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Cambodia's Hun Sen criticizes Michelle Obama visit

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That's a bit low even for you...

What did you expect her to do? Rock up at the local guesthouse and see if there were a couple of rooms.

I expect her to stay home and stop the nonsense. The Secret Service has to arrive early to set up security. They arrive on a separate USAF plane with their equipment. They have to reserve and pay for the whole hotel for security purposes.

The list goes on but as written above it cost the taxpayers almost a quarter of a million dollars and no one elected her as anything.

Bet you thought the same about Laura Bush...


How about its none of our business.Hey wasnt he elected.....so what the hell When we talk about YL oh she was elected...when we now talk about a leader who was elected....wow.....now he is evil.....so what is it a diffrent set of trees to hug when it comes ro Thailand vs.Cambodia??? The same set of people condem Sen....yet if there was a Coup in Cambodia .....they would support the Democraric process and the same would support Sen.......jeez. My Dad said 84% Of people canr find rhere ass with both hands.......look at Cambodias past......


Of course, the USA bombs beautiful Cambodia back into the stone age and unleashes the murderous Khmer Rouge upon her population--and now USA is there to tell them how to educate themselves and further enable an idiot like Michele Obama and her idiot husband, who aren't even capable of managing their own affairs.

"unleashes" you say that as if it were fact. why make stories when the truth will do the same thing. yes there are a couple of tards in the white house, but you speak as if you were there at the time of your so called "unleashing". but we all know you were just a horney twinkle in your daddys eye. history does not need you to make up shxt, there is enough shxt in the truth...:-)
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Of course, the USA bombs beautiful Cambodia back into the stone age and unleashes the murderous Khmer Rouge upon her population--and now USA is there to tell them how to educate themselves and further enable an idiot like Michele Obama and her idiot husband, who aren't even capable of managing their own affairs.

who unleashed the khmer rouge? I would say let us look back to the original colonialists. People in that region were kind of fed up with the french..... everything else grew out of that.

but why dig up all this now?

We are talking about scholorships....and education money.........not Pol Pot.


Of course, the USA bombs beautiful Cambodia back into the stone age and unleashes the murderous Khmer Rouge upon her population--and now USA is there to tell them how to educate themselves and further enable an idiot like Michele Obama and her idiot husband, who aren't even capable of managing their own affairs.

"unleashes" you say that as if it were fact. why make stories when the truth will do the same thing. yes there are a couple of tards in the white house, but you speak as if you were there at the time of your so called "unleashing". but we all know you were just a horney twinkle in your daddys eye. history does not need you to make up shxt, there is enough shxt in the truth...:-)

I wasn't there. I was around ten when the mess started, and watching the end of the Vietnam Nam catastrophe comfortably from my parent's living room television, not really understanding any of it and asking a lot of questions.

Most of the world did not know the US had secretly bombed Laos and Cambodia in those days. These facts didn't come out until much later.

The US and some of her allies, including Thailand, did in fact help supply the Khmer Rouge with weapons and unleash their campaign across Cambodia, completely destroying the country and murdering two and a half plus million people.

'Unleash' may be putting it too kindly.


Of course, the USA bombs beautiful Cambodia back into the stone age and unleashes the murderous Khmer Rouge upon her population--and now USA is there to tell them how to educate themselves and further enable an idiot like Michele Obama and her idiot husband, who aren't even capable of managing their own affairs.

who unleashed the khmer rouge? I would say let us look back to the original colonialists. People in that region were kind of fed up with the french..... everything else grew out of that.

but why dig up all this now?

We are talking about scholorships....and education money.........not Pol Pot.

We have to dig it up now because it was hidden back then. And even now all the details are vague. But we have what we have and we know what we know.

If it wasn't for Pol Pot and his monkey followers and all their supporters, we might not need to think about scholarships and education for Cambodians. Who knows, they might have taken care of themselves just fine--like they were doing before we came along.

Those who refuse their history will surely repeat it... Iraq, Afghanistan, and the list goes on and on.

We haven't learned anything, have we?

Not looking good.


Of course, the USA bombs beautiful Cambodia back into the stone age and unleashes the murderous Khmer Rouge upon her population--and now USA is there to tell them how to educate themselves and further enable an idiot like Michele Obama and her idiot husband, who aren't even capable of managing their own affairs.

"unleashes" you say that as if it were fact. why make stories when the truth will do the same thing. yes there are a couple of tards in the white house, but you speak as if you were there at the time of your so called "unleashing". but we all know you were just a horney twinkle in your daddys eye. history does not need you to make up shxt, there is enough shxt in the truth...:-)

I wasn't there. I was around ten when the mess started, and watching the end of the Vietnam Nam catastrophe comfortably from my parent's living room television, not really understanding any of it and asking a lot of questions.

Most of the world did not know the US had secretly bombed Laos and Cambodia in those days. These facts didn't come out until much later.

The US and some of her allies, including Thailand, did in fact help supply the Khmer Rouge with weapons and unleash their campaign across Cambodia, completely destroying the country and murdering two and a half plus million people.

'Unleash' may be putting it too kindly.

Pol Pot got his start in the French Communist Party. The Khmer Rouge were trained and supported by China. The Khmer Rouge takeover of Cambodia was made possible by North Vietnamese intervention. Afterwards, in 1979, Jimmy Carter and Andrew Young at the UN supported the Khmer Rouge against Vietnam. But during the Khmer Rouge takeover, the fact is the US supported Lon Nol, not Pol Pot.


Thailand hosted the relief operation with US support directly, and provided Khmer Rouge with arms a plenty from storage facilities in Thailand. That's just one small example. There are many more, and many more yet to be discovered.

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