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Prayut blames 'too much democracy' for political woes

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I think a lot of these stories are lost in translation, not defending but people should always be aware that more often than not what drops out after a Thai English translation doesn't always make much sense

Those that are familiar with facebook translation will know exactly what I mean

I believe last time he said something like this it was, If I wanted to use my full power I could have people taken out and shot.....

Lost in translation also huh?

Challenge!!!, I tell ya what find the THAI text of the speech and have a trusted friend translate

it for you and then maybe just maybe you will see who it is you are supporting,

Or maybe he will come out in 5 days and say I was just joking???

He could have.......but HE DIDN'T,did he.

Now can you say the same about Thaksin relating specifically to his 'take drugs off the streets' massacre where he had his officers fulfil a quota of killings otherwise they were removed from office or demoted if they came up short NB: this resulted in 1,400 innocent civilians (a majority) losing their lives!!

Compare Prayut's statement to Thaksin's order to gauge who the true villain is/was!!

Now which one are you supporting? I think it say's a lot about flaws in your character.

"He could have.......but HE DIDN'T,did he." What the?????

As for the "war on drugs" that was sanctioned by higher up's, and what? I've never seen a document signed that specifically orders execution's of drug dealers, have you? Bet you haven't huh? Urbane myth mixed with some truth.

Now here's a tit bit for ya mate, the war on drugs had all the higher up's turning on each other and order their small time dealers shot so they could not be liked ,implicated, and so the hit men sometimes also shot the family members of the dealers, and have you ever seen criminals prefer to shoot it out with the BIB rather than be caught?

So drug dealers (death dealers((and I don't mean a little weed) but the ICE Hammer, etc,etc etc, were eradicated. great, the dealers were most defiantly NOT INOCENT....... but some in the wrong place at the wrong time were...

Talk with the families of people that have lost kids through drugs, both directly and indirectly, ie robbing's gone wrong innocent people die, bet most would support another war on drugs.

So what's with your "flaws in your character" comment? or is it your flawed character that's in question?


This is getting more bizarre by the day..... I am out of here before he

transitions from weird statement to weird actions. Can't be far away...

To those staying here, hang on for the ride !! :-)

I'm coming with you. Leave the lunatics to run the asylum


Too much democracy? (hasn't he heard about laws to control democracy from anarchy - actually he probably hasn't... or maybe he just broke all the laws with his coup without caring), putting his critics in front of firing squads? How mental is that!!


Crikey, couldn't make this stuff up. Did his mother sit him in front of Monty Python movies when he was a kid?

Are you aware that the revered founding father of Singapore who has just passed away used the exact same methods as Prayut is using to 'fix' Thailand with the one exception being that he ruled with an iron fist and jailed and punished dissenters that dared criticise his methods. Well it turned out all right there, didn't it!!

There was too much democracy (of the wrong kind), Ptayut is absolutely correct in stating this - what we have now is someone running the country with the people's welfare in mind. This is infinitely better than the abused and illegitimate democracy that the PTT served up. Oh!!, a darned sight less expensive to the nation's coffers as well.

I would be very happy if this was actually the case but I am still not convinced...

Fight against corruption seems to be a nice concept used to only clear the supporters of the previous government...

Seems to me they are clearing one side only, while the other one is happy a the drought..

So I have my doubts at the rosy vision


I believe the Thai Pm is right in some ways because all the Thai elections were bought in the past few elections. But it is not 99 percent democracy when the government can control Television stations and freedom of speech. Older Thai people have little or no education and can be fooled easily with baht rewards. The Pm is doing a fine job trying to restore a country that has had bad leadership for years. No firing squad or punching reporter just peace and love and i hope the Thai people follow you example!

one could argue with your position even if it were based on the truth, but it isn't really.

Regarding "bought" Elections: http://www.voanews.com/content/asian-observer-group-commends-thai-election-cites-minor-flaws--125003034/141777.html


Luckily EnglishJohn I was fortunate enough to not have lived in Thailand during the governing of these other puppets but I can assure you if they spoke as irrational is this guy does I would feel the same way.


1% of democracy is

The ability to vote governments in or out.

The preservation of the rule of law.

Setting a foundation on a constitution which remains when the government changes.

A free media able to speak the truth without reprisal.

Basic human rights and freedoms

Wearing bikinis

Eating bread

Reading Orwell

Three fingered salutes

not being shot or imprisoned for opposition to political ideas.

The other 99% is

Daytime comedy shows with fat transvestites and midgets, and lots of boing sounds, and powder being dumped on peoples heads.

Yes Thailand is 99% democratic.

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I think a lot of these stories are lost in translation, not defending but people should always be aware that more often than not what drops out after a Thai English translation doesn't always make much sense

Those that are familiar with facebook translation will know exactly what I mean

I believe last time he said something like this it was, If I wanted to use my full power I could have people taken out and shot.....

Lost in translation also huh?

Challenge!!!, I tell ya what find the THAI text of the speech and have a trusted friend translate

it for you and then maybe just maybe you will see who it is you are supporting,

Or maybe he will come out in 5 days and say I was just joking???

He could have.......but HE DIDN'T,did he.

Now can you say the same about Thaksin relating specifically to his 'take drugs off the streets' massacre where he had his officers fulfil a quota of killings otherwise they were removed from office or demoted if they came up short NB: this resulted in 1,400 innocent civilians (a majority) losing their lives!!

Compare Prayut's statement to Thaksin's order to gauge who the true villain is/was!!

Now which one are you supporting? I think it say's a lot about flaws in your character.

"He could have.......but HE DIDN'T,did he." What the?????

As for the "war on drugs" that was sanctioned by higher up's, and what? I've never seen a document signed that specifically orders execution's of drug dealers, have you? Bet you haven't huh? Urbane myth mixed with some truth.

Now here's a tit bit for ya mate, the war on drugs had all the higher up's turning on each other and order their small time dealers shot so they could not be liked ,implicated, and so the hit men sometimes also shot the family members of the dealers, and have you ever seen criminals prefer to shoot it out with the BIB rather than be caught?

So drug dealers (death dealers((and I don't mean a little weed) but the ICE Hammer, etc,etc etc, were eradicated. great, the dealers were most defiantly NOT INOCENT....... but some in the wrong place at the wrong time were...

Talk with the families of people that have lost kids through drugs, both directly and indirectly, ie robbing's gone wrong innocent people die, bet most would support another war on drugs.

So what's with your "flaws in your character" comment? or is it your flawed character that's in question?

Oh these higher ups you lot keep going on about. Basically the very lovely RTP were given cart blanche by Thaksin ( A Former BIB himself) to go off and commit as many extra judicial murders "of alleged dealers"as they could (hence the longstanding popularity of Thaksin with the RTP) and as was pointed out by a Human rights org investigation a few years afterward 50% of the victims had nothing to do with this trade. While we are on the subject NOTHING and I mean NOTHING this Govt has done compares with the policies Thaksin and his attack dog Purachai inflicted: Blanket urine testing for every customer at every nite venue in BKK, 12:00.am closing times for every entertainment venue throughout the whole of Thailand, shutting down TV channels, harrassing journalists, dissapearing lawyers etc etc... . Hell they even changed the laws restricting the sale of alcohol at the 7/11s And some of the TVFPs on here think is stiffling under the current Govt. You should have been around when TRT first arrived on the scene. Oh and Lee Kwan Yue was evil old scumbag who went to his grave with a lot of (Mostly Burmese) people's blood on his hands RIP Lee NOT!


Various people have been credited with the followiing statement, but it would seem it is correct regardless of who said it. Prayut is speaking in line with this statement, and as such, it would seem he's correct.

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

Not picking sides here, just observing.

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The general and everyone else can say whatever they want. My day was a good one. I sipped wine on the veranda. The monstrous downpour didn't flood my soi. Downloaded a Kurosawa film to watch this evening. Perspective.

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This bozo is not even worth posting a comment on anymore with his insane and irrational comments.

How I would have loved to read all your comments on Yingluck, Chalerm, Plodprasop and Sarupong.

What a shame you denied us more witty and incisive entertainment by being such a hypocrite.

All 4 were hopeless but this guy is rewriting the definition of numbskull, look it up and see the example pic. This guy is doing something that his predecessors never could and that is having the world and it's leaders rolling on the floor wetting thier pants with laughter at his antics.

Crikey, couldn't make this stuff up. Did his mother sit him in front of Monty Python movies when he was a kid?

Might have been better if she had. Perhaps we should get a box set and sit him in front of it now.

He might think it was reality TV. He probably thinks "the office" is a documentary.

No boiiiiings to point out the jokes.


Is anyone really surprised by this statement? This is a typical ideology when a country is governed by an army general. Who ever heard of any army, worldwide, that's a democracy? Why is the rest of world, at least the so-called free world, opposed to such rulers? Duh?

Same I suppose can be said of education establishments - anybody know of any prime ministers or presidents who are ex-school teachers? LOL

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