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Remember, you read it hear on TV first:

The context of any fallacious agreement is taking place against the backdrop of unprecedented shia aggression and expansion. Many of us have been noting for weeks that we are on the verge of a considerable shia sunni war. IMO, this permission by the US to Iran is an unmitigated disaster. All this arrangement will do is further escalate all sides in a now inevitable conflict.

The great oddity is the US has seemingly switched sides. However, when viewed in the train of US foreign policy context, this should be no surprise at all. The US administration has facilitated, conducted, and made permissive war throughout the region, if not the world.

So, the sunni religious leader of the holiest muslim site on earth declared war on shia. Egyptian and Iranian naval vessels exchanged fire. The ridiculous paper drill in futility meets the real world in near comic fashion. Obama has pursued his bipolar middle east dream at the cost of untold lives, suffering, and war- its a "dream in the air (pipe dream)" but nightmare on the ground.


Regarding Obama: fewer humans have so insidiously enabled war under a banner of peace

Last sentence bold emphasis by me.

You seem to imply that enabling war openly (a la Dubbya Bush) is better?


Remember, you read it hear on TV first:

The context of any fallacious agreement is taking place against the backdrop of unprecedented shia aggression and expansion. Many of us have been noting for weeks that we are on the verge of a considerable shia sunni war. IMO, this permission by the US to Iran is an unmitigated disaster. All this arrangement will do is further escalate all sides in a now inevitable conflict.

The great oddity is the US has seemingly switched sides. However, when viewed in the train of US foreign policy context, this should be no surprise at all. The US administration has facilitated, conducted, and made permissive war throughout the region, if not the world.

So, the sunni religious leader of the holiest muslim site on earth declared war on shia. Egyptian and Iranian naval vessels exchanged fire. The ridiculous paper drill in futility meets the real world in near comic fashion. Obama has pursued his bipolar middle east dream at the cost of untold lives, suffering, and war- its a "dream in the air (pipe dream)" but nightmare on the ground.


Regarding Obama: fewer humans have so insidiously enabled war under a banner of peace

Last sentence bold emphasis by me.

You seem to imply that enabling war openly (a la Dubbya Bush) is better?

What! you think there isn't a war coming, if not between the west and Iran certainly Shia v Sunni. You think the gulf states are going to sit back and let Iran have its own way?

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Remember, you read it hear on TV first:

The context of any fallacious agreement is taking place against the backdrop of unprecedented shia aggression and expansion. Many of us have been noting for weeks that we are on the verge of a considerable shia sunni war. IMO, this permission by the US to Iran is an unmitigated disaster. All this arrangement will do is further escalate all sides in a now inevitable conflict.

The great oddity is the US has seemingly switched sides. However, when viewed in the train of US foreign policy context, this should be no surprise at all. The US administration has facilitated, conducted, and made permissive war throughout the region, if not the world.

So, the sunni religious leader of the holiest muslim site on earth declared war on shia. Egyptian and Iranian naval vessels exchanged fire. The ridiculous paper drill in futility meets the real world in near comic fashion. Obama has pursued his bipolar middle east dream at the cost of untold lives, suffering, and war- its a "dream in the air (pipe dream)" but nightmare on the ground.


Regarding Obama: fewer humans have so insidiously enabled war under a banner of peace

Last sentence bold emphasis by me.

You seem to imply that enabling war openly (a la Dubbya Bush) is better?

What! you think there isn't a war coming, if not between the west and Iran certainly Shia v Sunni. You think the gulf states are going to sit back and let Iran have its own way?

Let Iran have its own way as in having the nuclear program?

Yes, the gulf states will do exactly that.

Those states are aware of the fact that they have shia minorities or majorities that might become rebellious if their home countries launch a war against Iran.


Seastallion wrote:

"Last sentence bold emphasis by me.

You seem to imply that enabling war openly (a la Dubbya Bush) is better?"

"Regarding Obama: fewer humans have so insidiously enabled war under a banner of peace" - arjunadawn

This is false logic, and not particularly clever either. My statement implies nothing of the sort.

I did not invest in my statement the qualities of "good or bad, better or worse"- you did! I made a declaration only.

"Regarding Obama: fewer humans have so insidiously enabled war under a banner of peace"

(I have no use for either of them. In fact, one needs to step back 5, 10, 20 years in their perspective overview to realize how all the disjointed policy failures today actually enable a near predictable plan. Nothing could possibly be this F--'d up unless intentionally).

I actually indict Obama for continuing Bush's absurd meddling and empire building).


LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the Obama administration of misleading the American people and Congress in a fact sheet it released following the culmination of negotiations with the Islamic Republic. Zarif additionally said Iran would have all nuclear-related sanctions lifted once a final deal is signed and that the country would not be forced to shut down any of its currently operating nuclear installations.


Wonderful job of negotiating by Kerry & the stooges.

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Will Senate Democrats really help kill an Obama nuclear deal with Iran?

March 30

"The negotiations over the future of Iran’s nuclear program are coming down to the wire, with last-minute snags developing around the question of whether Iran will agree to allow its atomic fuel to be shipped out of the country. Other unresolved issues include the pace at which sanctions would be lifted, how many centrifuges Iran could continue operating, what research and development would be allowed on more advanced centrifuges, and what monitoring would look like.

But even if the framework of a deal is reached in the short term — the immediate goal of the talks — there is a real possibility, the White House believes, that Congress could kill a final deal even before it is agreed upon, with the willing participation of Senate Democrats.
Emphasis mine more - Washington Post/Reuters

I realise this may be difficult for you Americans to understand, but this is an INTERNATIONAL agreement reached by some of the worlds biggest powers. Your congress can huff and puff until the cows come home but it can't 'kill anything. The rest of the world is sick and tired of the US constantly bombing other countries, destabilizing them, facilitating the takeover by ISIS in Iraq, Libya, and Syria next if they have their way. The vast majority of the civilized world will welcome this agreement with open arms, they want peace not conflict. But for the right wing in America, and indeed some on here, peace is not wanted, only the constant urging for more war. War means money, peace doesn't bring home the bacon. Of course Netanyahu's Israel will be spitting feathers over this agreement, and as we speak he will certainly be looking for ways to scuttle it, but thankfully Netanyahu is no longer welcome in polite society, never should have been but better late than never. Blessed are the peacemakers! And for the tiny minority who only want more and more wars, try not to choke on those sour grapes.

This is just totally incorrect. If you have been following the news you'll know that this is only Obama and not the US Congress or the US people. Obama has the authority to make a deal that is binding only on himself!! It would not be binding on the next president who will take office in less than 2 years. This deal if made would be an executive decision unless ratified by Congress. If it's a treaty it would also have to be ratified by 2/3 of the states' legislatures. That's a big reach.

There is nothing international about this other than the place of negotiation. It would not be binding on the United States of America other than one person - Obama. Obama is on his own here acting on behalf of only the (current) president.

End of.

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Some here fail to realise there is more than just the US in the P5 +1 gang.

Bibi is out on his own along with the loony tunes right wingers on all sides. Good, they have done nothing but spread death,destruction and misery.

Most hope the deal is formalised and are looking/working for progress and peace, something Israel will have to deal with and suck up

Funny when something/anything moves towards a peaceful agreement the lunatic war supporters come out and cry foul.

Well, technically the US isn't involved. Its president is and he has no authority to speak for anyone but himself.

Sounds like you consider a president to be nothing more than the mascot of the US.

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LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the Obama administration of misleading the American people and Congress in a fact sheet it released following the culmination of negotiations with the Islamic Republic. Zarif additionally said Iran would have all nuclear-related sanctions lifted once a final deal is signed and that the country would not be forced to shut down any of its currently operating nuclear installations.


Wonderful job of negotiating by Kerry & the stooges.

So it turns out that Bibi's read of this agreement is spot on.

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