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Australia a puzzling hotbed of Islamic State recruiting

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Australia a puzzling hotbed of Islamic State recruiting

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — A nightclub bouncer who reportedly became a terror group leader. A man who tweeted a photo of his young son clutching a severed head. A teenager who is believed to have turned suicide bomber, and others suspected of attempting to travel to Syria to join the Islamic State movement. All of them, Australian.

The London-based International Center for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence reports that between 100 and 250 Australians have joined Sunni militants in Iraq and Syria. Given Australia's vast distance from the region and its population of just 24 million, it is a remarkable number. The center estimates that about 100 fighters came from the United States, which has more than 13 times as many people as Australia.

Experts disagree about why Islamic State has been so effective recruiting in Australia, which is widely regarded as a multicultural success story, with an economy in an enviable 24th year of continuous growth.

Possible explanations include that some Australian Muslims are poorly integrated with the rest of the country, and that Islamic State recruiters have given Australia particular attention. In addition, the Australian government failed to keep tabs on some citizens who had been radicalized, and moderate Muslims have been put off by some of Prime Minister Tony Abbott's comments about their community.

Greg Barton, a global terrorism expert at Monash University in Melbourne, said Australia and some other countries underestimated Islamic State's "pull factor."

"We're all coming to terms with the fact that this is a formidable targeter and predatory recruiter that goes after individuals one by one with a very masterful use of technology, and our sense of confidence that because we've got society working well makes us secure misses the point," Barton said.

Muslims make up about 2.2 percent of the population in Australia, compared to just 1 percent in the United States. And while many U.S. Muslims are from families who migrated in pursuit of the American economic dream, a larger proportion of Australian Muslims are from families who fled Lebanon's civil war in the 1970s and '80s.

Australian Muslims of Lebanese origin are largely based in Sydney, the country's biggest city. They have been less successful in integrating into Australian society than many other groups, and the first Australian-born generation of these migrant families has been overrepresented in terrorism offenses and general street crime.

Mohammad Ali Baryalei, an ethnic Lebanese who reportedly became a high-ranking member of Islamic State's operational command, was formerly a Sydney nightclub bouncer and bit-part television actor. Australian security agencies suspect he single-handedly recruited dozens of Australians and helped them enter Syria.

Once a Sydney street preacher with the Muslim group Street Dawah, Baryalei was reportedly killed in battle in Syria last fall at age 33. The Australian government has yet to confirm his death.

Baryalei is accused in court documents of inciting from afar Islamic State sympathizers in Sydney to brutally slay a randomly selected victim. Security services recorded a telephone conversation between him and Omarjan Azari, who is awaiting trial on charges that include preparing to commit a terrorist act.

"What you guys need to do is pick any random unbeliever," Baryalei allegedly told Azari, according to court testimony. "Backpacker, tourist, American, French or British, even better."

Sydney-born Khaled Sharrouf, also ethnic Lebanese, horrified millions last year by posting on his Twitter account a photo of his 7-year-old son clutching the severed head of a Syrian soldier. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry described the image as "one of the most disturbing, stomach-turning, grotesque photographs ever displayed."

Sharrouf's appearance on the Syrian battlefield highlighted a flaw in Australia's defenses against Islamic State: lax border security. Sharrouf had served a prison sentence in Australia for planning a foiled terrorist attack and had been banned from leaving the country, but used his brother's passport to leave in 2013.

The Australian government acknowledged there was a problem with a system of airport security that was more focused on who was coming in than on who was leaving. The government announced in August that biometric screening will be rolled out at all Australian international airports as part of 630 million Australian dollars ($500 million) in new spending on intelligence, law enforcement and border protection.

Counterterrorism police units have been attached to major airports to screen passengers. The unit at Sydney Airport was instrumental in recently intercepting two Sydney-born brothers, aged 16 and 17, who were about to fly to Turkey without their parents' knowledge. Authorities suspect the brothers were headed to Syria.

Australia's net still has holes.

Jake Bilardi, an 18-year-old who converted to Islam a few years ago, had avoided Australia's counterterror radar when he left his Melbourne home for Syria in August. After Bilardi's family reported him missing, police found chemicals that could be used to make a bomb at his home. Images of Bilardi armed with a rifle in front of Islamic flags appeared on social media sites later that year.

A picture of a young man resembling Bilardi behind the wheel of a van was posted this month with claims from Islamic State that foreign fighters from Australia and other countries took part in a near-simultaneous attack in Iraq that involved at least 13 suicide car bombs and killed two police officers. The Australian government has yet to confirm Bilardi's death.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has been granted enhanced powers to prevent Australians joining IS and, in some cases, from returning to Australia. She has canceled about 100 passports, including Bilardi's, though he left before his passport was revoked.

Keeping would-be militants from leaving Australia, however, increases the risk that they will wreak havoc at home.

Numan Haider, an 18-year-old Muslim Australian of Afghan origin, stabbed two Melbourne police officers and was shot dead in September, a week after his passport had been canceled. He had caught authorities' attention months earlier over what police considered to be troubling behavior, including waving what appeared to be an Islamic State flag at a shopping mall.

Australian authorities were clearly taken by surprise by the growing domestic menace posed by Islamic State followers. Less than a year ago, officials reduced security at Parliament House to cut costs. Since then, security at the seat of national government has been increased to unprecedented levels.

In September, the government raised Australia's terrorist threat level to the second-highest level on a four-tier scale. Police attempting to disrupt terrorist plots have raided scores of homes. Several suspects have been charged and others have been detained without charge under new counterterrorism laws. The nation's main domestic spy agency is juggling more than 400 high-priority counterterrorism investigations — more than double the number a year ago.

But the intensified vigilance was no hindrance to Man Monis, a 50-year-old Iranian-born, self-styled cleric with a long criminal history. In December, Monis took 18 people hostage at a downtown Sydney cafe, forced them to hold up a flag bearing the Islamic declaration of faith against a cafe window and demanded he be delivered a flag of the Islamic State group. Monis and two hostages were killed at the end of a 16-hour siege.

A government review found that Monis had fallen off a terrorist watch list despite repeated warnings to security services from members of the public concerned by his online rants. As a Shiite Muslim, he was thought an unlikely recruit to Islamic State, a Sunni Muslim movement.

As traumatic as the hostage crisis was, it could not be compared to the enormity of the Sept. 11 terror attacks on the United States. Hass Dellal, executive director of the Australian Multicultural Foundation, which promotes awareness of cultural diversity within Australia, said that history might make Americans more resistant to Islamic State recruiting.

Dellal also said public discussion of issues around radicalization and extremism is more balanced in the United States than in Australia, which effectively banned Middle Eastern Muslims from immigrating until the 1970s.

Some Muslims have been critical of comments by Prime Minister Abbott, accusing him of driving a wedge between them and the rest of Australia.

"I've often heard Western leaders describe Islam as a religion of peace. I wish more Muslim leaders would say that more often, and mean it," Abbott in a speech in February that angered many Muslims with its suggestion of duplicity.

Barton, the Monash University expert, said Australia may prove to be not so different from the United States, if Islamic State expands its influence in America.

"It may be a lag effect," Barton said. "It may be in six months' time, the figures are much more comparable."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-22

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Wow. There's a writer who has not one clue about the Australian, American, OR Muslim psyche.

"Possible explanations include that some Australian Muslims are poorly integrated with the rest of the country..."

No, Muslims are the reason they are poorly integrated. Stop blaming their behavior on the West. End of.

In my work with refugees, I would have to question your assumption. Muslim refugees that were settled in the US managed to integrate quite well. It might be worth looking at the differences between the two countries and what are the differences. The US is experiencing fewer problems to large numbers heading toward ISIS -- at least at this point in time.

The difference could be because of how the country accepts and helps the arrivals assimilate and what programs are in place to facilitate adjustments to the new culture.

It can also be that the type of people arriving are different than other groups. They may be less well educated or there may be other mitigating factors.

Australia has had a lot of arrivals by boat and they may be different from those that are screened in a 3rd country and then prepared for resettlement in a new country. It also could be that large numbers of people can easily overwhelm the good will of a community or a country and this can have an adverse affect on integration.

But be assured, many, many Muslims who have been resettled in a Western Country have assimilated and are very loyal and appreciative to their new found land.

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Wow. There's a writer who has not one clue about the Australian, American, OR Muslim psyche.

"Possible explanations include that some Australian Muslims are poorly integrated with the rest of the country..."

No, Muslims are the reason they are poorly integrated. Stop blaming their behavior on the West. End of.

In my work with refugees, I would have to question your assumption. Muslim refugees that were settled in the US managed to integrate quite well. It might be worth looking at the differences between the two countries and what are the differences. The US is experiencing fewer problems to large numbers heading toward ISIS -- at least at this point in time.

The difference could be because of how the country accepts and helps the arrivals assimilate and what programs are in place to facilitate adjustments to the new culture.

It can also be that the type of people arriving are different than other groups. They may be less well educated or there may be other mitigating factors.

Australia has had a lot of arrivals by boat and they may be different from those that are screened in a 3rd country and then prepared for resettlement in a new country. It also could be that large numbers of people can easily overwhelm the good will of a community or a country and this can have an adverse affect on integration.

But be assured, many, many Muslims who have been resettled in a Western Country have assimilated and are very loyal and appreciative to their new found land.

A Muslim doesn't equal a Muslim.

I guess the origin of Muslim immigrants makes a great difference, are they refugees who fled the islamist republic of Iran after the Shah fell or are they fundamentalist Islamist who were forced to flee from a secular dictator ?

Did they come from a country where Islam is moderate or hard-line ?

Did they come from a country where many have an axe to grind against the West?

An illustration of the differences is for example how differently Turks assimilated in Germany and Northern Africans in France for example.

Turks are causing much less problems in Germany than Northern Africans in France, yet their numbers are about the same (around 4.5 million each).

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Not only ISIS elements, bombing red shirt elements as well...

When people becomes too broadminded, their brains fall out.

Are they travelling and joining the red shirts also? Haven't seen anything in the aussie media.
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Wow. There's a writer who has not one clue about the Australian, American, OR Muslim psyche.

"Possible explanations include that some Australian Muslims are poorly integrated with the rest of the country..."

No, Muslims are the reason they are poorly integrated. Stop blaming their behavior on the West. End of.

In my work with refugees, I would have to question your assumption. Muslim refugees that were settled in the US managed to integrate quite well. It might be worth looking at the differences between the two countries and what are the differences. The US is experiencing fewer problems to large numbers heading toward ISIS -- at least at this point in time.

The difference could be because of how the country accepts and helps the arrivals assimilate and what programs are in place to facilitate adjustments to the new culture.

It can also be that the type of people arriving are different than other groups. They may be less well educated or there may be other mitigating factors.

Australia has had a lot of arrivals by boat and they may be different from those that are screened in a 3rd country and then prepared for resettlement in a new country. It also could be that large numbers of people can easily overwhelm the good will of a community or a country and this can have an adverse affect on integration.

But be assured, many, many Muslims who have been resettled in a Western Country have assimilated and are very loyal and appreciative to their new found land.

Perhaps I should have worded that better. However I don't see the same problems with Chinese immigrants or Mexican immigrants who for the most part come to work, get ahead, and adopt the culture. They don't blame their hosts and cause violence very often. Are they different in Australia to the point of violence?

Integrated well. 9/11 keeps me on my toes. There have been other attacks of course. They are Muslims.

I don't know which ones to trust, so I don't.

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Wow. There's a writer who has not one clue about the Australian, American, OR Muslim psyche.

"Possible explanations include that some Australian Muslims are poorly integrated with the rest of the country..."

No, Muslims are the reason they are poorly integrated. Stop blaming their behavior on the West. End of.

In my work with refugees, I would have to question your assumption. Muslim refugees that were settled in the US managed to integrate quite well. It might be worth looking at the differences between the two countries and what are the differences. The US is experiencing fewer problems to large numbers heading toward ISIS -- at least at this point in time.

The difference could be because of how the country accepts and helps the arrivals assimilate and what programs are in place to facilitate adjustments to the new culture.

It can also be that the type of people arriving are different than other groups. They may be less well educated or there may be other mitigating factors.

Australia has had a lot of arrivals by boat and they may be different from those that are screened in a 3rd country and then prepared for resettlement in a new country. It also could be that large numbers of people can easily overwhelm the good will of a community or a country and this can have an adverse affect on integration.

But be assured, many, many Muslims who have been resettled in a Western Country have assimilated and are very loyal and appreciative to their new found land.

The first wave of Lebanese refugees into Australia were Christian, some became members of criminal gangs. At the height of the Lebanese Civil War around 4,000 Lebanese were admitted into Australia in one year alone; 90% were Muslim. As a generalisation the Lebanese Muslims were unskilled with low levels of education. Minimal time and money was invested with efforts to integrate / educate these people with the predictable outcome of ghettoisation; more info at...


Previously it was claimed by the Australian government that only very small numbers of boat people (less than 10 p.a.) were identified as security risks and denied entry. As you know current policy is to refuse entry to Australia for any boat people, no matter the assessment.

In Australia those joining IS are usually people with a criminal record who were radicalised in prison or second generation educated young Australian Muslims garnered by IS online recruitment efforts and in some cases by local self-proclaimed Imams. There have been some who were originally refugees from Afghanistan, Somalia and I believe Iraq.

IMO it is extremely difficult to pinpoint the true reason for the success of IS recruitment, but recruits do appear to truly believe in the creation of a new Caliphate (IS) even though the claim is rejected as unlawful by mainstream Islamic jurisprudence. Western recruits who reverse their allegiance upon facing the realities in IS controlled territory in Syria & Iraq are regularly murdered, as have some Australian recruits.

Some may be interested to read the book written by a UK born Muslim who gradually converted to radical Islam & then reversed his position. "The Islamist' by Ed Husain

Edited by simple1
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The Aussies, like a few other western nations, have dopped the ball on this one. Way back when, when I was still working some of this stuff was being talked about. They were warned but like anything little is done because of cost......the mighty dollar

Well cake eaters and corridor walkers. Your chickens are coming home to roost now. Wait and see what tomorrow brings. Idiots.

they are leaving australia in droves cos its a bland boring country,and they want some action in their lives.tongue.png

my advice to tony abbot is to encourage them all to go,arabs do not integrate well and neither would we if we lived in an arab country.

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These TERRORIST SCUM are NOT Australian natives.

They were born here from Muslim immigrants.

It is about time that the Australian Government got tough.

And stop these idiots from returning to Australia.

If they want to fight for ISIS, let them go.

BUT if they survive DO NOT let them back into our country.

They will do the same here and cause terrible terrorist acts.

We were warned a long time ago but alas NOTHING was done.

Now it is a BIG job to clean it up.

the problem at the moment is that the Government is listening.

To the likes of Hanson- Young, Milne and the rest of the GREEN minority.

Wake up Australia before nit is too late-- OR IS IT ALREADY.

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The racism and hatred against anything related to Islam by some of the TV forum members I find disturbing. Openly promoting banishing Muslim from western countries (because of their religion), some of whom have been living in these countries for generations, sounds exactly like the way things were "solved" during Nazi Germany of the 30ties.

Its says everything about how narrow minded some people in this world are. Why is it that the European Christians have more rights to "claim" Australia as theirs' compared to Lebanese Muslims? Because the Lebanese have the "wrong" religion?

Edited by RockyBeerbelly
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This isn't specific to Australia, because it doesn't have the death penalty, but I have noted that a lot of criminals end up converting to Islam in prison, but a lot of people on death row seem to find Jesus. I wonder why that is?

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Large masses of immigrants or refugees cause a lot of headaches. If you don't believe me, I know a lot of Native Americans who wished they would have set up stringent border controls!

Good post. I agreed with you until your last two sentences. What are called the Native Americans (NA) ran off what they called "The Ones Who Came Before (CB)." The NA were nomadic hunter-gatherers, but the CB were cliff dwellers and farmers who knew how to raise crops including corn and could therefore have permanent housing. They were two completely different peoples. The NA were Asian and perhaps some mix. No one knows what the ancient CB was.

The cliff dwellings in SW America are older than the NA.

And so it goes through history.

Edited by NeverSure
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OK, I rest my case, then the Cliff Dwellers should have imposed the border controls. I am being a bit sarcastic, of course.

The point is that the number of people allowed to immigrate or arrive as refugees needs controls, especially if the cultures are quite different.

Perhaps with time, a clearer picture will emerge as to why so many are coming from Australia. It is worth studying for a variety of reasons.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Islam has never integrated into Australian culture, not even remotely. Most people know it, which is why the big push to stop the boats arriving.

It is supposedly about people not jumping the queue as it isn't PC to be honest and say it is about stopping Muslim immigration. Muslim immigration is about creating future social unrest.

Japan wont allow Muslims in or issue them with visa's

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Sydney western suburbs are over run by Lebanese, Syrian and alike.

They all hate Australia and what it stands for, even 2nd and 3rd generation.

Ask anyone non anglo-saxons looking where you from, and without a fail, the answer would be a Leb or alike, so they do not even want to associate with the country they were brought up in.

Who to blame? i do not know.

The animosity is crazy. Sure some would say wrong to generalize, but just look at all the bikie gangs, drug running gangs, drive by, armed robberies and jails are full of Lebanese.

Costello once said, if you do not like our way of life, pack up and go back to wherever you came from. I believe he even suggested revoking citizenship and sending them back.

May be he was not wrong.

New South Wales is generally known now as the "Middle East" - for good reason.

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Sydney western suburbs are over run by Lebanese, Syrian and alike.

They all hate Australia and what it stands for, even 2nd and 3rd generation.

Ask anyone non anglo-saxons looking where you from, and without a fail, the answer would be a Leb or alike, so they do not even want to associate with the country they were brought up in.

Who to blame? i do not know.

The animosity is crazy. Sure some would say wrong to generalize, but just look at all the bikie gangs, drug running gangs, drive by, armed robberies and jails are full of Lebanese.

Costello once said, if you do not like our way of life, pack up and go back to wherever you came from. I believe he even suggested revoking citizenship and sending them back.

May be he was not wrong.

"They all hate Australia and what it stands for, even 2nd and 3rd generation."

They also hate UK and what it stand for even mainly 2nd an3rd generation...

They also hate France and what it stand for even mainly 2nd an3rd generation...

They also hate Belgium and what it stand for even mainly 2nd an3rd generation...

They also hate Austria and what it stand for even mainly 2nd an3rd generation...

They also hate Sweden and what it stand for even mainly 2nd an3rd generation... coffee1.gif

(The list is longer but it would be too bothering )

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The Aussies, like a few other western nations, have dopped the ball on this one. Way back when, when I was still working some of this stuff was being talked about. They were warned but like anything little is done because of cost......the mighty dollar

Well cake eaters and corridor walkers. Your chickens are coming home to roost now. Wait and see what tomorrow brings. Idiots.

they are leaving australia in droves cos its a bland boring country,and they want some action in their lives.tongue.png

my advice to tony abbot is to encourage them all to go,arabs do not integrate well and neither would we if we lived in an arab country.

Every time I see you post I think.....God, it still lives and breathes. You must have got your letter from the queen by now you old coot. 5555

You must have your carer posting for you.....they don't make computer screens with monitors and text that big ???

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Sydney western suburbs are over run by Lebanese, Syrian and alike.

They all hate Australia and what it stands for, even 2nd and 3rd generation.

Ask anyone non anglo-saxons looking where you from, and without a fail, the answer would be a Leb or alike, so they do not even want to associate with the country they were brought up in.

Who to blame? i do not know.

The animosity is crazy. Sure some would say wrong to generalize, but just look at all the bikie gangs, drug running gangs, drive by, armed robberies and jails are full of Lebanese.

Costello once said, if you do not like our way of life, pack up and go back to wherever you came from. I believe he even suggested revoking citizenship and sending them back.

May be he was not wrong.

New South Wales is generally known now as the "Middle East" - for good reason.

As if it were spoken by as Mexican ?

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