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US Social Security claimed by a Thai

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Hi All,

I'm wondering whether anyone who has knowledge about the US Social Security system can help me answer some questions - I'm from the UK, so I have very limited knowledge about any of this and my attempts to contact the Social Security department of the US embassy in Manila have, so far, proved in vain (multiple emails unanswered for weeks and phone lines always busy)...

Basically, I am trying to help my mother-in-law's cousin, who was married to a US guy who passed away several years ago. She was told that when she turned 60, she would be able to carry on claiming his SS benefits after submitting the relevant information from Thailand. The problem is, that she doesn't read or write any English, so she was reliant on a company in Bangkok to handle the original claim back in September 2013 and subsequent letters to her were ignored because she didn't understand the content.

I only became involved while we were back in Thailand last month (no idea why she didn't ask us before, but anyway...), when she arrived at my MIL's house and asked my wife and myself to help.

From the pile of letters she gave us to look through, it looks like she received confirmation that she would actually be paid these benefits as one of the letters said the following:

"We have approved your application for widow’s benefits. Your entitlement date is November 2013. Any future payments will be based on your current monthly benefit rate $xxxx."

She has not received anything in the way of payment since that letter and has since received another letter this year, stating:

“We cannot pay your regular monthly benefit at this time. Based on the information we have, we cannot pay benefits beginning January 2015. We cannot pay you benefits because you have not returned the form, “Report to United States Social Security Administration”. We need the information requested on this form to decide if you can receive benefits again.”

So... My questions, if someone can help, are as follows:

1) How exactly are SS benefits paid to claimants? Do they send you a check in the post, or do you need to supply bank account details for them to wire the money across electronically (or is there some other method used?)..?
2) This lady is adamant that she hasn't received any other letters than the ones in the pile she gave to me to look through - I don't see anything asking for more information, so can we appeal the current decision based on this fact? From what I have read through online, she has everything they need, but probably hasn't renewed her claim as she was supposed to (is this something that needs to be done yearly?).
3) Do I need to request that I am appointed a 'Representative' for her claims, so that I can answer questions and translate to her as needed on her behalf before the Social Security department will answer any of my emails (I'm thinking this might be the reason I am being ignored)?

4) On a darker note, is it possible that the benefits for 2014 have been claimed by someone else...? Like I say, I have no idea how the money is transferred to the actual claimant, so this could happen I guess?

Any advice is gratefully received! And if anyone has tips on the best time to try and get hold of someone to actually speak to in Manila, that would also help - although the time difference from the UK doesn't really help... Or can I try and contact a Social Security department in another country?

Many thanks in advance,


I am not an expert by any stretch of imagination but I will give you my two cents. I am a US citizen and just sarted receiving social security benefits. If I was you I would go to the US Consulate Office and explain the situation to someone there. When I am in Chiang Mai,usually 4- months, I have gone to the US Consulate Office there and they have been veru helpful. i went there recently and they helped me fax the necessary forms to the social security office in Manila to start withholding taxes from my social security check. Lo and behold, now that I am back in the US, I went online and saw where they have implemented my request. So my point is to go to the nearest US Consulate Office and explain the situation to them. It sounds like with the documentation you have,if you show it to the folks at the US Consulate Office, they can help you fax the necessary forms or supply the social security office in Manila with the info already in your possession. It sounds like one or more forms need to stil be filled out and returned to sicial security,as well as filling out a form as to where future benefits should be mailed to or direct deposited to a bank account. I am confident if you go to the US Consulate Office with the letters you already have from social security, you can resolve this issue to your satisfaction. and more importantly.your mother-in-law's cousin should be able to start receiving those benefits she is apparently entitled to. Good Luck


You have to return a letter each year proof of life or they stop payments - if she was collecting did you set up a mail stop or direct deposit. If she lives in Thailand PI is the office. Most contact with them is via secure email at embassy or consulate - they can return a phone call once contact is made.

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SS benefits are no longer paid by check. The choice is either direct deposit to a bank account, which in Thailand can only be an account at Bangkok Bank, or by SS prepaid card which can be used to make withdrawals at an ATM, including those in Thailand. I suggest you call the US Embassy in Manila to talk with the SS representatives there. In my experience they have been prompt and helpful. I don't know what you will have to do to convince them that you are authorized to represent the Thai widow. Probably they have some procedure for that.

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I'm no expert either, but I believe that SS will pay the benefits retroactively to the date she was found to be entitled once you get the paperwork. I hope that's true in her case because many have received nice lump sum payments.


Just a suspicious guess but, has anybody tried to contact the company that originally represented her in the proceedings? I know you said they were unresponsive but a personal visit to their office might produce some results.

It would seem to me they set up the arrangements and, being naturally suspicious, they might have set up some rather devious method for payment to be made to them rather than her.

Where does your relative live? If you are here only on vacation, perhaps there is an American nearby that could help with her problem.

The form SSA is looking for is the Proof of Life form that must be submitted annually, upon request.

She has been declared eligible for the money...she should get it.

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Has anyone thought of setting her up with an online account at SS? I don't know if she can unless she has her own SS number which she should have, or should get depending on how far along she is. I'd comb the paperwork so far to see if they assigned one.

I did almost all of mine online, and they have live chat after you log in. It's only online during their business hours. I have changed my banking info and all I've needed online.

I have had GREAT service from SS. My bank even had the forms to change bank accounts and sent them in for me. It's always been easy.

This is of course USA and not Manilla, but worth a try...


  • Like 1

Thanks for the responses everyone...!

I am no longer in Thailand, but I will try getting hold of the SS department in Manila on Monday morning (going to be an early start for me :)) again to see what they say. If not, then I'll try giving the US embassy in London a call to see if they might be able to help as well!?

If we can get everything setup online, then I can apply to be her 'Representative' (form SSA-1696) and do all of the legwork for her. I think the problem from day one, has been the lack of understanding on her part and lack of direction from the company that originally filled in her claim forms.

If they no longer pay benefits by check, I think I can safely rule out the money going 'elsewhere'. I'll get her to open a bank account with Bangkok Bank as well, just to try and make things a bit easier.

Thanks again,


Thanks for the responses everyone...!

I am no longer in Thailand, but I will try getting hold of the SS department in Manila on Monday morning (going to be an early start for me smile.png) again to see what they say. If not, then I'll try giving the US embassy in London a call to see if they might be able to help as well!?

If we can get everything setup online, then I can apply to be her 'Representative' (form SSA-1696) and do all of the legwork for her. I think the problem from day one, has been the lack of understanding on her part and lack of direction from the company that originally filled in her claim forms.

If they no longer pay benefits by check, I think I can safely rule out the money going 'elsewhere'. I'll get her to open a bank account with Bangkok Bank as well, just to try and make things a bit easier.

Thanks again,


Just to forewarn you...the account she opens at Bangkok Bank must be a special Social Security account. She will receive no ATM card and must appear in person each month to receive her funds in cash. When she opens the account they will provide her with a passbook which she must bring with her each time she withdraws her funds.

I suggest she take any documents she might have that will prove her eligibility for the SS payments when she opens the account. The bank might balk otherwise.

Continue asking your questions on this thread. Most will be happy to respond.

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Once she has that special Bangkok Bank account for direct deposit of Social Security benefits, then there will be a form that can be downloaded on-line about where to send her payments. And yes, she'll receive all the back payments due to to her -- at least that's been the case with people I've assisted who have had their payments "held up".

I'm curious about a "company" in Bangkok that assists widows in filing SS claims. Is this a charity, or an actual "company" that charges widows to do this service? Is there a possibility that the company has misappropriated the funds?

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Precisely my thought, NancyL.

Somebody got the funds until the first "Proof of life" forum failed to be submitted. Payments were then stopped.

Perhaps somebody either with the company, or the company itself.


I am suprised Manila is not responding. You can also try calling international operations in Baltimore. Likely much cheaper calling the US than PI. You can leave a msg and they will call you back within 48 hours.


Thanks again to everyone for the advice...

Just to update you. I ended up speaking to the London Embassy this morning, as I had no joy getting through to Manila, despite getting up very early (I'm in the UK now) for the past 2 days and trying multiple times on the phone - I guess they are pretty snowed under at the moment, as the lines appear to be permanently busy?!

Anyway, I explained the situation and they have said they will get someone from the Manila office to call my MIL's cousin over the next few days to try and sort out the claim then and there. Hopefully they have Thai speakers in Manila, as I'm not sure they'll get too far in English :), but I am glad they have offered to even try...

I'll see if I can get her all setup online as well, as it will probably make things slightly less painful for her in the future!



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