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My partners daughter applied for a ground crew job with Thai Airlines not long ago. She was told that she would have to PAY THEM ( thai Airlines)..........I think it was 35000B.

She was told it was for uniform, training costs etc..................I asked her to find out if this money would be refunded after ( lets say ) 12mths service with the company. She got no answer.

If it were a bond to prevent her being trained up and then leaving for another airline I could understand it....................so long as it was refundable after a set time period.

Besides, by this time it was obvious that Thai was in major financial difficulty...........................I told her to forget about any job with Thai Airlines.

Many people here pay for jobs because they are not after the salary, it's often low and irrelevant. Many people are looking for both the legal and illegal benefits the job brings with it. An airline job would entail reduced rate legal travel benefits for family, etc. Other jobs offer illegal benefits. It's very common here and elsewhere in Asia.

"It's very common here and elsewhere in Asia."...................................................

And that is EXACTLY the problem and why scams like mentioned in the OP happen.

There SHOULD NOT be ANY illegal benefits to any job.

Legal benefits of the job should be a lure to attract the RIGHT TYPE of employee to the job ............................NOT a method of scamming money out of new employees or potential employees. Also ------ LEGAL benefits of a job could have a minimum employment time frame attached ( such as only become eligible after 12mths service with the employer).

Any system where employees either CAN or HAVE TO pay for employment or promotion only leads to corruption. Until Thailand adopts first world standard labour and employment laws...

it will NEVER change and corruption will rule the roost-whether it be in govt employment or private sector employment.


Anyone find a bit Ironic that that 'applicants' we're paying a bribe to take an ethics course to circumvent the regulations for hiring of civil servants ....

Seems the scammer does have a sense of humor...


Unlike some here I do feel sorry for the victims. I'm more inclined to blame society as a whole which makes such scams believable. People just 'know' how the system works.

Well, it's time to make sure the system no longer works that way and to educate people on it. Mind you, even if the right steps are taken we still talk about a one or two generations length plan.

Tear-arse! Far too short on your time-scale.

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