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PM Prayut warns media to toe the line or face 'consequences'


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In an article I just read the PM told a group of reporters that he has the power to execute those that don't report the truth and that he might do so But I am sure he is only joking

And where might that article be?


So he speaks of executing people who don't report the Junta propaganda and who don't work to cover things up. He has totally lost the plot and is in need of serious help. He is wondering why countries like the US and Australia won't embrace, love him and invite him over for tea.
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In an article I just read the PM told a group of reporters that he has the power to execute those that don't report the truth and that he might do so But I am sure he is only joking

And where might that article be?


So he speaks of executing people who don't report the Junta propaganda and who don't work to cover things up. He has totally lost the plot and is in need of serious help. He is wondering why countries like the US and Australia won't embrace, love him and invite him over for tea.

No. Actually the article has

""We'll probably just execute them," said Prayuth, without a trace of a smile, when asked by reporters how the government would deal with those that do not adhere to the official line."

with the official line being

""You don't have to support the government, but you should report the truth," the former army chief said, telling reporters to write in a way that bolsters national reconciliation in the kingdom."

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So he speaks of executing people who don't report the Junta propaganda and who don't work to cover things up. He has totally lost the plot and is in need of serious help. He is wondering why countries like the US and Australia won't embrace, love him and invite him over for tea.

No. Actually the article has

""We'll probably just execute them," said Prayuth, without a trace of a smile, when asked by reporters how the government would deal with those that do not adhere to the official line."

with the official line being

""You don't have to support the government, but you should report the truth," the former army chief said, telling reporters to write in a way that bolsters national reconciliation in the kingdom."

Rubi, could they use something like that if he was called to account for his role in the 2010 Bangkok Riots? Condeming words by a ruling leader?

How do you think he would handle Rupet or how would Rupet handle the General?

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"she must report herself to authorities concerned for her reportage"

At least no more of the fake "invitation" to the military to get an attitude adjustment. No more of Prayut complaining that he can't just order people around because he is not a dictator.

Thank you Prayut for your honesty in showing freedom of expression is dead.

Meanwhile the NTB is concerned about the news media becoming one-sided for political purposes. How about the NTB get critical of Prayut's one-sided propoganda campaigns in TV and radio broadcasts on army-owned stations. But being a state regulatory agency, the NCPO is untouchable.

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Reporting the truth and telling the truth are two very different things.

Both in the past have been very much associated with the Junta

Obviously democratically elected governments with near professional politicians have less problems with handling the truth rolleyes.gif

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"she must report herself to authorities concerned for her reportage"

At least no more of the fake "invitation" to the military to get an attitude adjustment. No more of Prayut complaining that he can't just order people around because he is not a dictator.

Thank you Prayut for your honesty in showing freedom of expression is dead.

Meanwhile the NTB is concerned about the news media becoming one-sided for political purposes. How about the NTB get critical of Prayut's one-sided propoganda campaigns in TV and radio broadcasts on army-owned stations. But being a state regulatory agency, the NCPO is untouchable.

The lady gets a chance to explain herself. That's no problem, even Ms. Yingluck asked for justice and a chance to explain herself. BTW anyone who saw/read what the lady's reportage on Channel3 contained?

As for the one-sidedness, Prayut talks about both what's right AND what's wrong. Almost even handedly rolleyes.gif

As for the NCPO being untouchable because they're a state regulatory agency, that's really incorrect. They are the junta itself, that makes them untouchable, by law as well.whistling.gif

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Maybe the Thai media can take a lesson from their much more hard-hitting Western colleagues.

#1: Celebrity "news"

#2: Movie reviews

#3: Fluff pieces on politicians

#4: If it bleeds it leads (always good for ratings)

#5: Ebola!!!!!!!!

#6: WMDs must still be somewhere in Iraq (Bush said so, after all)

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He actually admits that the slavery on the Thai owned fishing boats is no big deal, "national interests" (profit from exported fish caught by slave crews) is what he defends, what a disgusting thing to say as a national leader.

Edited by HiSoLowSoNoSo
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This man has become an embarrassment. He should have kept to soldiering, because politics is definately not his thing.

He is either a fool or incredibly naive if he thinks the EU is not fully aware of the state of Thailand's fishing industry.

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PM fumes over report on trawlers

BANGKOK: -- PRIME MINISTER General Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday warned a journalist from Channel 3 to speak to officials before spreading news about Thais forced to work on trawlers near Indonesia to avoid damaging exports of Thai marine products to the West.

The prime minister warned the media not to expound on the news as it is detrimental to Thai society and affects national security.

Prayut said his government had the situation in hand and that 26 people had been rescued so far. He asked why the TV station filed no such reports during the tenure of the previous administration.

"What good will it do to talk from the outside?" the prime minister asked, adding that the government was trying to introduce a mandatory GPS system on all trawlers and to ensure that all workers have proper work permits.

He added that the government is negotiating with its counterparts in Indonesia and that media reports on human trafficking jeopardised Thailand's marine exports, amounting to 200,000 tons per annum.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/PM-fumes-over-report-on-trawlers-30256781.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-26

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PM fumes over report on trawlers


BANGKOK: -- PRIME MINISTER General Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday warned a journalist from Channel 3 to speak to officials before spreading news about Thais forced to work on trawlers near Indonesia to avoid damaging exports of Thai marine products to the West.

The prime minister warned the media not to expound on the news as it is detrimental to Thai society and affects national security.

Prayut said his government had the situation in hand and that 26 people had been rescued so far. He asked why the TV station filed no such reports during the tenure of the previous administration.

"What good will it do to talk from the outside?" the prime minister asked, adding that the government was trying to introduce a mandatory GPS system on all trawlers and to ensure that all workers have proper work permits.

He added that the government is negotiating with its counterparts in Indonesia and that media reports on human trafficking jeopardised Thailand's marine exports, amounting to 200,000 tons per annum.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/PM-fumes-over-report-on-trawlers-30256781.html


-- The Nation 2015-03-26

Is there any evidence of these 26 people who were allegedly rescued? You can't take Prayuth's word with all the garbage and lies that has been flowing. Is this the same as the 12 high ranking military and government officials who were arrested for human trafficking a couple of months ago? Still no names, photo ops or finger pointing. No mention of prosecutions or any evidence what so ever just bull crap and propaganda that they want to force the media to spread under threats of execution if they don't.
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Prayut blows his stack at media again
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- PRIME MINISTER General Prayut Chan-o-cha erupted again with anger yesterday and threw a document at reporters during a press conference at an Air Force airfield.

This was followed by a threat, partly in jest, by the PM of exercising his absolute power as chief of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) under the provisional constitution and executing journalists who create divisions in society.

Prayut appeared tense throughout the 23-minute press conference and his voice quivered with anger on some points. He urged the media not to criticise legal cases that are deemed political by some. He challenged some columnists who were critical of him to administer the country in his place or to become MPs if they thought they were more capable.

"I have given you freedom. I have never forbidden you from doing anything. Nobody gives you this much [press freedom]. I shall observe for a period the work of the media.

"All that the government and I have been doing is for the good of all Thais … Anyone who does not get this is not human.

"The media must help. From now on, I will follow all media and, if necessary, exercise my power … You can criticise me, but have you forgotten the orders of the NCPO? Perhaps things are too comfortable," the prime minister told reporters angrily.

He berated the media for speculating that there is a rift between his two deputy prime ministers, General Prawit Wongsuwan, who is in charge of security, and MR Pridiyathorn Devakula, who is in charge of economic policy. He raised his voice and said, "It's only you folks who talk about it," adding that there was not going to be any Cabinet reshuffle any time soon.

Prayut defended his administration, saying solving the Kingdom's problems was no easy task as there were 70 million people, and the number of problems had increased from hundreds to more than a thousand at present. People should help one another instead of creating a rift, said the prime minister.

Reporters asked Prayut to reconfirm what would happen to a news medium or journalist deemed to be causing a rift in society. The PM replied that he would first let media associations investigate but if nothing substantial came out of that, he would have his own committee investigate.

Prayut added that normal criticism was acceptable but asked how some media outlets could keep repeating every day that this government is a failure.

He claimed the previous democratically elected administration was even more a failure, and since his government started from there, it could only get better.

"Why don't you think like this?" asked Prayut, who seized power in a coup last year.

When asked if some media outlets could be shut down by his junta, he said: "Don't drag me into a fight with the media."

When reporters pressed him on what would be the ultimate punishment against such a news medium or journalist, Prayut said: "Perhaps execution. What kind of careless question is that? So don't do [what I forbid]. Be more careful.

"The media must have their own discretion and ethics. They demand ethics but don't know how to use them," said Prayut, adding that he was not asking the media to pay lip service to his government. He said he merely wanted to see constructive criticism.

He warned that henceforth he would be even more stern.

Towards the end of the conference, Prayut said he had decided against broadcasting a report on television during weekends on his government's achievements in its first six months, saying if it was broadcast on a holiday nobody would pay any attention.

He also admitted that he had been too quick to announce earlier that there could be an election late this year. He said people should not feel too troubled by the election date.

After the press conference, the PM left for an official visit to Brunei.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Prayut-blows-his-stack-at-media-again-30256779.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-26

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In an article I just read the PM told a group of reporters that he has the power to execute those that don't report the truth and that he might do so But I am sure he is only joking

And where might that article be?


So he speaks of executing people who don't report the Junta propaganda and who don't work to cover things up. He has totally lost the plot and is in need of serious help. He is wondering why countries like the US and Australia won't embrace, love him and invite him over for tea.

No. Actually the article has

""We'll probably just execute them," said Prayuth, without a trace of a smile, when asked by reporters how the government would deal with those that do not adhere to the official line."

with the official line being

""You don't have to support the government, but you should report the truth," the former army chief said, telling reporters to write in a way that bolsters national reconciliation in the kingdom."

Headlines ABC news Melbourne Australia today.

Thailand PM Prayuth says he will 'PROBABLY EXECUTE' journalists who do not report the truth.

This from a self proclaimed Statesman and world leader.

I wonder how many of his hand picked cronies are, even very privately, beginning to wonder about him and his so called leadership and perhaps starting to regret backing him ?

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BBC World News is reporting that the PM has said he would probably execute reporters who don't toe the line and they are highlighting his regular outbursts.

It had to happen and can only get worse, wait until he stars at the UN and has to face the international media scrum.

Is he gonna feed them to a pack of hungry dogs, burn them alive, chop off their heads. What?

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BBC World News is reporting that the PM has said he would probably execute reporters who don't toe the line and they are highlighting his regular outbursts.

It had to happen and can only get worse, wait until he stars at the UN and has to face the international media scrum.

And that report doesn't seem very accurate, does it? I've also read similar reports in other international media, but the actual quotations just don't support the international media's hysterical headlines.

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