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British Girl Missing In Laos


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A young norfolk girl that I know has gone missing in Laos,her parents are asking for help in the search,with any companys in thailand that might have specalised equipment.

I thought i would post it here as you never know who might read it.

Here are extracts from the news story.

A desperate search was under way last night for a young Norfolk woman swept away by a river in the south-east Asian country of Laos.

Mia-Lucy Rose, 24, of Buxton Avenue, Gorleston, was crossing part of the Mekong River with a friend she had met travelling – Martin Ward, from Northampton – when she was caught and carried away by a strong current.

Late yesterday, the International Rescue Corps (IRC) – a charity normally associated with helping at major disasters – agreed to send a team to help the search.

Four trained volunteers from the Scottish-based organisation, including firefighters and paramedics, are due to leave Heathrow today with thermal image cameras, sound detection equipment and an inflatable dinghy.

The family has agreed to meet the entire cost of the operation, which could reach £20,000.

Mark Rose, a radiographer, from Sutton, Surrey, said: “Mia is a very good swimmer and a very intelligent girl. We think she would have gone along with the current until she could get to the shoreline.

“It is an area called the 4,000 islands – all dotted across the sprawling river – and it is very remote with no electricity, telephones or roads

Meanwhile he is appealing for any local firms who could offer useful equipment to contact him on 07976 971863.

The full story


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The Telegraph reports:

Backpacker drowns trying to wade across the Mekong river

A graduate who "lived life to the full" has been found drowned after she was swept away while crossing the Mekong river in Laos.

The parents of 24-year-old Mia-Lucy Rose had flown out to South East Asia to organise a £20,000 search for their daughter.

But the hopes of Derek and Pauline Rose, both 50, from Gorleston, Norfolk, were dashed yesterday when Mia-Lucy's body was found downriver.

Their daughter, a media studies graduate, had been on a year-long, backpacking holiday before starting a career in television.

Mia-Lucy's 28-year-old brother Mark said that his parents were now arranging to return to Britain with her body. "It is just devastating," added Mr Rose, a radiographer from Sutton, Surrey.

"My father telephoned at 3am to give us the news. His voice was cracking up with emotion and he was unable to give many details, but we can only presume she drowned.

"My parents were only about three or four hours away from the spot where she disappeared when they heard.

"They were prepared to sell their cars and even the house to try and find her. They loved her dearly and wanted to do anything they could.

"My sister was bright, intelligent and fun-loving. She was one of those people who lived life to the full and made the most of everything. She always wanted to travel and see the world. Going to Asia was a dream come true for her.

"She was just out enjoying herself when it all went wrong. The area she was in is called the 4,000 Islands because of the small islands dotted up and down the river. It is very remote with no electricity, telephones or roads and it is quite common for travellers to wade across the water to reach different islands.

"The water she was in was lovely and clear and idyllic and there was no sign of danger. But it appears she was somehow swept away."

Mr Rose said that he had spoken to Martin Ward, 27, who was travelling with Miss Rose at the time. "He told me how he tried to grab her in the river. He then tried to run along the bank, but she was getting further and further away," said Mr Rose.

"He was totally distraught about her disappearing but the fact that she had her head above water when he last saw gave us hope because we knew she was a good swimmer.

"It is the dry season so the rapids are not so dangerous. The islands are also rich in fruit so she could have survived if she had got ashore. People have apparently been known to survive weeks.

"I still cannot believe she is gone. It is going to hit us very hard.

Miss Rose, left Britain for Asia last October with her friend Helen Codling, 23, of Loddon, Norfolk.

The pair travelled through Asia and then flew to Sydney, Australia, where Miss Rose met Mr Ward, a backbacker from Northampton. The pair decided to leave Australia to tour northern Thailand, Burma and Laos.

--Telegraph, UK 2004-03-27

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