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Seven-year old Thai boy rescued after he was beaten up and tied to a pole


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I would smack my child for stealing. Better that than prison later. I don't know what the big hoo Haa is about. If you think that is bad. Just how nice do you all think it's going to be in a Thai boys orphanage.

His aunt is probably doing the best she can with very little family support or money.

I hope he is sent back to her soon. I am sure she would be the better option of the two places. Most thai know that also. That's why they don't interfere.

You don't know what the hoo haa is about?

You don't see how tying up a child and violently assaulting them is a vile thing to do, no matter what they have done?

You think that is the appropriate response? The best way to deal with a 7 year old child?

Send the child back to an adult who has violently assaulted him, probably not for the first time? If a child learns that violence is the way of the world, how do you think they will act towards that world and those they see as w eager than themselves?

There have been some crass posts on this thread already, but your's beggars belief.

Not saying it's the best situation.

But the abuse he would suffer in a Thai boys orphanage would be way beyond the troubles he is having now. Your naivety in thinking that he would be put in a loving foster home and given a wonderful new life beggars believe. The police are quite right. Talk with the family, have child welfare talk with the aunt and send him back.

Or, boys orphanage. His most likely future is pat pong at 16 or prison. Why don't you pop down to the boys orphanage sometime for a reality check.

Sadly, you have a valid point. Thai orphanages are often a throwback to Victorian era poor houses.

Unfortunately, a talking to the child's guardians will not change much, except postpone the next round of abuse. What is needed is direct intervention and family counselling, which is a "pie in the sky" expectation. You are even more accurate in your assessment of the future of the abused boy.

So, basically all we have to work with here are negative scenarios. Anyone with a viable, workable solution to this situation? Keep in mind the lack of social services, the lack of funding and the lack or resources all combined with a culture that allows for the abuse. Where does it leave the kid? He needs help now. The family needs help now. Where will it come from, and who will provide it?

A western solution isn't available, nor feasible. What's the solution within the Thai culture?

My point is that we are witnessing the creation of a violent criminal, or future street kid, or psychologically damaged adult who will repeat the cycle of violence, and there is nothing being done to stop it. We can wring our hands and express anger, but, then what?

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He will think twice before he steals again!

What a stupid thing to say. Physical punishment is not how adults are punished with therefore why should children be, apart from which a child being physically smaller than an adult how does the hitter know who hard to het. This case was not hitting more complex, torment, terrible things to do. Better to send the child to his room every day for a week and take away and phone, TV etc and let him sit alone to think things through not beat him up.That is why hitting children is banned in developed countries like the UK.

And it is a pity it was ever banned

You dill.It's against the law to hit another adult,but you rekon it's ok to hit a kid.It shows more about your inability as a parent to cope.

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I would smack my child for stealing. Better that than prison later. I don't know what the big hoo Haa is about. If you think that is bad. Just how nice do you all think it's going to be in a Thai boys orphanage.

His aunt is probably doing the best she can with very little family support or money.

I hope he is sent back to her soon. I am sure she would be the better option of the two places. Most thai know that also. That's why they don't interfere.

You don't know what the hoo haa is about?

You don't see how tying up a child and violently assaulting them is a vile thing to do, no matter what they have done?

You think that is the appropriate response? The best way to deal with a 7 year old child?

Send the child back to an adult who has violently assaulted him, probably not for the first time? If a child learns that violence is the way of the world, how do you think they will act towards that world and those they see as w eager than themselves?

There have been some crass posts on this thread already, but your's beggars belief.

Not saying it's the best situation.

But the abuse he would suffer in a Thai boys orphanage would be way beyond the troubles he is having now. Your naivety in thinking that he would be put in a loving foster home and given a wonderful new life beggars believe. The police are quite right. Talk with the family, have child welfare talk with the aunt and send him back.

Or, boys orphanage. His most likely future is pat pong at 16 or prison. Why don't you pop down to the boys orphanage sometime for a reality check.

It is no solution at all to send the child back to be abused again.Have you learnt nothing from all the hoo haa in the Catholic church.

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A lot of posters are having difficulty understanding the difference between corporal punishment and child abuse. Why anyone would think its a good option to send a child of 7 back to his abuser is beyond me. Maybe the other options are not great but the next time we could be reading about a dead boy. A very sad situation without a good solution.

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he steals a 6 Baht candy in a store (which...let's face it: we all have done!)

no DM, not all of us have not stolen.

thank you for an indication of your morals.

altho'some of your posts do indicate just "where you are coming from"


I call BS on that.

There are two kinds of people in this world.

People who stole a candy or treat as a kid ..

And people who lie about it.

What OB does not get, thes rest of us normal people with normal childhoods are sort of shaking our heads like "wow, your childhood sort of sucked."

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he steals a 6 Baht candy in a store (which...let's face it: we all have done!)

no DM, not all of us have not stolen.

thank you for an indication of your morals.

altho'some of your posts do indicate just "where you are coming from"


I call BS on.

There are two kinds of people in this world.

People who stole a candy or treat as a kid ..

And people who lie about it.

What OB does not get, thes rest of us normal people with normal childhoods are sort of shaking our heads like "wow, your childhood sort of sucked."

I never stole a candy. Spent 20 minutes casing out a packet of morning glory seeds in a gardening shop when I was 18…..stole 'em and when i got home, discovered they were a display packet with no seeds inside.

Edited by nottocus
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A pic say more then 1000 words


I'm a pretty tough old bastard - been many places and seen too much - but what I see here brings tears to my eyes just thinking about what the poor child must have gone thru' while being brutalised like this.

This is nothing other than a criminal act treating a child in such a manner and a very poor result on the part of the BIB.

Had I been there, Aunty may well have had a very nasty fall down the stair on the way out.

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He will think twice before he steals again!

Good call - I don't think.

Did you ever have a parking ticket or a speeding fine - based on your simplified thinking a good caning or thrashing with a leather belt would have ensured you never did wrong again, but then guess you would consider that uncivilised.

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Has it occurred to anyone that the grandmother may have made up the theft story as an excuse to justify the child being severely beaten by her daughter ?

Does it really matter - sadistic abuse is sadistic abuse irrespective of the reason.

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This boy got a good thrashing after stealing....good for building character. When i was his age i was caned and thrashed frequently, hunted down, hung from walls etc...for the usual childish infractions of theft, arson, assault. vandalism, cheekiness etc...and it did me good.

Edited by paddyjenkins
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This boy got a good thrashing after stealing....good for building character. When i was his age i was caned and thrashed frequently, hunted down, hung from walls etc...for the usual childish infractions of theft, arson, assault. vandalism, cheekiness etc...and it did me good.

What kind of sad human are you ?

I hope you never had kids in your life.

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The aunt would be looking at prison time in some places. Was she the legal guardian of the boy. The grandmother would also be looking at charges if she was aware it was happening and did nothing especially as she appears to be the guardian. This is not legal chastisement of a minor it is a criminal offence, a serious assault in civilised countries.

Edited by chooka
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This boy got a good thrashing after stealing....good for building character. When i was his age i was caned and thrashed frequently, hunted down, hung from walls etc...for the usual childish infractions of theft, arson, assault. vandalism, cheekiness etc...and it did me good.

You must have been a right little turd when you were 7 years old and sounds like you kept everyone busy.
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A pic say more then 1000 words


I'm a pretty tough old bastard - been many places and seen too much - but what I see here brings tears to my eyes just thinking about what the poor child must have gone thru' while being brutalised like this.

This is nothing other than a criminal act treating a child in such a manner and a very poor result on the part of the BIB.

Had I been there, Aunty may well have had a very nasty fall down the stair on the way out.

Yes truly sickening and anyone who who thinks this is justified is in need of serious help as they to are sick.
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This boy got a good thrashing after stealing....good for building character. When i was his age i was caned and thrashed frequently, hunted down, hung from walls etc...for the usual childish infractions of theft, arson, assault. vandalism, cheekiness etc...and it did me good.

What kind of sad human are you ?

I hope you never had kids in your life.

I think he was being sarcastic.

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This boy got a good thrashing after stealing....good for building character. When i was his age i was caned and thrashed frequently, hunted down, hung from walls etc...for the usual childish infractions of theft, arson, assault. vandalism, cheekiness etc...and it did me good.

What kind of sad human are you ?

I hope you never had kids in your life.

I think he was being sarcastic.

Yes, sarcastic but a long long way from humorous considering the subject.

Note: "did me good" is very poor usage of English so it would appear you need further and on-going thrashings to sort that problem out as well.

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