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Netanyahu win dashes prospect for a thaw with Obama


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This will probably make some people gag, but Israel's quiet supporters in its quarrel with the US President and Secretary of State over Iran are Arab countries. The Arabs have been working with Israel to stop the deal. It goes against everyone's assumptions and would go over like a lead balloon in the arab world, but almost all of Iran's neighbours want to stop Iran from going nuclear. The Palestinian issue is a side issue and is not a priority for the Arabs and Israelis who are opposed to Iran.

Egypt and Jordan have a lot of influence with Israel, much more than the EU. The Saudi's are propping up the Egyptian administration and Sunni dominated Egypt wishes to reclaim its historic leadership role in the arab world. The Arabs don't like Iranians, even if most westerners assume they are all the same.

The tip off to the alignment of views is the very limited amount of criticism of Israel in the Arab world per the Palestinian question. Yes, there is still an insistence to do something, but the Palestinians are as popular in the arab world as a case of herpes after a visit to Pattaya.

Israel and the Saudi's are working closer than some might think over Iran.

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Today, the Obama white house released details and n Israel's nuclear weapons program, albeit a 30 year old document,

But, if Obama isn't careful, he will lose the only country in the region that still replies to his calls

Israel would be well advised to invite Vladimir Putin for a state visit

Only friend in the region? I don't think you mean Israel, because Israel is only a friend of Israel. Wrt other countries in the region, you really think that the American president should be friends with say Saudi, who are, as we are discussing this, supporting Al Qaida and ISIS in Yemen, by bombing the Shia Houthis. I for sure wouldn't want a friend like that if I was an US citizen....but fortunately I am not!

Wrt to Israel/Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin, it would be excellent if they get together (and I am sure all your US redneck Congress men will also be very happy with this). Let them become buddies! They have after all a lot of similarities; misuse of power, human rights abuse, starting wars, taking land that doesn't belong to them, use chemical weapons, etc.

The Saudi intervention in Yemen is legal as it is the request of the lawful government of Yemen. It comes with the full support of 9 countries in the region. 7 will provide airforce assets: Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar, Sudan and the United Arab Emirates. Pakistan and Egypt are providing naval assets. Thats a rather large coalition and they are all aligned against Iran's proxy army the Houthis. Whether you like it or not Saudi Arabia is a key regional player and has influence in the region. It has a tacit understanding with Israel. If and when Israel attacks Iran, it will be allowed use of Jordanian and Iranian airspace, albeit unofficially. The current US admin has under estimated the resilience of the Israelis and the need for Israel and its "enemies" to reach an understanding in regard to a more dangerous enemy, Iran. The Obama admin is clueless as to the Arab world and is relying on its assumptions drawn from domestic academics and Dearborn Michigan Democrats. Much of the Arab world leadership has more in common with the GOP than it does with Democrats.

In respect to Putin, he has espoused far less dislike of jews than have some EU politicians. Considering the historic hatred Europeans and their progeny have had for jews, Putin seems enlightened in comparison. A lot of Russians emigrated to Israel and some of the Israeli cabinet are fluent Russian speakers. It is probably a lot easier for the Russians and Israelis to get along then it is with the current US admin. However, Putin being Putin, he has no use for Israel since it can't help him with anything.

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We see changes happening already.

He says "occupation."

White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough Says the Israeli Occupation 'Must End

WASHINGTON -- White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough brought a strong message to an American pro-Israel conference on Monday, telling a crowd of 3,000 attendees that “an occupation that has lasted for almost 50 years must end, and the Palestinian people must have the right to live in and govern themselves in their own sovereign state.”


The White House?



Nice cartoon of presidents. Their legacies shown on the cartoon are witty sentences maybe written by their speechwriters. Kennedy is glorified because he was killed. Kennedy was a junkie and also not that competent president he is portrayed to be.

Kennedy took pain killers for a severe back condition so anyone using a drug to kill pain is a junkie? That is one dumb ass statement. Reality is Kennedy was committed to real change and it probably cost him his life. Now what's your problem?

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It will be interesting to see how Obama plays this now that Amnesty International have come out and said that Hamas are guilty of war crimes! What will Obama say?


Rocket and mortar attacks by Palestinian militant groups during last summer's conflict in Gaza amounted to war crimes, Amnesty International says.

Militants displayed a "flagrant disregard" for the lives of civilians during the 50-day war, a report found.

Six civilians in Israel and 13 Palestinians are believed to have been killed as a result of such attacks.

His one sided attack on Netanyahu is going to backfire on him. Slowly Obama's options are closing on him. All he has left is trying to make a weak agreement with Iran not to build the bomb. Not having much luck with that, no matter how far he bends over to accommodate Iran.

He'll either say both the Israelis and the Palestinians have to go to the ICJ, or he'll shut up and stay out of it.


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This will probably make some people gag, but Israel's quiet supporters in its quarrel with the US President and Secretary of State over Iran are Arab countries. The Arabs have been working with Israel to stop the deal. It goes against everyone's assumptions and would go over like a lead balloon in the arab world, but almost all of Iran's neighbours want to stop Iran from going nuclear. The Palestinian issue is a side issue and is not a priority for the Arabs and Israelis who are opposed to Iran.

Egypt and Jordan have a lot of influence with Israel, much more than the EU. The Saudi's are propping up the Egyptian administration and Sunni dominated Egypt wishes to reclaim its historic leadership role in the arab world. The Arabs don't like Iranians, even if most westerners assume they are all the same.

The tip off to the alignment of views is the very limited amount of criticism of Israel in the Arab world per the Palestinian question. Yes, there is still an insistence to do something, but the Palestinians are as popular in the arab world as a case of herpes after a visit to Pattaya.

Israel and the Saudi's are working closer than some might think over Iran.

It dont surprise me at all. Saudi Arabia wants to be a regional power and Iran is its contender. Discounting Israel. Edited by BKKBobby
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We see changes happening already.

He says "occupation."

White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough Says the Israeli Occupation 'Must End

WASHINGTON -- White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough brought a strong message to an American pro-Israel conference on Monday, telling a crowd of 3,000 attendees that “an occupation that has lasted for almost 50 years must end, and the Palestinian people must have the right to live in and govern themselves in their own sovereign state.”


The White House?



Nice cartoon of presidents. Their legacies shown on the cartoon are witty sentences maybe written by their speechwriters. Kennedy is glorified because he was killed. Kennedy was a junkie and also not that competent president he is portrayed to be.

Kennedy took pain killers for a severe back condition so anyone using a drug to kill pain is a junkie? That is one dumb ass statement. Reality is Kennedy was committed to real change and it probably cost him his life. Now what's your problem?

He used amphetamine. Doesnt make any difference, he could have been a extraordinary president anyway but he wasnt. I dont care about him, I dont have anything against who he was or what he did. Hes just glorified because of his death. There was nothing special about his competence as a president.

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Kennedy was a uniter.

The Saudi Egyptian action includes Naval And Marine units which seized the straits and are enforcing a no fly zone which will prevent Iranian warplanes from re arming the houtis

There are 150,000/soldiers and 100 warplanes preparing a ground invasion

Al queda is in the western part of the country and is not in this fight, this is All Iranian and will be a massive defeat for Iran as is Tikrit and Mosul

Iran's ambitious foray onto the world stage with Obama just died

Iran will never have a bomb, and will soon find they have no economy or army left and then, they will find their nuclear weapons programmed bombed out of existence, underground and mountain facility's unreachable and anyone in them at the time, entombed

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Kennedy was a uniter.

The Saudi Egyptian action includes Naval And Marine units which seized the straits and are enforcing a no fly zone which will prevent Iranian warplanes from re arming the houtis

There are 150,000/soldiers and 100 warplanes preparing a ground invasion

Al queda is in the western part of the country and is not in this fight, this is All Iranian and will be a massive defeat for Iran as is Tikrit and Mosul

Iran's ambitious foray onto the world stage with Obama just died

Iran will never have a bomb, and will soon find they have no economy or army left and then, they will find their nuclear weapons programmed bombed out of existence, underground and mountain facility's unreachable and anyone in them at the time, entombed


Wait and see.

Deal or no deal.

Edited by BKKBobby
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I am curious, Just haw can Obama continue negotiations with Iran, now that the Saudi's have gotten involved. His whole premise was to get Iran involved with fighting ISIS/ISIL. Now he has a main US ally about to come into conflict with Iran.

The real Irony is if Iran did have a bomb would they end up using it first on the Saudi's.

Obama is going to be a pretty bad footnote in American history.

There is even the prospect now that Israel may at the right moment join with the Saudi to finish off Iran. irony of ironies!

Its nice to have fantasys.

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Nice cartoon of presidents. Their legacies shown on the cartoon are witty sentences maybe written by their speechwriters. Kennedy is glorified because he was killed. Kennedy was a junkie and also not that competent president he is portrayed to be.

Kennedy took pain killers for a severe back condition so anyone using a drug to kill pain is a junkie? That is one dumb ass statement. Reality is Kennedy was committed to real change and it probably cost him his life. Now what's your problem?

He used amphetamine. Doesnt make any difference, he could have been a extraordinary president anyway but he wasnt. I dont care about him, I dont have anything against who he was or what he did. Hes just glorified because of his death. There was nothing special about his competence as a president.

Do you know how many people in America or Britain are on Ritalin or Adderall. In fact kids are on it. I guess they are all junkies lol. Many need it.

You need to study history these blanket statements are making you look very ridiculouus. Kennedy was a great leader who did not have time to finish. Many of the things he had done was to move the country forward in race relations, he diffused the Cuban missile crisis, he cracked down on organized crime, he wanted to lessen the power of the CIA and he wantd to reform the Federal Reserve to name a few.

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Nice cartoon of presidents. Their legacies shown on the cartoon are witty sentences maybe written by their speechwriters. Kennedy is glorified because he was killed. Kennedy was a junkie and also not that competent president he is portrayed to be.

Kennedy took pain killers for a severe back condition so anyone using a drug to kill pain is a junkie? That is one dumb ass statement. Reality is Kennedy was committed to real change and it probably cost him his life. Now what's your problem?

He used amphetamine. Doesnt make any difference, he could have been a extraordinary president anyway but he wasnt. I dont care about him, I dont have anything against who he was or what he did. Hes just glorified because of his death. There was nothing special about his competence as a president.

Do you know how many people in America or Britain are on Ritalin or Adderall. In fact kids are on it. I guess they are all junkies lol. Many need it.

You need to study history these blanket statements are making you look very ridiculouus. Kennedy was a great leader who did not have time to finish. Many of the things he had done was to move the country forward in race relations, he diffused the Cuban missile crisis, he cracked down on organized crime, he wanted to lessen the power of the CIA and he wantd to reform the Federal Reserve to name a few.

Did he have ADD/ADHD or does it exist testimotionals that he exhibited symptoms of having ADD/ADHD

Or was he using stimulants to experience pleasure alt. for escaping from/coping with reality?

Yes, you can get methamphetamine or other stimulants prescribed if you have ADHD/ADD and yes it works

This is off-topic.

Edited by BKKBobby
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Nice cartoon of presidents. Their legacies shown on the cartoon are witty sentences maybe written by their speechwriters. Kennedy is glorified because he was killed. Kennedy was a junkie and also not that competent president he is portrayed to be.

Kennedy took pain killers for a severe back condition so anyone using a drug to kill pain is a junkie? That is one dumb ass statement. Reality is Kennedy was committed to real change and it probably cost him his life. Now what's your problem?

He used amphetamine. Doesnt make any difference, he could have been a extraordinary president anyway but he wasnt. I dont care about him, I dont have anything against who he was or what he did. Hes just glorified because of his death. There was nothing special about his competence as a president.

Do you know how many people in America or Britain are on Ritalin or Adderall. In fact kids are on it. I guess they are all junkies lol. Many need it.

You need to study history these blanket statements are making you look very ridiculouus. Kennedy was a great leader who did not have time to finish. Many of the things he had done was to move the country forward in race relations, he diffused the Cuban missile crisis, he cracked down on organized crime, he wanted to lessen the power of the CIA and he wantd to reform the Federal Reserve to name a few.

Did he have ADD/ADHD or does it exist testimotionals that he exhibited symptoms of having ADD/ADHD

Or was he using stimulants to experience pleasure alt. for escaping from/coping with reality?

Yes, you can get methamphetamine or other stimulants prescribed if you have ADHD/ADD and yes it works

This is off-topic.

The point really is moot. At the time amphetamines were widely accepted and not viewed as a dangerous drug. Truckers used to use them all the time. Many people who worked long hours would use them and even today University Professors, writers, etc. use Adderall because they believe it makes them more productive not because they are ADHD. Additionally there really isn't that much pleasure from amphetamines. It's not like he was doing crack or similar. You seem to be obsessed with defaming the man based on your limited knowledge of his private life. I couldn't really care if he was screwing half of Washington he was a great President and that is why he would get my vote not based on what he drinks or smokes.

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Nice cartoon of presidents. Their legacies shown on the cartoon are witty sentences maybe written by their speechwriters. Kennedy is glorified because he was killed. Kennedy was a junkie and also not that competent president he is portrayed to be.

Kennedy took pain killers for a severe back condition so anyone using a drug to kill pain is a junkie? That is one dumb ass statement. Reality is Kennedy was committed to real change and it probably cost him his life. Now what's your problem?

He used amphetamine. Doesnt make any difference, he could have been a extraordinary president anyway but he wasnt. I dont care about him, I dont have anything against who he was or what he did. Hes just glorified because of his death. There was nothing special about his competence as a president.

Do you know how many people in America or Britain are on Ritalin or Adderall. In fact kids are on it. I guess they are all junkies lol. Many need it.

You need to study history these blanket statements are making you look very ridiculouus. Kennedy was a great leader who did not have time to finish. Many of the things he had done was to move the country forward in race relations, he diffused the Cuban missile crisis, he cracked down on organized crime, he wanted to lessen the power of the CIA and he wantd to reform the Federal Reserve to name a few.

Did he have ADD/ADHD or does it exist testimotionals that he exhibited symptoms of having ADD/ADHD

Or was he using stimulants to experience pleasure alt. for escaping from/coping with reality?

Yes, you can get methamphetamine or other stimulants prescribed if you have ADHD/ADD and yes it works

This is off-topic.

It is well known that JFK had ADHD and a learning disability as a child
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Nice cartoon of presidents. Their legacies shown on the cartoon are witty sentences maybe written by their speechwriters. Kennedy is glorified because he was killed. Kennedy was a junkie and also not that competent president he is portrayed to be.

Kennedy took pain killers for a severe back condition so anyone using a drug to kill pain is a junkie? That is one dumb ass statement. Reality is Kennedy was committed to real change and it probably cost him his life. Now what's your problem?

He used amphetamine. Doesnt make any difference, he could have been a extraordinary president anyway but he wasnt. I dont care about him, I dont have anything against who he was or what he did. Hes just glorified because of his death. There was nothing special about his competence as a president.

Do you know how many people in America or Britain are on Ritalin or Adderall. In fact kids are on it. I guess they are all junkies lol. Many need it.

You need to study history these blanket statements are making you look very ridiculouus. Kennedy was a great leader who did not have time to finish. Many of the things he had done was to move the country forward in race relations, he diffused the Cuban missile crisis, he cracked down on organized crime, he wanted to lessen the power of the CIA and he wantd to reform the Federal Reserve to name a few.

Did he have ADD/ADHD or does it exist testimotionals that he exhibited symptoms of having ADD/ADHD

Or was he using stimulants to experience pleasure alt. for escaping from/coping with reality?

Yes, you can get methamphetamine or other stimulants prescribed if you have ADHD/ADD and yes it works

This is off-topic.

It is well known that JFK had ADHD and a learning disability as a child

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Today, the Obama white house released details and n Israel's nuclear weapons program, albeit a 30 year old document,

But, if Obama isn't careful, he will lose the only country in the region that still replies to his calls

Israel would be well advised to invite Vladimir Putin for a state visit

Only friend in the region? I don't think you mean Israel, because Israel is only a friend of Israel. Wrt other countries in the region, you really think that the American president should be friends with say Saudi, who are, as we are discussing this, supporting Al Qaida and ISIS in Yemen, by bombing the Shia Houthis. I for sure wouldn't want a friend like that if I was an US citizen....but fortunately I am not!

Wrt to Israel/Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin, it would be excellent if they get together (and I am sure all your US redneck Congress men will also be very happy with this). Let them become buddies! They have after all a lot of similarities; misuse of power, human rights abuse, starting wars, taking land that doesn't belong to them, use chemical weapons, etc.

The Saudi intervention in Yemen is legal as it is the request of the lawful government of Yemen. It comes with the full support of 9 countries in the region. 7 will provide airforce assets: Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar, Sudan and the United Arab Emirates. Pakistan and Egypt are providing naval assets. Thats a rather large coalition and they are all aligned against Iran's proxy army the Houthis. Whether you like it or not Saudi Arabia is a key regional player and has influence in the region. It has a tacit understanding with Israel. If and when Israel attacks Iran, it will be allowed use of Jordanian and Iranian airspace, albeit unofficially. The current US admin has under estimated the resilience of the Israelis and the need for Israel and its "enemies" to reach an understanding in regard to a more dangerous enemy, Iran. The Obama admin is clueless as to the Arab world and is relying on its assumptions drawn from domestic academics and Dearborn Michigan Democrats. Much of the Arab world leadership has more in common with the GOP than it does with Democrats.

In respect to Putin, he has espoused far less dislike of jews than have some EU politicians. Considering the historic hatred Europeans and their progeny have had for jews, Putin seems enlightened in comparison. A lot of Russians emigrated to Israel and some of the Israeli cabinet are fluent Russian speakers. It is probably a lot easier for the Russians and Israelis to get along then it is with the current US admin. However, Putin being Putin, he has no use for Israel since it can't help him with anything.

Arabs were against Israel before they were for Israel.

If an Agreement is finalized by the P5+1 and Iran the Arabs will stand with Israel? If an Agreement can't be reached, the Arabs will join Israel to bomb Iran? If there is an Agreement and Iran violates it, the Arabs will be flying their Air Force jets alongside those of Israel clearing national air spaces to blast Iran?

People everywhere know how much and how strongly the Arabs support Israel, historically especially? That Arabs have no history with the International Criminal Court or its predecessors is now changing with the Palestinian Authority petitioning the ICC, which has accepted it, from the standpoint of an Palestinian-Israel conflict. The PA has made a radical and new move historically and in respect of international law. The PA needs one more vote at the UN Security Council to begin clearing out the occupied territories, unless the United States vetoes the resolution.

Where do the Arabs stand vis a vis Netanyahu's campaign to substantially defund the International Criminal Court, especially now that the PA is going there.

The biggest ICC funding contributors are also Israel allies. All of 'em said the other day their ICC bucks will continue to be forthcoming. So maybe Arabs will be against Israel again after they had been for it which was after they were militantly against it since 1948 and maybe will be for it again....but then maybe not. Netanyahu after all knows who and which governments he can trust....and can't trust.

ICC principal donors are firm on this point of continued funding of the ICC despite Netanyahu's best efforts to significantly reduce the funding. The top seven governments in ICC funding support are: Japan, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Canada.

ICC backers defy Israeli call to cut funding to war crimes court


The continued support from countries which provide more than a third of the court's cash, including Germany, Britain and France, averts the risk of paralysis at the world's first permanent war crimes tribunal.

That many of the states are Israeli allies complicates matters. But backing away from the court, regarded as a successor to the Nuremberg trials of Nazi leaders after World War Two, is anathema for many members.

"Part of Germany's support for the ICC is as a way of atoning for the fact that, 70 years ago, their country was a perpetrator of the kinds of international crimes the ICC is meant to deal with," said Kevin Jon Heller, a professor at London's School of Oriental and African Studies.


Edited by Publicus
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Additionally there really isn't that much pleasure from amphetamines.

I am a Kennedy fan too, but this is not really correct, depending on the dose. Amphetamines have one of the best highs you can get, but - like any drug - one can take small amounts that make it easier to function normally.

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When did you come up with the startling idea that Obama listens to anybody...much less Netanyahu?

He is into legacy building at this point. Nothing else matters.

Perhaps his legacy could be a comprehensive peace in the Israeli Palestinian conflict. That would certainly be a feather in his hat.

2 years left of his Presidency. What has he got to lose but with a lot to gain?

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When did you come up with the startling idea that Obama listens to anybody...much less Netanyahu?

He is into legacy building at this point. Nothing else matters.

Perhaps his legacy could be a comprehensive peace in the Israeli Palestinian conflict. That would certainly be a feather in his hat.

2 years left of his Presidency. What has he got to lose but with a lot to gain?

Sadly he isn't really interested in a peace deal between Israel and Palestine.

He and Kerry are tied up with kissing the Ayatollah's behind to get a nuke deal with Iran that will be unenforceable anyway.

Forty-seven Republican senators gave the Ayatollah a big giant smooooch....on both cheeks.....Bibi too got smooched down and dirty when the leaders of the congress maximus invited him to address a special joint circus session.

The leaders of the congress maximus created more profound ME divisions with their appointment of Bibi as the new Republican Senator from Israel as well as even more severe domestic divisions in the US.

Neither the Republicans in congress nor Netanyahu want a nuclear weapons agreement over Iran. The alternative is clear, the alternative being the no deal consequence of an unlimited and unrestrained nuclear Iran.

This and much more sounds like no peace in our time.

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As it turns out, Bibi has done a lot for Iran. He has exponentially increased the value of their bargaining chip. Iran finds itself in a strange position in which proving a negative gives them value. They can hide minor developments from the inspectors in order to enhance their position. They are in a rare historical position of doing nothing for national gain. It really amounts to whether the sanctions are worth keeping the pot boiling.

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