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Cruz targets conservatives as he starts White House run

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There is no universal healthcare in the US. Obamacare was a sucker punch that is a mandate requiring everyone to buy health insurance. It is unpopular.

I've pointed out repeatedly in replies to posts presenting Rasmussen that polling results as 'found' by Rasmussen Reports are fiction, fantasy, phony.

Get over it.

It's impossible to get over your reflex of shooting the messenger rather than come up with opposing points. It's because you can do nothing but insult.

Here is a list of several recent polls which show the unpopularity of Obamacrash. It's a massive theft by the government which requires everyone to buy health insurance but does nothing to improve the system or control costs. It's a fraud just like Obama is.



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There is no universal healthcare in the US. Obamacare was a sucker punch that is a mandate requiring everyone to buy health insurance. It is unpopular.

I've pointed out repeatedly in replies to posts presenting Rasmussen that polling results as 'found' by Rasmussen Reports are fiction, fantasy, phony.

Get over it.

It's impossible to get over your reflex of shooting the messenger rather than come up with opposing points. It's because you can do nothing but insult.

Here is a list of several recent polls which show the unpopularity of Obamacrash. It's a massive theft by the government which requires everyone to buy health insurance but does nothing to improve the system or control costs. It's a fraud just like Obama is.



Good show.

Just best to stay away from those Rasmussen people and continue to cite valid and viable mainstream sources.

Yer learnin' there my friend. smile.png


It's too early for polls. At this time last time she ran, Hillary was presumed the winner and a nobody called Obama came out of nowhere and knocked her off. That makes her a loser and few ever actually recover from that.

People either like or hate Hillary and she has a lot of negatives.

Her support isn't deep as proved by Obama.

She's just all the Dems have right now.

She's running against a bunch of people now. Look how many Repubs there are to split up the vote. Wait until the election when it's one against one and maybe not Hillary.

Hillary has a lot of potential bumps in the road ahead including this new suit and motion for criminal sanctions about emailgate.

It's a long way to November of next year.

It's too early for polls

Especially when all the polls are against the Republicans for prez, when all the polls have been against the Republican for prez no matter who he may be, and when the polls will continue to.....well, won't go there just yet.

It is a long way out and elections always get close the closer we get to election day. Lookit 2008, when Obama got 60 million votes and John McCain got 49 million. laugh.png

Or 2012, when Prez Obama got 5+ million morevotes than Willard Mitt Romney (his birther name). The Bush election in 04 was close but no cigar for John Kerry....the Bush Bros 2000 election wasn't really an election so much as it wuz a Bush Bros vote court in Florida where the elder Bush Bro was governor, so that one wuz neither here nor there.

The election in 96 wasn't close...neither was the election in 92....same for 86....and Reagan v Mondale in 84 was a complete blowout with 49 states voting for the Geezer.

Anyone who might expect the 2016 election to be close is a Republican or farther out right winger who truly believes in God. cheesy.gif

I and others have been through this so many times. Recall in the LBJ blowout of Barry Goldwater in 64, Barry kept saying the only poll that counts is on election day, and Barry got run out on election day, decisively, conclusively, forever.

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Senator Cruz, if elected president, would bring back respect and leadership to the White House. Abolishing the IRS and going to a flat tax is a good idea and way over due. Unlike Obama, Cruz will secure the US borders, and will support Israel. America will go from having the worst president in history to occupy the White House, to having a real common sense world leader again.

When Cruz made his announcement at the Christian Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia he spoke to a packed auditorium.

That students were required to attend or pay a fine was a lesson to 'em all about Ted Cruz and liberty, who said during his speech, "I want to ask each of you to imagine, imagine millions of courageous conservatives, all across America, rising up together to say in unison “we demand our liberty.”

Students upset they had to attend Ted Cruz's Liberty University event or face a fine

One student, who asked not to be identified because she is a Democrat, told BuzzFeed she viewed this as a seal of approval for Cruz regardless of what Falwell had to say. "At our school everyone is a Republican," she said. "You aren't allowed to have any Democratic groups. That's why I'm doing this anonymously because people will come after you."


"Because people will come after you"?? Do you know how silly that sounds?

Contrast what you think about that to the fact at a 10,000 student Christian university it is not allowed to organize a club or group for the Democratic party, which is one of the two major political parties in the United States.

That is the significance of the quote that is in the post. The concluding comment that gets the rather odd focus of Republicans or others on the political right is ancillary. Unless that is one is a Democrat at Liberty University over there in Lynchburg, VA.


In some ways it's clearing the air. It's good to know where a person stands, and in the bigger picture, where (at least a portion) of his political party stands.

It will be easier for Dems to discuss ideas if an opponent defines his stance, rather than opposing a waffler like Reagan ("I won't raise taxes" ...and then went on to raise taxes mightily) or Bush Sr. ("read my lips, no new taxes" ...and he went on to raise taxes).

Of course Cruz could follow his Republican predecessors and switch policies if/when he gets in to the power seat. No one will be surprised if that happens.


Senator Cruz, if elected president, would bring back respect and leadership to the White House. Abolishing the IRS and going to a flat tax is a good idea and way over due. Unlike Obama, Cruz will secure the US borders, and will support Israel. America will go from having the worst president in history to occupy the White House, to having a real common sense world leader again.

When Cruz made his announcement at the Christian Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia he spoke to a packed auditorium.

That students were required to attend or pay a fine was a lesson to 'em all about Ted Cruz and liberty, who said during his speech, "I want to ask each of you to imagine, imagine millions of courageous conservatives, all across America, rising up together to say in unison “we demand our liberty.”

Students upset they had to attend Ted Cruz's Liberty University event or face a fine

One student, who asked not to be identified because she is a Democrat, told BuzzFeed she viewed this as a seal of approval for Cruz regardless of what Falwell had to say. "At our school everyone is a Republican," she said. "You aren't allowed to have any Democratic groups. That's why I'm doing this anonymously because people will come after you."


"Because people will come after you"?? Do you know how silly that sounds?

Contrast what you think about that to the fact at a 10,000 student Christian university it is not allowed to organize a club or group for the Democratic party, which is one of the two major political parties in the United States.

That is the significance of the quote that is in the post. The concluding comment that gets the rather odd focus of Republicans or others on the political right is ancillary. Unless that is one is a Democrat at Liberty University over there in Lynchburg, VA.

A university full of bigoted, religious fanatics that is anti science too? They still teach creation here! Yes, these poor misguided kids are being taught the world is 6,000 years old.

They will be ready for the world when they graduate.....blink.png

Keep anonymous girl. 10,000 rednecks can be scary. They might lynch a Democrat at this school.

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Cruz just super-charged his chances of getting named VP candidate to whomever gets the nod for the Republicans.

The Rep prez candidate will want to appear kind to voters. Yet, in order to not alienate the right wing of his party, he'll take a pitbull for a VP. Bush Jr. did it with Cheney. However, it's not a carved-in-stone dynamic, if you look at Nixon picking Agnew, and Reagan picking Quail.


Senator Cruz, if elected president, would bring back respect and leadership to the White House. Abolishing the IRS and going to a flat tax is a good idea and way over due. Unlike Obama, Cruz will secure the US borders, and will support Israel. America will go from having the worst president in history to occupy the White House, to having a real common sense world leader again.

When Cruz made his announcement at the Christian Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia he spoke to a packed auditorium.

That students were required to attend or pay a fine was a lesson to 'em all about Ted Cruz and liberty, who said during his speech, "I want to ask each of you to imagine, imagine millions of courageous conservatives, all across America, rising up together to say in unison we demand our liberty.

Students upset they had to attend Ted Cruz's Liberty University event or face a fine

One student, who asked not to be identified because she is a Democrat, told BuzzFeed she viewed this as a seal of approval for Cruz regardless of what Falwell had to say. "At our school everyone is a Republican," she said. "You aren't allowed to have any Democratic groups. That's why I'm doing this anonymously because people will come after you."


"Because people will come after you"?? Do you know how silly that sounds?

Contrast what you think about that to the fact at a 10,000 student Christian university it is not allowed to organize a club or group for the Democratic party, which is one of the two major political parties in the United States.

That is the significance of the quote that is in the post. The concluding comment that gets the rather odd focus of Republicans or others on the political right is ancillary. Unless that is one is a Democrat at Liberty University over there in Lynchburg, VA.

A university full of bigoted, religious fanatics that is anti science too? They still teach creation here! Yes, these poor misguided kids are being taught the world is 6,000 years old.

They will be ready for the world when they graduate.....blink.png

Keep anonymous girl. 10,000 rednecks can be scary. They might lynch a Democrat at this school.

A bigoted post about bigots.

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Cruz just super-charged his chances of getting named VP candidate to whomever gets the nod for the Republicans.

The Rep prez candidate will want to appear kind to voters. Yet, in order to not alienate the right wing of his party, he'll take a pitbull for a VP. Bush Jr. did it with Cheney. However, it's not a carved-in-stone dynamic, if you look at Nixon picking Agnew, and Reagan picking Quail.

He could also be a draw for Hispanic voters. And for all those that want to bring up Sarah Palin, - Geraldine Ferraro.


Cruz just super-charged his chances of getting named VP candidate to whomever gets the nod for the Republicans.

The Rep prez candidate will want to appear kind to voters. Yet, in order to not alienate the right wing of his party, he'll take a pitbull for a VP. Bush Jr. did it with Cheney. However, it's not a carved-in-stone dynamic, if you look at Nixon picking Agnew, and Reagan picking Quail.

He could also be a draw for Hispanic voters. And for all those that want to bring up Sarah Palin, - Geraldine Ferraro.

Permit me to add...Joe Biden

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I support their rights and you should too. It's a private school on private property exercising their own beliefs. No one is forced to go there as there are soooo many choices.

Which obviously means you would support discrimination on the basis of skin colour and or gender.


Cruz as a right wing Cuban American is not really in tune with the majority of American Latinos. So his demographic vote getting value as a token Latino is limited that way. Also he is rabidly anti-Latino immigrant. Jeb Bush on the other hand has a wife an actual Mexican wife and is moderate on immigration issues relative to his right wing party.

If there is going to be a Latino picked as a token for VP it would be the young and handsome Rubio, also Cuban American. He would be a much better fit for that role.

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Cruz as a right wing Cuban American is not really in tune with the majority of American Latinos. So his demographic vote getting value as a token Latino is limited that way. Also he is rabidly anti-Latino immigrant. Jeb Bush on the other hand has a wife an actual Mexican wife and is moderate on immigration issues relative to his right wing party.

If there is going to be a Latino picked as a token for VP it would be the young and handsome Rubio, also Cuban American. He would be a much better fit for that role.

Are you gushing over Rubio, JT? And Florida being a battleground state, would be a good fit. I just don't see him settling for Veep just yet.


Contrast what you think about that to the fact at a 10,000 student Christian university it is not allowed to organize a club or group for the Democratic party, which is one of the two major political parties in the United States.

That is the significance of the quote that is in the post. The concluding comment that gets the rather odd focus of Republicans or others on the political right is ancillary. Unless that is one is a Democrat at Liberty University over there in Lynchburg, VA.

I support their rights and you should too. It's a private school on private property exercising their own beliefs. No one is forced to go there as there are soooo many choices.

Compare it to the rights of this forum to have mods, rules, and even ban people. That's because it's privately owned and there's no freedom of speech here. That's as it should be in private ownership.

If kids choose to go there they have to follow the rules. If they don't like the rules they should go somewhere else.

If it were a public, government owned school I'd take the opposite side because now were talking about public property and we should all have the same rights. Freedom of or from religion, expression, association... All in.

Sometimes I can't believe, and you can't see your bigotry toward those with whom you disagree. You are neither inclusive nor open minded. You probably think you are and would like to be...

Religion in US society and law has always had a privileged position in the Constitution, as do other important freedoms.

Liberty University enjoys the privileged status the Constitution and the laws afford to it, to include tax exempt status, every right to discriminate among its membership, every right to teach anything it chooses to teach, to believe anything it chooses to believe, to act out the beliefs and rituals of the religion. As we know, God-fearing people in their separate and distinct compartments have many different ideas concerning the requirements to enter Heaven or to instead default into hell.

Liberty University not only excludes the Democratic party per se from its campus, it welcomes and has hosted candidates for president, namely Ted Cruz, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney.

Now let's look again at the First Amendment.....

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


So there is speech, press, assembly, petition. Agreement is widespread these qualities are central and vital to a successful liberal democracy. Beats me and a whole lot of other people how religion got associated with the most vital aspects of a liberal democracy. It may revert to Constantine but if so, it would not at all commend to the American republic the connection or the association to Rome's first politically Christian emperor.

If it reverts to, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto God that which is God's," then we have a uniquely American problem here.

Religion has put itself into politics and most recently right wing extremist politics, the founder of LU Jerry Falwell being a pioneer of the US religious right. The US religious right is extensively and intensely active, and it has been so for decades. It therefore and necessarily makes itself fair political game.

We are entering the hunting season now so the religious right is fully armed, what with its not having to use any of its resources to support the society whether it be the Pentagon or the soup kitchen. And the Kentucky windage of God's most active warriors is decidedly and entirely from the right all the way across the spectrum to the left.

Some people fire back and it is fact the counterattack has both grown and strengthened. The religious right won in 2004, lost in 08, won in 10, lost in 12, won in 14.....I see a pattern here.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Cruz just super-charged his chances of getting named VP candidate to whomever gets the nod for the Republicans.

The Rep prez candidate will want to appear kind to voters. Yet, in order to not alienate the right wing of his party, he'll take a pitbull for a VP. Bush Jr. did it with Cheney. However, it's not a carved-in-stone dynamic, if you look at Nixon picking Agnew, and Reagan picking Quail.

He could also be a draw for Hispanic voters. And for all those that want to bring up Sarah Palin, - Geraldine Ferraro.

Permit me to add...Joe Biden

I like Joe Biden, and he's been a good VP.


I support their rights and you should too. It's a private school on private property exercising their own beliefs. No one is forced to go there as there are soooo many choices.

Which obviously means you would support discrimination on the basis of skin colour and or gender.

Your statement is a very good example of the intellectually weak and lazy when they can't counter a logical argument.


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Cruz is about 50 times smarter than anyone in the lib party

Former Solicitor General of Texas. Unlike Barack and Hillary this guy has held a real job and has real experience. As far as that hack Joe Biden he has been a politician since he was in his twenties.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Permit me to add...Joe Biden

I like Joe Biden, and he's been a good VP.

He has certainly done his job by protecting Obama from any hints of impeachment.

After all he is next in line.

Hillary is next in line.

The literal line has only a couple of three or so presently in it but she's not at all lonely about it. The Republican line goes around the corner and down the avenue to the Kotch brothers cash distribution center, which is the huge black building on the distant right so you can't miss it.

Which means it is the opposite for HRC from the Republican crammed up clown car and their Republican party official campaign Bubba Buses. The R's again will spend money in all directions and tear at each other from all sides with Ted Cruz right there with the tea party and religious right marching along with him, thereby ensuring he'll never be president, certainly not in this life. The Republican ripping snorting and tearing won't be as publicly bad as 2012 but it won't be pretty either and I've already ordered a truckload of popcorn.

One central aspect of American democracy Republicans tend to deprecate when they're not ignoring it is that there is such a thing as public service in the public sector.

All the same, Reagan in addition to his box office income from the moviegoing public spent quite a few years on the public dole as governor then president. The Bush family has collected off the public dole of salaries, pensions, benefits, for decades and wants still more of it yet. The conservative estimate of the Bush family take of the public dole from their US senator grandfather through to 2008 is $7 million in salaries, pensions, benefits, expenses.

John Ellis "Jeb" Bush raked in almost $800,000 in salary alone while governor of Florida and now he wants the big one of $400,000 annually. Bro George pocketed $3.2 million as prez and gets another $1.2 mil annually as a former prez. This family can't get enough of the public dole into their bank accounts.

Ted btw gets $174,000 as a senator which seems not enuff as he too wants the big annual $400K. Youse guyz also need to turn your pockets inside out cause Barack has been taking a good bite out of your taxes....those Republicans and right wingers who do pay taxes.

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