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Martial Law lifted in Thailand


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Anyone with half an ounce of sense can see where this is leading. No more marshal law but the people of Thailand must now suffer under the "Generals Law".

True democracy takes many years to develop and it will only come to be democratic if they stop interfering every time it looks like it's not going the way the Gererals like. Right now Thailand has taken a giant political step backwards and it's not going to improve anytime soon.

At this moment Thailand is being driven forward by one mans idea of how people should think and act.

He is massaging the laws to allow him greater powers which he is unlikely going to want to give up. Only time will tell.

Edited by a99az
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Normally kool aid drinking farang responses and mentality if you're not with us, you're against us, and anyone who's against us is a red supporter.

I love how simple these people make life out to be sitting there bored out their faces day in day out.

Me I'm at work and have my mobile with me, sitting in a car park in an oil refinery waiting for my clients to finish in another 10 hours!!

I'm also willing to bet that NONE of these kool aid drinkers lives were so bad under the previous government either because it it was, they'd have left, they just like bitching and moaning because it's what bored people excel at the most!

I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy inside it must be a great feeling that life is so much better now under the Junta than it was last year or the past 10 !!

What exactly is so different for them? Please don't hit me with there's nobody getting killed by terrorist crap because they are still getting killed by terrorist in the south, you see I'm not selective about terrorists or terrorism either.

Please don't use Bangkok is safer now too, correct me if I'm wrong, but we're ALL foreigners not warned about keeping away from these areas by their own and the Thai authorities, so any kool aid drinkers who frequented thse locations was doing so on his own accord and therefore putting himself at risk and paying lip service to the warnings.

Please, tell me what was so horrendous for you and your standard of living in the past couple of years, that it's like a new lease of life now?

The bloody electricity still goes off in my village periodically same as it did last year and the year before and the year before that too. I'm still able to buy all the things I could in the shops the same as I did 2-3 years ago, I'm at a loss as to what really was so bad for those bitter farangs that rhwir lives were so effected by living under the pervious administration ?

Why can't you just accept that we have all chosen to live in another country under different rules of law, and have had to accept these no matter how asinine or stupid they are?

No country is perfect otherwise the worlds population would be living in it, we all make the most of where we lay our hats, sometimes it's more difficult than others, but it's our choice to do so, we can move about as freely as we want.

I don't like where the junta is heading, I don't believe in all their propaganda the same as I didn't believe the PTPs or the PDRCs , I still believe that the bigger picture is one were not allowed to discuss, I think there more dark days to come, I hope I'm wrong, but I'm respecting the laws and respect that I'm a guest in their country and if they so wish, can stop me from entering, as can any other country in the world.

Life is too short to have so much hate and bitterness within, maybe some shouid try becoming monks and buhhdists for a while and chill for a bit? ?

Indeed Haggis, very rarely are things easily polarized into black and white and different extremes of the spectrum.

I would suggest most expat's haven't been greatly affected by the change. Even during the protests and the following military presence on the streets, the inconvenience wasn't huge, unless you lived close by an area affected or traveled through regularly. I attended some conferences at the UN complex during the protests and really the inconvenience was not that great, although better without it of course.

It becomes a matter of our feelings and views on life. I don't like PTP because they, I feel, betrayed the Thai people and were more concerned in lining their own pockets, getting a dubious amnesty bill through, and changing the process to remove checks and balances and create a system which they could manipulate more easily to retain a hold on power. The constant, and very obvious, lying, to me, showed they completely lacked ethics, morals and treated the people with a patronizing contempt. How any country could tolerate a government effectively handing control to a non elected criminal fugitive is unbelievable.

All of this does not mean I'm a supporter of Juntas. I don't like a military backed government that deprives people of the right to vote, restricts free speech (as PTP also did btw) and doesn't seem to want to be as transparent as the said they would. I have concerns about the pace of reforms, the directions they will go in, and the eventual outcome. One thing for sure, I really would like to see Thailand become a country where all have opportunity, justice - the same for everybody, and a more evenly distributed wealth profile. That would have been unlikely under any of the previous regimes, including all the Thaksin proxy parties who were supposedly going to help the poor. (Note the increase in Shin family wealth compared to average Thai family since 2001). Whether the Junta will implement changes that do lead to improvements for all, or just the selected chosen few as previous regimes remains to be seen,

Sadly many monks and Bhudists don't seem any better than those in politics so not sure becoming one would lead to a more relaxed being.

I can't speak for others, but I try to tolerate the frustrations and imperfections where ever I live, although commenting on them, as with all free speech, should not be restricted.

As a generalization, very generalized, for whatever reasons, my gut feel is that the current government are less corrupt and moving forwards more than the previous one, that was completely stagnant apart from skimming and corrupt activities, In what direction they are traveling as yet to be seen.

ps - Stay safe, keep your powder dry and your edges sharp!

Your post is flawed with 'I's. I me, I this, my feelings. Any consideration for the 'we'? No.

How many kids do you have who are Thai citizens? The answer is clear, or you wouldn't clearly write such, albeit somewhat fair Westerner's content fine, without considering the future of Thais, and the long-term risks involved in Article 44.

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Book a new voyage!!! Why? I am not the one worried, you are.

It all boils down to one thing and one thing only - he is in charge whether you like it or not. He can do what he wants and you cannot (nobody in fact) can do a thing about it. Judge him after his work is done. Let's see if he executes anybody or imprisons anyone because they don't like his haircut or his dress sense.

In the mean time, relax and unwind and don't get carried away with the hysterical hype that he is going to turn into a dictator!!

He just sentenced an old man to 25 years in prison yesterday (reduced from 50 years), because he didn't like the humorous captions on his facebook photos. That's quite literal, not my 'opinion'. The old man's lawyer wasn't allowed in the courtroom, so he had no representation of any kind. That was widely reported yesterday. I understand that you simply don't care about other human beings (that shows in all your comments), but others do to varying degrees. I also don't have to agree with someone politically to care about their safety and well being, in a general way. And clearly, you aren't that mature.

Are you quite sure it was Prayut that sentenced someone to prison or might'n it have been the courts.

He didn't introduce the lese majeste laws they have been around for a long time - I don't think that we can comment on these laws as it is a touchy area.

What makes you think that I don't care about other human beings? I care about everyone the same as you that's why I am fervently supporting what Prayuth is doing as he shows he cares a great deal about the average man.

He doesn't however like Thaksin because he is evil and seems to only care about himself. He even used his younger sister in a cowardly way and in a similar fashion with the red shirts whereby he exposed and exploited their naivety for his own personal gain, which I cannot and never will accept.

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Book a new voyage!!! Why? I am not the one worried, you are.

It all boils down to one thing and one thing only - he is in charge whether you like it or not. He can do what he wants and you cannot (nobody in fact) can do a thing about it. Judge him after his work is done. Let's see if he executes anybody or imprisons anyone because they don't like his haircut or his dress sense.

In the mean time, relax and unwind and don't get carried away with the hysterical hype that he is going to turn into a dictator!!

"It all boils down to one thing and one thing only - he is in charge whether you like it or not. He can do what he wants and you cannot (nobody in fact) can do a thing about it."

That is only true for the people in Thailand. He fears other countries.

In facing a tier 3 rating human trafficking, he acted. Prior to acting, he wrongfully chastised channel 3 for reporting the story. With unsafe aircraft maintenance, again foreigners voiced concern and he responded.

Is it not better to respond than sit on you're hands and do nothing - this seemed to be what Yingluck did as she didn't have a clue about anything.

What countries does he fear? Please don't say the US as he is cosying up to China and Russia to wind Obama up. If anyone should be worried its Obama with China's new investment bank attracting all of the big-hitters including the UK, Germany, France and a whole host of countries (50 in all I believe).

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>>The populist leader or parties allied to him have won every election since 2001 and the Bangkok elite -- along with the military and swathes of the judiciary -- have spent years trying to unpick their electoral prowess -- culminating in last year's takeover.<<

Interesting reading for the junta-lovers...............coffee1.gif

You are supporting people and a system belonging in a time long gone by!!!

So lying, cheating, making false irresponsible promises, buying votes and duping people is electoral prowess!!! Furthermore, democracy always ends at the ballot box for your lot as it seems to be a free for all once they have burgled their way into power. The 'democracy' handbook is thrown out as it is not needed any more.

You can only claim democracy once you have won a free and fair election (such as under the revised electoral system in the new charter) and abide by democratic laws and rules thereafter for the period of your tenure.

Don't worry, if, as I suspect, it is going to be nigh impossible for Pheu Thai related parties to win an election through FIXING the rules in such a way to prevent them.

Then as soon as you lot start bleating that the rules are unfair and biased against you then I will come straight back and tell you "they were democratically elected by the people" and you cannot raise a single word of complaint!!wai2.gif.

Lying, cheating and misleading are common mantras from you in your constant tirades against the Shinawatras. If Thailand still uses military courts, but then calls an end to "martial law", and then enacts laws as repressive as those under martial law, why would the junta do that ? Is that to get insurance carriers to start underwriting policies in Thailand ? Wouldn't that be considered misleading ? Please help us understand.

My tirades against the Shinawatra are justified and will continue as long as certain people insist that these governments were democratic.

Marshal law/article 44. is needed to assert powers to arrest wrongdoers, agitators and those that disseminate false or distorted information designed to mislead the public. It helps in two main ways - it restores confidence to business and tourism related agencies as it sounds less threatening than marshal law even though it (article 44.) is only slightly less restrictive than marshal law in the way in which it is going to be applied.

It also allows the PM to introduce emergency laws to aide solving the problems of the fisheries, people trafficking and aviation industry that were ignored by previous governments. Surely, you are not going to tell me that that is not a good thing!!

This 'having absolute power' thing is a complete red herring that seems to be attracting an unwarranted hysterical reaction!!

He should cut out the joking charade as Human rights lawyers brains have not been wired to accept jokes and they take everything literally - this is the only criticism that I hold against Prayuth as he leaves himself open to the doubters.

It is not a good thing. The government has full power to solve fisheries, trafficking and aviation using existing laws. To say they need draconian powers to achieve this is either a nonsensical statement, or an admission of the lack of competence of the junta.

And before you launch your usual "but, but, but the last government" tirade, remember that the junta seized power on the basis that they were the "good" ones, and this holds them to a higher standard, one that they have not even come close to upholding.

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Book a new voyage!!! Why? I am not the one worried, you are.

It all boils down to one thing and one thing only - he is in charge whether you like it or not. He can do what he wants and you cannot (nobody in fact) can do a thing about it. Judge him after his work is done. Let's see if he executes anybody or imprisons anyone because they don't like his haircut or his dress sense.

In the mean time, relax and unwind and don't get carried away with the hysterical hype that he is going to turn into a dictator!!

"It all boils down to one thing and one thing only - he is in charge whether you like it or not. He can do what he wants and you cannot (nobody in fact) can do a thing about it."

That is only true for the people in Thailand. He fears other countries.

In facing a tier 3 rating human trafficking, he acted. Prior to acting, he wrongfully chastised channel 3 for reporting the story. With unsafe aircraft maintenance, again foreigners voiced concern and he responded.

Is it not better to respond than sit on you're hands and do nothing - this seemed to be what Yingluck did as she didn't have a clue about anything.

What countries does he fear? Please don't say the US as he is cosying up to China and Russia to wind Obama up. If anyone should be worried its Obama with China's new investment bank attracting all of the big-hitters including the UK, Germany, France and a whole host of countries (50 in all I believe).

More obvious deflection. He is afraid of losing export revenue and tourism and that is the only way to deal with his bullying. He did not want to but was forced to deal with fishing trawlers/slavers. He like you tried to deflect, but Channel 3 broke the story, international media ran it, and then came an immediate about face by him.

New Zealand just called him on his lifting of martial law which is a lie. Hope others follow their good example.

The BRIC bank is a good idea. Spent 25 years working in greater China, learned the language. BUT that is off topic as are most of your posts.

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Book a new voyage!!! Why? I am not the one worried, you are.

It all boils down to one thing and one thing only - he is in charge whether you like it or not. He can do what he wants and you cannot (nobody in fact) can do a thing about it. Judge him after his work is done. Let's see if he executes anybody or imprisons anyone because they don't like his haircut or his dress sense.

In the mean time, relax and unwind and don't get carried away with the hysterical hype that he is going to turn into a dictator!!

He just sentenced an old man to 25 years in prison yesterday (reduced from 50 years), because he didn't like the humorous captions on his facebook photos. That's quite literal, not my 'opinion'. The old man's lawyer wasn't allowed in the courtroom, so he had no representation of any kind. That was widely reported yesterday. I understand that you simply don't care about other human beings (that shows in all your comments), but others do to varying degrees. I also don't have to agree with someone politically to care about their safety and well being, in a general way. And clearly, you aren't that mature.

Are you quite sure it was Prayut that sentenced someone to prison or might'n it have been the courts.

He didn't introduce the lese majeste laws they have been around for a long time - I don't think that we can comment on these laws as it is a touchy area.

What makes you think that I don't care about other human beings? I care about everyone the same as you that's why I am fervently supporting what Prayuth is doing as he shows he cares a great deal about the average man.

He doesn't however like Thaksin because he is evil and seems to only care about himself. He even used his younger sister in a cowardly way and in a similar fashion with the red shirts whereby he exposed and exploited their naivety for his own personal gain, which I cannot and never will accept.

It wasn't the PM personally, you're right to point it out. It was a military court. I said 'him', meaning that he is the head of the military; he is responsible for what the military does, and he would say so himself I'm quite sure. What is to argue about that? I'm also not a person who has ever had a problem with LM laws.

I was first brought to Thailand by someone working for the Royal Family, and I feel a lot respect for them (I mean it, too). The people working for the Royal Family have been VERY kind to me, and most of my friends in Thailand are people who interract with them often. That doesn't make me important or anything, and you may not understand what I'm talking about. But don't phrase people so quickly as 'bad', or the way you accuse people of supporting violence if they dont' agree with you. I know that I never support violence. I feel really offended when you write stuff like that here all the time.

I never liked Yingluck, and her family are completely corrupt. You don't need to repeat that over and over, we know it. It's not a football game between 'good and evil', either. You need to stop saying that people either agree with you, or support 'evil', because that's not the way life is. I'm an American, and I hated George Bush. I hated everything about what he did in the world. I was ashamed of him, as an American. The answer is that journalists shouldn't be allowed to describe the reasons I felt that way? See how crazy that sounds in another setting? The answer, is that journalists should be encouraged to talk about it! That's why it's important.

The PM has said many times now, 'If you do nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about'. I agree. So, let the new administration answer to the press, at the same time. That's what people call a democracy. There's a lot of problems with it, always. But you need it. You get what I'm saying now?

Edited by No Apologist
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same old story will go on -this country was never a true democracy

Which County is? When the system only hears the voices of the bankers and big corporations then how is that considered democracy?

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea - now there's real democracy ! whistling.gif

"" .... a genuine workers' state in which all the people are completely liberated from exploitation and oppression .... " N.Korea state website

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This is a fascinating thread. I've been wondering for a while now whether certain members, who have been unconcerned about the Junta, or have been outright supporters, would react to an obvious turn to a more autocratic situation in Thailand.

It turns out that invoking Article 44 is no big deal either.

And this is why:

- we are not affected personally

- nobody we talked to seems to be concerned

- the Shinawatras were very bad

- summary executions have not happened

- true democracies don't really exist

- things are so much better now, sort of

Now I feel so reassured. Don't you? thumbsup.gif

When your internet connection doesn't work one day, then you will notice.... whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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This is a fascinating thread. I've been wondering for a while now whether certain members, who have been unconcerned about the Junta, or have been outright supporters, would react to an obvious turn to a more autocratic situation in Thailand.

It turns out that invoking Article 44 is no big deal either.

And this is why:

- we are not affected personally

- nobody we talked to seems to be concerned

- the Shinawatras were very bad

- summary executions have not happened

- true democracies don't really exist

- things are so much better now, sort of

Now I feel so reassured. Don't you? thumbsup.gif

Some of those posters have been conspicuous by their absence today. They are being given fewer tools to work with however, in the wake of more widespread consternation of the current political situation: 'The EU, US, Australia, UN should keep out of it' argument is sounding increasingly hollow as the list of countries expressing concern grow..

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This is a fascinating thread. I've been wondering for a while now whether certain members, who have been unconcerned about the Junta, or have been outright supporters, would react to an obvious turn to a more autocratic situation in Thailand.

It turns out that invoking Article 44 is no big deal either.

And this is why:

- we are not affected personally

- nobody we talked to seems to be concerned

- the Shinawatras were very bad

- summary executions have not happened

- true democracies don't really exist

- things are so much better now, sort of

Now I feel so reassured. Don't you? thumbsup.gif

Some of those posters have been conspicuous by their absence today. They are being given fewer tools to work with however, in the wake of more widespread consternation of the current political situation: 'The EU, US, Australia, UN should keep out of it' argument is sounding increasingly hollow as the list of countries expressing concern grow..



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Book a new voyage!!! Why? I am not the one worried, you are.

It all boils down to one thing and one thing only - he is in charge whether you like it or not. He can do what he wants and you cannot (nobody in fact) can do a thing about it. Judge him after his work is done. Let's see if he executes anybody or imprisons anyone because they don't like his haircut or his dress sense.

In the mean time, relax and unwind and don't get carried away with the hysterical hype that he is going to turn into a dictator!!

He just sentenced an old man to 25 years in prison yesterday (reduced from 50 years), because he didn't like the humorous captions on his facebook photos. That's quite literal, not my 'opinion'. The old man's lawyer wasn't allowed in the courtroom, so he had no representation of any kind. That was widely reported yesterday. I understand that you simply don't care about other human beings (that shows in all your comments), but others do to varying degrees. I also don't have to agree with someone politically to care about their safety and well being, in a general way. And clearly, you aren't that mature.

Are you quite sure it was Prayut that sentenced someone to prison or might'n it have been the courts.

He didn't introduce the lese majeste laws they have been around for a long time - I don't think that we can comment on these laws as it is a touchy area.

What makes you think that I don't care about other human beings? I care about everyone the same as you that's why I am fervently supporting what Prayuth is doing as he shows he cares a great deal about the average man.

He doesn't however like Thaksin because he is evil and seems to only care about himself. He even used his younger sister in a cowardly way and in a similar fashion with the red shirts whereby he exposed and exploited their naivety for his own personal gain, which I cannot and never will accept.

It wasn't the PM personally, you're right to point it out. It was a military court. I said 'him', meaning that he is the head of the military; he is responsible for what the military does, and he would say so himself I'm quite sure. What is to argue about that? I'm also not a person who has ever had a problem with LM laws.

I was first brought to Thailand by someone working for the Royal Family, and I feel a lot respect for them (I mean it, too). The people working for the Royal Family have been VERY kind to me, and most of my friends in Thailand are people who interract with them often. That doesn't make me important or anything, and you may not understand what I'm talking about. But don't phrase people so quickly as 'bad', or the way you accuse people of supporting violence if they dont' agree with you. I know that I never support violence. I feel really offended when you write stuff like that here all the time.

I never liked Yingluck, and her family are completely corrupt. You don't need to repeat that over and over, we know it. It's not a football game between 'good and evil', either. You need to stop saying that people either agree with you, or support 'evil', because that's not the way life is. I'm an American, and I hated George Bush. I hated everything about what he did in the world. I was ashamed of him, as an American. The answer is that journalists shouldn't be allowed to describe the reasons I felt that way? See how crazy that sounds in another setting? The answer, is that journalists should be encouraged to talk about it! That's why it's important.

The PM has said many times now, 'If you do nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about'. I agree. So, let the new administration answer to the press, at the same time. That's what people call a democracy. There's a lot of problems with it, always. But you need it. You get what I'm saying now?

"So, let the new administration answer to the press, at the same time. That's what people call a democracy."

Silly me, I thought the definition of democracy was:

noun de·moc·ra·cy \di-ˈmä-krə-sē\

: a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting

: a country ruled by democracy

: an organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights


Of course I also thought the junta censored the press and Prayuth threatened reporters that asked questions he didn't like. That's not exactly answering to the press. So the junta doesn't meet your or my definition of democracy.

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