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In looking forward, another coalition in the UK, particularly a Lab/SNP one would/should case further weakening of GBP, yes?

I'm thinking it's far simpler than that.

The country with the lowest interest rates has the weakest currency.

It's a simple explanation that works most of the time.

The governments in the UK have all been broadly the same since Maggie Thatcher.

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In looking forward, another coalition in the UK, particularly a Lab/SNP one would/should case further weakening of GBP, yes?

I'm thinking it's far simpler than that.

The country with the lowest interest rates has the weakest currency.

It's a simple explanation that works most of the time.

The governments in the UK have all been broadly the same since Maggie Thatcher.

True to an extent, but not true when it comes to fiscal policy and management of UK finances, the last Labour government was proof of that.

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In looking forward, another coalition in the UK, particularly a Lab/SNP one would/should case further weakening of GBP, yes?

I'm thinking it's far simpler than that.

The country with the lowest interest rates has the weakest currency.

It's a simple explanation that works most of the time.

The governments in the UK have all been broadly the same since Maggie Thatcher.

I think basically a currency's strength mirrors the strength of the country's economy. You can't fool the markets, they know shit when they see it. That's why the yen/mark were always strong and the lire, dracma etc always weak. Therefore the markets know caMORON is talking rubbish about the UK's "booming" economy.

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Lets just pray the Tories get back in ,The thought of Millipied and Stupid alliance fills me with fear as for the pound ,it will tank. , the UK economy may not be the best in the world but the last labour govt destroyed it ,remember the letter left in the treasury THE MONEYS ALL GONE .

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So strange that an upcoming election and all that goes with it can weaken a currency, like the UK pound.

Here in Thailand we have had, in recent years, floods throughout the capital, street riots, unrest in the South, manufacturers relocating, exports reduced, tourism decline, political upheaval, a military takeover and martial law to name a few. Yet the Thai ฿ remains strong and even strengthens.

Some think that the Baht is tied to the U.S. Dollar and if so, may explain some of the anomalies. In fact it is not, it is out there on its own, defying all logic.

Does any knowledgable poster care to offer an opinion as to why?

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Lets just pray the Tories get back in ,The thought of Millipied and Stupid alliance fills me with fear as for the pound ,it will tank. , the UK economy may not be the best in the world but the last labour govt destroyed it ,remember the letter left in the treasury THE MONEYS ALL GONE .

Margaret Thatcher destroyed the UK.

She destroyed the coal industry, which removed the cheap fuel for the steel industry, which pushed up the costs and in turn destroyed the UKs manufacturing industry.

All because she wanted to destroy the unions who were the backbone of the Labour party.

Now the unions are gone, company pensions are gone and everyone has lost their job security.

It has reduced the status of everyone but the bankers & big bosses to wage slaves.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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And that does not mean I love her,but we were the sick man of Europe,she made us strong again all that she got in concessions from the EU,were given away by Blair and the Labour party,and those are facts,check them ,not rants against MAGGIE

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And that does not mean I love her,but we were the sick man of Europe,she made us strong again all that she got in concessions from the EU,were given away by Blair and the Labour party,and those are facts,check them ,not rants against MAGGIE

i loved Maggie dearly but loved Sir Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson more when they paid 13, 14 and even 15% coupons on AAA rated UK gilts in superhard Pound Ster£ing and that twice a year.


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Lets just pray the Tories get back in ,The thought of Millipied and Stupid alliance fills me with fear as for the pound ,it will tank. , the UK economy may not be the best in the world but the last labour govt destroyed it ,remember the letter left in the treasury THE MONEYS ALL GONE .

Margaret Thatcher destroyed the UK.

She destroyed the coal industry, which removed the cheap fuel for the steel industry, which pushed up the costs and in turn destroyed the UKs manufacturing industry.

All because she wanted to destroy the unions who were the backbone of the Labour party.

Now the unions are gone, company pensions are gone and everyone has lost their job security.

It has reduced the status of everyone but the bankers & big bosses to wage slaves.

No she didn't ,she saved the UK ,it was cheaper to import coal from Australia than mine it in Britain,strikes were a constant,the motor industry was a nightmare,the unions destroyed Britain with the help of the likes of Scargill,but hey don't let facts get in the way of a good knock Maggie rant

It was time to switch from being a bedsit bullsh****r to getting a wedge.

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An 86 page thread from over two years ago. Save you reading it all just read the first post, no difference today as it was then but some great posts on the thread.


Edited by Bluemoon99
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Lets just pray the Tories get back in ,The thought of Millipied and Stupid alliance fills me with fear as for the pound ,it will tank. , the UK economy may not be the best in the world but the last labour govt destroyed it ,remember the letter left in the treasury THE MONEYS ALL GONE .

Margaret Thatcher destroyed the UK.

She destroyed the coal industry, which removed the cheap fuel for the steel industry, which pushed up the costs and in turn destroyed the UKs manufacturing industry.

All because she wanted to destroy the unions who were the backbone of the Labour party.

Now the unions are gone, company pensions are gone and everyone has lost their job security.

It has reduced the status of everyone but the bankers & big bosses to wage slaves.

No she didn't ,she saved the UK ,it was cheaper to import coal from Australia than mine it in Britain,strikes were a constant,the motor industry was a nightmare,the unions destroyed Britain with the help of the likes of Scargill,but hey don't let facts get in the way of a good knock Maggie rant

In 1985 I went on a Chamber of Commerce trade mission to South Africa. Scargill had portrayed the perception of hundreds of black miners chipping away at coal way underground. All a pack of lies.

The mine I visited was huge and all controlled by a few men in what resembled a control tower, everything underground was automated. I used to manufacture drying ovens for the coal industry in the UK, the ovens were used in the laboratory and were about the size of a chest freezer. The laboratory I visited in SA had 6 drying ovens, each one about the size of a normal hotel room, they just dwarfed the normal UK operation.

Scargill, as many other unions, tried to preserve a labour intensive industry and in doing so brought about their own demise.

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