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The Great 2 baht mobile phone scam! Our Great Leader and CEO does it again. I'm sure that you've all seen the latest adverts on the TV and on billboards. '15 day offer, 2 baht per minute' . What all the advertising fails to tell you is that once your 15 day trial period expires, you find that although you have money left in your old 4 baht account, and more importantly for many phone users, loads (in my case 6 months worth) of 'spare time' accumulated, the 'spare time' has suddenly vanished. To use your remaining money, you have to go out and buy yet another 300 baht phone card and begin accumulating time all over again!!? If this isn't the biggest scam going, I don't know what is? Imagine, everyone is suddenly offered a chance for a few cheaper phone calls (at the price we pay now, about time too) . Everyone is going to jump at the offer, and after checking that there is no catch (my initial impression, sadly proved correct) we go for it. Then we discover that our poverty stricken CEO's company (very sad, he only made 10 zillion billion last year) has done a number on us! As for me, I'll just put it down to another 'This Is Toytown' experience. However, imagine the small community that relies on a community mobile phone to stay in touch with friends and family. The TOT iare so pathetic that they can't connect these people, and if you can ever find a pay phone that works , or has been emptied in the last few years, your a better man then I am. So, there they are, the poor and isolated, with their community mobile. They've accumulated loads of spare time and are happy. Oh Great One's company offers them a discount for 15 days. Yes! go for it. Now, they find themselves with no 'spare time' buffer and having to find the three hundred baht to continue in operation. If this isn't an insidious way to make more profit, I don't know what is? Shame on you Oh Great One, and if this is yet another example of how you plan to run this country, then G help us all.

I'm sure that you've all seen the latest adverts on the TV and on billboards.

my hiney has been krazy glued to a computer chair lately, what provider is it AIS?


u talking about the one to call offer? I noticed that my 2 years spare phone time was all of a sudden gone. Must ring up and change my plan back next time I am in Thailand.

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