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Greece fights German bailout demands with Nazi-era claims

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In related news:

The Turkish government is demanding war reparations from Greece to the tune of 100 Trillion Euros. It's about compensation with interest for the Trojan War some 2,500 years ago. If memory serves, Troy a major city in today's Turkey was laid to waste by an armada of Greek war vessels and a wooden horse (by many considered the first Weapon of Mass Destruction in history) and Brad Pitt. The Turkish Prime Minister is quoted as saying: "The Greeks never apologized in all these millennia for the atrocities they inflicted on our peaceful citizens. They acted like Nazis, and now they must pay!"

Brad Pitt....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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C’mon guys it’s not fair to say all Greeks hate Germany and the former German occupation…


Greece’s Golden Dawn Party: Shaved heads, military uniforms, Nazi chants, Hitler greetings


The party’s official Magazine promoting their heroes…

Any ambitions to come "heim ins Reich" (homecoming to the Greater German Reich)?

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This is exactly how my ex-wife acted when being on the loosing end of a disagreement...bring up something that happened scores of years ago...as if the old wound has some bearing on the present circumstances...

Does this mean that Greece is acting like an old disgruntled married woman who has been asked to tighten her budget and quit spending money she does not have?

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The Greek commies are nuts.

Following their logic, if the Nazis did not attack, then Greece would not have received approx 400 million US Dollars (1951) from the Marshall Plan...

And why should Germany pay back a loan denominated in Reichmarks?

I still have Reichmarks too, can I convert them into Euros please?

And the Greek forgot they already got 100 Billion EUR debt simply written off !

Pure madness.

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I am sorry to say I think Grease is responding the same as that of junky who came up to me asking if I had any spare change and when I said no, came out with a torrent of abuse.

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It was the Allies that supported the Greek government in exile throughout the war and liberated Greece.

What about Greek compensation be paid to them?

Greece needs to face the REAL WORLD with fiscal responsibility to its lenders or quit as a nation. It came to Albania's aid against Italy's WW2 invasion, maybe Albania can return the assistance by ANNEXING Greece and enforcing economic policies necessary for sustaining the population?


How far back can one go? There have been thousands of wars, and I am sure many unsettled claims.

Also the original article is not quite correct in stating that "Schuld" is the same word for guilt and deb in German. Debt in the sense used is probably better translated with "Schulden".

I believe that this does not have anything to do with the current Greek situation and should be treated completely separate.


Is this a joke or have the Greeks gone completely insane?! If its true, wait till Iraq sends Greece the bill for what Alexander the Great stole from Mesopotamia (including 2500years interest)....

Or China sends Britain and France the bill for looting the Old Summer Palace during the Opium War. Not to mention for damages left by the forced purchase of opium. Or send Japan the bill for WW2 damages, especially the gruesome Rape of Nanking.


Germany has paid for what their forebears inflicted upon the world, in my opinion. Enough of this 'Ahh, but Hitler' nonsense now: it is simply moral blackmail.

They have paid and that is the end of the matter.


Wasn't the first time, won't be the last time they raise the topic. No way.

Last time was when Europe decided if they were going to make the Euro criteria. After they were allowed to join, they shut up. See where that got us.

Germany is being adamant on the issue claiming the matter had been settled in the 2+4 treaties, where they carefully avoided the term "peace-treaty". I read that technically was having to do with possible reparations.

If Germany let them have their way even with those meager 6 billion Euro (charged against the some 80 billion Germany lend Greece so far), it is feared the rest of the gang, like Spain or Italy, could join the fray and as those possible reparations could theoretically run into the trillions, that is not going to be an option. Would be a post-WW1 experience.

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