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Greatest German ever

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Ferdinand Porsche was Austrian

and Cuckoo clocks are neither Swiss or Austrian as the originate in the Black Forest of Germany

if you wish to get really technical he was Czech, and not German until the Nazi's got into power wink.png

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Ferdinand Porsche was Austrian

and Cuckoo clocks are neither Swiss or Austrian as the originate in the Black Forest of Germany

if you wish to get really technical he was Czech, and not German until the Nazi's got into power wink.png

Actually no he was born in Bohemia not the Czech republic (as it didnt exist) and that the time it was Austrian, borders shifted a lot in Europe but his name as you will notice is Germanic not Czech

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Ferdinand Porsche was Austrian

and Cuckoo clocks are neither Swiss or Austrian as the originate in the Black Forest of Germany

if you wish to get really technical he was Czech, and not German until the Nazi's got into power wink.png

Actually no he was born in Bohemia not the Czech republic (as it didnt exist) and that the time it was Austrian, borders shifted a lot in Europe but his name as you will notice is Germanic not Czech

so remind me again how he had a Czech passport/citizenship then ?...and only became a naturalized German citizen under the Nazi's ?

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Ferdinand Porsche was Austrian

and Cuckoo clocks are neither Swiss or Austrian as the originate in the Black Forest of Germany

if you wish to get really technical he was Czech, and not German until the Nazi's got into power wink.png

Actually no he was born in Bohemia not the Czech republic (as it didnt exist) and that the time it was Austrian, borders shifted a lot in Europe but his name as you will notice is Germanic not Czech

so remind me again how he had a Czech passport/citizenship then ?...and only became a naturalized German citizen under the Nazi's ?

Quite simple, when he was born he was an Austrian, it was Austria, post World War 1, Czechoslovakia was created and he remained there so becoming a Czech for the period the area existed, then after the rise of Hitler he was "chosen" to become a German as he was an ethnic Germanic and it suited the current managementwink.png .

After all we regard Immanuel Kant as being German, however if we follow this rhetoric through he is a Russian as his birthplace is now Kaliningrad, Russia.

The problem with this is a matter of ethnicity and well as the ever changing political map of the world, we could discuss this for hours and probably end up nowhere at the end smile.png

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The guy who invented sauerkraut.

How great is that stuff!

To which version do you refer as there are many regional variations from east France to east Poland, personally I prefer the Bavarian version with lots of vinegar and mustard seeds, some have hardly any vinegar in at all and to me taste like boiled cabbage bah.gif

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A personal favourite,


Another interesting character, Franz Josef Strauss, listen to Bob Calverts brilliant Captain Lockheed and the Starfighters album.

All the people involved in the 'krautrock' movement that gave us such great groups as, Can, Neu, Ashra temple and Tangerine Dream.

Special mention goes to Manuel Gottsching, an underated guitar player.

Gerd Muller.

'Der Kaiser' himself, the mighty Franz Beckenbauer.

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The guy who invented sauerkraut.

How great is that stuff!

To which version do you refer as there are many regional variations from east France to east Poland, personally I prefer the Bavarian version with lots of vinegar and mustard seeds, some have hardly any vinegar in at all and to me taste like boiled cabbage bah.gif

I make a basic sauerkraut.

Sliced cabbage add salt and some water. Basic yet delicious.

If anyone has a good sauerkraut recipe I'd love to know thanks!

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Arnold Schwarzenegger

Thought he was Austrian ?

Same thing...

I am going to defer the decision on that one, to one of our friends from Germany they may disagree..laugh.png

Can we include the Swiss as well then..their basically German's who make chocolate and cuckoo clocks ?

Cuckoo clocks are made in the Black Forest, Germany.


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