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AP Exclusive: Draft agreement cuts Iran's nuclear hardware


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The topic is about a "draft agreement." This is the "agreement" process where Obama has gone around Congress, and Congress just shut it down.

A veto-proof majority of bipartisan congressmen just wrote a letter to Iran telling Iran the they would make the decisions, embarrassing Obama on the world state and shutting down his end-run around Congress. No, this isn't the recent Republican letter. This is a new and big one that shuts it down.

Make all the noise you want. Obama is going nowhere with his "negotiations".


This post is just one factual misrepresentation after another.

First of all, Congress hasn't "shut down" anything. In fact the US Senate just granted the president a few more weeks to continue with the negotiations.

Secondly, as of this moment there is not a "veto proof majority" in the Senate. There might be next month, but there isn't now.

Thirdly, this is not "the big one that shuts it down". Nothing is "shut down".

Finally, the negotiations are going somewhere: they're moving forward.


Great post, though! giggle.gif

And, your article ends:

"And GOP leaders said this week they are likely to speed the bill to the floor as soon as it clears committee."

"Meanwhile Corker, who didn’t sign the letter to Iranian leaders and maintains a good working relationship with many top White House officials, is raring to go.
“It’s evident that they are using every tactic available to keep people from our exercising our appropriate role as senators,” Corker said of the White House in an interview this week. “They should have embraced an effort for Congress to say grace, to weigh in on this deal. And instead they’ve taken exactly the opposite tact.”
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Both Mossad and the CIA don't regard Iran as a nuclear threat, neither organisation has a reputation as doves.

As such this is all politics being led by the defacto US leader Netanyahu. There are powerful factions that want war, if not Russia then Iran will suffice.

...and yet, coming out today is this lone dissenting voice:


David Petraeus: Iran more of a threat than ISIL
By NICK GASS 3/20/15 7:52 AM EDT
Former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus says the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is not the biggest threat facing the United States in Iraq.
“In fact, I would argue that the foremost threat to Iraq’s long-term stability and the broader regional equilibrium is not the Islamic State; rather, it is Shiite militias, many backed by — and some guided by — Iran,” Petraeus said in written comments to The Washington Post’s Beirut bureau chief, Liz Sly.
The Iranian regime “is ultimately part of the problem, not the solution” to the region’s issues, Petraeus said.

How seriously can you take the words of someone who is so untrustworthy that he can't even be honest to his wife, and who passes on state secrets to his mistress?

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Another view...mods please delete if language is inappropriate, and my apologies.

I watched this nonsense until about the 2:40 mark or so when the kid with the headphones went ballistic. Mika Brzenski asked a question about Joe Biden at the 1:33 mark, which Senator Cotton answered at the 2:10 mark.

The blogger was claiming Senator Cotton was wrong when he said "Joe Biden had been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy development for the last 50 years".

The kid was indignant in all his self righteous glory about what Senator Cotton claimed.

He was wrong.

Senator Cotton never made the claim himself. What the Senator said was that Obama's Secretary of Defense made the comment about Joe Biden's success rate.

The title of this video is...GOP Senator embarrasses himself over Iran

The only one being embarrassed is the blogger +1.

Lol, I agree the histrionics are OTT, however, looking past that, if you had watched the whole thing, it is quite revealing, especially with regard to Iran and how the US is to blame.

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Another view...mods please delete if language is inappropriate, and my apologies.

I watched this nonsense until about the 2:40 mark or so when the kid with the headphones went ballistic. Mika Brzenski asked a question about Joe Biden at the 1:33 mark, which Senator Cotton answered at the 2:10 mark.

The blogger was claiming Senator Cotton was wrong when he said "Joe Biden had been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy development for the last 50 years".

The kid was indignant in all his self righteous glory about what Senator Cotton claimed.

He was wrong.

Senator Cotton never made the claim himself. What the Senator said was that Obama's Secretary of Defense made the comment about Joe Biden's success rate.

The title of this video is...GOP Senator embarrasses himself over Iran

The only one being embarrassed is the blogger +1.

It's OK though, Teheran Tom has already embarrassed himself enough for a whole senate full of people.

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The original position was a cap of around 1500 centrifuges. With 6000 I suspect the so called breakout time to enriching enough material for a bomb would be 2-3 months and not the year the clueless Obama administration would have us believe. The following article has a chronological list of statements about the Iranian nuclear developments. To conclude he is a compulsive liar is inescapable.


So you're a nuclear scientist now?

Or just hiding under the bed from this complete sensationalist nonsense.

Thus, Iran with a small number of nuclear missiles can by EMP attack threaten the existence of modernity and be the death knell for Western principles of international law, humanism and freedom. For the first time in history, a failed state like Iran could destroy the most successful societies on Earth and convert an evolving benign world order into world chaos.
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Another view...mods please delete if language is inappropriate, and my apologies.

I watched this nonsense until about the 2:40 mark or so when the kid with the headphones went ballistic. Mika Brzenski asked a question about Joe Biden at the 1:33 mark, which Senator Cotton answered at the 2:10 mark.

The blogger was claiming Senator Cotton was wrong when he said "Joe Biden had been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy development for the last 50 years".

The kid was indignant in all his self righteous glory about what Senator Cotton claimed.

He was wrong.

Senator Cotton never made the claim himself. What the Senator said was that Obama's Secretary of Defense made the comment about Joe Biden's success rate.

The title of this video is...GOP Senator embarrasses himself over Iran

The only one being embarrassed is the blogger +1.

Also the blogger claims Iran doesn't want the bomb! If he believe that nonsense then he has his head in the sand. If Iran didn't want the bomb there would be no need for them to enrich uranium to the level they want.

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The French seem to be taking a tougher position than Obama.


France Takes Toughest Line at Iran Nuclear Talks
Negotiations move closer to March 31 cutoff without a breakthrough
Updated March 20, 2015 5:40 p.m. ET
LAUSANNE, Switzerland—France is again adopting the toughest line against Iran in negotiations aimed at curbing Tehran’s nuclear program, potentially placing Paris at odds with the Obama administration as a diplomatic deadline to forge an agreement approaches at month-end.
President Barack Obama called French President François Hollande on Friday to discuss the Iran diplomacy and try to unify their positions. The presidents “reaffirmed their commitment” to a deal “while noting that Iran must take steps to resolve several remaining issues,” the White House said.
French diplomats have been publicly pressing the U.S. and other world powers not to give ground on key elements—particularly the speed of lifting United Nations sanctions and the pledge to constrain Iran’s nuclear research work—ahead of the March 31 target.
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The French seem to be taking a tougher position than Obama.


France Takes Toughest Line at Iran Nuclear Talks
Negotiations move closer to March 31 cutoff without a breakthrough
Updated March 20, 2015 5:40 p.m. ET
LAUSANNE, Switzerland—France is again adopting the toughest line against Iran in negotiations aimed at curbing Tehran’s nuclear program, potentially placing Paris at odds with the Obama administration as a diplomatic deadline to forge an agreement approaches at month-end.
President Barack Obama called French President François Hollande on Friday to discuss the Iran diplomacy and try to unify their positions. The presidents “reaffirmed their commitment” to a deal “while noting that Iran must take steps to resolve several remaining issues,” the White House said.
French diplomats have been publicly pressing the U.S. and other world powers not to give ground on key elements—particularly the speed of lifting United Nations sanctions and the pledge to constrain Iran’s nuclear research work—ahead of the March 31 target.

With Obama at the helm, we have seen the Freedom Fries, and the Freedom Fries are us.

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