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Kill 77 people and live better than many OAP in Thailand ...

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Minimalists, eat your heart out - this lot probably get paid an allowance by a taxpayer who must rank as one of the world's most generous - in any case, they seem set for life.


OK - anyone who have spent as little as 3 or 4 days within the same set of walls knows that no amount of 'luxury' can compare to the prospect of getting out, but compared to a Thai jail the prisons in Norway look pretty good to me. Must be especially galling to Norwegian taxpayers to have to pay for a mass murderer's nicotine habit. I dont care how good the 'views of Utoya island' are from the maximum security prison, that's where this freak should be.

Breivik’s extra-large cell (three times the size of the one pictured above in order to increase the distance him and the general population) contains a study equipped with a computer. There’s no internet access but he can use it to watch DVDs if he doesn’t feel like surfing the 15 local channels on his flat screen.

Confinement to the isolation wing has other advantages. A prolific smoker, he can retop his cigarette supply with the press of a button and puff to his heart’s content in an enclosed yard.

And he only has to press a room service-style bell to get more cigarettes delivered

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