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Thai politics: It's scary when the abnormal becomes normal


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Given that the junta is controlling every aspect of Thai politics for nearly 10 months now, forbidding criticism of the junta while talking about politics is like asking people to walk without using their feet.


Finally an article telling the truth. Well done that man.

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Thai politics will never be normal. This version certainly seems to be better than anything we have had in the last decade.

It can be normal it is down to the people accepting it that way.

No it isn't better. It is as unelected government. No better than communism or dictatorship. if you think that is better than I pity you.

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Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha keeps calling on people to respect the law, yet he himself appears to be exempt considering he led a coup that was illegal by any standard.

To say nothing of the border line treasonous acts leading up to the coup going back to the occupation of the airport, the occupation of government buildings, the murder of demonstrators, the murder of foreign journalists.....And now the apparent kidnapping and disappearance of witnesses by the military in the style of South American dictatorships.

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"A society where citizens merely obey the law without wondering if the usage of the law is legitimate or not is doomed to docility".

The country will not move forward if it's people feel things are hopeless. When they are not free to speak out, enter into industries that are reserved for the Thai elite, they will just vegetate.

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I wonder what Thailand would have been like if democracy had been allowed to develop without the constant interference of the military.

I suppose it all depends on whose version of democracy you look at.

I have seen versions of democracy going back to Chuan Leekpai back in 1993.

Misquoting a song title by Shania Twain "they didn't impress me much".

All of them were out for themselves in one way or another and the "people" were only thought about in the run up to and including the election, after which they were ignored untill they were needed again.

Is this current government better or worse than the others? The truth is I don't know as they have only had 10 months to stop the clock and start again. The last PTP government was always asking for more time and they had nearly 3 years in which to get better but they failed at that too.

IMHO most Thai people don't really care WHO is running things as they have enough problems with paying their bills, keeping their jobs, putting food on the table, praying that their children are NOT involved with drugs. The poor farmers are praying to Buddha for rain for their crops, while worrying about the prices for their crops or even if they will have a crop to sell.

It is the vocal minority like ex politicians and some of the political parties that are doing all the shouting, and worrying if the rules change if they will ever be able to get their snouts back into any trough that are the ones causing the problems at the moment.

They are all about money first, face second and the Thai people come a long way down the list after that.

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Democracy Thai Style simply means "We are the military, and we decide what is democratic and what isn't. And if we don't like something, then it ain't democratic."

For a minute there I though that you were talking about the PTP after they won the election and decided to do what Thaksin said to do.

Remember the 2011 election slogan? Thaksin thinks, PTP acts.

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Democracy Thai Style simply means "We are the military, and we decide what is democratic and what isn't. And if we don't like something, then it ain't democratic."

For a minute there I though that you were talking about the PTP after they won the election and decided to do what Thaksin said to do.

Remember the 2011 election slogan? Thaksin thinks, PTP acts.

Not sure what Thaksin has to do with the jailing of the article's author. PTP was elected and VOA reported no irregularities at the polls. Your post makes you sound like a shill for the military government.

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I am one of those who believe along the lines of a quote attributed to Winston Churchill that "democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."

But I can see examples where democracy might not be the best way to go at a particular time. Lets take Saudi Arabia as an example. Although I am definitely not normally in favour of a monarchy, let alone an absolute monarchy those who know Saudi Arabia well tell me that all the reforms in that country have taken place because of the monarchy - if there had been a democracy, the country would never have allowed women to be educated or to travel.

Plato, using Socrates as a mouthpiece in his work, The Republic, makes the point that democracy leads to worse ills - and one of his arguments is that this is because vast numbers of the population are not sufficiently educated and moderate to avoid the sweet words of the demagogues and that this leads ultimately to repression and some form of corrupt dictatorship.

I think that this is the issue for Thailand - the Thai electorate is still fairly monocultural with majority Buddhist and a Muslim minority. Like Saudi (although clearly not as conservative), this leads to a certain kind of inward-looking approach to everything - put together with the fact that a huge number of the population are still lacking education and the class system, it is no surprise that the country seems to lurch from demagogue leader to unelected leader to demagogue leader and so on.

There is no short-term solution to this. The country could try to educate the masses better and to be more outward-looking culturally. But that will take at least one generation. While I am not in favour of military governance, if this government can reduce corruption and at least make the country a bit or equitable and create opportunities for everyone, it stands a chance to generate some sort of stability.

The irony is that it is ultimately in the interest of those with power and wealth to reduce corruption and make the country more equitable and create opportunities as their wealth will rise and there will be better security and peace - but this goes against the grain of those who think that their power and wealth gives them the right to do what they want and everyone else should just keep quiet. Perhaps it is time to educate not only the masses but also the elites.

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Democracy Thai Style simply means "We are the military, and we decide what is democratic and what isn't. And if we don't like something, then it ain't democratic."

For a minute there I though that you were talking about the PTP after they won the election and decided to do what Thaksin said to do.

Remember the 2011 election slogan? Thaksin thinks, PTP acts.

Here we go again, Thaksin this, Thaksin that, Thaksin the other. The thread is about the junta, can't you stop pining for Thaksin for a few minutes?

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I wonder what Thailand would have been like if democracy had been allowed to develop without the constant interference of the military.

I suppose it all depends on whose version of democracy you look at.

I have seen versions of democracy going back to Chuan Leekpai back in 1993.

Misquoting a song title by Shania Twain "they didn't impress me much".

All of them were out for themselves in one way or another and the "people" were only thought about in the run up to and including the election, after which they were ignored untill they were needed again.

Is this current government better or worse than the others? The truth is I don't know as they have only had 10 months to stop the clock and start again. The last PTP government was always asking for more time and they had nearly 3 years in which to get better but they failed at that too.

IMHO most Thai people don't really care WHO is running things as they have enough problems with paying their bills, keeping their jobs, putting food on the table, praying that their children are NOT involved with drugs. The poor farmers are praying to Buddha for rain for their crops, while worrying about the prices for their crops or even if they will have a crop to sell.

It is the vocal minority like ex politicians and some of the political parties that are doing all the shouting, and worrying if the rules change if they will ever be able to get their snouts back into any trough that are the ones causing the problems at the moment.

They are all about money first, face second and the Thai people come a long way down the list after that.

Over the decades a lot of Thais have been shot dead in the streets fighting for the right to elect a government of their choosing.

Your opinion is not humble, it is wrong and worthless.

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I wonder what Thailand would have been like if democracy had been allowed to develop without the constant interference of the military.

I think we got a pretty good look at what it would be like from the Yingluck government.

I also think most people applauded the coup when it happened, as it put an immediate end to all the political protests and the nightly red shirt attacks. But this prolonged military rule is definately NOT good.

Why is martial law still in place? If the government thinks it still needs it because things will spiral out of control if it is lifted, then that speaks volumns about what is simmering under the surface of this illusion of calm. But maintaining martial law will not stifle it either. It will just allow it to fester and sooner or later it WILL explode.

I wonder if the general is prepared for what is coming?

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It's funny. Everyone in the free world sees the Thai dictators for what they are and say so freely but those in Thailand must "thank" these guys for not allowing them to say anything. So much to learn Thailand!

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IMO the 'thanks' were probably a little sarcastic, definitely not genuine.

Very interesting articles about Head - this one in particular ;-

The BBC's Jonathan Head - Alt Thai News Network ATNN
He is a biased supporter of Thaksin and the PTP
"Jonathan Head of the BBC is well informed, knows right from wrong, but either is told to, or willfully chooses to deceive his audience."
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well were happy and super happy vile scumbag Taksin and his evil crew are hopefully at last put in their place

i and many dont care for Taksin version of democracy and i hope army stay firmly in control for many many years. Thailand is not ready for democracy while issan uneducated can be bought for v500 baht or daft promises.

whats so great living in a so called democracy if its ruled by a megalomaniac like Taksin. id rather take my families chances with a army led dictator if need be sine after all if your not bothered they just allow all to get on with their lives

Pathetic way forang here think their system they left is so much better its not

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well were happy and super happy vile scumbag Taksin and his evil crew are hopefully at last put in their place

i and many dont care for Taksin version of democracy and i hope army stay firmly in control for many many years. Thailand is not ready for democracy while issan uneducated can be bought for v500 baht or daft promises.

whats so great living in a so called democracy if its ruled by a megalomaniac like Taksin. id rather take my families chances with a army led dictator if need be sine after all if your not bothered they just allow all to get on with their lives

Pathetic way forang here think their system they left is so much better its not

The last election the VOA reported there were no irregularities, no vote buying. Is there proof of vote buying ? You say "can be", which is not conclusive.

How is the Thai system better than say the Taiwanese government ? Is the Thai system better than all current governments ? If so, how ?

Many like you hate Thaksin so much it seems that it has clouded your ability to deal with the present.

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