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You have just described virtually every woman in every country.

Total nonsense. Pretty tragic that anyone sees women this way, really.


It is astonishing how often men here seem surprised when they realise that prostitutes are only interested in their money.

Where were prostitutes mentioned on the thread?????

We're talking about women who expect payment in return for sleeping with you, right?

Maybe they call them something else where you're from.

You can always rely on Soibiker to be giving his tired, boring and oft repeated opinions when the topic veers into prostitution. Please give it a rest. We all know what you think.

Feel free to ignore my posts. But please don't assume you can tell me not to post them.


Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif

My old man is quite funny but you're a beast.

Reading your comments always make me smile


Lots of married men have regular, highly-enjoyable sex with their wives for decades. You just don't hear about those cases because they're far less dramatic than tales of woe like yours.

How would you know?

You have,

No wife, no pension, no children and 50 ....... must be great to be you.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Lots of married men have regular, highly-enjoyable sex with their wives for decades. You just don't hear about those cases because they're far less dramatic than tales of woe like yours.

You're forever bitching about the lack of sex in your previous marriage.

More fool you for hanging around as long as you did when, clearly, she'd simply lost interest in you.

It happens so let let the baggage go

No wife, no pension, no children and 50 ....... must be great to be you.


Wife? Yeah, the air of total enlightenment you exude after your marriage is utterly compelling. I wanna be just like you.

Pension? I'm sorted, matey even though I'll probably never retire. What the hell for? I enjoy my work

Children? Remind us again of how many of your grown up children actually speak to you

Again, I wanna be just like you

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Back in Australia,i had my own successful buisness,i took a wage of around $1000,a week,of that i gave my [now ex] wife around $800,for housekeeping,the kids,bills etc,i give my wife here money each month for bills,housekeeping,food etc,where is the difference,it seems to me that CH, and SB,seem to think a couples money should be entirely seperate,to me this seems strange.

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You have just described virtually every woman in every country.

Total nonsense. Pretty tragic that anyone sees women this way, really.

The tragedy is that you can't see it.

If you want to break a relationship down to monetary terms (and I didn't start doing that) then the fact is that - in most cases - those costs (one way or another) are higher in the west.

My respect for women remains the same whichever country they are in - it is why I am good terms with all my ex's (bar one)...


Back in Australia,i had my own successful buisness,i took a wage of around $1000,a week,of that i gave my [now ex] wife around $800,for housekeeping,the kids,bills etc,i give my wife here money each month for bills,housekeeping,food etc,where is the difference,it seems to me that CH, and SB,seem to think a couples money should be entirely seperate,to me this seems strange.

I'm loathe to get into yet another discussion about your volatile marriage but you can't POSSIBLY equate your situation with that of the typical breadwinner/home-maker set up.


Back in Australia,i had my own successful buisness,i took a wage of around $1000,a week,of that i gave my [now ex] wife around $800,for housekeeping,the kids,bills etc,i give my wife here money each month for bills,housekeeping,food etc,where is the difference,it seems to me that CH, and SB,seem to think a couples money should be entirely seperate,to me this seems strange.

I'm loathe to get into yet another discussion about your volatile marriage but you can't POSSIBLY equate your situation with that of the typical breadwinner/home-maker set up.

Neither do i,i was trying to make a point that,men generally support their wives,of course ,that is and has changed a great deal over the last,what,forty years,and i cannot see the difference of a husband supporting his wife financially if he has the means to do so,and is fiscally sound,and able and willing to do so regardless of where they live.Unfortunatley, i have never had the luck yet to come across a millionaress,if i had ,no doubt my post would be cast in a different vein,and no doubt it would still drawn your scorn Ch.But i am trying to have a civil exchange here,but also argue my point,surely we can do that without plumbing the depths.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Back in Australia,i had my own successful buisness,i took a wage of around $1000,a week,of that i gave my [now ex] wife around $800,for housekeeping,the kids,bills etc,i give my wife here money each month for bills,housekeeping,food etc,where is the difference,it seems to me that CH, and SB,seem to think a couples money should be entirely seperate,to me this seems strange.

I'm loathe to get into yet another discussion about your volatile marriage but you can't POSSIBLY equate your situation with that of the typical breadwinner/home-maker set up.

Neither do i,i was trying to make a point that,men generally support their wives,of course ,that is and has changed a great deal over the last,what,forty years,and i cannot see the difference of a husband supporting his wife financially if he has the means to do so,and is fiscally sound,and able and willing to do so regardless of where they live.Unfortunatley, i have never had the luck yet to come across a millionaress,if i had ,no doubt my post would be cast in a different vein,and no doubt it would still drawn your scorn Ch.But i am trying to have a civil exchange here,but also argue my point,surely we can do that without plumbing the depths.

But this isn't a discussion about supporting wives and girlfriends.

It's a discussion about why men who've knowingly and deliberately baited a hook with financial benefits to entice a Thai woman into a relationship should subsequently lament on being treated like a walking ATM once it becomes clear that the money is her sole interest.

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My next door neighbors in their 30s, she works 15k/month (CM), he works 25k/month (BK).

She spends all her wage on herself & he pays everything for the home and family.

(and she's shagging her boss, and she isn't even attractive, and she comes home drunk a lot)

It isn't only foreigners with these problems.

The girls are happy to do it to any guy.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

My next door neighbors in their 30s, she works 15k/month (CM), he works 25k/month (BK).

She spends all her wage on herself & he pays everything for the home and family.

(and she's shagging her boss, and she isn't even attractive, and she comes home drunk a lot)

It isn't only foreigners with these problems.

The girls are happy to do it to any guy.

All that proves is that Thais are like couples anywhere else in world.

It doesn't suggest that his massive 25K a month salary was the draw for her, does it?


There are several options to choose from when it comes to marriage terms

1)/the man does the earning, the woman does the churning

2)/ they both work and both contribute

3)/ they both work and she keeps her spoils to do as she likes

In either case, the wife is still expected to take care of the house and cook

The man can contribute to his conscious decision to level her work at home

I enjoyed taking it to my Thai girl when she was bent over using the vacuum, which was usually met with a scowl, but considering she never owned a vacuum before I bought it, along with her first hot water unit for the shower,

I suppose it was fair.

Being called lecherous by a working girl, was icing on the cake


I guess that I am one of the very lucky ones. Me 66, fiancé 43. She loves lobster but won't let me buy it for her. I tell her "don't worry, it's my money". She says "I don't care, it's too expensive of a meal". We selected an engagement ring, she wanted to find one for less (it really wasn't all that expensive to start with). I hand her my money when we travel. I never have to think about disbursements or dishonesty. I want to tip for wonderful Thai service. She says "that is too much" and gives her country people less of my money (I don't approve). I offer to buy her clothes when we are shopping for me in Thailand. She won't let me. But I did buy her a tankless hot water heater (big deal, $250 of my money). I smile every time I shower in her little home and read the felt pen writing on the heater "Gift from Ray". But this Thai lady makes me smile a lot. I am the lucky one.

My ex wife was like that for the first 5 years of our relationship but it was drastically different for the next 11 years.


I guess that I am one of the very lucky ones. Me 66, fiancé 43. She loves lobster but won't let me buy it for her. I tell her "don't worry, it's my money". She says "I don't care, it's too expensive of a meal". We selected an engagement ring, she wanted to find one for less (it really wasn't all that expensive to start with). I hand her my money when we travel. I never have to think about disbursements or dishonesty. I want to tip for wonderful Thai service. She says "that is too much" and gives her country people less of my money (I don't approve). I offer to buy her clothes when we are shopping for me in Thailand. She won't let me. But I did buy her a tankless hot water heater (big deal, $250 of my money). I smile every time I shower in her little home and read the felt pen writing on the heater "Gift from Ray". But this Thai lady makes me smile a lot. I am the lucky one.

My ex wife was like that for the first 5 years of our relationship but it was drastically different for the next 11 years.

Life and marriage is a two way street. Perhaps you let your guard down and she decided you were best suited to the "walking ATM" role.

But thanks for the free and unsolicited advice.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Back in Australia,i had my own successful buisness,i took a wage of around $1000,a week,of that i gave my [now ex] wife around $800,for housekeeping,the kids,bills etc,i give my wife here money each month for bills,housekeeping,food etc,where is the difference,it seems to me that CH, and SB,seem to think a couples money should be entirely seperate,to me this seems strange.

I'm loathe to get into yet another discussion about your volatile marriage but you can't POSSIBLY equate your situation with that of the typical breadwinner/home-maker set up.

Neither do i,i was trying to make a point that,men generally support their wives,of course ,that is and has changed a great deal over the last,what,forty years,and i cannot see the difference of a husband supporting his wife financially if he has the means to do so,and is fiscally sound,and able and willing to do so regardless of where they live.Unfortunatley, i have never had the luck yet to come across a millionaress,if i had ,no doubt my post would be cast in a different vein,and no doubt it would still drawn your scorn Ch.But i am trying to have a civil exchange here,but also argue my point,surely we can do that without plumbing the depths.

But this isn't a discussion about supporting wives and girlfriends.

It's a discussion about why men who've knowingly and deliberately baited a hook with financial benefits to entice a Thai woman into a relationship should subsequently lament on being treated like a walking ATM once it becomes clear that the money is her sole interest.

I think you misunderstood in which direction the bait is set! biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

My next door neighbors in their 30s, she works 15k/month (CM), he works 25k/month (BK).

She spends all her wage on herself & he pays everything for the home and family.

(and she's shagging her boss, and she isn't even attractive, and she comes home drunk a lot)

It isn't only foreigners with these problems.

The girls are happy to do it to any guy.

All that proves is that Thais are like couples anywhere else in world.

It doesn't suggest that his massive 25K a month salary was the draw for her, does it?

Many people round here earn less than 200bht a day, 25k/month looks good to a lot of girls.

(My neighbors on 15k and 25k both have degrees)


Well, it doesn't seem so strange to me. My wife expects me to support the family. It is a more traditional society. Actually, even in the US, you don't have to go back that far to hear similar things said in a more euphemistic way. People of my parents' generation (baby boomers, so born in the decade after WWII) will often say things like "I stayed with your dad because he was a good provider." Believe me, I have heard that a ton from people of that era.

So, here in Thailand, the women are looking for "good providers." Now, they may misunderstand how much money you have or you may run into a truly horrible human being who really does want to milk you for all you're worth....the later is certainly a reality. But I know plenty of people here, myself included, who have wives who expect to be provided for but who will step up and help out as they can.

Find one of those. Maybe not so easy, but they are around.

EDIT--Here you go....this is from just a few years ago...maybe you are familiar with the series.

"I stayed with your dad because he was a good provider.Believe me, I have heard that a ton from people of that era''

Moronic statement.

THAT would be a mother talking to her child about HER husband .About THIER father. With regards on how HE took care of his OWN wife and children.

Traditional American men took care of their own family like thier fathers and grandfathers before them

AND did NOT have to care for thier American wives families because thier fathers were doing the same.

(Altho by what you wrote , maybe yours couldn't manage that

You think it isn't ''strange'' that you have to provide for not only your thai wife and your children but also









sick buffalo


and anyone else that comes along with thier hand out? lol

I would call someone who thinks that way self delusional.

But as P.T Barnum said.. there's one born every minute.

The American man who had a daughter that was married did not take handouts from his son in law. If he had an ounce of pride he didn't .I would say the same for the British as well. In fact most if not all of western culture.

Don't twist reality or rewrite American tradition to try and make your self feel better about being a sucker and a walking ATM .

Here's an idea! play that video for the father of your thai wife. See how that works out for you.

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It's like feminism never happened.

Feminist ideals make payment for sex mandatory.

First sex has a value.

Second If a woman gives something that has value to a man, it's exploitation by the man.

Third feminist doctrine abhors females being exploited by men.

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It is astonishing how often men here seem surprised when they realise that prostitutes are only interested in their money.

Where were prostitutes mentioned on the thread?????

Certain posters constantly read between the lines to justify their Thai-warped opinions.


Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif

Speak for yourself boy. You just ain't got no charm. Not like me. :rolleyes:
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I guess that I am one of the very lucky ones. Me 66, fiancé 43. She loves lobster but won't let me buy it for her. I tell her "don't worry, it's my money". She says "I don't care, it's too expensive of a meal". We selected an engagement ring, she wanted to find one for less (it really wasn't all that expensive to start with). I hand her my money when we travel. I never have to think about disbursements or dishonesty. I want to tip for wonderful Thai service. She says "that is too much" and gives her country people less of my money (I don't approve). I offer to buy her clothes when we are shopping for me in Thailand. She won't let me. But I did buy her a tankless hot water heater (big deal, $250 of my money). I smile every time I shower in her little home and read the felt pen writing on the heater "Gift from Ray". But this Thai lady makes me smile a lot. I am the lucky one.

My ex wife was like that for the first 5 years of our relationship but it was drastically different for the next 11 years.

Life and marriage is a two way street. Perhaps you let your guard down and she decided you were best suited to the "walking ATM" role.

But thanks for the free and unsolicited advice.

Could you BE more smug and arrogant

Didn't sound to me like he was giving you advice.

You're 66 with a fiancée 23 years your junior and you're talking as if you don't acknowledge that people can change.

Perhaps you're unfamiliar with the concept of the "long game".

I'm not saying your fiancée is playing it but she wouldn't be the first to bide her time until married to start accepting her husband's generous offers. Once she's accumulated as much as she thinks she can, she drops the hammer.

@66 she can probably wait him out. 5-10 years tops or accident in the shower.

What can a 66yo man have that a 43 yo woman wants?

(PS. I'm 60 with a woman that's 40, and she's with me for my money)

  • Like 1

It's like feminism never happened.

Feminist ideals make payment for sex mandatory.

First sex has a value.

Second If a woman gives something that has value to a man, it's exploitation by the man.

Third feminist doctrine abhors females being exploited by men.

Most feminists also hate men,and activley encourage their 'sisters' to rape them financially and deny them access to their children.

  • Like 1

It's like feminism never happened.

Feminist ideals make payment for sex mandatory.

First sex has a value.

Second If a woman gives something that has value to a man, it's exploitation by the man.

Third feminist doctrine abhors females being exploited by men.

Most feminists also hate men,and activley encourage their 'sisters' to rape them financially and deny them access to their children.

Complete nonsense. Most feminists love men. Many of them are married to men. Some of them even are men.

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The problem with feminism is that it didn't look down the road at its long term real world effect on the now hordes of single women who are unwanted by most men, because their belief that they had value beyond the ability to earn their own way and thus not need men for anything other than sperm donors

Leaves them home alone after their last egg drops and they no longer can compete in the labor market or the meet market.

This is what feminism gained for them, they are now all home alone living with their female pride....

I'll take the Thai girls way, any day.

Too many guys blame the Thai girls for ripping them off, when the men are out in bars And chasing younger girls assuming the Thai girl they married or are lliving with accepts their womanizing

First mistake: believing the younger Thai girls will put up with men the way their mother's did z because they had no choice

That isn't feminism

That's natural human abhorrence at being trampled on


The problem with feminism is that it didn't look down the road at its long term real world effect on the now hordes of single women who are unwanted by most men, because their belief that they had value beyond the ability to earn their own way and thus not need men for anything other than sperm donors

Leaves them home alone after their last egg drops and they no longer can compete in the labor market or the meet market.

This is what feminism gained for them, they are now all home alone living with their female pride....

I'll take the Thai girls way, any day.

Too many guys blame the Thai girls for ripping them off, when the men are out in bars And chasing younger girls assuming the Thai girl they married or are lliving with accepts their womanizing

First mistake: believing the younger Thai girls will put up with men the way their mother's did z because they had no choice

That isn't feminism

That's natural human abhorrence at being trampled on

You better think about the real reason why feminism started to have an impact in the western world.

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