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IS enters Palestinian camp in Damascus; Jordan closes border


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ISIS is taking over civilian areas. Bombing would create a HUGE amount of civilian casualties and probably not even a dent in ISIS.

Granted, there's no clean way to harm ISIS.

However, if they take over a civilian area, there are indications of the organization of those in control. It also helps to have 'intelligence/spies' on the ground. Yet the following are some indications of where the bad guys would be:

>>> convoys of military-style trucks coming in or out of the area, are likely to be ISIS

>>> armed guard posts are set up, usually by gates or by important (biggest) buildings, that would indicate the people in control exerting added control.

>>> munitions like AA batteries or howitzers, armored vehicles.

>>> In a courtyard attended by men in formation, the men leading the event (at the head, giving directions) would likely be baddies.

Knocking out such targets would not defeat ISIS, but would put a dent in their operations.

The various examples you have provided for bombing missions have been actioned for a number of months. One of the reasons the military are claiming IS are no longer traveling in convoys as well as small units embedding themselves in civilian infrastructure

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Hmh! An Islamic terror group which seems to have no interest in Israel????
You wouldn't be trying to float the logical fallacy that ISIS were therefore created by Israel would you?
Not yet. I have actually been sitting on that simple sentence for a couple of months wondering when it would come ;up.
I see. A yes or no would have sufficed, but a repeated subliminal suggestion is evidently more amusing.

The matter is certainly not crystal clear. I suspect there may be several countries lending support. I am curious mostly about the Israeli medical units operating in the Golan Heights. When questioned, they simply state that they care for any wounded person regardless of affiliation. I found that to be a very "not Israeli" response and leaves me wondering whether or not they are caring for ISIS. The conclusions are always about Al Queda, not ISIS. Why for example, would Israel operate a field hospital in the Golan Heights to care for foreign troops.

An under-noticed news report last week confirmed previously-held suspicions and strong implications that Israeli troops are aiding the Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's official Syrian affiliate.
Speaking to Israeli occupation troops last week, a Wall Street Journal reporter on the ground in Mount Bental (part of the occupied Golan Heights) found that Israeli troops receive wounded al-Qaeda fighters, treat them in Israeli hospitals and send them back to continue fighting against the government in Syria.

What these reports (or should I say whispering campaigns) fail to point out it that Israeli medics have treated women and children as well as men. Perhaps they are patching them up so they can become suicide bombers under the control of Mossad, or perhaps rather it's the usual Israel haters proving once again that they can stoop lower than ever before.
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The matter is certainly not crystal clear. I suspect there may be several countries lending support. I am curious mostly about the Israeli medical units operating in the Golan Heights. When questioned, they simply state that they care for any wounded person regardless of affiliation. I found that to be a very "not Israeli" response and leaves me wondering whether or not they are caring for ISIS. The conclusions are always about Al Queda, not ISIS. Why for example, would Israel operate a field hospital in the Golan Heights to care for foreign troops.

An under-noticed news report last week confirmed previously-held suspicions and strong implications that Israeli troops are aiding the Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's official Syrian affiliate.

Speaking to Israeli occupation troops last week, a Wall Street Journal reporter on the ground in Mount Bental (part of the occupied Golan Heights) found that Israeli troops receive wounded al-Qaeda fighters, treat them in Israeli hospitals and send them back to continue fighting against the government in Syria.

Perhaps Israel is playing one "enemy" off against the other? Thus saving themselves some cleaning up? But would you really believe that they are treating either al-Qaeda or IS fighters when both of those groups want to wipe out the christian state of Israel along with any other christians they can get the hands on? A lot of hyperbole but not much substance about what is really going on! If the media want to say something and it suits either of the warring sides to let them say it, why stop or challenge the "truth" of such reporting? Keep and open and curious mind and don't believe everything the media tells you. Ask yourself, Why? Now I don't have the answers, but I do wonder about what we are being told. But, always remember that the first casualty of war is truth coffee1.gif

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So here it is. Mass beheadings of Palestinians. Do we hear cries of ethnic cleansing, or even genocide from some of our esteemed members?

The Jew/Israel haters could care less about the Palestinians. They are pawns to be used to attack the Jews and nothing more.

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So here it is. Mass beheadings of Palestinians. Do we hear cries of ethnic cleansing, or even genocide from some of our esteemed members?

The Jew/Israel haters could care less about the Palestinians. They are pawns to be used to attack the Jews and nothing more.

Plenty of people on this forum & elsewhere who make it very clear they believe all Muslims hold the same views & wouldn't care less about Palestinian suffering.

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