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Decree for lifting martial law sent for royal command: Prayut

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While I don't particularly like stern, absolutist type of power running a government, I tend to more detest a society wherein the "have nots" by means of their sheer numbers can vote themselves (and their votes openly and crassly bought off) whatever it is they desire of someone else's labors.

To what extent this has been the case in Thailand under the Shinawatra dynasty, can be argued to the extent, but it was definitely happening. Then of course there was the arrogant corruption during that period. But worst of all, Thailand was very close to delving into civil war before the military stepped in. Is that a good thing ??? Or was a civil war the "righteous" thing to have happen in the name of "democracy" ???

Democracy by itself is flawed unless it is joined at the hip with the concept of "liberty", which can be described as simply as this: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

And it is not just in Thailand that this scenario is being played out. In my home country, it has become quite fashionable to lavish the less fortunate and illegal immigrants with all sorts of giveaways such that they refuse to embrace ambition, common sense and wisdom to better themselves. In return, these people multiply like rabbits on Viagra and continue to vote in the same "populist" party. If that isn't corruption and utter stupidity, then I don't know what is.

Excuse me Sir.

In what century was you born??

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

Just one comment. The self-sufficiency theory is just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!

Excuse ME sir...What country I am from should not make any difference. And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility. And what has resulted is "it's not my fault"..."I have needs so you owe me." Utter nonsense. And before you try to play "the privilege" card on me, my first job was a janitor and all other forms of menial labor. I have lived what I am advocating. You and others can choose whatever warped ideology you so choose, but accept the consequences of that decision.

The person was right. You speak in the ugly language of extreme, right-wing racism. And shame on you for it, too.

  • Like 1

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

While I don't particularly like stern, absolutist type of power running a government, I tend to more detest a society wherein the "have nots" by means of their sheer numbers can vote themselves (and their votes openly and crassly bought off) whatever it is they desire of someone else's labors.

To what extent this has been the case in Thailand under the Shinawatra dynasty, can be argued to the extent, but it was definitely happening. Then of course there was the arrogant corruption during that period. But worst of all, Thailand was very close to delving into civil war before the military stepped in. Is that a good thing ??? Or was a civil war the "righteous" thing to have happen in the name of "democracy" ???

Democracy by itself is flawed unless it is joined at the hip with the concept of "liberty", which can be described as simply as this: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

And it is not just in Thailand that this scenario is being played out. In my home country, it has become quite fashionable to lavish the less fortunate and illegal immigrants with all sorts of giveaways such that they refuse to embrace ambition, common sense and wisdom to better themselves. In return, these people multiply like rabbits on Viagra and continue to vote in the same "populist" party. If that isn't corruption and utter stupidity, then I don't know what is.

Excuse me Sir.

In what century was you born??

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

Just one comment. The self-sufficiency theory is just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!

Excuse ME sir...What country I am from should not make any difference. And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility. And what has resulted is "it's not my fault"..."I have needs so you owe me." Utter nonsense. And before you try to play "the privilege" card on me, my first job was a janitor and all other forms of menial labor. I have lived what I am advocating. You and others can choose whatever warped ideology you so choose, but accept the consequences of that decision.

The person was right. You speak in the ugly language of extreme, right-wing racism. And shame on you for it, too.

And just how do you come to the incorrect conclusion that I am racist ??? "Ugly language"?? I should be ashamed???!!! You are a pathetic example of the ultra-politically correct, so-called enlightened, progressive crowd that is NONE of those attributes. I note that you make NO attempt to counter my assertions, but rather toss around pathetic ad-hominem drivel. You are so typical of individuals who claim to be open-minded, tolerant, intelligent, advanced thinking, etc...in truth, people like you are the most narrow-minded, arrogant and ignorant fools I have ever encountered in my life.

  • Like 2

Excuse me Sir.

In what century was you born??

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

Just one comment. The self-sufficiency theory is just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!

Excuse ME sir...What country I am from should not make any difference. And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility. And what has resulted is "it's not my fault"..."I have needs so you owe me." Utter nonsense. And before you try to play "the privilege" card on me, my first job was a janitor and all other forms of menial labor. I have lived what I am advocating. You and others can choose whatever warped ideology you so choose, but accept the consequences of that decision.

The person was right. You speak in the ugly language of extreme, right-wing racism. And shame on you for it, too.

And just how do you come to the incorrect conclusion that I am racist ??? "Ugly language"?? I should be ashamed???!!! You are a pathetic example of the ultra-politically correct, so-called enlightened, progressive crowd that is NONE of those attributes. I note that you make NO attempt to counter my assertions, but rather toss around pathetic ad-hominem drivel. You are so typical of individuals who claim to be open-minded, tolerant, intelligent, advanced thinking, etc...in truth, people like you are the most narrow-minded, arrogant and ignorant fools I have ever encountered in my life.

I hit the nerve :)


who needs FOX entertainment news when you have all of these fear mongers here on TVF? Too funny......look out the sky may be falling too. Amazing the same people did not seem so concerned when babies were getting blown up with RPG's. Priorities my friends, priorities!!!

if babies are being blown up I agree, prayuth should prioritise, forget mini skirts and send in the military to save these babies. I presume you are speaking about the South.
  • Like 1

Only a Stockholm Syndrome sufferer or coward and/or idiot wish to be governed by an absolute ruler with extradition of personal rights to him alone.

They like feeble hostages comply to his whim and tell others he will take care of them , knows best.

Pathetically their garb of politics is stripped bare to reveal naked power and nil regard to democracy and international standards. This by no other name has manifested into what is forbidden to be called.

Extremely so.

People now are at mercy of a power drunk general who time after time has broken promises and suffers delusions of grandeur at craves to be loved in international circles.

What will happen when reject is thrust bitterly in his face , hostility by Thai nationals abroad shown on social media ?

What will he do when sanctions come ..?.....and of course they will.

And then we have ticking time bombs in the north the Chiang Mai army barracks and internal politics of other generals.

The reds .

YS and her trial in a kangaroo court.....

This man is facing a woman with courage , and loved.

Will he jail her , ? Shoot her?

The real possibilities of Civil War loom big....it's not fantasy . It's not some little normal ride or another coup.

This is the real deal.

So when these mousy men get it clear it is morally indefensible to condone it and stop spamming their freedoms ( ironically) over threads pandering to this man .....maybe just maybe sensible people with some semblance of IQ and common sense can talk about how this might pan out.

One thing for sure is there will be a huge run on investments and banks .

Thailand is financially about to crash

And the big worry is this guy might lock up everything .

I saw this coming and wrote weeks ago I sold up and have my money now safely in an overseas account.

Look you either believe like these guys things will be fine and run with it.

Or quickly ensure your assets are safe ....

I would not keep farang money in a Thai bank now he has the right as Absolute ruler to freeze your account.

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

While I don't particularly like stern, absolutist type of power running a government, I tend to more detest a society wherein the "have nots" by means of their sheer numbers can vote themselves (and their votes openly and crassly bought off) whatever it is they desire of someone else's labors.

To what extent this has been the case in Thailand under the Shinawatra dynasty, can be argued to the extent, but it was definitely happening. Then of course there was the arrogant corruption during that period. But worst of all, Thailand was very close to delving into civil war before the military stepped in. Is that a good thing ??? Or was a civil war the "righteous" thing to have happen in the name of "democracy" ???

Democracy by itself is flawed unless it is joined at the hip with the concept of "liberty", which can be described as simply as this: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

And it is not just in Thailand that this scenario is being played out. In my home country, it has become quite fashionable to lavish the less fortunate and illegal immigrants with all sorts of giveaways such that they refuse to embrace ambition, common sense and wisdom to better themselves. In return, these people multiply like rabbits on Viagra and continue to vote in the same "populist" party. If that isn't corruption and utter stupidity, then I don't know what is.

Excuse me Sir.

In what century was you born??

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

Just one comment. The self-sufficiency theory is just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!

Excuse ME sir...What country I am from should not make any difference. And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility. And what has resulted is "it's not my fault"..."I have needs so you owe me." Utter nonsense. And before you try to play "the privilege" card on me, my first job was a janitor and all other forms of menial labor. I have lived what I am advocating. You and others can choose whatever warped ideology you so choose, but accept the consequences of that decision.

The person was right. You speak in the ugly language of extreme, right-wing racism. And shame on you for it, too.

Max its your phrase's that gives one the idea you are a 'right wing racism' tag.

"And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility."


"While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse."


"In return, these people multiply like rabbits on Viagra and continue to vote in the same "populist" party. If that isn't corruption and utter stupidity, then I don't know what is."

Maybe the work as a janitor has soured your outlook on your social responsibility in life.

  • Like 2

Only a Stockholm Syndrome sufferer or coward and/or idiot wish to be governed by an absolute ruler with extradition of personal rights to him alone.

They like feeble hostages comply to his whim and tell others he will take care of them , knows best.

Pathetically their garb of politics is stripped bare to reveal naked power and nil regard to democracy and international standards. This by no other name has manifested into what is forbidden to be called.

Extremely so.

People now are at mercy of a power drunk general who time after time has broken promises and suffers delusions of grandeur at craves to be loved in international circles.

What will happen when reject is thrust bitterly in his face , hostility by Thai nationals abroad shown on social media ?

What will he do when sanctions come ..?.....and of course they will.

And then we have ticking time bombs in the north the Chiang Mai army barracks and internal politics of other generals.

The reds .

YS and her trial in a kangaroo court.....

This man is facing a woman with courage , and loved.

Will he jail her , ? Shoot her?

The real possibilities of Civil War loom big....it's not fantasy . It's not some little normal ride or another coup.

This is the real deal.

So when these mousy men get it clear it is morally indefensible to condone it and stop spamming their freedoms ( ironically) over threads pandering to this man .....maybe just maybe sensible people with some semblance of IQ and common sense can talk about how this might pan out.

One thing for sure is there will be a huge run on investments and banks .

Thailand is financially about to crash

And the big worry is this guy might lock up everything .

I saw this coming and wrote weeks ago I sold up and have my money now safely in an overseas account.

Look you either believe like these guys things will be fine and run with it.

Or quickly ensure your assets are safe ....

I would not keep farang money in a Thai bank now he has the right as Absolute ruler to freeze your account.

After this "the end is near" let's look at the positives. Martial Law will be lifted, article 44 already in the Interim Constitution to be invoked when necessary.

Oh, and 11 more days till the yearly wet Tshirt festival. Keep in mind that with a wet Tshirt on there's more for the imagination than with a wet Tshirt off.


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Excuse me Sir.

In what century was you born??

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

Just one comment. The self-sufficiency theory is just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!

Excuse ME sir...What country I am from should not make any difference. And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility. And what has resulted is "it's not my fault"..."I have needs so you owe me." Utter nonsense. And before you try to play "the privilege" card on me, my first job was a janitor and all other forms of menial labor. I have lived what I am advocating. You and others can choose whatever warped ideology you so choose, but accept the consequences of that decision.

The person was right. You speak in the ugly language of extreme, right-wing racism. And shame on you for it, too.

Max its your phrase's that gives one the idea you are a 'right wing racism' tag.

"And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility."


"While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse."


"In return, these people multiply like rabbits on Viagra and continue to vote in the same "populist" party. If that isn't corruption and utter stupidity, then I don't know what is."

Maybe the work as a janitor has soured your outlook on your social responsibility in life.

Well, the Singapore government under the late statesman who favoured Thaksin, the better educated were induced to have more children to offset the growth created by a less 'integrated' part of the population.

Never heard anyone talk about Singapore fascism though.

Somehow it would seem being of a different opinion is sufficient for some posters to start using 'easy' labels.

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

While I don't particularly like stern, absolutist type of power running a government, I tend to more detest a society wherein the "have nots" by means of their sheer numbers can vote themselves (and their votes openly and crassly bought off) whatever it is they desire of someone else's labors.

To what extent this has been the case in Thailand under the Shinawatra dynasty, can be argued to the extent, but it was definitely happening. Then of course there was the arrogant corruption during that period. But worst of all, Thailand was very close to delving into civil war before the military stepped in. Is that a good thing ??? Or was a civil war the "righteous" thing to have happen in the name of "democracy" ???

Democracy by itself is flawed unless it is joined at the hip with the concept of "liberty", which can be described as simply as this: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

And it is not just in Thailand that this scenario is being played out. In my home country, it has become quite fashionable to lavish the less fortunate and illegal immigrants with all sorts of giveaways such that they refuse to embrace ambition, common sense and wisdom to better themselves. In return, these people multiply like rabbits on Viagra and continue to vote in the same "populist" party. If that isn't corruption and utter stupidity, then I don't know what is.

Excuse me Sir.

In what century was you born??

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

Just one comment. The self-sufficiency theory is just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!

Excuse ME sir...What country I am from should not make any difference. And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility. And what has resulted is "it's not my fault"..."I have needs so you owe me." Utter nonsense. And before you try to play "the privilege" card on me, my first job was a janitor and all other forms of menial labor. I have lived what I am advocating. You and others can choose whatever warped ideology you so choose, but accept the consequences of that decision.

Easy for those at the top of the chain to preach self sufficiency, it is clear to see from their wealth and lifestyle it is something they preach rather than practice.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Excuse ME sir...What country I am from should not make any difference. And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility. And what has resulted is "it's not my fault"..."I have needs so you owe me." Utter nonsense. And before you try to play "the privilege" card on me, my first job was a janitor and all other forms of menial labor. I have lived what I am advocating. You and others can choose whatever warped ideology you so choose, but accept the consequences of that decision.

The person was right. You speak in the ugly language of extreme, right-wing racism. And shame on you for it, too.

Max its your phrase's that gives one the idea you are a 'right wing racism' tag.

"And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility."


"While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse."


"In return, these people multiply like rabbits on Viagra and continue to vote in the same "populist" party. If that isn't corruption and utter stupidity, then I don't know what is."

Maybe the work as a janitor has soured your outlook on your social responsibility in life.

Well, the Singapore government under the late statesman who favoured Thaksin, the better educated were induced to have more children to offset the growth created by a less 'integrated' part of the population.

Never heard anyone talk about Singapore fascism though.

Somehow it would seem being of a different opinion is sufficient for some posters to start using 'easy' labels.

http://biglychee.com/Hemlock/mus-sin.html (point #7) biggrin.png

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

While I don't particularly like stern, absolutist type of power running a government, I tend to more detest a society wherein the "have nots" by means of their sheer numbers can vote themselves (and their votes openly and crassly bought off) whatever it is they desire of someone else's labors.

To what extent this has been the case in Thailand under the Shinawatra dynasty, can be argued to the extent, but it was definitely happening. Then of course there was the arrogant corruption during that period. But worst of all, Thailand was very close to delving into civil war before the military stepped in. Is that a good thing ??? Or was a civil war the "righteous" thing to have happen in the name of "democracy" ???

Democracy by itself is flawed unless it is joined at the hip with the concept of "liberty", which can be described as simply as this: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

And it is not just in Thailand that this scenario is being played out. In my home country, it has become quite fashionable to lavish the less fortunate and illegal immigrants with all sorts of giveaways such that they refuse to embrace ambition, common sense and wisdom to better themselves. In return, these people multiply like rabbits on Viagra and continue to vote in the same "populist" party. If that isn't corruption and utter stupidity, then I don't know what is.

Excuse me Sir.

In what century was you born??

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

Just one comment. The self-sufficiency theory is just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!

Excuse ME sir...What country I am from should not make any difference. And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility. And what has resulted is "it's not my fault"..."I have needs so you owe me." Utter nonsense. And before you try to play "the privilege" card on me, my first job was a janitor and all other forms of menial labor. I have lived what I am advocating. You and others can choose whatever warped ideology you so choose, but accept the consequences of that decision.

Easy for those at the top of the chain to preach self sufficiency, it is clear to see from their wealth and lifestyle it is something they preach rather than practice.

Did I hear you said something against Ms. Yingluck ?



You all spilled your guts out about lifting martial Law.

Here it is, he is lifting it.

Now you found article 44 you don't agree with.

Doesn't matter what he does, doesn't matter what he says, you will never agree.

Because you never opened your eyes and ears to see what the man has done already for Thailand.

I will just remind you of some.

1. He got rid of the Sinawatra clan of thieves and deceptors.

2. He is reforming the police and already we can see the results of that as they started doing their job and most of te bad seeds have gone away.

3. He is fighting corruption on all levels of society, many high corrupt officials and others have been caught.

4. He is trying to bring the beautiful Thai sea sides back to their natural state, kicking out the vermin occupying them.

5. He is fighting against human trafficking...we heard already of results.

6. He is trying to bring some morals back to the Thai society as nearly nothing has left after so many years under the so called democratic governments.

7. He is going to improve the railways and roads of Thailand.

But the most important of all he has brought calm and tranquility in this county.

No shootings any more, no more killings and abuse of innocent people.

In a year he has given the Thai people much more than any other government.

What does it take to satisfy you?

But doesn't really matter if you are satisfied or not and that includes me as we will never have anything to do with Thai politics as we can't vote.

So carry on being awkward and negative as before....nobody is listening to you....and neither to me.

I really don't know, if I should pity you or just despise you...

  • Like 1

Ok give the PM a chance

Give absolute, unquestionable power with no rule of law or oversight, no ability to citizens to vote or express their opinion, and country wide intimidation at the point of a gun a chance.

Well we will see how he uses absolute power!

By lying through his teeth each step of the way, as he has so far?

It's not a coup.

Martial law is only temporary.

I have no interest in being prime minister.

Elections will be scheduled soon.

Oops - all blatant lies.

1. It was a transition of government due to the incumbent (all) politicians not being able to sort themselves out.

2. Martial law is / was temporary. It's being replaced.

3. We currently have no idea if this is a lie due to this being an interim government, ie temporary!

4. Soon is a word that has infinite possibilities. But I think there will be an election late this year ,early 2016.

Oops. Not really!


who needs FOX entertainment news when you have all of these fear mongers here on TVF? Too funny......look out the sky may be falling too. Amazing the same people did not seem so concerned when babies were getting blown up with RPG's. Priorities my friends, priorities!!!

if babies are being blown up I agree, prayuth should prioritise, forget mini skirts and send in the military to save these babies. I presume you are speaking about the South.

" were" I believe he was referring to the grenade attack on the rally in 2014.


Funny old world.

There are those on this forum who say 'shut up, it's nothing to do with you and you should not be critical of anything the Thai 'government' do' (I use that phrase loosely).

I've just watched a documentary from the UK where some recently arrived immigrants were asked about the UK general election and what they thought of the intention to extend the period they had to live in the UK before they could claim benefits.

They were quite strong in their opinions. I didn't get offended by their right to express the opinions, even though they had no vote. Whether I agreed with them or not, as someone who does have a vote, is neither here nor there, but they are entitled to an opinion. smile.png

My dear Emilie, in Thailand recent Immigrants get deported, for decades already. That's independent of whether they protest or agree.

So, maybe you as Thai should help the government to get better laws and actual enforcement of them. Did you offer help in Reforms ?

Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean.

The people to whom I was referring are not 'illegal' immigrants, but from eastern EU countries looking for work in the UK. They are in the country quite legally and cannot be deported.


I was willing to give the General a bit of rope in the beginning.

...it seems, he might take that rope to hang some people!

Interesting ...and quiet scary... times ahead!

  • Like 1

1. It was a transition of government due to the incumbent (all) politicians not being able to sort themselves out.

2. Martial law is / was temporary. It's being replaced.

3. We currently have no idea if this is a lie due to this being an interim government, ie temporary!

4. Soon is a word that has infinite possibilities. But I think there will be an election late this year ,early 2016.

Oops. Not really!

1. You can't let yourself use the word 'coup', when even stifled journalists use the term? Talk about denial. Yes, it was a coup. It's being called a 'coup' internationally, and internally. It was a coup. And that you can't even use the word is more than a little strange.

2. Martial law for a year is not 'temporary'. The international community has stated this, as well. Also, the point of the OP is that it's being made quite permanent now, under a different name ('article 44') in response to international pressures. But, as the news story points out, cleary, article 44 is actually more restrictive and less constitutional than martial law. So...yes, in fact it's permanent martial law (or worse). Again, your emotional denials of basic terms is strange.

3. Yes, we do have a very clear idea that it was a lie when he said he wouldn't be PM; as now he calls himself PM. Is that really hard for you to see? What's more, the OP describes how article 44 puts him in a position 2nd only to the King, and -yes - for life. Again, strange levels of denial on your part; more emotional than rational.

4. Elections are a moot point now, as article 44 says that no one is in office without his direct, day to day approval, and can be removed at his whim, and without any oversight. That is the very opposite of a free election, at the outset. Aren't you able to understand that? Why the denial?

I've never been red shirt supporter (and I didn't like Yingluck at all). So don't even bother with another of your emotional rants that you and Costas go off about, about how much you hate millions of people; it's not interesting. What I'm concerned with is your utter denialsm in the face of rational, and your open support of oppression and intimidation of journalists and millions of people as a way 'forward'; as that is not a good footing for Thailand at all.


1. It was a transition of government due to the incumbent (all) politicians not being able to sort themselves out.

2. Martial law is / was temporary. It's being replaced.

3. We currently have no idea if this is a lie due to this being an interim government, ie temporary!

4. Soon is a word that has infinite possibilities. But I think there will be an election late this year ,early 2016.

Oops. Not really!

1. You can't let yourself use the word 'coup', when even stifled journalists use the term? Talk about denial. Yes, it was a coup. It's being called a 'coup' internationally, and internally. It was a coup. And that you can't even use the word is more than a little strange.

2. Martial law for a year is not 'temporary'. The international community has stated this, as well. Also, the point of the OP is that it's being made quite permanent now, under a different name ('article 44') in response to international pressures. But, as the news story points out, cleary, article 44 is actually more restrictive and less constitutional than martial law. So...yes, in fact it's permanent martial law (or worse). Again, your emotional denials of basic terms is strange.

3. Yes, we do have a very clear idea that it was a lie when he said he wouldn't be PM; as now he calls himself PM. Is that really hard for you to see? What's more, the OP describes how article 44 puts him in a position 2nd only to the King, and -yes - for life. Again, strange levels of denial on your part; more emotional than rational.

4. Elections are a moot point now, as article 44 says that no one is in office without his direct, day to day approval, and can be removed at his whim, and without any oversight. That is the very opposite of a free election, at the outset. Aren't you able to understand that? Why the denial?

I've never been red shirt supporter (and I didn't like Yingluck at all). What I'm against, is a person like yourself in open support of a complete lack of journalistic freedom, and oppression, based on such strange, emotional (non-rational) reasons. When those become the things you root for - opression, intimidation and massive overreach of power - somethng is psychologically wrong with you.

And, don't go off on your usual red shirt rant to distract, as you do most every time you can't deal with something. I'm not interested in hearing it again, and It's reckless and irresponsible of you to support such demonization of millions of people across the board the way you do here each day. Fear has seemed to strip you of your humanity, I've found after reading many remarks from you over the months. And I lose respect for you for that reason.

And you have no humour!

1. Sarcastic humour.

2. Anything that is not permanent is temporary.

3. Most all of you say a PM can only come from an election, therefore he is only an interim PM.

4. ARTICLE 44 was invoked therefore it CAN be revoked.

Finally I think you are mistaking me for someone else. I definitely do not like the Shinawatra clan or the UDD leadership that were bought and paid for. The normal common people certainly have had an axe to grind and it will be good if and when they can work together to enable future generations to have a stable life within farming and whatever else they decide.. This will not come solely from government handouts but from agricultural education and reform, from increased power from organising co-op's. It's beginning to happen and their endeavours should be supported.

Interestingly many farmers used to be poor BUT self sufficient. Now not so much, because the easy credit came WITHOUT the training in how best to use it!


He thought maybe girl was raped because she wore a bikini, doesn't like tv station showing girls in mini skirts, he is thinking like a military man that everyone has to dress uniformly and those that don't are out of step with his orders. Thats 1 of his problems as a general all lower ranks had to follow his orders without question or be court martialed thats not how a country is run.

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."

  • Like 1

1. It was a transition of government due to the incumbent (all) politicians not being able to sort themselves out.

2. Martial law is / was temporary. It's being replaced.

3. We currently have no idea if this is a lie due to this being an interim government, ie temporary!

4. Soon is a word that has infinite possibilities. But I think there will be an election late this year ,early 2016.

Oops. Not really!

1. You can't let yourself use the word 'coup', when even stifled journalists use the term? Talk about denial. Yes, it was a coup. It's being called a 'coup' internationally, and internally. It was a coup. And that you can't even use the word is more than a little strange.

2. Martial law for a year is not 'temporary'. The international community has stated this, as well. Also, the point of the OP is that it's being made quite permanent now, under a different name ('article 44') in response to international pressures. But, as the news story points out, cleary, article 44 is actually more restrictive and less constitutional than martial law. So...yes, in fact it's permanent martial law (or worse). Again, your emotional denials of basic terms is strange.

3. Yes, we do have a very clear idea that it was a lie when he said he wouldn't be PM; as now he calls himself PM. Is that really hard for you to see? What's more, the OP describes how article 44 puts him in a position 2nd only to the King, and -yes - for life. Again, strange levels of denial on your part; more emotional than rational.

4. Elections are a moot point now, as article 44 says that no one is in office without his direct, day to day approval, and can be removed at his whim, and without any oversight. That is the very opposite of a free election, at the outset. Aren't you able to understand that? Why the denial?

I've never been red shirt supporter (and I didn't like Yingluck at all). What I'm against, is a person like yourself in open support of a complete lack of journalistic freedom, and oppression, based on such strange, emotional (non-rational) reasons. When those become the things you root for - opression, intimidation and massive overreach of power - somethng is psychologically wrong with you.

And, don't go off on your usual red shirt rant to distract, as you do most every time you can't deal with something. I'm not interested in hearing it again, and It's reckless and irresponsible of you to support such demonization of millions of people across the board the way you do here each day. Fear has seemed to strip you of your humanity, I've found after reading many remarks from you over the months. And I lose respect for you for that reason.

And you have no humour!

1. Sarcastic humour.

2. Anything that is not permanent is temporary.

3. Most all of you say a PM can only come from an election, therefore he is only an interim PM.

4. ARTICLE 44 was invoked therefore it CAN be revoked.

Finally I think you are mistaking me for someone else. I definitely do not like the Shinawatra clan or the UDD leadership that were bought and paid for. The normal common people certainly have had an axe to grind and it will be good if and when they can work together to enable future generations to have a stable life within farming and whatever else they decide.. This will not come solely from government handouts but from agricultural education and reform, from increased power from organising co-op's. It's beginning to happen and their endeavours should be supported.

Interestingly many farmers used to be poor BUT self sufficient. Now not so much, because the easy credit came WITHOUT the training in how best to use it!

I have to apologize. I did misunderstand your sarcasm - as it's actually not sarcastic at all when numerous posters write such things here lately. I can see now that it actually was pretty clever on your part. But in moments like this, when there are people like Costas writing toxic hate speech here each day, your subtleties are not going to be clear. You call it sarcasm (and I see that now) but for some very present individuals here, it's not sarcasm at all.


And you have no humour!

1. Sarcastic humour.

2. Anything that is not permanent is temporary.

3. Most all of you say a PM can only come from an election, therefore he is only an interim PM.

4. ARTICLE 44 was invoked therefore it CAN be revoked.

Finally I think you are mistaking me for someone else. I definitely do not like the Shinawatra clan or the UDD leadership that were bought and paid for. The normal common people certainly have had an axe to grind and it will be good if and when they can work together to enable future generations to have a stable life within farming and whatever else they decide.. This will not come solely from government handouts but from agricultural education and reform, from increased power from organising co-op's. It's beginning to happen and their endeavours should be supported.

Interestingly many farmers used to be poor BUT self sufficient. Now not so much, because the easy credit came WITHOUT the training in how best to use it!

I have to apologize. I did misunderstand your sarcasm - as it's actually not sarcastic at all when numerous posters write such things here lately. I can see now that it actually was pretty clever on your part. But in moments like this, when there are people like Costas writing toxic hate speech here each day, your subtleties are not going to be clear. You call it sarcasm (and I see that now) but for some very present individuals here, it's not sarcasm at all.

Uhmm, I thought our Greek member was accused of writing nauseating love speeches only?


And you have no humour!

1. Sarcastic humour.

2. Anything that is not permanent is temporary.

3. Most all of you say a PM can only come from an election, therefore he is only an interim PM.

4. ARTICLE 44 was invoked therefore it CAN be revoked.

Finally I think you are mistaking me for someone else. I definitely do not like the Shinawatra clan or the UDD leadership that were bought and paid for. The normal common people certainly have had an axe to grind and it will be good if and when they can work together to enable future generations to have a stable life within farming and whatever else they decide.. This will not come solely from government handouts but from agricultural education and reform, from increased power from organising co-op's. It's beginning to happen and their endeavours should be supported.

Interestingly many farmers used to be poor BUT self sufficient. Now not so much, because the easy credit came WITHOUT the training in how best to use it!

I have to apologize. I did misunderstand your sarcasm - as it's actually not sarcastic at all when numerous posters write such things here lately. I can see now that it actually was pretty clever on your part. But in moments like this, when there are people like Costas writing toxic hate speech here each day, your subtleties are not going to be clear. You call it sarcasm (and I see that now) but for some very present individuals here, it's not sarcasm at all.

Uhmm, I thought our Greek member was accused of writing nauseating love speeches only?

Both of your usual comments are equally pathetic, in fact.

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