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McDonald's Drive Thru's in Pattaya - Scamming?


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Went to the McDonald's drive thru near the Spanish Place Condo on the west side of Sukhumvit last night. Ordered a fillet of fish and small french fries into the microphone and the guy repeated my order through the speaker and it appeared on the screen: Fillet of Fish - 55 baht. French Fries (small) - 29 baht. "Yes?" said the voice as I looked at the screen. "Yes" I replied, keeping it nice and simple. Then as I was about to drive on to the next window out of the corner of my eye I noticed the screen blink and when I looked at it again the size of the french fries had changed to medium and the price had changed to 60-something baht. The voice on the speaker again said "Yes?", and because it still showed the 2 items I had ordered (albeit with a different size french fries) I again said "Yes", figuring that if there was any misunderstanding I'd work things out face-to-face with the guy I give the money to. So I drive on and pull up to the payment window expecting to pay 84 baht and the guy says "One hundred and .....". I haven't quoted the actual amount because I kinda stopped listening after he said "one hundred", but I think he asked for 137 baht. I then asked him in Thai how much were the french fries and he told me 29 baht. Also in Thai I asked how much for the fillet of fish at which point he started looking all sheepish, tapped on his computer a few times and said 84 baht. I guess I looked a bit puzzled as I started doing the addition in my head and then he says "Together... 84 baht total". The guy's now looking sheepish, guilty and embarrassed, so i pay him, collect my food at the next window, check it is all correct (which it was) and drive off.

I would have put it down to an honest mistake/misunderstanding except that I then recalled something similar that happened at the other drive thru McDonald's opposite the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital a few weeks ago. On that occasion I'd been overcharged about 10 or 20 baht, but hadn't figured it out until I had already pulled out onto Sukhumvit and couldn't be bothered to do a couple of u-turns for the sake of 10 or 20 baht.

Thinking about it, if indeed they are scamming (and if they're not I apologize for the inference), it is almost the perfect environment to pull off such a scam: A little confusion in the car... some uncertainty over what the correct total should be... some pressure from not wanting to hold up the production line... pulling wallets/coins/notes out of pockets... not expecting to be scammed by a multinational brand such as McD's means you may have dropped your guard... and then when you drive off you're on a major highway and the prospect of going all the way back to fight over the overcharging may seem like more trouble than it's worth.

Sure seemed like a scam was going on last night, but I could be wrong. Either way, I'd suggest you pay attention when ordering at these 2 places.

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This happened to us as well, only we were down the road when it dawned on my Mrs that the price charged was not the price we should have paid

Wont happen again though because like all the places that overcharge and try Farang prices as against Thai prices, McDonalds is now on the avoid list.

Might be a blessing in disguise avoiding Mcdonalds!

Yes I know this maybe is a staff operated scam but it still stinks of bad management if nothing else.

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unfortunately its probably not just farrangs that get taken, they will try it on with every customer if i worked at Mc dos and taking home a pittance i guess i would be tempted to go along with most tricks of the trade sad but very true here and i consider my self as honest

Edited by gerry123
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Q1 would be.. did the price 137B show up when OP paid? Then it would be in the system and the employee would not gain nothing.. Q2 would be if the OP would have received the medium fries, then of course the scam would be less severe than giving small fries but charging medium

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They do that all the time. I was "accidentally" shorted 500 baht, when paying

for a 2xx baht order with a 1,000 baht note (inside - not drive through).

It seems to be the normal practice at McDonau, so I take my business elsewhere ....


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There was a time, during the "Burger Wars", that you could get a big mac for a dollar....or several smaller hamburgers. Now, these places are outrageous. Soggy, cold french fries, flat cokes, and a paper thin piece of cardboard meat on a dried out bun. Average cost is closer to 159 baht, or higher (such as at the airport). I grew up with fast food, and to be honest, grew out of it as well. It just does not seem to be cost effective, and is definitely not the quality burger I am after. I can get a buffet (in Chiang Mai), for 40 baht more.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Wow a shitty 84 baht piece of shit, when you could have got off your arse and stepped out at a food stall for some real nutritious food.

Your baggie of MSG laden crap from the food stall is an order of magnitude harder to eat in the car when driving compared to a macca's burger and fries.

Time and place, there is reason why macca's has drive thru's.

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slightly off topic, but i remember years ago i worked in a petrol station in the UK, where we used to round up half a pence, added up daily to a free gallon of petrol for my mini. ie pump was showing £1.52 and a half pence rounded up to £1.53. petrol at that time was 37p a gallon. around the time they issued ration coupons, early 70's

so as inxman posted extra few baht here and there add up

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Wow a shitty 84 baht piece of shit, when you could have got off your arse and stepped out at a food stall for some real nutritious food.

I always fail to understand why some people feel the need to hijack a thread, about something completely different, to roffer their opinion about someone else's eating preferences.

If the OP wanted nutritional advice he woud certainy not come to you and he would be unlikely to obtain his nutrition from Thai food stall.

This thread is about scamming by McDonalds drive-thru and I would suggest that those who have been affected advise McDonalds Thailand (with a copy to McDnalds Asia) of the fact. It probably won't do much good but it seems the sensible line of communication.

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Personally I don't eat burgers at all but those who do might like to try Hippopotamus in Central, which apparently is doing 50% discount at the moment.


As it's a French chain the quality of the food may be quite high.

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