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Falling egg prices prompts immediate action by the Egg Board


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Funny to see your posts are getting longer and longer and the hole your digging gets deeper and deeper, You finally admit that you are well of and that a price increase of 50% for eggs doesn't really affect you. Well, good for you. How about a 50% increase on your next car? Great for you that you can brag about your 4 bedroom house, 5 rai's of land and not having to worry about money. You must be a proud man, Your own little kingdom.

Point I am trying to make is that a lot of people don't have such proclaimed 'luxury' and struggle with inflation and rising prices. I surprises me that you fail to understand that and react so strong on such a statement. You could show some sympathy instead of becoming abusive, insulting and showing a complete lack of empathy. And your advice for those who cannot afford something is to get a life and work harder. Wow, you are a very kind person,

And the real Thailand? Maybe come down from your throne and have a look.

Touchy aren't we. Now you are going from the sublime to the ridiculous. we were talking about eggs, not all that you have introduced. So the next thing up your sleeve is to bring digging holes and a vehicle into the equation. So what if I have been able to provide for myself, didn't you. By the sound of it, I think not and now want to go off on the great divide..

Let's get something straight, everything since the initial post, I have directed my responses at you, no one else. You started going off on that tangent, not I. And yes, if the car went up by 50% and I wanted it, then I would buy it. Might not like it but I would not bleat about the increase as you continually do. But like everyone, we have choices, to buy or not to buy.

No, not bragging, just satisfied that I have been able to provide for my wife and I. Reading your post it sounds like you're unhappy an definitely thin skinned. So what if someone works hard to get somewhere, it appears that you don't like to see others get something that maybe you are incapable of? I also see that you're up to you little tricks again., combining two subjects, then list a single misleading response, which you seem to specialise in.

And you still fail to answer the question. Define the real Thailand. The real Thailand has nothing to do with me getting off a throne, never owned one but maybe I should get one just to keep you happy. Come on, tell me what I am missing, tell me what the real Thailand is? Still waiting in anticipation.

Since we started this discussion you think you have directed your insults to me as a person and that's where you are completely wrong. There is no you and me, as I don't know you and you don't know me. We are digital metaphors. You could be a giant Pygmy and I could be a Thai school teacher. What does exist however, are our points of view. Yours mostly arrogant and obnoxious and mine more emphatic taking the hardship of the every day Thai in mind.

You assume that I am not able to provide for myself and my family and that must be the reason I complain about increasing food prices. Well maybe you're right, maybe you're completely wrong. I kind of have to laugh at your arrogance and ignorance.Your so full of yourself. In the land of the blind, the one eyed is king so to speak.

You want to know the real Thailand? Take a bus or a stroll through Bangkok and its suburbs and look, feel and especially talk to people (try to be a bit nicer though), maybe talk to villagers in Issan or in the North. Talk about their debts and the cost of schooling for their kids. Inform about the lands they've lost. Also, ask them about their diets, how much fruits and vegetables without formalin they can afford. Ever heard of the Mama Noodles Index? You might be surprised how about 60% of the Thais live/survive. For them a 10% yearly increase of whatever commodities is a big deal. Are you really so ignorant to not understand that? People do not have a choice like you mention, they need to eat or they'll starve. I have an extended Thai family and I worry about these things. A lot of them are struggling in their daily lives. You really want me to explain the real Thailand? Its for yourself to discover this, but I doubt you'll ever will with the mentality you displayed in your writings.

The moment someone starts calling people whingers, non intellectuals or whatever, it demonstrates low esteem and low EQ.

Keep your amusing posts coming, we are having a blast Ebeneezer.

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Eggs are one of the most important staples for protein, and this the price fluctuations are important either to the farmer (which does not make that much and needs to feed the chickens) or the general population which does not have much if any disposable income to chose another protein to replace it. A reasonably stable price is best, when it falls too much it hurts the farmers, when it rises it hurts those just trying to give their family a basic meal. Most westerners here are pretty privileged in their lives as compared to the average Thai.... It is easier to say substitute something else, but much harder to do for most people. Eggs come from chickens, chickens require food - so judging egg prices without respect to the overall price of food or feed is difficult - and to be quite honest, I don't know whether the prices are too high or too low.

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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