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positive weed peepee check / jail / trial report


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Rehab for pot smokers? That's silly.

Narcotics Anonymous? Pot is not a narcotic.

It's a legal problem.

Not a "sickness" problem.

But there are many who contend that drugs, any drugs, are a health issue, not a criminal one JT, and should be legalized.

Currently it's a legal issue in many countries, including Thailand, and it's nuts to test the water.

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My two cents:

1. You were very lucky to get a slap on the wrist, especially being a Westerner.

2. Marijuana is less destructive than tobacco and alcohol (which are both legal), therefore it should be made just as legal. Unfortunately only half a dozen countries know the truth behind weed (North Korea is one of them).

3. Even if you don't agree with Thai laws, you are a guest here and can easily avoid any trouble by simply obeying the law. You ignored that and that's what got you into trouble.


please elaborate

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I think every reggae bar in Phuket sells weed. A couple of weeks a couple of cops busted a farang who they saw buy at the bar as they were sitting there drinking.

They busted the farang, just the farang.

Just be careful where you buy it.

I am not sure there IS a safe way.

The major dealers are either police are in with the police.

The bars sound either safe or risky.

Probably best to get from farang if i am allowed to say that. w00t.gif

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i am sure pot can be damaging

but compared to other substances, less so

also if taken less harmfully (eaten)

the health benefits can/may/actually do outweigh the health risks

depending on the person of course and how clean it is

the plant itself has so many industrial and agricultural uses

i am sure big oil and major corps prefer to keep it illigal

i have also read some pharmacological companies now own the patent to the beneficial chemical substances in pot w00t.gif

insane, this world we live in is, yoda

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No. Not stupid. Aware of the law. You do not consent to invasive blood or urine test outside the presence of a lawyer. Simple stupid.

No evidence means no judge , stupid to offer evidence when the house was clean.

You tell the police, whoever told you I sell drugs is a liar. Then say goodbye I have to jerk off now, if you want some semen, see my lawyer

Sounds great on paper, but how these things play out in real life is a very different story.

Unless your thai is perfect, are a thai lawyer and/or WELL connected.

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Sometimes I smoke weed in my country, because it is legal. What if they make me do make the drug test here and the weed is still in my system? I did not break any laws in Thailand but I can go to jail anyway. This is very stupid law!

It may be a stupid law, but this is Thailand and they can have any laws they want.

If you know that you are coming to Thailand and smoke mj within the period that thc will be in your system when you arrive in Thailand you are very foolish.

They can have any laws they want, and we can point out that it makes them looks like a bunch of backward bug eating morons.

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I am writing this before I have seen any comments from other posters, I am not convinced you are telling the truth.

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

suppose you could be wrong? i suppose you could be ignorant as well.

i have little sympathy for the ignorant.

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Biggest problem with this story is,

He stated he just finished consuming a joint but there was no roach, no residue, nothing in the ash tray,

So did he eat it the remainder?

Never saw a pot head that left a spotless counter


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Biggest problem with this story is,

He stated he just finished consuming a joint but there was no roach, no residue, nothing in the ash tray,

So did he eat it the remainder?

Never saw a pot head that left a spotless counter

Remainder of consumption to show what? That he is dealing with roaches, residues, or ash?

Pot ash in someone's house that this supposed to be evidence in addition to a “bulletproof” blood test that shows consumption?

Never seen the TV CIS squad going off so much of the rails.

Edited by Morakot
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"Decriminalization of weed in Thailand" ?

Not in this lifetime.

Probably correct but why or why not?

Because 97% of the World population actually believe that marijuana is as dangerous and addictive as say cocaine.

Imagine if Thailand were to legalize and tax marijuana: The kingdom would become the World's number one tourist destination for young foreign backpackers, earning billions in taxes by selling the stuff for let's say 500thb per pack of 20 joints. Heck I'm sure people would even pay 1'000thb for a pack. Ironic considering the plant is indigenous to and easy to grow in the tropics.

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The fact that you stopped smoking in 1 day and that I also stopped in 1 day few years ago is an evidence that anybody can quit smoking weed very easily, it has nothing to do with alcohol which is too difficult to quit.

Also, no, it was not a chance to be caught to stop, you could have been smoking forever as many do in Thailand or just until you decide to quit, not them.

Most are wrong here and Elite card has nothing to do with the light penalty. Anybody caught in the same circumstances would have the same little problems. Fines are always cheap in Thai court, the only reason why people pay cops is that it is a lot easier, but for sure a lot more expensive.

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"Decriminalization of weed in Thailand" ?

Not in this lifetime.

Probably correct but why or why not?

Because 97% of the World population actually believe that marijuana is as dangerous and addictive as say cocaine.

Imagine if Thailand were to legalize and tax marijuana: The kingdom would become the World's number one tourist destination for young foreign backpackers, earning billions in taxes by selling the stuff for let's say 500thb per pack of 20 joints. Heck I'm sure people would even pay 1'000thb for a pack. Ironic considering the plant is indigenous to and easy to grow in the tropics.

So wheres the massive tourist boom in Cambodia? Not saying its taxed or legal but certainly hassle free.

Edited by Kaalle
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yeah, it sounds like they made you make peepee in a cup.

this can happen when you hang out with people who use weed and you let then know who you are, where you live etc. your lucky you were not setup by one of them. its very common in the states to be setup by an aquaintence who has been busted looking to get off, not sure how often it happens here. but given the stiff penalties, i would err on the side of caution.

i thought weed was a seriously punished offense here. maybe im thinking of trafficking or another drug. sounds like its not that big of a deal from the posts.

can you read this when your not stoned?

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This story wreaks

Anyone who smokes weed knows the house stinks for hours and in more frequent smokers which this OP says he is,

His house would wreak from the time the door opened

I dont believe a word of this story

But the idea of the RTP cruising this thread looking for drug dealers is more credibile than this story

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if you do a little research into the history of the laws against pot and other drugs and why they remain illegal you might all become a bit more enlightened

I spend 4 months a year in Thailand - now I'm back in Canada. On CNN Doctor Sanjit Gupta has been doing several Documentaries on Marijuana - the good and the not so good , but mostly the good.

Although the plethora of medical benefits are undeniable, even scientifically proven now, the marijuana naysayers live on, they seem like troglodytes to me, but in their perception they are right as rain, die hard good old gun advocates boys..we agree to disagree on a lot..wai2.gif

Dr. Gupta admits he was shocked to have to change his mind on the soft drug, as he demonized it before, being brain-washed as he now says.

He now says he was wrong, and weed has been demonized unfairly.

That CNN airs this to make money is one thing, but to have a reverse stand by this corporation speaks volumes.

Thailand is in the Dark Ages when it comes to Marijuana, almost as bad as Malaysia.sad.pngsad.png

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As a former special needs teacher, I am well aware that Marijuana can be harmful to certain young at-risk teenagers - for example as a gateway drug. The fact is, it's a tiny %, but it should be avoided until at least age 18 or so in general.

My generation was all over it, and now our kids largely avoid it as a result, LOL

In any case, I'm sure it trumped sniffing gasoline or paint thinner eh Mr. Worldwide?

Marijuana will eventually be viewed in Thailand as it now is in a progressive country like Canada - as fairly benign - WHEN PIGS FLYcheesy.gif

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I also agree on the fact that your elite card saved you

Is it a "fact"?

If it is, then it was a very expensive "save" as only 50K baht "saved" other people in the OP. ;)

Edited by Alwym
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marijuana was legal in the USA until Pfizer and other large drug dealers saw it as a threat to their codiene and other soft opiates as it is more effective and less damaging to people's digestive systems

It is a known fact that the 1937 Hemp tax act, was a drug company lobby that was a political scandal at the time as it involved the usual payola

And just another sell out of peoples freedoms by corrupted politicians

There are pics all over the internet of Barack Obama with joints in his mouth and he doesn't claim to have not inhaled

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