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Traditional Thai medicine is important for modern medicine and society


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just face this : USA cancer threatment (radiation, chemo) , gives / creates more CANCER than patients with CANCER

A bold statement. Back it up with some proven facts. coffee1.gif

look up some chemo meds from big pharma

than look under :


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Give me some empirical evidence from neutral third party.

Many western drugs are so powerful that there can be side effects. Usually those side effects are known and the prescriber and the patient can take these into account when planning therapy using drugs. Unfortunately it seems westerners want immediate relief and cures. But when I need anti-malaria pills when travelling, I need them work asap, so I am not going to eat the bark of a cinchona tree when swallowing a pill is so much easier.

Many alternative remedies have no or little research into side effects - as a westerner I find that uncomfortable. Lack of research into the efficacy of alternative herbal medicines does not bring me any comfort either. I will take empirical evidence over anecdotal any day.

There can be a place for complimentary medicines alongside western drugs where appropriate.

I have two family members (a daughter and older sister) suffering from various cancers. Both have had their general health knocked around because of chemo but have survived, Sure lowered immunity to colds etc have bought about side effects. But life is good when considering the possible alternative - death perhaps. My elder sister (in her 80's) had now decided that she will not take anymore chemotherapy when the current treatment has finished because it upsets her so much. My daughter now has metastatic cancer (previously her2 breast cancer) residing in her bones where it currently is under control with low dose chemo and some bone strengthening drugs. She is now able to work again.

The point is, that western medicines are indeed powerful and may have side effects but generally speaking do offer a better chance of containing or curing a serious illness compared to herbal remedies.

Edited for spelling errors.

Edited by lvr181
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just face this : USA cancer threatment (radiation, chemo) , gives / creates more CANCER than patients with CANCER

thanks to GMO (monsanto) that makes cancer crops and lobbied to get it approved by frudulent FDA practices, do not want their frankenmonster food to be labeled as GMO

sugar which is now laced in every food (eating 140 pounds per year of that chemical drugs), is a big source of people getting fat, diabetes & CANCER

there are some great local thai herbs (maybe from india) like curcumin, which fights cancer growth cells & others

bitter melon, that helps the pancreas not to spike insulin (making you fat) & prediabete

3rd world countries, who adopt the Western life style garbage food (coco cola, mc death, kfc) ... see their population getting fatter by the year

but think about this : this is what the governement wants & help promote : FAT people don't go demonstrate against the governement

just look at the arab countries... did you see any FATTY demonstrating against the fascist regimes ???

I think a fair few folk would be shocked at just how much sugar goes into today's Thai cuisine. Sure, you can opt to cook it healthily yourself and eat brown instead of white rice, but if you eat out you are ingesting a fair amount of crap.

Whitey is not to blame for all the world's ills...

"folk would be shocked at just how much sugar goes into today's Thai cuisine"

But the sugar in the Thai cuisine would have existed for decades.

But the french fries, Burgers & the Pizza came today.

Were there many obese Thais in the past?

Generally they had a small build, didn't they?

(This is very common in Asia now, Obesity & diabetes, even juvenile obesity)

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OK lets have a list of all the effective and proven Thai medicines, that does NOT include antibiotics, or Chinese remedies.

Turmeric powder in capsule form - safer and more effective than chemotherapy and radiation for treatment of cancer.

Google for more info.

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just face this : USA cancer threatment (radiation, chemo) , gives / creates more CANCER than patients with CANCER

thanks to GMO (monsanto) that makes cancer crops and lobbied to get it approved by frudulent FDA practices, do not want their frankenmonster food to be labeled as GMO

sugar which is now laced in every food (eating 140 pounds per year of that chemical drugs), is a big source of people getting fat, diabetes & CANCER

there are some great local thai herbs (maybe from india) like curcumin, which fights cancer growth cells & others

bitter melon, that helps the pancreas not to spike insulin (making you fat) & prediabete

3rd world countries, who adopt the Western life style garbage food (coco cola, mc death, kfc) ... see their population getting fatter by the year

but think about this : this is what the governement wants & help promote : FAT people don't go demonstrate against the governement

just look at the arab countries... did you see any FATTY demonstrating against the fascist regimes ???

I think a fair few folk would be shocked at just how much sugar goes into today's Thai cuisine. Sure, you can opt to cook it healthily yourself and eat brown instead of white rice, but if you eat out you are ingesting a fair amount of crap.

Whitey is not to blame for all the world's ills...

"folk would be shocked at just how much sugar goes into today's Thai cuisine"

But the sugar in the Thai cuisine would have existed for decades.

But the french fries, Burgers & the Pizza came today.

Were there many obese Thais in the past?

Generally they had a small build, didn't they?

(This is very common in Asia now, Obesity & diabetes, even juvenile obesity)

Obesity of Thais (in rural areas) in the past were limited to those past middle age due to eating mainly sticky rice and reduce activities in the fields due to age.

Sticky rice has high sugar content and is the main cause of diabetes in the rural areas.

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Science can still learn from some of the old traditional medicines.

A recent study of an old 10th century anglo-saxon recipe for treatment of eye infections made from onion, wine, garlic and cows bile has been found to be more effective against resistant MRSA than the current gold standard antibiotics.


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Science can still learn from some of the old traditional medicines.

A recent study of an old 10th century anglo-saxon recipe for treatment of eye infections made from onion, wine, garlic and cows bile has been found to be more effective against resistant MRSA than the current gold standard antibiotics.


"The findings will soon be presented at the Society for General Microbiology’s annual conference in Birmingham, UK."

When the findings have been peer reviewed, it could be good. coffee1.gif

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Give me some empirical evidence from neutral third party.

Many western drugs are so powerful that there can be side effects. Usually those side effects are known and the prescriber and the patient can take these into account when planning therapy using drugs. Unfortunately it seems westerners want immediate relief and cures. But when I need anti-malaria pills when travelling, I need them work asap, so I am not going to eat the bark of a cinchona tree when swallowing a pill is so much easier.

Many alternative remedies have no or little research into side effects - as a westerner I find that uncomfortable. Lack of research into the efficacy of alternative herbal medicines does not bring me any comfort either. I will take empirical evidence over anecdotal any day.

There can be a place for complimentary medicines alongside western drugs where appropriate.

I have two family members (a daughter and older sister) suffering from various cancers. Both have had their general health knocked around because of chemo but have survived, Sure lowered immunity to colds etc have bought about side effects. But life is good when considering the possible alternative - death perhaps. My elder sister (in her 80's) had now decided that she will not take anymore chemotherapy when the current treatment has finished because it upsets her so much. My daughter now has metastatic cancer (previously her2 breast cancer) residing in her bones where it currently is under control with low dose chemo and some bone strengthening drugs. She is now able to work again.

The point is, that western medicines are indeed powerful and may have side effects but generally speaking do offer a better chance of containing or curing a serious illness compared to herbal remedies.

Edited for spelling errors.

Vaccines are uniue as far as pharmaceutical products go in that they are completely devoid of side-effects! This is because the harm they cause is their MAIN and ONLY effect.

Vaccine Program Based Upon Nonsense, Fear, Fairy Tales


Gullible much? On such an important subject (vaccinations and our children's' health), I'm not sure if I would be taking advice from your 'expert'.

"The social drug problem in the United States was created by the nefarious former Soviet Union

to weaken the resistance of Western society to Soviet invasion, undermine religion and make

the youth unable to resist collectivism. ...the Soviets were also responsible for an epidemic of

hepatitis, AIDS, venereal diseases and highly resistant tuberculosis." Dr. Russell Blaylock of Anti Vaccination Network.

Not to fear though, if you are seriously deluded into thinking concerned that Big Pharma is out to get you, for a modest fee (price undisclosed) you can buy Dr. Blaylocks patented Brain Repair Formula (seriously?) While you're at it, you can PM me to get hold of some excellently priced tinfoil hats.




Edited by BadtzBee
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Of course, sooner or later the anti-vaccer-wackos have to crawl out of the woodwork!

How happy are you to have measles back?
Oh...wait...surely you another conspiracy- theory on that one, too!

Can't wait to hear it!coffee1.gif

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