euro is concerned , that will never collapse but get stronger !
. It was another Era , why be ashamed, ignorance is Bliss on this forum, sometimes...
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nor was there any plan for 'extermination camps' in 1942.

You are correct. By 1942 the plan was already established and implemented.

Operationally, there were two types of death camps. Initially, gas vans producing poisonous carbon monoxide exhaust fumes were developed in occupied Soviet Union and at the Chełmno extermination camp in occupied Poland, before being used elsewhere.[11]

The camps at Treblinka, Bełżec, and Sobibór were constructed during Operation Reinhard (October 1941 – November 1943), for the extermination of Poland's Jews. Prisoners were promptly killed upon arrival. Initially, the camps used carbon monoxide gas chambers; at first, the corpses were buried, but then incinerated atop pyres. Later, gas chambers and crematoria were built in Treblinka and Belzec; Zyklon-B was used in Belzec.[12]


Try taking a few battlefield tours. You might find them humbling and educational at the same time.

No battlefield tour necessary for you, I see. I'm humbled by your Wiki 'education'. clap2.gif

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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

Being SS doesn't mean youre automatically nazi. There were SS-soldiers that had nothing to do with the dark side of the ideology.[/quote. Your statement and agreement, Dumbfounds me, well at least I can just read past your reviews from now on, Geez, Too much Maboon Time, And Distortion of Facts

Rubbish, Germany voted the Nazi party in,they all,and I mean ALL new about what was going on. ( the whole nation ) Thats the reason they have money deducted every month from there pay packet. To cover the cost of maintaining the shaden they caused by their greed.

Leopard and spots,,,,you have been warned

Whatever you take Luv seems to be to strong for your tiny mind.

You have no idea what was going on, yet you tarnish everyone with the same brush!

The reason that my fellow countrymen where happy with Hitler and his party, is that before he started the final solution he actually made sure everyone had work and that Germany was made Great again once more. The English and Americans where all in favour of Hitler before he went crazy!

Your comments are complete and utter rubbish, " the reason they have money deducted" it's called tax and unlike other country's Germany uses that money to keep the streets clean and the Hospitals efficient .

One of the main reasons Hitler was so p#$@@$d at the Jewish people

Was.... hey why don't you read mein kampf ..that will tell you.

Bull shxxt I worked and lived there for years, so dont try and get awy with it. Part of the money extracted is used for the maintaining many monuments such as Bergen Belsen etc etc also part of the church tax is used for this.. Fuxx mein kampf what i am writing is fact Shame on all of you

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RockyBeerbelly, {quote} "...and actually it is rather disturbing for me to laugh..." No argument here... I am also disturbed by your laughter... Cannot compete with the number of 'smilies' you print... Pathetic that you understand my post back-to-front or up-side-down... So, just for you - a point of clarification... Nazis of West Germany went to trial, West Germany was rebuilt into 'something good'... East Germany became an International Socialist buddy of USSR... hence nothing'good' except a Berlin Wall... Your "deduction" that I prefer Nazis to Commies is wrong... But I am afraid that your next idea will be that I favor Commies over Nazis... You will be wrong again... Do try to use your head next time you post.

You mean the ring leaders went on trial, the rest got away scott free, Thats the truth, Something good !! that I am not so sure about,but we can hope.

If you are a west German you know that most wanted the Wall rebuilt 10 years later FACT. The real truth is Germany is trying to do the same,but this time

finacially. But the Forth Reich is failing,the EU and the Euro will fold,and the sooner the better for everyone.

The leopard and its spots.

Unless (like me) you where born in East Germany the fled the russian inflicted non functional communism and the country ..you cannot seriously comment on what Germans want to rebuild. Fact is there is no more east or west but a free and united people that carry to this day the guilt of some Austrian madman with confused vision. (See mein kampf for refference)

The German Civilians and children that where conscripted into the Reichs armee had no choice . Be executed on the spot or go fight.

You are a presumptuous little twerp aren't you ? " The rest got away scott free " You should be ashamed of yourself . You comments are based on what exactly ? " The fourth Reich" ?

Is it because you're crap at football ? Or because you can't build great cars?

Germany to this day takes on more asylum seekers than any other country and still manages to be the top Country in Europe .. whilst bailing others out of kwai stuff.

Go back to your beef and keep dreaming your fantasies you fool!!!

WELL there we have it, Truth hurts, As I said a leopard and spots. Its you who should be ashamed. And bailing others out ?? you mean buying up countys.

after trapping them in a finacial prison, Yes you think you are the top country in Europe,That we all know. But very far from the truth

Now go away and repent for all the misery you have caused in the last 150 years,and pray to god for the atrocity you and your country inflicted on the Jews

and other people.

A SS solder was and is a Nazi Period

Nonsense ..why should I be ashamed ? Because I'm German ? I wasn't even born then! For your information you talk utter hate in fact you do sound like my ex wife .. all wars are nasty luv but that's just it war is war and innocent lives get lost ..it's called collateral damage dear ! And as far as the Euro is concerned , that will never collapse but get stronger !
. It was another Era , why be ashamed, ignorance is Bliss on this forum, sometimes...

If you were not born at that time , better keep trap shut and repent.

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In answer to Bigwhitexxxxx

The EU is not wanted, We dont want to be governed by Unelected politicians. It makes our blood boil to think of all the Brits americans etc etc that lost their

lives to prevent what is happening now.

The sooner the unelected are put out to grass the better. The Euro is not only doomed it is more or less worthless NOW They predict 29 to 30 thai bt to the Euro next January So we shall see

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In answer to Bigwhitexxxxx

The EU is not wanted, We dont want to be governed by Unelected politicians. It makes our blood boil to think of all the Brits americans etc etc that lost their

lives to prevent what is happening now.

The sooner the unelected are put out to grass the better. The Euro is not only doomed it is more or less worthless NOW They predict 29 to 30 thai bt to the Euro next January So we shall see

I'm anti-EU too, but for completely different reasons.

Funny you see the EU as the 4th Reich, I see it as the realization of a socialist's dream, LOL.

The EUR has been very much over-valued for a long time, 1 to 1 with the US Dollar seems about right.

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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.
Being SS doesn't mean youre automatically nazi. There were SS-soldiers that had nothing to do with the dark side of the ideology.[/quote. Your statement and agreement, Dumbfounds me, well at least I can just read past your reviews from now on, Geez, Too much Maboon Time, And Distortion of Facts

Rubbish, Germany voted the Nazi party in,they all,and I mean ALL new about what was going on. ( the whole nation ) Thats the reason they have money deducted every month from there pay packet. To cover the cost of maintaining the shaden they caused by their greed.
Leopard and spots,,,,you have been warned

Whatever you take Luv seems to be to strong for your tiny mind.
You have no idea what was going on, yet you tarnish everyone with the same brush!
The reason that my fellow countrymen where happy with Hitler and his party, is that before he started the final solution he actually made sure everyone had work and that Germany was made Great again once more. The English and Americans where all in favour of Hitler before he went crazy!
Your comments are complete and utter rubbish, " the reason they have money deducted" it's called tax and unlike other country's Germany uses that money to keep the streets clean and the Hospitals efficient .
One of the main reasons Hitler was so p#$@@$d at the Jewish people
Was.... hey why don't you read mein kampf ..that will tell you.

Bull shxxt I worked and lived there for years, so dont try and get awy with it. Part of the money extracted is used for the maintaining many monuments such as Bergen Belsen etc etc also part of the church tax is used for this.. Fuxx mein kampf what i am writing is fact Shame on all of you

I feel you are full of anger dear.. cup a tea maybe relax you a bit.. so you think you know it all because you had the pleasure of living in my country for a bit???
Trying growing up with it and hearing about it daily and then come back and tell me again.. now one sugar or two luv ?
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In answer to Bigwhitexxxxx

The EU is not wanted, We dont want to be governed by Unelected politicians. It makes our blood boil to think of all the Brits americans etc etc that lost their

lives to prevent what is happening now.

The sooner the unelected are put out to grass the better. The Euro is not only doomed it is more or less worthless NOW They predict 29 to 30 thai bt to the Euro next January So we shall see

Well nobody forces you my dear to live in the E.U. ! Please elaborate on what you mean by "Put to Grass"?

The way the E.U. has been structured it is destined for survival and to continue to help the poorer European countries.

"It makes your blood boil" what about all the innocent German people that lost their lives ? Supposedly you disregard them as Nazis too?

The Soldiers that fought in the Wars didn't fight to prevent the Euro or Europe's unification, they fought to stop Hitler that's all.

So either get with the program dear or live somewhere else. :-)

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In answer to Bigwhitexxxxx

The EU is not wanted, We dont want to be governed by Unelected politicians. It makes our blood boil to think of all the Brits americans etc etc that lost their

lives to prevent what is happening now.

The sooner the unelected are put out to grass the better. The Euro is not only doomed it is more or less worthless NOW They predict 29 to 30 thai bt to the Euro next January So we shall see

Well nobody forces you my dear to live in the E.U. ! Please elaborate on what you mean by "Put to Grass"?

The way the E.U. has been structured it is destined for survival and to continue to help the poorer European countries.

"It makes your blood boil" what about all the innocent German people that lost their lives ? Supposedly you disregard them as Nazis too?

The Soldiers that fought in the Wars didn't fight to prevent the Euro or Europe's unification, they fought to stop Hitler that's all.

So either get with the program dear or live somewhere else. :-)

Never have I read so much sxxt, If you are from the east I can possibly understand the way your brain has been addled, Ostie all the way though.

No one in Germany was innocent,you and your greedy country voted the Nazis in. OK you have had a few people that had the guts to stand up to die swine

Willie Brandt to name one ( you have a lot to thank him for,if you are as I think an ostie,

So now get off your high horse and face up to the facts,

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In answer to Bigwhitexxxxx

The EU is not wanted, We dont want to be governed by Unelected politicians. It makes our blood boil to think of all the Brits americans etc etc that lost their

lives to prevent what is happening now.

The sooner the unelected are put out to grass the better. The Euro is not only doomed it is more or less worthless NOW They predict 29 to 30 thai bt to the Euro next January So we shall see

I'm anti-EU too, but for completely different reasons.

Funny you see the EU as the 4th Reich, I see it as the realization of a socialist's dream, LOL.

The EUR has been very much over-valued for a long time, 1 to 1 with the US Dollar seems about right.

Yes if they are lucky it may go to 1 to 1. But i think there is a chance that it will stay around 90 cent,that is a much more realistic sum.

It has been over-valued for quite some time now.

Most over here say 4th Reich as it has been a German model, Our city knows it is a con

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Both grandfathers of my Swedish-Finnish friend joined SS only to fight the Russians. But parading as a SS-Nazi or Nazi today is a disgrace.

Trust the Russian news agency to distort it. The day is considered a commemoration day for the people who died for their country at WWII.

You will not see any people in SS uniforms nor glorification of Nazis in this parade. Mostly just old people who leave some flowers at the Freedom Monument. As some here have explained already, most of these troops were forcefully mobilized with only a small percentage of volunteers. And many of them indeed perceived the German army as liberators. After all, it was Russia that invaded and occupied Latvia in 1940 and started mass deportations in 1941.

Don't forget that Russia forced the Latvians to speak only russian and until recently it was illegal to speak in their native tongue.

It was never illegal. But now it's illegal to speak Russian in Latvia. And for about 30% population of this country Russian is native language.

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Hitlers flavour of national socialism promote human abuse, discrimination, persecution and killing of people that isnt identified to belong to the nations profile. Communism no matter flavour is against human nature since humans like competing by accumulating possesions and money.

You're absolutely right about Communism...But it was such a good idea.

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Both grandfathers of my Swedish-Finnish friend joined SS only to fight the Russians. But parading as a SS-Nazi or Nazi today is a disgrace.

Trust the Russian news agency to distort it. The day is considered a commemoration day for the people who died for their country at WWII.

You will not see any people in SS uniforms nor glorification of Nazis in this parade. Mostly just old people who leave some flowers at the Freedom Monument. As some here have explained already, most of these troops were forcefully mobilized with only a small percentage of volunteers. And many of them indeed perceived the German army as liberators. After all, it was Russia that invaded and occupied Latvia in 1940 and started mass deportations in 1941.

Don't forget that Russia forced the Latvians to speak only russian and until recently it was illegal to speak in their native tongue.

It was never illegal. But now it's illegal to speak Russian in Latvia. And for about 30% population of this country Russian is native language.

And the reason why the number is as high as 30% ? Yes you are right, relocation of Latvians to Siberia and fresh new Russian speakers in.

Interesting posts. Just because OP's "high" school level history skills and hunger for controversial headlinebiggrin.png

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Hitlers flavour of national socialism promote human abuse, discrimination, persecution and killing of people that isnt identified to belong to the nations profile. Communism no matter flavour is against human nature since humans like competing by accumulating possesions and money.

You're absolutely right about Communism...But it was such a good idea.

Only the theory of it.. in practice it never worked ..

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Hitlers flavour of national socialism promote human abuse, discrimination, persecution and killing of people that isnt identified to belong to the nations profile. Communism no matter flavour is against human nature since humans like competing by accumulating possesions and money.

You're absolutely right about Communism...But it was such a good idea.
Only the theory of it.. in practice it never worked ..

That is true and that is what 2alex4alex said in his reply to my post.

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An inflammatory post in German language has been removed. This is an English language forum, English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

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Well if it starts with Heil and ends with Hitler, its inflammatory, disgusting, despicable and in the german language but still international/english lingo. Same as Ombudsman. Dont know what specific phrase/words were used but some german words are international lingo.

Edited by BKKBobby
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No battlefield tour necessary for you, I see. I'm humbled by your Wiki 'education'.

I gave you that link from wiki, because it gave a lot of additional links to other sites,

Clearly this did not fit your agenda Mr Plum Choctastic,so you prefer to attack the provider.

I will give you this opportunity to fade away and disappear or I will really let rip. The choice is yours

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Well if it starts with Heil and ends with Hitler, its inflammatory, disgusting, despicable and in the german language but still international/english lingo. Same as Ombudsman. Dont know what specific phrase/words were used but some german words are international lingo.

Well What I said in German was: Why do you call yourself Bigwhiteworrior Are you also racist?

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The argument between "greenjob" and "manarak" is petering into a personal fight... Stop and think for a moment... Is there much of a difference between Nazis and Commies?... Methinks not!

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