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I don't have a clue about electricity at all,so i need some help.

Not even in my own language,i would understand electricity,electricityis a dark/black area for me.

There is so many strange expressions,so not even a enigma-codebook would help me.

Sorry for my ignorance.

I hope "Crossy the Wizzard" can help me.

Missus and i,have a little piece of land (25mx30m).We would like to try to open a little market.

Of course we have to supply electricity,thats where i'm getting lost.

What meter size should i use?

1 phase?



3 Phase?



More than one meter?

I believe that's my options.

Thanks a lot in advance



How long is a piece of string?

If you're just looking at lighting a covered outdoor area a 5/15 would be more than adequate. Add fridges into the equation them move up to a 15/45.

Or are you looking at a mini-mart type enterprise?

Make a list of what you expect to be running then post here for a better idea.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Hi Crossy

No it's not a minimart like 7-11 or something like that.

I will divide the area up,rent out small lots/boxes,on daily/monthly basis,to people,so they can have small shops.1 box will be about 1-2 sqm.

Some for freshmarket and some for "non-fresh market"

There will be some spotlights of course.(4) One in each corner,to lighting up the area in eveningtime.(Is 4 100W spotlights enough?)

Maybe 1 or 2 coffemakers.

Lamps in the small shops in evening time.We want people to only use energy-saving lightbulps in lamps.

NO fridges,NO freezers.No TVs.Nothing like that,just small euiptments,as we see on the markets,in generel.

And what people use to bring in generel,to have on small shop on marketplaces.


OK, you're going to get quite a lot of potential stalls in that space, 100+ selling spaces.

Most of them will have 2 * 20W low energy lamps = 40W say 0.25A so that's nearly 25A on lighting.

Add in say 20 with some sort of heating appliance (kettle, coffee machine, toaster) @ 1,500W, but only 10% on at once = 3,000W = another 13A

In reality

I would start off with a 15/45 single-phase supply and see how it goes with take up of spaces and real-world usage. Upgrade to 15/45 3-phase if it takes off.

How do you intend supplying the pitches, typical Thai style trailies or something rather safer? (RCDs as an absolute minimum)

Will it be covered / roofed?

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Ok,i'll start with a 15/45 single-phase.Later i can upgrade to a 3-phase 15/45,if i have to.thumbsup.gif

So far,so good.

"How do you intend supplying the pitches, typical Thai style trailies or something rather safer? (RCDs as an absolute minimum)"

I'm allready lost biggrin.png

I don't know what RCDs is.Is it one of these things,that switch of automatically,in case of faulty curcuit?

In Denmark,we call it: HFI-RELÆ

Try copy and paste into google and have a look on pics.

When it comes to electricity,i prefer/want the safe way,not the thai-way.Often it's 2 different things.

So,if we are talking about the same thing,100% sure i will put it up.


I want to make some different places/poles with boxes/switches,people can plug in and get electricity from.

But i have to do it step by step coz of money.

It's not covered/roofed yet ,but it will be ASAP.

1st step is concrete and stones on land,(will start next week).

2nd step is electricity.

3rd step is cover/roof.(soon it will be rainseason)But roof/cover will be in 2-3 months from now.

Allow me to ask you a personal question:Do you live in BKK?


We're about 50km north of BKK, Pathum Thani area.

Sounds like a reasonable plan.

What's your budget for the sparking?

PM me if you wish :)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


In Germany we use standard meters, each 100 cm. Works out perfectly


Surely in Europe 100cm = 1 metre, only in the US does 100cm = 1 meter :)

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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


We're about 50km north of BKK, Pathum Thani area.

Sounds like a reasonable plan.

What's your budget for the sparking?

PM me if you wish smile.png

My budget for electricity is:

It have to be save and sufficient,for the lowest money as possible.

That's all i can say,coz i don't know what it will cost.

I don't want the Thais to get fried.Not at all.

Prices for meters:

A single-phase 15/45 cost 4.490thb -no problem.(that's the one you've recommended to begin with)

A single-phase 30/100 cost 11.900thb -no problem.

A 3-phase 15/45 cost 15.390 -that's ok.

A 3-phase 30/100 cost 37.200 -hmmmm,thats a big one to begin with.

All prices is total,including installation and deposit.

Then comes next step:

From the meter and to the market.

My education is maritime navigator,not electrician,so i dont know what to do here.

Ecxept get some advises about what to do and what NOT to do


Whatever you do, OP, make sure the meter you buy is exactly 39.3701 inches.

This is an easy giveaway to check if you have been scammed or not.




ok, I'll get my coat


ah, dang, just noticed the joke had sort of been made already, bummer.

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