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Why are people so intent on putting down over stayers?

There was no reason given for his over stay ... could have been health concerns or one of many reasons

Not everyone is perfect like willyunii but the constant bashing is a pointless useless waste of time and effort

and produces nothing valid and gives no use full information to the OP

If it was because of health then he will be able to verify that. If not kick him out. It is actions like this that get everyone being scrutinized

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I was just at Bangkok Immigration and they had a huge sign, stating the severe overstay penalties, blacklisting times etc.

Now, people here are saying these rules are not in effect?

attachicon.gifoverstay v.jpg attachicon.gifoverstay a.jpg

I think some people have come to believe that an "Overstay" is just another type of visa.

"What kind of visa do you have? Non B?, Non O? ED?"

"No, I am here on a Overstay Visa!"

" It only cost me 20,000 Baht!"clap2.gifcheesy.gifwai.gif

I don't care for your posting style. I do appreciate UbonJoe trying to help the guy.


Its called self-righteousness. Its never appealing.

Many posters here leap to the condemnation road too quickly, when constructive comment is needed. Agree with the positive comments from UbonJoe

When a person who posts this kind of stuff also has "no moral judgements wanted or needed" as part of his signature, it gives the impression of slight derangement!

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The law is the law is the law!! I generally don't bother with people who overstay 2,3,4,5 weeks. Ok having a ball, I understand. 10 months?? Then asking for help. Knowingly being in the wrong. I don't like. That's abusing the friendliness of subscribers here (most of them) so, although some go over the top with their condemnation. They do have a point. Rant over

I'm sorry, but why would you bother at all about someone being on overstay?

The reason the guy is asking for help/advice is that he doesn't know what to do to rectify his wrong doing, which is why this sub forum exists, to give advice. I also would disagree that by asking the question, he is abusing anyone, in fact, the only abuse that I see is by some posters who think that his actions directly affect them.

I have been here in Thailand for a while now, and to my knowledge have never been affected by the actions of anyone on overstay. On abuse of visas, yes, quite possibly, but not by people overstaying.

I know I'm legit and follow the rules, as I will continue to do. That is my little world that I am happy with. What others do is really up to them. I would also like to add that not everything in this world is black & white, s h I t happens and people do get caught up in it.

Rant over....................wink.png

Note: Not a dig directly at you, but at the section of the forum that believe their lives are being changed by people asking advice to attempt to rectify the situation they're in.

No need to apologise. Most People make their own shit, I sort mine out. This guy is looking for a back door in avoiding his responsibilities. End off

Edited by leither69
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Why are people so intent on putting down over stayers?

There was no reason given for his over stay ... could have been health concerns or one of many reasons

Not everyone is perfect like willyunii but the constant bashing is a pointless useless waste of time and effort

and produces nothing valid and gives no use full information to the OP

Fair enough... there may be valid reasons in some cases. I just wonder how many people here are equally generous toward 'over-stayers' (let's say, from Mexico, Nigeria, or Romania) back in their home countries....

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Why are people so intent on putting down over stayers?

There was no reason given for his over stay ... could have been health concerns or one of many reasons

Not everyone is perfect like willyunii but the constant bashing is a pointless useless waste of time and effort

and produces nothing valid and gives no use full information to the OP

Health reasons?? C'Mon, get real, I wouldn't call that intentional overstay so I doubt this is the case - he was running a business - Most of us play by the rules, we don't like them, but adhere to them - I don't break the rules and don't expect anyone else too, we are lucky they don't have a bounty on foreigners that are known overstayers ..........some people would make themselves a bit of cash.thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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I know someone that went to immigration, this past Tuesday and paid ฿ 20,000, plus an extra 10,000 (4 years overstay). They threatened to lock him up or pay the extra. He choose the extra, and is now legal again. (this isn't bull!)

This person might had a expired passport and bought a new passport to Immigration.

In such case the people will be arrested and go to court.

There are many different story and each story is different.

I saw by myself that Immigration gave someone with a wrong stamp a one month freebee.

The guy didn't pay for the overstay.

Compared to other countries Thai Immigration is still moderate in their action.

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Sorry.....but a 10 month overstay????? Ok. If there were health concerns then you can get an extension of stay if hospital bound. If it has anything to do with money than most likley should not have been here. So people here draw conclusions. Normal to do so. And the poster that said its a crime and spoils it for the rest of us is spot on. I know quite a few people who work quite hard in order to stay here legaly so when a skater gets told oh......dont worry your ok. Well a lot of us.dont think so.

Edited by NickJ
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The new overstay rules were never approved.

Not that anyone would know from the multiple threads on this forum to ostensibly assist those seeking helpful information regards the ever changing visa 'process'.

Still. Sure it made some money for the owners of this forum, eh thumbsup.gif

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If the person in question can read and I assume he can then a quick look at the stamp will tell him how long he can stay. A day or 2 is understandable but not condoned. 10 months is just a blatent disregard for the law and he deserves everything he gets.

Sorry but his attitude reflects badly on all of us and most of us abide by the rules or as they are known the laws of the land.

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Why does it not surprise me that so many slackers here on TV are offended by my statement that we should all follow the rules and comply with the immigration laws?

Because they are in a constant state of flux for obvious reasons? Psychophant much? Forgot. DUH.

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I know someone that went to immigration, this past Tuesday and paid ฿ 20,000, plus an extra 10,000 (4 years overstay). They threatened to lock him up or pay the extra. He choose the extra, and is now legal again. (this isn't bull!)

I do not know about whether this is "bull" or not BUT it is un-evidenced, hearsay anecdote which should be ignored.

Christ on a bike. Some of you should really really get out more blink.png

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Why does it not surprise me that so many slackers here on TV are offended by my statement that we should all follow the rules and comply with the immigration laws?

Because they are in a constant state of flux for obvious reasons? Psychophant much? Forgot. DUH.

Maybe in a state of flux due to people over staying. Regardless. No one can justify 10 months with your reasoning. Get real

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I know someone that went to immigration, this past Tuesday and paid ฿ 20,000, plus an extra 10,000 (4 years overstay). They threatened to lock him up or pay the extra. He choose the extra, and is now legal again. (this isn't bull!)

I do not know about whether this is "bull" or not BUT it is un-evidenced, hearsay anecdote which should be ignored.

Christ on a bike. Some of you should really really get out more alt=blink.png>

And some should stay indoors and be banned from access to a computer.

Please provide Detailed evidence for this statement

"Because they are in a constant state of flux for obvious reasons"

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why does it not surprise me that so many slackers here on TV are offended by my statement that we should all follow the rules and comply with the immigration laws?

Because they are in a constant state of flux for obvious reasons? Psychophant much? Forgot. DUH.

Read the stamp when you enter. Not really hard is it?

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Why are people so intent on putting down over stayers?

There was no reason given for his over stay ... could have been health concerns or one of many reasons

Not everyone is perfect like willyunii but the constant bashing is a pointless useless waste of time and effort

and produces nothing valid and gives no use full information to the OP

Because a serious person who wants to start a business will not overstay 10 months. I think if it is for health reasons, documents from the hospital may help in not paying any overstay penalty or being blacklisted. I know someone may overstay for lack of information. But that is not an excuse and overstaying for 10 months may be carelessness. The laws on overstay here are even too relax and people usually take advantage of that and overstay their visas to the extend that they like.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why are people so intent on putting down over stayers?

There was no reason given for his over stay ... could have been health concerns or one of many reasons

Not everyone is perfect like willyunii but the constant bashing is a pointless useless waste of time and effort

and produces nothing valid and gives no use full information to the OP

Because a serious person who wants to start a business will not overstay 10 months. I think if it is for health reasons, documents from the hospital may help in not paying any overstay penalty or being blacklisted. I know someone may overstay for lack of information. But that is not an excuse and overstaying for 10 months may be carelessness. The laws on overstay here are even too relax and people usually take advantage of that and overstay their visas to the extend that they like.

I agree there can, in general be little excuse for overstay.

The penalty of a max of 20,000 Bht is very lenient and in my opinion should be removed.

182.500 Baht /year fine would rapidly change the overstayers mind set as inability to pay would result in a long period of incarceration !biggrin.png

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Why are people so intent on putting down over stayers?

There was no reason given for his over stay ... could have been health concerns or one of many reasons

Not everyone is perfect like willyunii but the constant bashing is a pointless useless waste of time and effort

and produces nothing valid and gives no use full information to the OP

"Why are people so intent on putting down over stayers?"

Because quite often the people who abuse the system end up causing grief for others, as has been the case with the abuse of visa exempt entries or misuse of education visas or disregard for "must leave by dates" leading to possibly more onerous consequences for anyone else who overstays for even a short time.

Why are some people so intent on creating imaginary excuses for people who can't comply with fairly simple rules? Extensions are available for people who can't travel for legitimate medical reasons.

I agree abuse of the system creates problems for others. Having said that, however, the system itself is subject to wildly different interpretations by officialdom.

I had extensive dental work done, which ran into overtime on my visa. Even with a letter from RAM Hospital in Chiang Mai, no amount of pleading could get me an extension - basically, I had to be in a wheelchair or photographed in a hospital bed to be successful.

Fair enough.

Bazza. I'm not unsympathetic to your situation, however I would suggest that immigration here in Thailand apply the same rule that you would find in countries worldwide. The general rule goes along the lines of 'does applicant's medical condition render him/her unable to travel?'

Dental treatment is unlikely to fulfil that criteria so the decision is unlikely to go in the applicant's favour. Tough I know and very unfortunate when your half way through treatment, but rules are rules. I hope your dental problems were finally resolved.

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Appears my somewhat harshly-worded post, and one quoting it have been zapped. Fair enough.

But I do think there's something profoundly pathological about all those posters who are so butt-hurt by a guy overstaying and taking his 20,000 baht medicine. The Thais don't get all self-righteous about it. They just open the cash drawer, deposit said 'medicine', and say, "See you next time."

In the end, Thailand would be a much nicer place without all the baggage that the farang refugees bring...

If anything, these are the same guys who argue over 5 baht taxi fare discrepancies, making the Thais wish for more stringent immigration laws...

Pull the stick out, live and let live, as Grandpa Knave used to say...

(I'm on an ellipsis jag at the moment)


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why are people so intent on putting down over stayers?

There was no reason given for his over stay ... could have been health concerns or one of many reasons

Not everyone is perfect like willyunii but the constant bashing is a pointless useless waste of time and effort

and produces nothing valid and gives no use full information to the OP

"Why are people so intent on putting down over stayers?"

Because quite often the people who abuse the system end up causing grief for others, as has been the case with the abuse of visa exempt entries or misuse of education visas or disregard for "must leave by dates" leading to possibly more onerous consequences for anyone else who overstays for even a short time.

Why are some people so intent on creating imaginary excuses for people who can't comply with fairly simple rules? Extensions are available for people who can't travel for legitimate medical reasons.

I agree.

I think many who could not cope with following the rules in their home country come to Thailand after or while failing and expect life to be easier here.

It is easier here.

Many rules or laws are ignored here.

There are a few, simple and easy to follow laws that must be followed.

They may be a little inconvenient, but the immigration laws are pretty simple to comply with.

Those who fail to comply or abuse the system do make life more difficult for the majority who do follow the rules.

Your example of the ED visa crackdown is a very good one.

Many abused it, and businesses ( non-existent schools ) thrived helping people lie and stay here on ED visas.

Now it is very difficult for those who honestly want an education in Thailand to obtain an ED visa.

Collectively, as expats, our actions do influence how other expats are perceived and treated here in Thailand.

It is called responsibility.

Unfortunately, those who did not learn it as a child will never learn it as an adult.

Who really cares why he overstayed, he has his reason

It is not for you or anyone else yo judge

Judge not and yee shall not be judged

The point of his OP was to get information and to be given a brow beating by irrelevant key board warriors with nothing better to do

My Mommy always told me "if you have nothing nice to say then do not say anything at all"

Unfortunately Immigration and the Thai people do judge.

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Breaking the law and knowingly over staying a visa in any country is an offence. If people are honest and do the right thing then it makes it easier for everyone. Do the crime expect the consequences. No sympathy here and if you set up business in Thailand conduct your business with honesty and integrity.

let us know your reasons for overstay.if it is so genuine then I'm sure someone will listen.

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Why are people so intent on putting down over stayers?

There was no reason given for his over stay ... could have been health concerns or one of many reasons

Not everyone is perfect like willyunii but the constant bashing is a pointless useless waste of time and effort

and produces nothing valid and gives no use full information to the OP

Because a serious person who wants to start a business will not overstay 10 months. I think if it is for health reasons, documents from the hospital may help in not paying any overstay penalty or being blacklisted. I know someone may overstay for lack of information. But that is not an excuse and overstaying for 10 months may be carelessness. The laws on overstay here are even too relax and people usually take advantage of that and overstay their visas to the extend that they like.

I agree the laws on over stay are pretty lenient but they are what they are and as long as OP has the cash to pay it then once he has left and paid the piper he is free to return and start a business if he chooses.

Do you have anything helpful to contribute to the OP?

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