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Have you checked your vit d levels lately in the LOS...


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  • 4 weeks later...

50,000 in per week. Your best source of vitamin D2 is the sun. Our bodies have vitamin D2 receptors in various places on our bodies. Best time for vitamin D2 intake is during afternoon sunlight for a minimum of 15 minutes. Uncover your arms and legs. Most Thai Women have vitamin D2-3 deficiency because they avoid sunlight in fear of becoming dark but in reality causing future health problems.

Anyone considering taking 50,000 IU of D per week would be well advised to first consult with a physician. Consuming large amounts of Vitamin D over a period of time can lead to toxicity and kidney damage.

yes 50,000 iu seems high. I was prescribed 20,000. When I take that I dont feel so healthy for a few days to be honest.

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