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What ingredients of food controll and regulate apettite ?

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Just watching a documentary on tv

That corn sirup , controlls human apettite in many food products!

I always very hungry heat hunger attack

Must eat 3 or 4 Thai menû

Street food 50 Bhat each!

When I eat only rice vegetable or salad

I only full one hour , then hungry again

Same when I eat fast food in mc

Now i want to find out, what Food make more Hungry feelings ,and what I can eat to be long time full , with less calories !?

How a diagnosis of metabolic diseases looks like?

I visit many doctor also in my home country but also not can give a clear aswer, only advice visit a diet group, I not sure the can realy help me , because there guide lines only based on behavioral therapy!


sugar and easy to digest carbohydrates (rice) causes insulin spike, which makes you hungry again afterwards very fast.

You can try to remove all that crap from your food only complex carbs, it should help.

Or you can try to eat very low/no carbohydrates....which means your nutrition is only fat and protein. After a short time of adjustment (a few days) your hunger is very reduced....and different....you are hungry but not that raving hunger....

Even eating calorie dense food you automatically don't overeat.

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Oats with strawberry and banana smoothie, for breakfast.

Sure great thing for someone who is underweight and want to gain or for a bodybuilder. Also healthy.

For someone who want to loose weight these tons of sugar and carbohydrates aren't a good idea.


Saturated fat. A spoonful of mayonnaise will quickly remove the hunger feeling.

sure but maybe more delicious a fried egg or two (without bread or rice).

I am shivering by the thought of eating a spoonful of mayonnaise.....the thought of it removes the hunger sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vrJpEP3T5-

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Are you suggesting something like the Atkins diet?

Well Atkins diet is something very specific and heated discussed, but it is based on the same thing.

The low blood sugar makes you hungry and as more your diet is sugar bases as more this effect happens. So complex slow carbohydrates instead of white rice helps.

Or you can complete cancel any carbs.

If you are very overweight, and need to reduce the weigh drastic I would cancel all carbs.

If you just a bit too heavy and need to live healthier and get rid of the belly, just replace the white rice, soft drinks, sweet fruit juice with something more healthy.


Eat dietary fiber with every meal. It's mostly indigestible and therefore adds little to no calories, and it absorbs water making you feel full faster.

The best sources of fiber are beans, peas, chickpeas, black-eyed peas, artichokes, whole wheat flour, barley, bulgur, bran, raspberries, blackberries, and prunes. Good sources of fiber are lettuce, dark leafy greens, broccoli, okra, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, corn, asparagus, cabbage, whole wheat pasta, oats, popcorn, nuts, raisins, pears, strawberries, oranges, bananas, blueberries, mangoes, and apples.

Some of these may not be ideal for you depending on your habits. I'd be too tempted to dump a ton of cheese on that whole wheat pasta, and what good is popcorn that isn't slathered in butter?


Eat dietary fiber with every meal. It's mostly indigestible and therefore adds little to no calories, and it absorbs water making you feel full faster.

The best sources of fiber are beans, peas, chickpeas, black-eyed peas, artichokes, whole wheat flour, barley, bulgur, bran, raspberries, blackberries, and prunes. Good sources of fiber are lettuce, dark leafy greens, broccoli, okra, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, corn, asparagus, cabbage, whole wheat pasta, oats, popcorn, nuts, raisins, pears, strawberries, oranges, bananas, blueberries, mangoes, and apples.

Some of these may not be ideal for you depending on your habits. I'd be too tempted to dump a ton of cheese on that whole wheat pasta, and what good is popcorn that isn't slathered in butter?

Some of these things are very calorie dense, whole wheat pasta, popcorn, raisins (full of sugar), banana, corn.....They are good to eat instead of white bread/rice but not additionally.....specially the raisins I would cancel


Some of these things are very calorie dense, whole wheat pasta, popcorn, raisins (full of sugar), banana, corn.....They are good to eat instead of white bread/rice but not additionally.....specially the raisins I would cancel

I did say that some of these might not be good choices depending on the OP's habits and will power. Instead of looking at each food item in isolation, consider the bigger picture: if your normal daily snack is a bowl of ice cream, then popcorn is certainly an improvement. If you aren't the kind of person who eats a lot of snacks, then you probably wouldn't consider the popcorn in the first place.


Are you suggesting something like the Atkins diet?

I eat a modified version of Atkins--lots of Protien from Meat, Poultry, Seafood and Veggies.

Very healthy, keeps the weight down and you feel great from eating a "clean" diet.

After developing Back issues and being inactive, I got up to 260 lbs.

I dropped 80 lbs in 10 months and have been at or around 180 lbs for nearly 10 years now.

I'm 6'1" and 55 years of age and usually walk about 1.5 miles every other day.

Google "Glycemic index" & "Glycemic Load"


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sugar and easy to digest carbohydrates (rice) causes insulin spike, which makes you hungry again afterwards very fast.

You can try to remove all that crap from your food only complex carbs, it should help.

Or you can try to eat very low/no carbohydrates....which means your nutrition is only fat and protein. After a short time of adjustment (a few days) your hunger is very reduced....and different....you are hungry but not that raving hunger....

Even eating calorie dense food you automatically don't overeat.

Ive been following that way of eating for a few years Was 89 kilos ,I lost 9 kilos. I Have the occasional slice of pizza now and again and can sustain 82 kg. What you have to be aware of when you start is hypoglycemia. I was a real pain in the arse for about 3 weeks when I started because of low blood sugar, best to cut sugar and starchy carbs out steadily rather than just stop. Although I believe many low carb diets tell you to so


Add a bit more fat to your diet it will keepyou feeling full longer, by the way it is not fat that makes you fat it is the sugars in various forms we eat that makes us fat


Some of these things are very calorie dense, whole wheat pasta, popcorn, raisins (full of sugar), banana, corn.....They are good to eat instead of white bread/rice but not additionally.....specially the raisins I would cancel

I did say that some of these might not be good choices depending on the OP's habits and will power. Instead of looking at each food item in isolation, consider the bigger picture: if your normal daily snack is a bowl of ice cream, then popcorn is certainly an improvement. If you aren't the kind of person who eats a lot of snacks, then you probably wouldn't consider the popcorn in the first place.

Well the raisins are never a good choice.....


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sugar and easy to digest carbohydrates (rice) causes insulin spike, which makes you hungry again afterwards very fast.

You can try to remove all that crap from your food only complex carbs, it should help.

Or you can try to eat very low/no carbohydrates....which means your nutrition is only fat and protein. After a short time of adjustment (a few days) your hunger is very reduced....and different....you are hungry but not that raving hunger....

Even eating calorie dense food you automatically don't overeat.

Ive been following that way of eating for a few years Was 89 kilos ,I lost 9 kilos. I Have the occasional slice of pizza now and again and can sustain 82 kg. What you have to be aware of when you start is hypoglycemia. I was a real pain in the arse for about 3 weeks when I started because of low blood sugar, best to cut sugar and starchy carbs out steadily rather than just stop. Although I believe many low carb diets tell you to so

For me, but everyone is different, it works well if I start with no breakfast on the first day. After 3 days I am already mostly used to it.

Seems my liver can supply enough sugar.

It does not work if I exercise these 3 days. Than it seems my muscles use up more sugar than my liver can supply......

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