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I've been intimate with women that have passed out from alcohol and drugs.So being intimate with A dead woman I guess about the same except A little stiff,and the smell.

I talked to her after she woke up and she say's she didn't care what I did.That if she wasn't awake,then not A problem.

I mean if A woman wants to be intimate with me when I'm sleep or dead it wouldn't bother me.

Isn't that sweet??

Romance is alive and well.....................coffee1.gif

  • Like 1

Heart breaking story.

There is still love in this cruel world of ours.

May she Rests in Peace and the man keeps being healthy till he meets her again and be with her forever.

Costas: Thanks for that ! - I couldn't have put that better myself ! !



Heart breaking story.

There is still love in this cruel world of ours.

May she Rests in Peace and the man keeps being healthy till he meets her again and be with her forever.

Sorry Costas, but that isn't love. That is a mental illness.

Have you ever smelled a corpse that has been dead for even a few weeks? Ever seen one? They swell up and smell worse than anything you can imagine and insects feed on the body, hence the NEIGHBORS smelling her dead body. The guy clearly has a mental issue of some kind. 10 months is a long time to live with a swollen, rotting, smelly, insect infested dead person in your bed.

maybe he was a Taxidermist?? wink.png

  • Like 1

There are some rather crass comments on this thread. Says a lot about the people posting such things


oh, i tought reading the title

another farang with a wife turned cold, after she got a house, car, fat bank account, in her name

and now turning cold in the sack


"They also checked and found Yom in good physical and mental health." Relly? Are they serious?!? Digging a grave would have been a sign of mental illness then?


Heart breaking story.

There is still love in this cruel world of ours.

May she Rests in Peace and the man keeps being healthy till he meets her again and be with her forever.

Are you for real??

A guy sleeping with a decomposed body for 10 months, and you call it love??

Note to self: Never go to Greece looking for love!!

So .... come to Thailand... now there's a joke... Advice to all men looking for love... Buy a dog..! whistling.gif


There are some rather crass comments on this thread. Says a lot about the people posting such things

Thats because it is a sick news story that should have been left alone entirely. WITHOUT anyone calling it a love story of a very sick man snuggling his dead wife for 10 months while the maggots feasted on her and stinking up the neighborhood.

Costas sometimes you start things on here that makes absolutely zero sense but yet the wack jobs are quick to add onto your idiotic expressions of ignorant stupidity and carry a "should have left alone story"alone. AGAIN.


its a shame really that the lack of money can cause these problems to occur I feel sympathy for the man I am glad alls well that ends well .


Heart breaking story.

There is still love in this cruel world of ours.

May she Rests in Peace and the man keeps being healthy till he meets her again and be with her forever.

I don't know what is most scary:

This guy sleeping with the decomposed body of his dead wife for 10 months


The quoted post by Costas gets 29 likes

Lord have mercy, there are some strange passengers on board this ship...............coffee1.gif

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I've been intimate with women that have passed out from alcohol and drugs.So being intimate with A dead woman I guess about the same except A little stiff,and the smell.

I talked to her after she woke up and she say's she didn't care what I did.That if she wasn't awake,then not A problem.

I mean if A woman wants to be intimate with me when I'm sleep or dead it wouldn't bother me.



OMG indeed... translates to 'i raped someone when they were unconscious but it didn't matter cos they said they didn't mind when I told them.'


Jeez everyone and his dog is 'offended' by something these days, it's a FUNNY story cheesy.gif

my thoughts exactly, offensive posts?? some people really have lived sheltered lives, and had a severe sense of humour failure

  • Like 1

Jeez everyone and his dog is 'offended' by something these days, it's a FUNNY story cheesy.gif

Bit of a worry, PC and overly sensitive Farrang in Thailand, what a nightmare landscape they are living in.

Or maybe they don't live here.


I've been intimate with women that have passed out from alcohol and drugs.So being intimate with A dead woman I guess about the same except A little stiff,and the smell.

I talked to her after she woke up and she say's she didn't care what I did.That if she wasn't awake,then not A problem.

I mean if A woman wants to be intimate with me when I'm sleep or dead it wouldn't bother me.

You need serious help!

I am worried for you, even if it was an intended joke - the provisions for it being a joke or half-way to truth ring alarm bells. facepalm.gif


Heart breaking story.

All the sick comments here about sex with the body, etc.are not funny. They just show how juvenile, low (and heartless !!!) some of these TV readers are.

Relax man!!

This is not a love story, but a case of a nutcase sleeping with a dead body for 10 months!!

Yes he needs help ( and hope he will get it), but don't make him a bloody hero!!

JOC..can you read? Where do I say it was a love story or that he was a hero? I totally agree with your last line and was simply commenting about people who have nothing better to do with their lives making sick jokes about the poor guy.


its a shame really that the lack of money can cause these problems to occur I feel sympathy for the man I am glad alls well that ends well .

Not really. If you expire and don't have money they can burn you the same day and it doesn't cost a fortune. The PYB normally will arrange it. The gamblers will come up and pay a fee including the one that run those games. Lao Khao is very cheap.

If that nut guy would have any brains he could at least put buried her in the garden/rai etc.

For me this guy needs mental help.


Yesterday, a team of public health and social workers went to inspect and make improvements on the house. They also checked and found Yom in good physical and mental health.

Emmm, really ? I would hate to see someone the Thai Gov thought had some mental issues then.


Heart breaking story.

There is still love in this cruel world of ours.

May she Rests in Peace and the man keeps being healthy till he meets her again and be with her forever.

While most of us would be grossed out by the thought of sharing a bed with someone who is decomposing, even if they happened to be our loved one, because it's considered "taboo" not to mention the offensive smell (unless the body was somehow preserved), I think you have a point. Some of us deal with loss differently from the mainstream society. While I would never consider doing the same thing as this man did, I feel that somehow he just couldn't fathom the thought of being apart from her after his sudden loss after 44 years of marriage. Having said that perhaps he may have had some mental issues too, but that's no reason to label him a nutter like some of the posters here have.

Still, if anything a burial in the backyard (is that even allowed in Thailand?) or something such as an appropriate grave inside a Wat or other cemetery would have been more appropriate. Not all of us want to be burned and discarded like trash after we die, at least I don't.


its a shame really that the lack of money can cause these problems to occur I feel sympathy for the man I am glad alls well that ends well .

Not really. If you expire and don't have money they can burn you the same day and it doesn't cost a fortune. The PYB normally will arrange it. The gamblers will come up and pay a fee including the one that run those games. Lao Khao is very cheap.

If that nut guy would have any brains he could at least put buried her in the garden/rai etc.

For me this guy needs mental help.

Well, if that's allowed, then he should have buried her in the yard and put up a gravestone. But that seems like a very "un Thai" thing to do. There is a noticeable absence even of cemeteries here in Thailand. That's because virtually the only religions that will bury their dead in Thailand are Muslims and maybe some Christians. Buddhists, which make up some 90-95% of the population by contrast burn (cremate) their dead and usually throw the ashes into a body of water or something. Strangely they don't intern them in urns or only rarely in Wats (usually only if the deceased had a special relationship with the local temple) because when I see only 10-20 stupas containing the remains (ashes) of individuals inside any given temple, it clearly shows that very, very few Thais keep a tangible memorial of their deceased loved ones otherwise there would have to be hundreds, if not thousands of such stupas inside every temple to account for the relatively large population of many parts of Thailand. Cultural difference I suppose, but not one I'm personally comfortable with, though each to their own I guess.

However, maybe the belief in ghosts and spirits partly explains the Thai (Buddhist) belief that any bodily remains of a deceased person should not be anywhere near the family house. While a bit of an uncomfortable topic, I wouldn't mind finding out if I'm right about that, because that is just a hypothesis of mine.

By contrast, in Vietnam, southern Vietnam in particular but in general all over the country, many families bury the dead in their own backyards inside tombs specially sold for this purpose. While creepy to some not used to this idea, I personally think it's kinda nice.


Sorry, but my perhaps overly simplistic diagnosis of a severe mental condition would be what the old guy did.

How could any normal emotion including love allow the vision of the decomposition of your loved one, defies belief


Heart breaking story.

There is still love in this cruel world of ours.

May she Rests in Peace and the man keeps being healthy till he meets her again and be with her forever.

Sorry Costas, but that isn't love. That is a mental illness.

Have you ever smelled a corpse that has been dead for even a few weeks? Ever seen one? They swell up and smell worse than anything you can imagine and insects feed on the body, hence the NEIGHBORS smelling her dead body. The guy clearly has a mental issue of some kind. 10 months is a long time to live with a swollen, rotting, smelly, insect infested dead person in your bed.

maybe he was a Taxidermist?? wink.png

If he had preserved the body, then yes. But what makes it more creepy is how he just left his wife's remains rot away like that and felt OK going to sleep next to the rotting remains. I think that's the taboo part of this whole story for many people.

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