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Israel's Netanyahu emerges with slight edge after tight race


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Just wait a while more, It's not over yet, the fat lady hasn't sung yet....

It's over. 94% of votes counted. Likud 30, ZU 24.

Interestingly looks like most of the Likud strength came from drawing voters out of his close, hard-core right wing allies, Jewish Home and Israel our Home. So the right wing block remains unchanged from previous elections with 44 seats.

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Rivlin can't force a coalition if the major parties won't do it. He's stated repeatedly that he'd like to see a coalition government but in the end he'll go with whoever can group together enough seats.

Kahlon holds the cards. He has about ten seats which will probably go to Bibi and Kahlon would then be the finance minister.

The odds are in favor of Bibi pulling this off.

Elections have rarely been held every four years in Israel. The last election was just over a year ago, in January of 2013. In December of 2014, amid opposition from within his own government, Netanyahu fired Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, declaring, ”I will not tolerate any opposition in my government.” In the same move, he called for early elections, and a week later the parliament voted to dissolve itself and declared early elections would be held in March 2015.


Let's give Kahlon or every other one 12 months, OK ?

The new Italy.

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4 more years of the same then;

Increased isolation of Israel

Increased alienation of US govt...Netanyahu hardly endeared himself by rudely meddling in another country’s affairs. Plus his one state solution is at odds with US and global support for a 2 state solution. US will continue to be embarrassed in the UN and the world stage by allowing the tail to wag the dog.

Threats to bomb Iran. US and other governments won’t support such a move if they have just spent years negotiating a deal with Iran and the UN has lifted sanctions. If he does bomb Iran, Israelis can expect hundreds of Hezbollah rockets from Lebanon.

No new ideas for peace with Palestinians. One good thing to emerge from election campaign...we now know Netanyahu’s true colors... he says there will never be a Palestinian State. No more hypocrisy then insisting on Oslo Accords and direct negotiations. The Palestinians will be well advised to deal directly with ICC and UN.

Continued control and daily repression of the lives of 4.5 million Palestinians under occupation with no right to self determination. The world will increasingly see what an apartheid regime Israel is running.

Maybe he will provoke another war in Gaza..the IDF is shooting at Gazans on a daily basis http://www.maannews.com/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=759933 Not much left to destroy there now. But Bibi doesn’t mind sacrificing Israeli soldiers.

With such prospects the lives of Palestinians and Israelis are not set to improve. I can’t see where the fresh ideas are coming from.

Israelis have made their bed. Now they must lie in it.

Mostly correct except for a couple of things:

1. Anything Bibi said pre-elections applies only pre-elections, and most likely only for that specific time of day :-) It has zero validity or relevance now. That's just how he is.

2. IDF isn't shooting Gazans on a daily basis, that Palestinian "source" is a joke.

That's just how he is. ..what?... a liar and a hypocrite and the PM of Israel.

Try this source that confirms the daily shooting of Gazans by out of control IDF. Do bear this in mind when the muddying of the timelines are next fabricated by the Israeli apologists.


1. Yes. Need examples?

2. Al jazeera isn't exactly a balanced or impartial source AND there's no mention of "daily shooting" at all. Farmers on the Israeli side of the border also sustained heavy damage from Palestinian rockets and were forced to leave their homes.

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4 more years of the same then;

Increased isolation of Israel

Increased alienation of US govt...Netanyahu hardly endeared himself by rudely meddling in another country’s affairs. Plus his one state solution is at odds with US and global support for a 2 state solution. US will continue to be embarrassed in the UN and the world stage by allowing the tail to wag the dog.

Threats to bomb Iran. US and other governments won’t support such a move if they have just spent years negotiating a deal with Iran and the UN has lifted sanctions. If he does bomb Iran, Israelis can expect hundreds of Hezbollah rockets from Lebanon.

No new ideas for peace with Palestinians. One good thing to emerge from election campaign...we now know Netanyahu’s true colors... he says there will never be a Palestinian State. No more hypocrisy then insisting on Oslo Accords and direct negotiations. The Palestinians will be well advised to deal directly with ICC and UN.

Continued control and daily repression of the lives of 4.5 million Palestinians under occupation with no right to self determination. The world will increasingly see what an apartheid regime Israel is running.

Maybe he will provoke another war in Gaza..the IDF is shooting at Gazans on a daily basis http://www.maannews.com/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=759933 Not much left to destroy there now. But Bibi doesn’t mind sacrificing Israeli soldiers.

With such prospects the lives of Palestinians and Israelis are not set to improve. I can’t see where the fresh ideas are coming from.

Israelis have made their bed. Now they must lie in it.

Mostly correct except for a couple of things:

1. Anything Bibi said pre-elections applies only pre-elections, and most likely only for that specific time of day :-) It has zero validity or relevance now. That's just how he is.

2. IDF isn't shooting Gazans on a daily basis, that Palestinian "source" is a joke.

That's just how he is. ..what?... a liar and a hypocrite and the PM of Israel.

Try this source that confirms the daily shooting of Gazans by out of control IDF. Do bear this in mind when the muddying of the timelines are next fabricated by the Israeli apologists.


1. Yes. Need examples?

2. Al jazeera isn't exactly a balanced or impartial source AND there's no mention of "daily shooting" at all. Farmers on the Israeli side of the border also sustained heavy damage from Palestinian rockets and were forced to leave their homes.

I see you used the past tense "sustained"...referring to last year's Gaza War. The Hamas rockets have stopped, but the IDF's daily provocations have not.

But I can see by your obfuscation that the muddying of the timeline has begun, just as I predicted.

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This is good news insofar as it will mean a quicker, but more painful birth of the Palestinian nation.

It will also mean the Palestinians will get more of what they want because the State will be formed unilaterally.

Fascist Netanyahu will not be able to stop himself from breaking more and more international laws and the Geneva Convention, especially as he's probably going to be aligned with extreme right wingers.

He's setting Israel up for punishment. Good thing.

That's one possible scenario, that's the main line of thought of the Arab party in Israel. (14 seats btw, pretty impressive turnout there).

I'm not sure it will play out this way though. Bibi is a skillful master in.. doing nothing. He is not driven by ideology, unlike his extreme right wing partners, he's driven purely by his wish to remain in power (and not pay for his ice cream). Anything which rocks the boat and upsets the status quo will risk this and will be a no go. That's why there's a stalemate in so many areas in Israel for the past 6 years.

Can he pull this off again for another 4 years? It's hard to tell, it's certainly going to get harder and harder to do.

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Likud leading in Israel elections after 70% of ballots counted

TEL AVIV, March 18. /TASS/. The Likud party of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is leading in Israel’s parliamentary elections after 70% of ballots have been counted, the country’s Central Elections Committee (CEC) reported.

Likud gained 23.73% of the vote, and the party’s key rival in the elections - center-left political alliance The Zionist Union of Isaac Herzog received 19.06%, the CEC said.

Source: http://tass.ru/en/world/783402

-- TASS 2015-03-18

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Likud leading in Israel elections after 70% of ballots counted

TEL AVIV, March 18. /TASS/. The Likud party of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is leading in Israel’s parliamentary elections after 70% of ballots have been counted, the country’s Central Elections Committee (CEC) reported.

Likud gained 23.73% of the vote, and the party’s key rival in the elections - center-left political alliance The Zionist Union of Isaac Herzog received 19.06%, the CEC said.

Source: http://tass.ru/en/world/783402

-- TASS 2015-03-18

99% of votes counted. Biggest 3 parties are:

Likud 29

Zionist Union 24

Arab joint list 14

Edited by rambling
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I see you used the past tense "sustained"...referring to last year's Gaza War. The Hamas rockets have stopped, but the IDF's daily provocations have not.

But I can see by your obfuscation that the muddying of the timeline has begun, just as I predicted.


Anyway, I'm still waiting for a source for your claim of "daily shooting" now turned "daily provocations".

I have given you 2 sources already. Do your own research.

I can't help you if you are in denial about the IDF's daily provocative shootings.

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I see you used the past tense "sustained"...referring to last year's Gaza War. The Hamas rockets have stopped, but the IDF's daily provocations have not.

But I can see by your obfuscation that the muddying of the timeline has begun, just as I predicted.


Anyway, I'm still waiting for a source for your claim of "daily shooting" now turned "daily provocations".

I have given you 2 sources already. Do your own research.

I can't help you if you are in denial about the IDF's daily provocative shootings.

No you haven't. One "source" was a joke, and the other has zero mentions of "daily" anything.. but that's OK, I concede and you win.

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No idea why Obama got pushed into this thread.

Netanyahu mentioned on several occasions that foreign governments and foreign-based organizations have been working to eject him. He said the coalition seeking to oust him is generously funded by foreign donors who are also encouraging a high voter turnout among Israels Arab and left-wing voters in a bid to replace the existing leadership. Netanyahu called the campaign unprecedented.

Yes he said something in this spirit on a number of occasions. I don't remember him specifically mentioning governments but foreign organizations yes.

Firstly that doesn't make it true. There's no evidence that the left was funded externally unusually, or any more than he was.

He himself is owned by Sheldon Adelson the US billionaire and has huge amounts of money flowing from US donors. This is all public knowledge as donations require disclosure by law and the information is easily available.

Secondly, I don't think people understood his comments to mean Obama specifically. Obviously I can't speak for what every person thinks but that's my impression. There were also references made to European elements in some campaign materials released by extreme right wing. I don't remember anything about US president/administration/government being mentioned. However I did not watch all the TV campaigns.

In the end I believe that Obama and US did not play a meaningful part in terms of influencing voters decisions. I could be wrong.

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More back to the topic. Bibi has done something "interesting" in this election.

Made relations with the U.S. more of a partisan issue in the U.S.

Come out of the closet about his lack of intention regarding two state solution. Astute observers already knew that but it's significant he has said so explicitly.

The Arabs going out to vote fear baiting comment by Bibi was very impolitic and racist but it's little different than when U.S. republicans try to suppress voting rights of minorities with crafty laws though no president is going to explicitly talk about that.

It was clearly politically motivated ... to put fire under the tushes of the Israeli right wing to get out and vote for him, and vote for him they did, so from a purely campaign tactic POV it worked, but was it worth it what it even more openly shows the world about the Israeli right wing?

The truth is the Arab coalition in this election which included votes from left wing Jews was historic and something refreshing for the future of Israeli democracy.

Third highest vote getting party. That's a big deal.

I wouldn't rule out a coalition with Zionist Union just yet. Forming a coalition lets Bibi walk back some of these extreme right wing words and actions he resorted to in the heated campaign.

Maybe he doesn't want to walk them back. I'm not so sure.

Edited by Jingthing
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Despite the terror onslaught, Israel contunies to supply electricity and water to the Palestinian people, and these plants are sometimes hit by the rockets fired by Hamas from within the Gaza Strip, cutting power to thousands. Since the begining of 2013, over 20,000 truckloads of supplies from Israel have crossed into Gaza for consumption and use by the citizens


Israel doesn't withhold funds from Gaza, The PA do that to try and slow Hamas down. Also the Arab nations pledged billions of aid for Gaza, so far they haven't given anything, Why HAMAS.

You can't accept Gaza isn't part of Israel. Thats OK it really doesn't matter what you think. It has no effect over the situation. But if you are going to make claims try to make sure they have some basis in truth and not just leftist anti Israel BS propaganda.wai.gif

This is not entirely accurate.

1. Israel has an obligation to provide reasonable living conditions there because it is still under Israeli responsibility as long as Israel controls all the entries and exits and hasn't defined its own borders. This is according to international law.

2. Israel started withholding funds from the PA a few months ago after they went to the Hague.

Your line of thought is what Ariel Sharon expected when he unilaterally pulled out of Gaza without an agreement. It has not worked out well.

Btw the above does not mean the Hamas are not terrorists, they are, and they call on the complete destruction of Israel, all of it, taking everything, to the last inch.

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